The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Lockdown At The Ministry

161 8 27
By IStoleTime

Chapter Three!

Lockdown At The Ministry

July 2020 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The next four months passed by quickly at the Ministry, but the world outside of the unholy church was being plagued with an infectious virus. A lockdown had be placed upon the Los Angeles Ministry, the upcoming planned tours had been cancelled until further notice. The Clergy had immediately stepped in to keep their employees and residence safe until safer times returned. Restrictions had been placed on this unholy place, the outside world was off limits until this deadly plague had eased. 

Sister Imperator had returned to her Beverly Hills mansion, it was important that the higher ranking member of the Clergy was kept safe throughout this global event that was claiming the innocent. The newest Papa Emeritus had been invited to join his superior, but he didn't want to leave his lover by herself at the Ministry. Albany had been invited to join them too, but she didn't want to leave her Father's casket unattended with the ghouls living within the unholy churches walls. She was grateful that she wouldn't be spending her quarantine alone, but she did feel guilty about separating Copia from Sister. She didn't know how she would have coped if Copia had decided to bubble with his Motherly figure instead of herself, he told her he would never leave her side unless he needed an emergency bathroom break.

The clock in the family lounge chimed when it's hands struck five, it was now the evening. Albany had been watching television for most of the day with Copia, but her lover had to leave to take an important phone call with Sister Imperator halfway through his favourite television program. Albany didn't have anything to do since the offices of the unholy church had been closed. The Clergy were still offering their services in the form of funerals for the outside world, their undercover persona was paying the bills for the unholy church while the city was in lockdown. Aiming the remote at the television set Albany used it to access Netflix, she and Copia had been watching many movies and series to fill their days with entertainment. She was undecided what to watch next, it was her turn to choose something before they made dinner. She began flicking through the movie and series options, but her thoughts were disturbed by a voice from outside of the lounge.

" I love you, I like you. Bye, bye!"

Albany smiled at Copia when he entered the lounge, he had been speaking with Sister Imperator on his mobile phone for over an hour. They spoke every day and facetimed on weekends, his Motherly figure missed her little Cardi. Copia also missed her too, his mood sometimes dipped after he had spoken with her. He was trying to adjust without her being around, his life was on hold until things returned to normal. Turning her gaze back towards the television set she continued to explore the categories of Netflix, she was still uncertain what to watch this evening. The seat moving next to her caught Albany's attention, her gaze fell upon her lover. She leaned her shoulder against his arm while her hand entwined with his own. Pulling her knees to her chest their gaze soon met, she smiled at him before she spoke.

" How is Sister doing?" She asked.

" Sister is doing good, but she misses the Ministry." He replied.

" And how are you feeling?" She asked.

" I miss Sister..." He sighed.

" It's okay, she will return home soon when everything gets better." She said.

" I know, I'm hoping this lockdown ends very soon." He said.

" If it helps I'm still here..." She said while she rested her chin on his shoulder. " I'm not planning to leave you anytime soon. I'm here for the long haul even if we're limited to what we can do right now."

" I know, baby." He said.

A smile crept across Albany's features when Copia brought her hand to his lips, he thanked her before he softly kissed it. Resting her head against his shoulder they both got comfortable on the couch, her lover's feet were soon resting upon the coffee table. Albany flicked through some movies while she sighed deeply to herself, she was getting bored of watching movies. She missed going for long walks on the beach and driving down the highways of Los Angeles in her Father's old vehicle, she especially missed her Papa. The unholy church didn't feel the same without him around anymore, she missed his constant complaining and disapproving scowls if anyone wronged him. She sometimes sat in his office and watered his plants, his telephone rang on the odd occasion which was odd since the landline had been cut. Her voice soon broke the silence of the lounge, she was getting stir-crazy since she wasn't allowed to leave the unholy churches grounds.

" I don't know if I can bring myself to watching anything else on Netflix tonight." She said.

" We could go for a walk around the gardens again." He said before he motioned his hand towards the window. " It's sunny outside, the birds are singing and the sky is blue. We could explore one of the mausoleums."

" I thought the mausoleums were locked." She said.

" Okay, forget about that idea!" He said while his gaze met with her own. " We could play a game, there's many board games in my room."

" What kind of games?" She asked.

" How about hide and seek?" He asked.

" Hide and seek?" She asked.

" Yes." He replied.

" I feel like we're too old for those kind of childhood games." She smiled.

" The fun part is nobody is around to judge us." He said before he leaned closer towards his lover. " We can play any games we want in the hallways and the offices, it will be fun. The best out of three, yes?"

" Okay then, but can we have some set rules?" She asked.

" Okay, sure." He said.

" We can only hide on the ground floor, the other floors are off limits." She said before she turned the television off with the remote. " You can't ask your rats to help you, that's cheating. But you also have to promise you will find me. I've had a bad experiences with this game before when I was a little girl. My Brothers told me to hide, but they never came to seek me."

" Those rules are fine, but what does the winner get?" He asked.

" The games night trophy I guess." She said.

" I was thinking the loser cooks dinner tonight." He said.

" But I always cook dinner..." She said.

Albany thought for a moment before an airy laugh escaped her lips, she immediately clicked onto what he was trying to say to her. Copia planned to win, his competitive streak had finally been awoken. She playfully hit his arm with a cushion before she told him to go and hide, she herself planned to win this game he had suggested. Copia got to his feet and hurried out of the lounge, she called after him and told him to remember to only hide on the ground floor. Temporarily covering up her eyes she counted to thirty, her voice soon filled the lounge even though Copia may not hear her voice from wherever he was hiding.

" Ready or not, here I come!" She yelled.

Getting to her feet Albany looked around the lounge first before she entered the hallway, she wanted to make sure Copia hadn't sneaked back into the room and hidden behind the couch. Walking down the different hallways of the unholy church most of the office doors were locked, she had checked the ground floor stairwell and the chapel. There was no sign of him anywhere, she was now having regrets about agreeing to play his game. Sighing deeply to herself she turned into another hallway, but she soon noticed an open door. One of Copia's rats hurried through the doorway, his loyal pet had given his hiding place away. Albany smiled to herself while she approached the office, she knocked on it's door before she spoke in a playful tone.

" Where are you, Copia?" She asked.

Albany peered into the dimly lit room, the blinds were drawn and the office chair was on the desk. This office hadn't been used since the global paramedic had began, it's contents remained untouched and clean. Stepping through the doorway her gaze explored the office, she couldn't see him anywhere. The space beneath the desk was empty and the corner by the filing cabinet was too small for anyone to squeeze beside it. Her attention was caught by one of Copia's rats, it had stopped outside of the photocopier room. Standing on it's hind legs the rat gazed up at the door, it was eager to get inside room. Her playful voice soon broke the silence of the office while she slowly approached the door, she now knew Copia's hiding place thanks to one of his rats.

" I know you're in here, Copia..." She said.

Stopping outside of the door Albany's hand curled around it's handle, she looked down at the rat standing next to her. The rat was looking up at her, it's nose twitched and it's tiny paws motioned towards the door. It seemed like the little rodent wanted to find Copia too, she planned not to deny the adorable creature's wishes. Pushing the handle downwards she immediately opened it wide, he gaze was met by a familiar face. A smiled graced her features, it seemed like Copia was going to make her dinner today thanks to his little friend. 

" Found you!" She said.

Copia looked startled, he immediately spun around on the spot and accidentally knocked a box of pencils off the shelf with his hand. His eyes were wide and his mouth was partly open, he looked surprised that he had been found so easily by his lover. An unimpressed groan escaped his lips when his rat scurried into the photocopier room, his arms flapping at his sides he wasn't too impressed that his rat had helped his lover to find his hiding place. His voice was heard, he didn't sound too pleased with his pet.

" I told you not to follow me!" He said.

Albany rested her shoulder against the door frame while she watched Copia picking his pet from the floor, he scolded his beloved rat once again before he placed it on his shoulder. She felt sorry for the little creature, it's helpful deed had gotten it into trouble. Her gaze soon met with her lover's mismatched eyes, her hands cupping together she spoke with him. 

" Shall I go and hide now?" She asked.

" It's fine, this game is ruined now because of my rat!" He replied with an annoyed sigh. " You can be the winner, it's okay."

" You don't have to make me dinner." She said while she motioned her hand towards the rat. " I got a little help from your rat, but it wasn't her fault. Don't be mad at her because of me, she just wanted to find you." 

" I will still cook for you, it's no trouble." He said.

" Dare I ask what you'll be planning to cook since we've ran out of spaghetti?" She asked.

" We can make some homemade spaghetti, yes?" He asked.

" Of course, but it's been years since I made it from scratch." She replied with a reassuring smile. " We should have the ingredients since the Ministry has a deep pantry. There's eggs and flour in the kitchen, I'll get a jar of homemade tomato sauce from the cupboard." 

" In that case I will set up the spaghetti maker, that can be my job." He said.

" It seems like we have a dinner plan." She smiled before she offered him her hand. " Come on, we can find a cook book in the kitchen. It seems like we will both be making dinner together tonight." 

" Okay, cool." He said.

Copia reached for his lover's and entwined his fingers with her own, but he caught Albany off guard when he pulled her inside the photocopier room. Albany laughed when she found herself in his embrace, the rat on shoulder almost slipped down his arm. Her gaze shyly lowered for a brief second when she felt her lover's fingers creeping up her spine, she hadn't felt him touching her like this since he had left for his special tour date in Mexico. They hadn't been intimate since her Father had passed away, her lover had been controlling his urges when she slipped into his bed at night. Albany hesitated before she leaned into kiss him, but his rat soon got in the way. It's body managed to wedge it's self between their lips, they both ended up kissing the adorable rodent instead. Copia's voice was soon heard, his speaking tone was harsh.

" Don't do that!" He sighed.

Copia moved his rat from his shoulder and placed it on the shelf, he sternly told his beloved rat " No!" before he returned his gaze back to his lover. The situation had amused Albany, his rats were still having jealously issues with their ongoing relationship. Since lockdown began the rats had to share their owner with Albany twenty-four hours a day, they sometimes nipped at her toes when she was cuddling with Copia on the couch. Running her hands down lover's chest she lovingly gaze up at him with a smile on her face, but his features soon lightened when a chuckle escaped his lips.

" What's so funny?" She asked.

" I just thought of a joke." He replied.

" I would love to hear it." She said.

" Listen, listen..." He said before he brushed some of his lover's hair over her ear. " Are you spaghetti? Cause I want you to meet my balls."

" Oh God!" She said with a laugh. " That wasn't even a joke, Copia! Are you trying to seduce me?"

" Only if you want me to do that..." He said.

" It's been months, hasn't it?" She asked.

" Four months and counting, but it's okay." He said while he caressed her cheek. " I'm happy with what we have right now, it's been nice spending every moment of the day with you." 

" It has been lovely, but I think we need to draw up a schedule for your rats." She said.

" I can do that after we make dinner, we can use sticky stars on a chart." He said.

" That does sound creative and fun." She said with smile. " Count me in! I'll get some white card and coloured pens from the supply cupboard on floor two."

" I was hoping you could bring that red nightdress I saw in your shopping bags instead." He said, his gaze soon met with her own. " It fell out of your bags when I took them to your dorm room for Sister, I've been curious about it for months..."

" Oh that, it was something I brought for your welcome home present." She said with a tilt of her head. " I had almost forgotten about it, there was also some body oils and chocolate. I planned to spoil you when you returned from Mexico, but it never happened."

" I think we need to add that to my schedule board, it's now a top priority!" He said.

" Okay, but your rats deserve your attention tonight." She said while she ran her hands down his arms. " I will be staying in my room tonight, but maybe tomorrow will be my turn on your schedule board. We could have a date night."

" I would very much like that." He said.

" Then it's settled!" She said with a smile. " Come on, let's find that cook book. We have homemade spaghetti plans, but please be careful with that spaghetti maker. I don't want any flattened fingers in my kitchen."

" The spaghetti maker can't do that, right?" He asked.

" I'm unsure, it's something my Father's favourite ghoul once whispered to me." She replied, she leaned closer towards him. " One of the ghouls once crushed their thumb in the spaghetti maker, it was flat and long like a strawberry flavoured noodle."

" What?!" He gasped.

" Apparently his thumb fell off and got lost in my dinner." She said.

" Oh no..." He muttered.

" Copia, it was a joke!" She smiled.

" You know you're not very funny sometimes..." He said.

" I know, I know." She said.

A giggle escaped Albany's lips when her lover pulled her into his arms, he playful kissed at her neck while guided her backwards towards the doorway. Her back soon pressed against the wooden frame of the door, it seemed like her lover wanted to bring their scheduled date night forward. His hands began to wander, but he soon stopped when his lover denied him access to what lay between her legs.

" Not yet, Copia." She said before she kissed his lips. " I will make it worth your while if you wait one more day."

" Okay, okay!" He sighed.

Albany embraced him in her arms, but she grabbed hold of hands  when he tried to grope. her backside. A smile crept across her features when she told him to stop misbehaving, she also mentioned that she would put him in timeout until the weekend if he didn't keep his hands to himself. Copia looked disappointed, he had gotten over excited about their scheduled plans for tomorrow night. The little rat climbing up Copia's pant leg caught both of their attention, it seemed like the rodent's schedule was now in play.

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