The king of Tomorrow(Susan Pe...

By Synth454

4.7K 116 5

What if when the four pevensie siblings went to narnia they weren't the only ones Jake Archer is a 15 year o... More

The wardrobe and tea with a little girl and a faun
Meeting The Pevensies
Gifts from Santa
Meeting with Aslan
The Battle of Beruna
The Coronation and after
Prince Caspian
Meeting Trumpkin
Reaching Caspian
The Fight with Miraz
The Battle

Reuniting with a friend

260 5 0
By Synth454

Susan and I were holding hands as we marched to Caspians camp

When we reached it there were Centaurs stood in a row at the entrance

As we walked Centaurs raised their swords high and it reminded me of the coronation

One younger Centaur wasnt holding his sword high enough and it would've hit my head if the one next to him hadn't have lifted it

We walked through the stone doorway inside were different creatures were working as blacksmiths

"It may not be what you are used to, But it is defensible" Caspian spoke

"Peter" Susan spoke up "You may want to see this"

Carved into the walls was the story of what happened during the Pevensie Reign

"What is this place?" Lucy asked

"You don't know" Caspian responded before picking up a torch and leading us somewhere

Peter and I also picked up torches to keep the way lit

We eventually made it to a room that Caspian lit up

It was the stone table

"He must know what he's doing" Lucy spoke looking at the carving of Aslan

"I think it's up to us now" Peter spoke

A few minutes after that I lead Bryce to an empty room I found

"What are we doing" He asked looking around

I threw a blunted sword at him which he caught before swinging overhead at him which he blocked just in time

"What the Hell" He shouted

"You need to learn" I said before swinging again which he was able to block

We had been training for an hour and he was making considerable progress when Edmund came in

"Come with me" He spoke before walking off

Bryce and I quickly followed as he led us to the chamber of the stone table

"It's only a matter of time, Miraz and his war machines are on their way" Peter spoke "That means those same men aren't protecting his castle"

"What do you propose we do your majesty" The mouse who I learned was called Reepicheep spoke

Caspian and Peter spoke at the same time

They looked at each other before Peter spoke again

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" Peter spoke

"That's crazy no one has ever taken that castle" Caspian spoke

"There's a first time for everything" Bryce spoke up from the corner

"We'll have the element of surprise" Trumpkin spoke

"But we have the advantage here" Caspian said

"If we dig in we could probably hold them of indefinitely" The girl I saw before said

"I for one feel safer underground" The badger said

"Look I appreciate what you've done here, But this isn't a fortress, It's a tomb" Peter spoke

"Yes, If there smart the Telmarines will just wait us out and starve us" Edmund said

"We could collect nuts" a squirrel spoke

"Yes and well throw them at the Telmarines" Reepicheep said sarcastically before aggressively telling the squirrel to "Shut up"

I was starting to like the mouse

"I think you know where I stand sire" Reep said to Peter

"If I get your troops in can you handle the guards" Peter asked Glenstorm

"Or die trying my liege" Glenstorm spoke

"That's what i'm worried about" Lucy spoke

"Sorry?" Peter asked

"Were all acting like there's only two options" Lucy started "Die here or die there"

"I'm not sure you've really been listening Lu" Peter spoke

"No you're not listening, or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch Peter" Lucy said

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough" Peter spoke before looking at me

"What do you think, You've been silent the entire time"

"I don't like either option" I said honestly "If we go to the castle we could lose a lot of men, Men that we don't have, and Ed's right about waiting, They'll just starve us out"

"What about open battle" Susan asked

"They have more men, We'll lose"

"We had less men when we fought against the Calormene" Edmund spoke up

"I had a dragon" I said

"What about when we fought the Witch, You didn't have a dragon then" Susan said

"We didn't have a choice, We were forced into that battle" I spoke "We would have lost if Aslan hadn't brought reinforcements, There are no reinforcements this time"

"I can take you to your dragon" A voice spoke

I looked and saw the girl from before

"I know where he is" She continued

And so the plan was decided

I would go retrieve Velaxes with the girl though Peter would still attack the castle
Elizabeth PoV

"I see your going with him" Caspian spoke as he walked up to me

"We need the dragon" I spoke "And hey it's father daughter time"

"You told him?" Caspian asked

"Not yet" I responded

I looked over to Caspian as I finished packing the stuff i'd need

I looked over at Caspian

In the time i'd known him i'd started to grow attached

I give him a small smile and walked past him going to a private room to change from the clothes and cloak I had been wearing into leather armour

I walked outside of the room with the satchel that had provisions in it and grabbed my sword fastening it to my waist

I saw my Father talking with my Mother probably saying bye and I walked over

"Ready to go" I asked when I reached them

"Yea" He said kissing my Mother once more before we started walking

"Follow me" I said leading him to a room
Jake PoV

The girl led me into a room and when I entered I saw my armour on a stand

I walked over to it and ran my fingers over the dragon

The girl walked out of the room so I could put my armour on

After it was on I walked out and followed the girl as she led me out of the cave

"No horses" I asked her

"Most of the terrain is too rough for horses"

We had walked for two hours when we reached the bottom of a large mountain

"Don't tell me we have to go all the way up there" I spoke

"Yep" Was her simple response

It was another hour to get to the top of the mountain and when we got to the top I saw it

A large cave with skeletons surrounding the entrance

The inside of the cave started glowing orange and I realised what it was

"GET DOWN" I shouted pushing the girl to the side and raising my shield

The flames warmed my arms though the enchantments placed on my shield stopped it from burning

"VELAXES" I shouted into the cave

The fire immediately stopped

I heard loud steps come out of the cave and I saw Velaxes for the first time in a year though for him it had been thirteen hundred years

He had tripled in size since I had last seen him

What had once been a small yet nimble dragon was now a large strong beast

I slowly reached out my hand pressing it to his snout

He sniffed my hand before coming fully out of the cave

"Hey old friend" I said calmly before looking to the girl and noticing something

"Where did you get that"

She looked down and saw her necklace had come out of her armour

She quickly stood and stuffed it back in

"Where did you get it" I said taking a step closer

She looked to her feet"It was a gift, From my father" After saying that she looked up so I could look into her eyes

My Eyes

"Elizabeth?" I asked slowly

She slowly nodded

I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug

She hugged back and we held it for a two minutes

I released it and put a hand under a chin

"My baby girl" I pulled her in for another hug and she started crying

"But how, it's been so long" I asked

"When I was 14 I was cursed, I stayed in a deep sleep until last year and i've been here ever since"

I then got on Velaxes back and held out a hand and pulled her up

"Let's get back"

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