Shores Apart

By Octoberblossom123

6.5K 412 67

Engfa is the granddaughter of a scientist who had a huge name in the field of science. But, he had a huge sec... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.

Chapter One.

1.2K 46 7
By Octoberblossom123

Engfa is a 28 years old beautiful woman. She is a well-known writer and loves to read and write.
She lived with her grandfather, who loved her to bits. He was the only blood relative of her and would spoil her rotten. He was a very famous scientist and was obviously very rich. He loved spending his money on Engfa's interests.
She has always loved him and respected him more than anyone in this world.
The whole world respected her grandfather for his contribution to the field of science.
Engfa was very proud of him. Apart from writer, Engfa was also an excellent swimmer. She always felt connected to the ocean. She felt calm as soon as she touched water. She had bought a small little house for herself, near the sea.
It was her dream house. She still used to visit her grandfather every weekend, and both would make many memories together.
Everything was going well until one night. It was very stormy outside when Engfa received a call from her grandfather.
He told her to come home as fast as possible. Engfa could sense something was not right, and then immediately ran to her car. It was raining heavily and stormy outside, but still Engfa was determined to go to her grandfather.
As She was driving, a branch of tree fell on her car, and she blacked out.

Hours later, she woke up and saw that it was already morning. No one was there as it was still very early. She tried to move around, but her head was hurting very badly. She was struggling to even move her head. Luckily, someone passed by and offered to help her.
They wanted to take her to the hospital, but she insisted on going to her grandfather.
In the end, they took her to her grandfather's house.
She ran inside and called her grandfather, but there was no response.
She tried calling all the helpers around the house, but there was no one.
So, she ran to his room and found him on his bed, lifeless.
He was not breathing anymore.
Engfa tried shaking him and calling him, but he was gone.
Engfa called an ambulance and eagerly waited for them.
Engfa was heartbroken. He was all she had, and now she was all alone.
She hugged her grandfather for one last time.she cried while hugging him for a long time, and then the medical team came. As Engfa was looking hopelessly at her grandfather, she noticed he was holding something. She took it gently and saw that there was a map and a letter.
Engfa didn't care about those stuff and went to the hospital leaving it.
As She nervously waited for the doctors to do their job, she was somewhere loosing her hope.
Then, after several minutes, a doctor stepped outside.
"Doctor, how is my grandfather?" Engfa asked him, worried.
"I'm so sorry," he said. As soon as those words left his mouth, Engfa fell on the floor. Her knees were weak, and she had trouble breathing.
"We tried our best, but he was already dead when he was admitted," he said.

One week later, after the burial of her beloved grandfather, she returned to his house.
She tried blaming it on herself as she wasn't able to be there on his last moments.
She called all the helpers and asked them why nobody was there during that one particular night.
Everyone told her that her grandfather himself wanted to be alone that night and ordered everyone to leave.
That information left Engfa speechless.
"He was never alone. He feared being alone and would always want someone to accompany him," she thought.
Her accident, the storm, her grandfather wanting to be alone, and then dying just did not seem right to her.
She ran to his room and locked it from inside. She searched for the letter that was on his hands back then and found it. She then sat on the bed and opened the letter.


Dear Engfa,

    You are reading this letter means that I am already gone. Don't worry my little princess as I'll always be there for you.
I have always cherished you throughout my life and I love you my child.
But, there is one thing that I haven't told you. Its a secret that could ruin your respect for me.
Please my child, Don't hate me and please forgive me for what I am going to tell you.

60 years ago, me and my friend had made a chemical that would allow any human being to breathe underwater. The government had invested in it and now, the formula was ready. We needed some one to experiment this on and there was no volunteer.
Then me and my friend went out at the night to capture whoever we saw first.
We drove at a rural area and saw a girl enjoying stars on the beach.
We decided to take her but, my friend said it was not a good idea but, I was just so hungry for fame and success that I lost my humanity.
I kidnapped that girl and then drove her to our lab. She was about 20 years old and was a very beautiful woman.
She pleaded us to leave her but, I didn't listen. As I took one step towards her, my friend tried stopping me. He stood in the middle of her and me then, I lost it.
I hit him hard on his head by a iron rod, making him bleed uncontrollably and die on the spot. I still wasn't on my senses.
I went to the girl and injected the formula on her. Then I threw her on the pool. She tried begging me to stop but, I didn't listen.
She struggled and drowned because she was on the water for too long.
As I lost all hopes of success, suddenly there was a movement on the water.
I looked inside it to find the girl perfectly fine. Not only that she had started to grow scales and her tooth were now sharp. Her nails were longer and her legs were joined. They looked like a tail but, it was just her leg that were joint.
That's when, I realised that I failed.
I miserably failed and ruined two lives.
The girl was too scared of herself.
She cried to me for reversing my actions but the damage was already done.
I hadn't made any antidote for it.
As I told her that, she attacked me.
I was badly injured by her sharp nails.
She gained her consciousness and pulled away and kept apologising but, I had already called the security.
They shot her with a sleeping gun and then captured her.
I trapped her in a pond, near the forest.
Nobody is allowed to go there except for me but, now you can go there.
There is such a door that only my blood will be able to enter it and you can too.
One month later, when I went to look at her I was left suprised.
The girl was no longer human anymore.
She had developed a tail. She was much more beautiful than at the time that I injected her.
The chemicals, turned her into a mermaid. I still hadn't gotten my lesson and tried to catch her so that I can sell her to the government and make millions of money.
I went to catch her but, she went on the waters and didn't come on the surface for a long time. I waited for her to come for 5 days and she didn't.
I thought she must've died and then locked the door to the pond. Now nobody can enter there.
The government has always stalked us and now that they know I am dead, they will try their best to get that information out of me. They know that i have hidden something from them.
They doubt that I have successed and now want her.
My child, please don't let the government find her or else the poor girl will go through hell.
They'll research on her and torture her.
My child, I want you to protect her please.
What I did was wrong and I have always felt guilty for that. Even the nature is angry with me. Maybe that's why it took my son away from me leaving you orphaned. I thought that girl had died but, somedays ago, I went to the pond and saw her.
She was still as beautiful as she was many years ago.
She hadn't died and still was a mermaid.
I felt deeply guilty after seeing her like that.
I had ruined her whole life.
Please, don't let the government find her and take her away.
Please protect her, Engfa.
I trust you.

My child.


Engfa's Pov

As soon as I read that letter, I just lost my all respect for him. How could he do that just for some money.
He completely ruined someone's life for his experiment.
That girl is still alive. No wonder how, alone she must've felt.
I looked at the map and there was the exact location of the pond he told me.
Suddenly I heard police cars.
I hid the letter and map under my jacket and went outside.
"The government has taken this place now. You have 1 day to move put of it," they said. I knew that they took the house to search it.
"I don't have anything here, you can take it. Its all yours," I said and left.
I drove straight to my home and cried my heart out.
How can my own grandfather do this.
I no longer loved him nor respected him. He was a devil in the form of human. He destroyed an innocent girl's life.
As I looked at the sea, I imagined how the girl must be feeling right now.
All alone, in a locked forest with no visitors and away from all her loved ones.
As I looked around my room, I saw his pictures on the wall.
I lost it and smashed all his pictures and everything that reminded me of him.
I was disgusted to be his blood.

I have to find the girl and save her from the government and take her somewhere away from all of this.
Right then and there, I promised myself to protect that girl no matter what.

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