The king of Tomorrow(Susan Pe...

By Synth454

4.3K 109 5

What if when the four pevensie siblings went to narnia they weren't the only ones Jake Archer is a 15 year o... More

The wardrobe and tea with a little girl and a faun
Meeting The Pevensies
Gifts from Santa
Meeting with Aslan
The Battle of Beruna
Prince Caspian
Meeting Trumpkin
Reaching Caspian
Reuniting with a friend
The Fight with Miraz
The Battle

The Coronation and after

384 6 0
By Synth454

We reached Cair Paravel within the hour

Peter and Edmund were led one way to be changed out of their armour into regal clothes while Lucy and Susan were taken to put on regal dresses

I took my place standing behind the thrones as was my Job

I noticed Orieus had been revived and I shared a few words with him before the siblings walked in

The first thing I noticed was how beautiful Susan looked

The Pevensies stood in front of their respective thrones as Aslan started speaking

"To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valliant" Tumnus placed a silver Tiara on her head adorned with Leaves as decoration "To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just" Tumnus placed a silver crown on his head "To the Radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan the Gentle" Tumnus placed a gold tiara adorned with flowers on her head "And to the Clear Northern Sky, High King Peter the Magnificent" A golden crown was placed on his head by Tumnus

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, Always a King or Queen" Aslan spoke to the Pevensies "May your wisdom grace us until stars rain down from the heavens"

Aslan looked to me and went to stand to the side

I walked forwards and led the chant "Long Live King Peter, Long Live King Edmund, Long Live Queen Susan, Long Live Queen Lucy"

After that celebrations were held

I was walking around still in my armour when I noticed Lucy at one of the balconies that overlooked the beach

"Don't worry" I spoke to her "We'll see him again"

"When" Lucy asked me as I moved besides her

"Give it time, One day he'll be here, And the next he won't" I leaned on the balcony wall at that point "But you mustn't rush him, He's not a tame lion"

"No" Lucy said quietly "But he is good" She said a bit louder

I looked behind me to see Tumnus stood there

I walked off to let them talk

"You should be having fun" I turned and saw Susan stood there

"I'm meant to be your guardian" I spoke "I'm a guard"

"What a story" She spoke confusing me "The queen who fell in love with a guard" She grabbed my hand and led to the dance floor

"I'm in armour Susan" I said protesting

"So don't step on my toes" She moved us to the middle of the dance floor and grabbed my hands, She placed my hands on her waist before moving her arms around my neck

We danced for hours and by the time she was finally tired most people had gone to the beds provided

"All your siblings have gone to bed" I spoke "Maybe you should too"

"I don't know where i'm meant to sleep" she spoke

"I had the heirs chambers prepared" I told her "It's the second biggest bedroom"

I led her to the bedroom and watched her go in before assigning a guard to stay outside and I headed off to my own chambers
Six months after coronation (ac)

In the last six months I had been busy

I had formed a Dragon Guard to act as the  Personal Guards of the Pevensies

It was the 8 best warriors I could find as well as me to make sure the royals were safe and my title became Lord Captain of the Dragon Guard

The Dragon Guard wore armour similar to me but it was altered for whatever species wore it, The dragon on the armour was also grey

Orieus had officially been named Lord General of The Royal Armies of the Narnian Empire and was currently fighting the remnants of the Witches army

Susan had officially become my Girlfriend 3 months ago and I had moved into her chambers
five years ac

Peter was now 21 and I was 20

We had led an attack on the last of the Witches forces causing them to retreat to the Witches castle

Peter was currently sieging the castle and building siege equipment while I scouted the surrounding area on the back of Velaxes to make sure the entirety of the Witches army was inside

I saw two groups of the Witches army, one was made up of about twelve dwarves, four minotaurs and six cyclops while the other was a group of two hundred men and I knew I didn't have time to go warn Peter

I made Velaxes land next to the smaller force then I climbed of of him ordering him it go attack the bigger force while I dealt with these ones

He flew off and two dwarves ran at me

I kicked the first and slashed the second before stabbing the first one

I then went through three more dwarves killing them

A minotaur swung his curved sword at me which I blocked before stabbing it to kill it

A cyclops attacked me next but I cut off its arm then it's head

I made short work of the next few creatures and at the end was left with two minotaurs

They attacked me at the same time and I barely had time to block one attack then dodge the next

One of them swung at me which I dodged before cutting its back

This didn't slow it down at all as it swung again which I blocked with my shield before being hit by the other using a flail knocking me down

It swung the flail at me which I blocked with my sword though the chain got caught on the blade

The minotaur pulled the flail back taking my sword with it as the other swung its axe at me which I was barely able to roll away from

As I rolled I noticed a dwarf bow which I picked up as well as an arrow which I fired into one of the minotaurs eyes

The one still standing was the one with the axe and I had no weapon

I stepped back as the minotaur swung its axe downwards

It swung for my neck which I dodged

I then sidestepped but hit a tree

It swung again so I ducked and it's axe got stuck in the tree

It let go and swung its fist at me which I dodged before I punched it which I immediately regretted

It grabbed me and tore my helmet off before throwing me to the side

I picked up a cyclops' club and swung at the minotaur fracturing it's horn

The minotaur grabbed the club tearing it from my grasp and throwing it to the side

It grabbed me by the neck and started choking me

I was reaching out trying to grab at it to make it let go of me when I realised something

I grabbed its horn ripping it off as it roared in pain

I jabbed it's horn into its throat making it choke on its own blood

I retrieved my sword shield and helmet walking to where I saw the other army to find Valaxes

When I got there Valaxes was finishing of the last of the army and when I got to him I set off back to the castle

"Where have you been" Peter asked when I reached him

"Ran into some trouble" I responded looking at the table noticing a letter with Susan's seal on it

"What's that" I asked nodding at the letter

"I haven't opened it" Peter said "It's for you"

I grabbed it an opened it reading through the writing

"Susan's Pregnant" I said looking at Peter

"Congratulations" He replied "Do you want to go back to Cair Paravel"

I looked over at the castle "Not yet"

I climbed onto Velaxes back and flew to the castle

I ordered Velaxes to burn it down and that's what he did

In ten minutes the Castle was nothing but rubble

Most of the Witches forces had been smart and came out and surrendered

Some came out and fought, They were killed quickly

Some stayed in the castle and they would be buried under the rubble forever

After that I immediately flew back to Cair Paravel knowing that Peter had 4 members of the Dragon Guard there
10 years ac

Me and Susan have a daughter now

We named her Elizabeth

She turned 5 yesterday and is quite the little rebel

Me and Susan have found her with my sword twice and her bow once

She keeps running away from her professor during lessons

She loves her uncles and aunt though

Edmund has been teaching her chess

Lucy has been teaching her about medicine

Peter has been teaching her warfare tactics which Susan isn't the biggest fan of

Susan and I got married finally, After Elizabeth we barely had time, and I haven't been in Cair Paravel much until two years ago

The celebration was large and Susan and I danced all night

We got gold wedding rings with each others names inscribed in silver
14 years ac

It's been months since I've seen my family

Peter and I have been at war with the Northern Giants

Edmund and Lucy came with us

Edmund has become the second best swordsman in all of Narnia, Only I can consistently beat him now

Lucy has also come a long way with swords and archery

Susan stayed in Cair Paravel to rule

Peter, Lucy, Edmund and I were stood around the table planning our next attack when a messenger came in and handed me a note

"The Calormene have attacked Archenland and King Lune requests aid" I told them

"We need to attack the Giants now though" Peter spoke

"What if we split the army" Edmund started "Jake and I can take half and go help King Lune"

"Ok" Peter said and we set off marching

We had travelled across Narnia and where now in Archenland

We had sent scouts and found out the Archenland forces had been attacked by the Calormene army and needed help immediately

The Calormene outnumbered the Archenlanders two to one and even with the Narnian Army we would still be slightly outnumbered

"It will take the Army six hours to get there" Edmund spoke

"That's the whole army" I spoke "The Centaurs will only take two, and I can be there within the hour on Velaxes"

"Are you sure that's wise" Orieus spoke

"I am, and if i'm lucky i'll burn Rabadash alive" I had hated Rabadash with a passion ever since he had tried to kidnap Susan

The scout also reported that the Rabadash's father the Tisroc of Calormene had no idea of his sons plans and had disinherited him

I immediately set off on Velaxes while the Centaurs began their charge to the battle and the rest of the army prepared to march

When I arrived the battle was raging hard

I immediately went to the back of the Calormene lines and started raining fire

I kept doing that for the two hours until the Centaurs arrived

I set Velaxes down next to King Lune and dismounted before Velaxes took to the sky's again

"Your Higness" I spoke "I'm-"

"The young dragon" He interrupted "I have heard tales of your Strength and Valor"

I spoke to him for a minute before he offered me a horse and we joined the battle

We had been fighting hard for the next few hours though velaxes had retreated since the armies were too close together for dragon fire

We had been fully surrounded and I was beginning to lose hope when Edmund finally showed up

After that the battle didn't last long and Rabadash was brought to us on his knees

It was three weeks later, We had brought Rabadash to Cair Paravel and King Lune had accompanied us for his trial

Peter had finished with the giants in the North and now we were half way through the trial when Rabadash spoke up

"I want a trial by combat"

Edmund was about to protest when I interrupted him "Done"

Peter looked at me "Jake, It's not for you to decide"

"Please Peter" I spoke "He asked for it, Let me kill him"

Peter looked to the other Judges before nodding

I immediately left to get my Armour on as well as my sword and shield

Twenty minutes later we were stood facing each other

He held a scimitar in one hand and a shield in the other

He attacked first swinging at my head which I blocked easily

He then stabbed at me which I deflected to the side

I was now realising he was terrible

Maybe he expected to go against an otter or something because he could not fight well

He swung at me again which I blocked before disarming him

I then cut the back of his leg causing him to fall to one knee

I was about to separate his head from his shoulders when I heard someone shout

"ENOUGH" I looked over and saw Aslan standing there

I quickly got onto one knee putting the tip of my sword in the sand of the arena

Aslan talked to the Kings and Queens and then walked down with Lucy

Lucy took off Rabadash's helmet and gave him so juice of the fire flower

I was about to protest when I realised it wasn't the right thing to do

Aslan then turned him into a Donkey that couldn't talk and he was taken to a ship to go back to Calormene

Aslan left soon after and I stormed off to mine and Susan's chambers

I pushed open the door aggressively and threw my helmet on the floor

"Jake" Susan shouted

"He should be dead" I shouted back

"His punishment was just" She said calmly

"How can you say that, He tried to kidnap you" I argued

"And for that he has been punished" She spoke back

I moved to leave the room and she grabbed my arm

"Where are you going?" She asked

"I'm going to sleep in my room in the Dragon Tower tonight" I said to her coldly before pushing her hand of my arm

We didn't talk for three days after that

It was Elizabeth who got us to talk again and we laughed about how stupid our argument was
fifteen years ac

Tumnus had recently received a report that the white stag had been spotted in the western wood

Peter, Lucy and Edmund were getting ready to go after it while Susan and I explained to Elizabeth why she couldn't come

"Your too young" Susan told her

"I'm ten, Aunt Lucy was eleven when you beat the Witch" She argued

"And when your eleven I'll let you come to the front lines with me" I spoke

Susan turned to me and looked at me like I had grown a second head

I realised I shouldn't have said that but I knew I couldn't take it back so I improvised

"If you can consistently hit dead centre of the furthest target in the archery range and you can look after this" I pulled out a Necklace I had planned on giving Susan

It was a silver Necklace with Gold accents and had Diamonds and Sapphires on it

"Ok Father" Elizabeth spoke and immediately went to find Orieus to take her to the range while she put the necklace over her head

"Really, you'll take her to battles" Susan said looking at me

"I panicked, We should probably go now" We left after that catching up to the others

I had left my armour wearing regular clothes and I had my sword in the Scabbard attached to my horse

We had reached the lantern waste in record time and we were now chasing the stag

Peter was in front with Edmund closely following him though he started slowing down and we all overtook him

I noticed Edmund had stopped following so I turned around to go back with the others soon following

"Come on Ed" Susan spoke

"Just catching my breath" He responded

"Its all we'll catch at this rate" I said to him

"What did he say again Susan?" Lucy asked

"You girls wait at the castle, I'll get the stag myself" Susan mocked as me and Lucy laughed

"What's this" Peter spoke as we all dismounted "Seems Familiar"

"As if from a dream" Susan spoke

"Or a dream of a dream" Lucy responded

We all looked at the metal pole

"Spare Oom" Lucy said before taking off

"Lucy" I said quickly following

"Not again" Susan spoke as she and the others followed

She ran deeper into the trees as Edmund spoke up "Lu"

"Come on" was her response

As the trees got thicker we slowed down

"These aren't branches" Peter spoke pushing the fur out of the way

"There coats" Susan said

They started saying other things but it was becoming quite and distant

As I pushed through the coats I eventually came out on the other side watching as the door opened

"Oh, there you are" I saw my mum

I then realised I was young again

Had that all been a dream?

A second ago I felt like I was 30 and now I was 15

It must have been a dream

"Where did you get that ring" I looked at my hand and saw my wedding ring from mine and Susan's wedding "It's very beautiful" She grabbed my hand and read the inscription "Who is Susan"

"I don't know" I quickly lied "I found it in the wardrobe and thought it looked nice, I didn't see the inscription"

"Well come on, This house won't pack itself up"
Susan PoV

As I pushed my way through the wardrobe I tripped and fell onto the floor

I looked down at my hand and saw the ring Jake got for our wedding still on my finger

I heard the latch of the door and I looked up

"Oh, There you are" It was the professor "What were you all doing in the wardrobe"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you sir" Peter said

The professor threw the ball that went into the window at peter "Try me"

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