The Bad Boys Fake Good Girl

By Thetruenerd

24 4 5

Summer Kinglsey a lonely good girl who just wished to finish high school with no disturbances. But she wasn't... More

Ch 1: He is a Little Mentally Challenged
Ch 3: Sorry for ruining your late night booty call
Ch 4: I am a good girl I just do minor illegal things
Ch 5: I know it's dryer than the Sahara dessert
Ch 6: Speed I Am Speed
Ch 7: Must suck to be beaten up by a little girl
Ch 8: To the Batmobile
Ch 9: Stinky Ass Father

Ch 2: She's so tiny

4 2 1
By Thetruenerd

Summer ⬆️

💛 Summer pov:

I just wanna go home and sleep. I'm so tired. My feet were literally dragging. I wonder how the school would feel if I took a nap on one of their picnic tables.

No Summer. Your not homeless yet.

You can make it home.

I could only imagine the bags under my eyes. I probably looked like a panda.

My comfy bed. Oh how I long for you. Please wait my sweet. I will be home soon.

"Summer!" I heard someone yell.

Bringing me out of my day dream of falling asleep with my head buried in a pillow.

Maby they weren't talking to me. Even though I don't know of any other Summer's here. I'll just keep walking. The closer to my bed the better.

"Summer." Someone grabbed my shoulder turning me around.

Four tall intimidating looking guys stood in front of me.

"Hi." The one said taking his hands off of me said with a fake smile. And he just stood there.

What? Was he waiting for me to say something?

"Can I help you with something?" I asked in my tired state.

His friends laughed loudly.

"I don't think this is working out good for you." One of them said patting the guys shoulder.

He brushed his hand off.

"It's okay I got this." He said trying to pump himself up.

"Hi. I'm Ryder I'm sure you know me." Again he just stood there smiling.

"I don't know you. But is there something you need because I have something really important I've got to get to."

Yeah my bed.

"You don't know me. Are you serious? Have you been living under a rock? Did you just move here?"

One of the other guys hit him in the stomach.

"Alright. Okay. I was wondering if maby you wanted to go out some time?"

"No thanks." I turned around walking away. I didn't have time for stupid people.

I could hear the snickers from his friends.

Walking past the school gate I felt a hand on my shoulder again.

"Wait a minute let's talk." He said.

I didn't turn around. Summer don't get angry. I know your tired just calm down.

"I know you probably don't get this a lot but take this as an opportunity to see how it feels to be with a man." His sly words came through his teeth.

That's it.

I grabbed a hold of his hand throwing him over my shoulder.

He landed on the ground in front of me with a umph.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked resting on his elbows.

"I'm tired." I said walking away.

"Oh my gosh you just got flipped by a girl."

"And she's so tiny."

"Your such a wuss."

I would've smiled if I wasn't so tired. Maby even laughed but after last night. I was sore and tired not a good mix. And dang my ribs were hurting.

A felt a buzz in my pocket.


"Hey. We've got another one scheduled tonight."

"Great. Where at?" I asked my coach.

"It's a new place. You'll be meeting some new people. Maby you'll get in with the crowd. Meet some friends."

"I don't need friends. I just need money."

"Yeah yeah yeah I know. Anyway I'll text you the address. Be there by 8:45."

Then the phone hung up. Uhh. It was already four that means maby and this is pushing it. Three hours of sleep. Since I had to get ready and warm up and then walk to where ever I had to go. My goodness my line of work is gonna kill me one day.

Alright before you get any wrong ideas about what I do for work. Let me explain.

I fight.

That's it.

I know exciting. If you think getting punched in the face and the ribs and the stomach and every once in a while getting kicked in the no no square. Which let me put this out there for all the guys. It hurts for the girls too. But if you think that's fun then go ahead and do it.

I do it because yes it can be fun. But also I can make money from it. Sometimes getting punched in the face is thrilling because it makes you want to decapitate the person your fighting. And when you hear the satisfying KO then you know you achieved your goal. Giving the person amnesia.

Just kidding.


Getting to my apartment I unlocked the door. It made the satisfying beep noise. Ahh bed I am here.

I fell onto the bed. Making sure to set my alarm for 7:30. Throwing my glasses off I fell asleep happy.

💀 Ryder pov:

"I can't believe she flipped you." Frankie said still laughing.

"Okay it happened over four hours ago. It's not that funny." Yes I may be a little upset. Just a little.

"You let a nerd throw you. She has glasses and everything. And she's small. Your like two times her size. This is amazing I wish I was recording." Xander continued the conversation.

"Maby the school cameras got it. Remind me tomorrow to break into the video room and check." Carter told the two idiots sitting behind me.

"There will be no checking of video. Okay. It's bad enough your talking about it."

"Ahh don't worry the one in front of the school doesn't work anyway or they would have caught me spray painting Mr. Bishops car last week." Carter exclaimed with a smile.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we turned down an alley.

"This is the new place for the fights since our old one got reported last week. We moved locations." Carter said putting the car in park.

This is what I needed to watch a bunch of people punch each other in the face.

Walking close to the door you could hear the music. It was only 8 and people were already partying.

"Hey Ryder what can I get you to drink?" Rolondo asked from behind the bar.

"Literally anything." I said turning in my chair to look out at the crowd of people.

"Why is there so many people here already?" I asked Rolondo. Since the fight usually start around 9:00.

"We have new people tonight. They've got a lot of fans. To me it seems a bit over kill. But you never know I've heard good about most of them. Especially this one girl they call her Little Red. You know you would think she's like every other girl fighter but the crazy thing is. She showed up out of no where. Nobody knows her. We don't know her identity. And she doesn't just fight girls but guys too."

Wow. Seems impressive but how much of this was just rumors.

"Here's you drink." He said handing it to me

I threw it back before wincing. Almost spitting it out.

"What is this?" I asked him. As the back of my throat was literally hell.

"Straight vodka. What? You said anything."

"Jackass." I said laughing at him.

I looked over to the corner of the room to see Frankie waving for me to come to him.

"What's up."

"We're getting our spots for the fight."

Walking into the next room. It was set up with an arena in the middle and seats lined up around it. We walked to the front.

"Hey got you some popcorn." Carter handed it to me.


"The show will start in fifteen minutes. Please everyone get to your seats." The announcer said over the intercom.

"They did a nice job with the new place its bigger." I said looking around.

"Yeah they needed a bigger place especially with all the new fighters." Xander said sitting next to me.

"You know about it to?" I asked.

"Yeah. Heard some of them would be here tonight. Hey why aren't you fighting? I would think you would need to blow off some steem."

"Well I was a little late in knowing so I didn't get to sign up." He shook his head in understanding.

The room had filled up by now even people standing.

I watched as the announcer walked into the middle of the cage with a mic in his hand.

"Ladies and Gentleman. I would like to introduce our first fight for the night. A couple of new rookies. Waiting to show their strength. Now let me introduce. Our first fighter. The Manic Mayhem!" He screamed and a lot of people cheered mainly the girls in the audience.

"Our opposing fighter is going to be someone a lot of you have been waiting for. Here comes. Little Red!" He yelled.

I seen a red hair chick come running out of the doors. She turned her back to me walking around the ring. Eventually she was dead in my sight.

Oh my goodness.

"Is that Summer?" All the guys and I said in unison.

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