The Only Way To Resolve a Cliffhanger - Kladora/Dunclet

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If my time as the main researcher into the Baduelaires' series of unfortunate events has taught me anything, it's to always make sure you have reliable information at your fingertips so that way you're telling the whole story the correct way. And after a very recent run-in with a close associate of mine at the rebuilt Hotel Denouement, I've learned that my account of the Baduelaires' trek up Mount Fraught had actually contained false information. And so, allow me to spare you your frustrations with me by going back to the day Violet and Klaus were sent rolling downhill in the gift caravan of Caligari Carnival so I can tell the story the right way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As Klaus and Violet Baudelaire(currently disguised as Beverly and Elliot, the two-headed freak)rode in the Caligari Carnival gift caravan that was tied to Count Olaf's car, they finally felt like their fortunes were finally starting to look up. During their and Sunny's(currently disguised as Chabo the Wolf Baby)brief stay at the decrepit carnival, they were able to finally learn what VFD was and what it stood for, Count Olaf hadn't yet figured out who they really were(although there were a few close calls)and they were getting a free ride to the headquarters of VFD located high up in the Mortmain Mountains.

However, even though they knew things were finally starting to go their way after much misfortune and sadness in their lives, the two eldest Baudelaires couldn't help but feel a uneasy sense of dread creep upon them, much like how an ant might creep up an anthill or how your enemies might creep up on you suddenly as you're eating Gorgonzola cheese in a dark alleyway in the city under the cover of night. To put it simply, they felt like something was about to go very wrong, and unfortunately, their suspicions were correct and things were about to go very downhill for them, both literally and figuratively. They just didn't know it yet.

"Beverly. Elliot. Press the red button and speak to me." said Count Olaf's voice through the radio. "We're here." said Violet as Beverly. "Look out the window." said Olaf calmly. "We are." said Violet in confusion as she and Klaus looked out the rear-facing window of the caravan, not understanding what Olaf was saying. "The other window." he replied, still deathly calm, which made Klaus and Violet a little uneasy but still walked to the other end of the caravan and saw Hugo, Kevin and Colette appear out of the trunk of the car and began cutting the rope that was connecting the caravan to Olaf's car. "Stop! No! What are you doing?! Stop it!!" exclaimed Klaus and Violet worriedly as they tried to budge the caravan door open but to no avail.

"I didn't need a fortune-teller to tell me where the Baudelaire brats were hiding. I figured it out all by myself. So, allow me to tell you your future." said Olaf threateningly, the evil smirk in his voice very obvious by his tone of voice. "A great deal of suffering and pain and then, a long fall to rock bottom. "Do you know what that feels like? Because I do. But things are looking up for me. I'm cutting all ties with my past failures." said Olaf, letting out a snicker. "Get it? Because I'm actually cutting the rope that you tied---" "I'm sure they get it, darling." said Esme Squalor, clearly unamused. Just then, Hugo, Kevin and Colette finished cutting the rope and retreated back into the trunk. "Bye, Buadelaires." called Esme mockingly as she and Olaf waved before they drove off, with Sunny in their clutches.

However, before Klaus and Violet had a moment to even catch their breath and get out of the caravan, it suddenly started to roll backwards down the mountain, causing them to fall to the floor and their Beverly and Elliot disguise to rip in two. "What just happened?" asked Klaus breathlessly as he gripped the walls of the caravan. "We didn't die!!!" exclaimed Violet as the gears and pulleys started to turn in her head. "Not yet!" retorted Klaus right as the caravan hit a sharp rock, making them hit the floor again. "How do we stop this caravan?" asked Klaus frantically, hoping Violet had an idea in her head. "We need to invent some sort of a braking system!" replied Violet, as she and Klaus threw off their disguises and then she started looking around for materials to use. "Violet, now would be a great time for an idea. Violet, hurry. We're running out of road." said Klaus as he looked out the side window of the caravan. "Search the caravan for anything long enough to reach the wheel." said Violet as she pulled down a tarp from the top of the caravan and some lamppost flags and jumbled them up. "How's this?" asked Klaus as he pulled a large canoe paddle off the caravan's wall. "Perfect. Now use it to jam the wheel. I'm gonna tie these together and create a drag chute." she said quickly as she got to work.

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