
By gtopden1010

1.8K 107 14

Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat is the child every mothers want. Until Mile Phakphum Romsaithong shows up and ru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chap 9
Chap 10

Chapter 2

164 15 0
By gtopden1010

Mile has never thought of being the first one to show effort in friends making. But, there's something about Apo makes him want to get close.

He was born in riches. Since he was a young child, many families had planned to get their sons and daughters as his friends as a bridge to get close to his parents. Mile was a cute, bubbly, and chubby boy. He befriend everyone and treated them equally. He invited them into his home for sleep overs, birthdays, he was genuinely happy. But they were all children so their parents must come also to supervise. Those grown ups used those chances to approach his parents for benefits.

One day, he was playing hide and seek with his friends in the back yard. He was hiding behind a big bush near the fountain when he heard stepping sounds coming closer. Mile giggle, covered his mouth with his tiny hand and moved deeper into the bush. However, the stepping sounds stopped at the fountain. They were his friends' parents.

"This house is really nice."

"House? What do you mean. it's a fucking palace. They're fucking loaded." Mile recognized this lady's voice. It was Build's mom.

"We must get a piece of their business." Ta's dad grinded his jaws.

"I have tried to speak to them but they didn't properly reject or show that they interested."

"Let's just get our kids get their ways in this house through that fat boy. We will have more chances to affect the Romsaithongs if we get to see them often".

"Fat boy? You meant Mile? You're mean" Build's mom giggle at Ta's dad jab on a child and she doesn't try to stop him.

"Yeah that fat boy whatever his name is" He waves his hands in disgust.

"I have told Build to be friendly and got him to invite all "friends" to his house. My son hates him so much haha. He said that boy always has a stupid smile on his fat face" She laughed.

"Let's go and get our kids. We will return tomorrow and I'll get my daughter to approach the older brother too". Ta's dad schemed a new plan.

"Great plan."

Mile froze inside the bush. He didn't cry, didn't react, didn't move. He just sit there silently when he heard his mom's and dad's voice. That was when his tears started to roll down.

"Mile Mile where are you?" Mom's voice was full of worries.

"Mile, my son, come out. Where are you?" Dad carefully searched inside the bushes next to him.

Mile jumped out of the bush straight into his dad's lap. He wrapped his arms around dad's waist and cried.

"My son, why are you crying? Tell me. Did you get lost?" Dad gently stroking his back.

"Mile, my dear, don't cry. Mommy will cook something for you to eat. Is it alright?" Mom came running and lower herself to wipe away those tears on her son's face.

"Mom...Dad...I don't...dont want to be...friend with them anymore. I...hate them. I ha..te...all of them"

"There, there, don't cry. Let's get inside then we can talk" Dad nodded at his mom and picked Mile up, held him in his arms and carried his son inside.

Mile didn't see it as he buried his face on his dad's neck. His mom shared a worry glance to dad as they walked inside. They exactly knew what was the reason that made Mile hurts. It used to happen with Man so they tried to protect Mile too but failed again. They saw alarming signs when those parents kept approaching them and hinted about collaboration and business matters. The Romsaithongs were being nice. They didn't reject directly or get those people out of their house in a heart beat because Mile loves his friends. He was happy. But now, they hurt Mile. They were no longer welcome.

From that moment, Mile understood his place and realized how cruel people could be. He closed his heart and poured everything in studying in order to become a better person so he could help his family's business. He wants to help build up his family empire to be more powerful. So powerful that it will make the jealous people something to cry themselves to sleep every night.

Jeff was his only friend during lonely days aboard.

Mile hid the fact that he was rich from everyone but mom and dad still wanted him to be comfortable in a foreign country so they bought him an apartment in London. Mile stayed there and paid for his utility and food by his part-time job income. He was also able to save some of that amount because his parents covered the tuition fees already and he used that amount to invest a bit.
The first time Mile met Jeff was on his way home. Mile rarely took this path but that day, he wanted to stroll around the park nearby for some fresh air. That was when he heard a sweet voice.

"I get like this every time
On these days that feel like you and me
Heartbreak anniversary
'Cause I remember every time
On these days that feel like you and me
Heartbreak anniversary
Do you ever think of me?
(Ooh) no-no, no
(Ooh, ooh, ooh) ooh, nah"

Jeff was performing in the park with his guitar. In front of him was his guitar case filled with coins and money as compliment for his outstanding voice. Mile looked at Jeff and his guitar. That was the first time Mile wanted to learn how to play guitar and sing. He walked to where Jeff was sitting, put a bill into his guitar case then walked away.

"Hey dude" Jeff raised his voice. "I know you. I saw you at school"

"We go to the same school?" Mile's browns furrow. The flash back of his childhood started to coming back.

"Yeah dude. I saw you looking at my guitar. Do you play?" Jeff giggle, flipped his wavy bang behind.

Mile started to carefully look at this guy. Long, wavy hair, leather jacket, skinny jeans common artist or want to be mysterious artist stereotype. Mile looked at his stupid laugh then his guitar. That guitar was tempting.

"No. I don't" Mile replied.

"You're from Thailand, aren't you. Me too. I'm half Thai half British. I'm Jeff by the way" Jeff reached his hand out for a handshake.

Mile held back a bit. But once again, that guitar was really beautiful.

"Mile." Mile shaked hand with Jeff.

"Cool. I will teach you how to play guitar. See you tomorrow here." Jeff decided everything by himself.

"You just can't decide things like that"

"If you want to learn how to play guitar, you'll come. And i know you will. You look at my guitar like a piece of cake." Jeff laughed.

Then Mile and Jeff started to hang out and be friend. Mile used the interest from his investment to buy his first guitar. It was green outside and turn yellowish inside. Beautiful and cute at the same time. Mile named it Avocado. Jeff laughed like a hyena at the name then Mile chased him around playful. They played guitar and sang together on the streets and blew up at school events. The students named them "Asian Princes" for their good look and talent.

For the first time ever, Mile was happy and had an actual friend that genuinely loved him for himself.

And then Jeff had to get back to Thailand. Mile didn't want to be alone again so he decided to go back with Jeff. The funny thing was Jeff's family made the decision to move him back first, but Mile was the first one to be back in Thailand. He sent many texts to mock Jeff for this and watched his friend sulking. He loves to tease Jeff.

Mom and dad and his older brother, Man were really happy when he got home. His mom cried when she held hugged him. Even though they traveled regularly to see him but having him home in their arms is different. Mile left Thailand when he was ten and came back at eighteen. Eight long years without his family by his side, Mile finally feels loved again.
He left as a child and came back as a grown men. He is now taller then everyone at home, got buffy, and all but he's still the youngest, the baby of the family.

Mile introduced Jeff to his family when he was finally back in Thailand. His family loves Jeff especially his mom. They're thankful for Jeff who was able to make their son/brother happy again. Mom loves Jeff even more because he's good looking, cheeky, and knows how to make she laughs. Not officially on paper, but in their hearts, they adopted Jeff as their family member.

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