ASOUE: The Riveting Romance

By AJSwagmire

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Dear Reader, Like doing your math homework, eating your vegetables and going to the dentist, reading about t... More

The Only Way To Resolve a Cliffhanger - Kladora/Dunclet
Back To You - Kladora
Saying Goodbye is the Hardest - Quiglet
Violet's Quagmire
Wildest Dreams - Kladora/Quiglet
Sad Songs In A Hotel Room - Kladora
The Not-So Grim Grotto - Kladora
What Goes Up Must Come Down - Kladora
Enchanted - Duncalita
Very Lovely Indeed - Quiglet
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire - Kladora/Quiglet
Such Grim Power
Back To December - Kliona/Kladora

A Million Dreams - Quiglet

109 2 8
By AJSwagmire

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As 16-year-old Violet Baudelaire and her beautiful cartographer boyfriend, Quigley Quagmire, sat on the shores of Briny Beach one summer afternoon, Violet couldn't help but feel a pang of emptiness in her heart, and she didn't know why she was feeling this way. So, to help get rid of some of these depressing thoughts, she decided to tell Quigley how she was feeling. "Hey, Quigley. Can I ask you something?" she asked sullenly, finding herself getting lost in his eyes. "Sure, Vi. What's up?" he asked worriedly as he picked up a small rock and tossed it into the water. "When you were presumed dead, were there ever times you missed Isadora and Duncan and just wished you could've reunited with them sooner?" she asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Quigley just snorted. "Of course I did!!! I missed them the whole entire time. But, if I didn't get separated from them, I wouldn't have met you, now would I?" he asked, letting out a soft chuckle and then frowned when he saw her empty, hollow expression on her face. "Why? What's wrong?" he asked, his face softening up almost instantly.

Violet just sighed defeatedly. "I don't know. It's just that, lately, I've been feeling really empty inside. And I don't know why. I mean, I have everything I could ever want. You're my lovely boyfriend, Klaus and Izzie are absolutely smitten with each other, Duncan's recently taken up a summer internship with The Daily Punctilio, and we're all living with Justice Strauss until we have to go back to Prufrock Prep in September since we "need to finish our education there since we were already enrolled students", according to Mr. Poe. God, I can't wait until we finally get our fortune. I mean, that simpleton was of absolutely no help to us at all whatsoever, and once I come of age, I'm cutting all contact with him. Mark my words." she declared, raising her fist in the air for good measure, before she sighed again. "And yet, I feel like I'm missing something important, and I don't even know what it is." she said sullenly, turning her head to look away from Quigley, who just shook his head and sighed. "Violet, listen to me. While I don't know what it is you feel like you're missing, I do know this:You and I love each other very much and as long as we have one another, I just know that the future won't be so bad." he said calmly, doing his best to reassure her. Violet just huffed in annoyance and turned to look at him again. "How can you be so sure?" she asked worriedly.

" I close my eyes and I can see

The world that's waiting up for me

That I call my own

Through the dark, through the door

Through where no one's been before

But it feels like home "

Violet just smiled. Whenever Quigley sang this song to her, she felt all of her worries, fears and doubts just melt away like ice cream on a hot summer's day. Just another reason she loved him so damn much.

"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they can say I've lost my mind

I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy

We can live in a world that we design"

And with that, Violet and Quigley got up off the shore of the beach and started to walk back into the city.

"'Cause every night I lie in bed,

the brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make"

As soon as they returned to Justice Strauss' house, Quigley immediately led Violet out to the backyard and began to waltz with her gracefully on the smooth, freshly-cut green grass. God, what did she do to deserve such a gentleman?

"There's a house we can build

Every room inside is filled

With things from far away

The special things I compile

Each one there to make you smile

On a rainy day"

" They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they can say we've lost our minds

I don''t care, I don't care if they call us crazy

Runaway to a world that we design " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Years later, Quigley was dressed in a black tux and he was spinning Violet, who was wearing a long, white dress, on the dance floor as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. Quigley was grinning from ear-to-ear while Violet had tears flowing down her face. After all this time, she was finally able to call herself Violet Quagmire, and she couldn't be happier.

"Every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make "

As Violet and Quigley stood on the balcony of their hotel room in Paris, they couldn't have felt more alive. They were officially a married couple, Klaus and Isadora had recently gotten engaged and they had each inherited their respective fortunes and sapphires. What more could a happy couple want?

" However big, however small

Let me be a part of it all

Share your dreams with me

You may be right, you may be wrong

But say that you'll bring me along

To the world you see

To the world I close my eyes to see

I close my eyes to see "

Violet grinned as Quigley kissed her passionately on the balcony as their tongues battled for domain and they awkwardly stumbled back down onto the large, king-sized bed they were about to get frisky on as they quickly slipped out of all their clothes. 

And a few weeks later, after they returned home, when Violet found out she was pregnant after all the love-making she and Quigley did in Paris on their honeymoon, Quigley fainted. "It runs in the family. Apparently, my dad had the exact same reaction." he said breathlessly once he came to again on the couch in their mansion. Violet just smiled warmly. Their baby wasn't even here yet, and she could already tell that Quigley was gonna be an amazing father. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Almost a full year later, Violet smiled contently as she watched Quigley sit in the white rocking chair in the nursery as he gently rocked their newborn baby girl, Malina, to sleep and and sang to her softly since she'd been crying a lot and she really seemed to like it whenever he sang to her.

"Every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

A million dreams, a million dreams

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make "

With that, Quigley finally got Malina to sleep and gently laid her down in her crib before he walked out of the nursery and closed the door. "I don't know what it is, but little 'Lina just seems to love it when you sing to her for some reason." said Violet quietly as she gently kissed Quigley, who just shrugged. "Eh, I'm not surprised. When we were younger, our parents actually made Duncan and I join our church choir since we had such good singing voices. It seemed like all that time performing each Sunday morning paid off." he said, letting out a small chuckle. "We did good, didn't we, Quiggles?" she asked as she and Quigley climbed into bed for the night.

"Yeah, we did do good. I couldn't imagine calling anyone else my wife. You're such an amazing woman, Vi, and your talent for inventing easily puts Edison and Tesla to shame." he said as he twirled with a loose strand of her hair. Violet just blushed and playfully swatted at his hand. "Oh, shut up. Now you're just trying to butter me up. Well, guess what? It ain't gonna work, Quiggles. You gotta earn the right to flatter me." she said as she passionately kissed her messy-haired cartographer husband. "Oh, but didn't I already do that?" he asked teasingly as he kissed her again with more lust than passion. "Yes. I love you, Quigley Quagmire." she said contently as she pulled the blanket over her and turned off her bedside lamp. "I love you too, Violet Quagmire. I'm so glad I get to call you my wife." he said quietly as he did the same. And it really was true.

He loved Violet and Violet loved him and nothing was ever gonna change that fact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. And I apologize if this was too cheesy for your guys' liking. Anyways, if you have any requests for me, don't hesitate to drop 'em down below. I love you guys to the moon and back almost as much as I love Kladora, Dunclet and Quiglet. 'Til then, Ciao 4 now!!!! <3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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