You make me feel alive

By Payu_Rain_my_love

118K 3.9K 757

Alpha Payu is the rudest boss and Omega Rain is the innocent employee... Situation makes Rain pregnant with P... More

Introduction 🤗
Background story of both 🤔
First day at office 🏢
Poor Rain 😞😞😞
Sick Rain and confused Payu 🤔
Devil mates with baby Rain 🔞🙈
Jealous Payu !!!
When jealousy hits so hard 👿
My baby !!!
The talk !!!
Caring Payu ☺️
Stubborn Rain 😕 Calm Payu 🙂
Kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Clingy Rain wants his Payu 😍
Baby Rain need his Payu 🔞🙈
Jealous baby is so cute 😍
Emotional Rain 😔 Loving Payu ☺️
Jealous and sulky Payu 🤭 (🔞)
The cravings 🤭
Announcement and suggestions needed !!!
The proposal 💍
The wedding 💐
Special chapter 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Story line for next story 🤗🤗🤗
Link and title of new story 🤗🤗🤗
Instagram group chat 🤗

Rain baby is falling for his Payu ❤️

4.1K 146 39
By Payu_Rain_my_love

It was early in the morning and Payu feels like someone is crying next to him...

Payu suddenly wakes up to see Rain sitting and crying so much...

Payu was scared...
He was scared thinking Rain might be crying because of what happened last night between them...

He quickly gets up and touches Rain...

Payu : Baby what happened...???
Why are you crying like this so early in the morning...???

Rain was still crying without saying anything...

He hugs Payu and cries more...

Payu makes Rain to sit on his lap

Image : Pinterest

Payu : What happened sweetie...???
Why are crying...???
Can you tell me ???

Rain : I want to see my grandparents...
I suddenly remembered them and missing them so much..

Payu : That's it...
Your crying for this...
Fine I will take you there okay..!!!!

Rain : Really will you take me there phi...???

Payu : Yeah baby..
Tell me how far is your grandparents home from here

Rain : It's 2 hours journey from here..

Payu : Baby I can take you there but can you sit in car for 2 hours...???

Rain : Sure phi... I will sit
I don't have any problems..

Payu : How many days you want to stay there...??

Rain : Will go today and come back by tomorrow  night...

Payu : Sure then let's pack the bag okay..

Saying this Payu gets up from the bed kissing Rain on his cheeks...

Rain holds Payu's hand..

Rain : Thank you so much phi...

Payu : Baby please don't tell thank you and all...

It's my duty to do whatever you want okay...

Come now let's get ready soon.

They both gets ready and leaves to Rain's grandparents home..

On the way Rain was so happy...

Finally they reached his grandparents home...

It was a beautiful small town...

His grandparents were so happy seeing Rain...

They hug him and kiss him on his forehead...

They saw Payu and asks Rain who Payu was...

Rain was about to tell something when Payu quickly says..

Payu : Hello ma and pa am Payu..
Am Rain's boyfriend...!!!

Rain eyes widens 😳

Payu blinks his eyes to Rain...

For which Rain feels so shy..

Rain's grandparent's were so happy for Rain that finally he was in some relationship...

His grandma goes to kitchen and starts to cook all Rain's favourite dishes..

Day was going when they saw Payu taking care of Rain so much..

He was not even leaving Rain to take a step...
Payu was literally taking care of Rain like a baby...

Even during lunch Payu was feeding Rain and after lunch Payu carries Rain to the bed and makes him sleep massaging his legs...

Rain grandparents were totally confused thinking why Payu was taking so much extra care of Rain...

It was evening when Rain wakes up and sitting with his grandparents in the garden...

Payu had to take a important call from office so he takes his mobile and says Rain that he will be back in sometime and goes outside to speak..

Rain grandma finally asks Rain..

Grandma : Rain sweetie... I agree Payu is your boyfriend... but from morning we are seeing that he is so extra conscious about you...

He is not even letting you to have your food by yourself and carrying you to bed and massaging your legs to sleep...

Grandpa : Rain you told that he is the owner of the company where you work...

So making him to do all those doesn't look good..
Even though he is your boyfriend why are you letting him to massage your legs and all..

Rain couldn't keep silent anymore and speaks out...

Rain : Ma.. Pa..
Actually... actually...

Grandma : What Rain...???

Rain : Actually

His grandparents were shocked...
They were literally so shocked that they couldn't speak anything...

Grandma: What...???
Baby Rain are you serious...???

Rain : Yes ma..
He is taking such a care of me because am pregnant with his child and even this morning I was crying because I missed you both so he brought me here...

He was worried that due to travel I may feel tired so he was extra caring towards me..

Grandma: My god Rain...
Am so happy.. am so happy that finally you found someone for you who is loving you so much...

Grandpa : Entire life you struggled after your mom passed away but looking at Payu and am so confident that he will treasure you like anything...

Rain feels so happy...
He wanted to go to his Payu and hug him now...
He starts to miss Payu just 10 mins of not seeing his face...

Grandma: Tonight will cook all your favourite dishes..
Tell me what all you want to eat...???

Rain gives a list of dishes which he loved in his childhood...

His grandma writes some lists of groceries which were needed to cook...

Rain did not want to send his grandparents to market because they were old..

As they were speaking Payu comes back...

Rain : Phi... can you take me to the nearby market here...

Payu : Why baby..???

Rain : My grandma needs some groceries for dinner...

Payu : Yes will go but the market will be crowded right..
How can I take you to crowded places???

Rain makes puppy eyes...

Rain : Phi.. please take me na...
You are there na with me to take care of me...

Rain grandparents starts to giggle seeing Rain acting like a baby in front of Payu..

Payu : Okay baby will go and come back soon...

Image : Pinterest

The market was so crowded and Payu was literally holding Rain's hand everywhere they go and was worried that Rain may feel suffocated...

But Rain was so happy roaming in the market...

If Payu left his hand he would have ran on the streets like he did in his childhood but Payu was literally extra careful and kept him by his side all the time...

After they were done shopping...
On the way back...

Payu : Baby please let's not go to the crowded places like this anymore...

Rain : Why phi..???

Payu : Am scared of you getting suffocated...
And those crowded places people will push and pull...

Rain : Your there with me na to take care of me..

Payu was looking at Rain so softly and with his caring eyes...

Rain : Fine.. fine will not go to the crowded places anymore...

Is that fine...???

Payu : So fine baby...

For dinner Rain grandma cooks all the dishes he asked for...

Payu feeds them to Rain and he happily eats all the food...

Finally after staying there for 2 days they come back to home...

Rain was so tired and he sleeps off on the way...

Payu carries him to their bedroom and makes him to sleep...

Rain opens his eyes slowly and pulls Payu near to him...

Payu : What happened sweetie...???
Sleep now it's still midnight...

Rain speaks in his half eye opened..

Rain : Thank you so much phi...
I was never been this happier before in my life...

Saying this he closes his eyes....

He sleeps off but murmurs in sleep...


Listening to this Payu was so happy...
He kisses Rain on his forehead

Payu : I love you baby...
I love you so much...

You make me feel alive...!!!

Note : What is the next mood swings you all want...
Comment down below and I will write it for you

End of the chapter...!!!🤗🤗🤗
Love you all... 😘😘😘
See you all in the next chapter 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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