Wildest Dreams - Kladora/Quiglet

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For  dogsandcats009 -

Your kind and noble companionship is like a very violent and roaring fire -

Very hard to extinguish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Today was possibly the worst day in Isadora Quagmire's life. Due to Count Olaf framing the Baudelaires for the murder of an innocent man named Jacques Snicket, they became wanted criminals and were only barely able to escape the Village of Fowl Devotees after being freed from the Fowl Fountain by hitching a ride on an old fire truck in order to climb aboard a Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home to live up in the air with their newest guardian, Hector, forever. However, because of an angry mob of villagers led by Olaf in disguise, the Baudelaires had decided not to climb aboard and instead keep her and her triplet brother, Duncan, safe by letting them go aboard the SSHAMH without them, much to their great sadness.

It had now been five-and-a-half hours since they had said goodbye to the Baudelaires and the sun had already set by that point and all Isadora had been doing since then was crying tears and tears while Duncan just isolated himself in a corner and didn't say a word, which put Hector in the very awkward position of trying to comfort the two triplets and make them feel better. "Oh, cheer up, guys. They did the right thing for a noble reason. And I'm sure we'll see them again soon." he said hopefully, trying to look on the bright side for their sake.

Isadora sighed and turned to look at Hector. "Hector, it's not just that. Duncan and I have lost enough people already. Our parents and our brother, Quigley. All our friends. And now, we had to say goodbye to the Baudelaires. Probably for good, too. It's just not fair. I was planning to actually tell Klaus how I felt about him today, and now I'll never get that chance!!!!" she yelled angrily, drawing the attention of a few nearby desert owls. She then sighed apologetically. "Sorry about that. Does the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home have a radio I could listen to? Usually listening to music helps me feel better if I've had a rough day."

Hector nodded. "Yeah. It's on the control panel over there. And it can get reception for up to 100 miles. All you gotta do is push that dial over there to turn it on and then turn it either clockwise or counter-clockwise to find the station you're looking for." Isadora didn't say anything, and instead just nodded and went to go turn on the radio and after a bit of tuning, she found a station she used to listen to a lot before her family's fire right as a song she and Violet both loved a lot started to play.

 " He said, "Let's get out of this town

Drive out of the city, away from this crowd"

I thought Heaven can't help me now

Nothing lasts forever

But this is gonna take me down"

"He's so tall and handsome as hell

He's so bad but he does it so well

I can see the end as it begins

My one condition is "

"Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress

ASOUE: The Riveting RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang