The king of Tomorrow(Susan Pe...

By Synth454

4.3K 109 5

What if when the four pevensie siblings went to narnia they weren't the only ones Jake Archer is a 15 year o... More

The wardrobe and tea with a little girl and a faun
Meeting The Pevensies
Gifts from Santa
The Battle of Beruna
The Coronation and after
Prince Caspian
Meeting Trumpkin
Reaching Caspian
Reuniting with a friend
The Fight with Miraz
The Battle

Meeting with Aslan

365 13 0
By Synth454

It had only taken us two hours to reach Aslan's camp from the river

Our arrival was signalled by a centaur blowing a horn from on top of a cliff

I was walking in-between Susan and Peter as we walked through the camp

Various creatures including Fawns and Centaurs and Satyrs turned to look at us

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked quietly

"Maybe they think you look funny" Lucy said getting a smile from me and Peter

We finally made it to the center of the camp and I noticed everyone had formed a ring around us

Peter drew his sword and raised it high

"We have come to see Aslan" He spoke to the Centaur who I thought looked familiar

The centaur said nothing but gestured to the tent

Everyone bowed down including myself and the Pevensies though that was when Aslan actually stepped out

"Welcome Peter and Jake, Sons of Adam, And welcome Lucy and Susan, Daughters of Eve and you Beavers you have my thanks, But where is the fifth" Aslan spoke calmly

"That's why we're here sir, We need your help" Peter started

"We had a little trouble on the way" Susan spoke

"The boy was captured by the white witch" I told Aslan

"Captured" Aslan said with some shock "How has this happened"

"He betrayed them your majesty" Beaver spoke hesitantly

"Then he has betrayed us all" The Centaur spoke

"Peace Oreius" Aslan spoke and I finally knew why the Centaur looked familiar

He had fought under me during the witches initial invasion which must have been 100 years ago for him

He had always been a loyal soldier and I remembered giving him command of a legion of Centaurs to act as a vanguard

Back then I had been know as the Young Dragon for the fact I had befriended a dragon I had named Velaxes

"It's my fault really" Peter spoke breaking my train of thought "I was too hard on him"

"We all were" Susan spoke

"Sir he's our brother" Lucy spoke sadly

"I know young one, But that only makes the betrayal worse" Aslan spoke to Lucy before turning to Peter "This may be harder than you think"

Lucy and Susan where led to one tent by a dryad while a faun led Peter to another

Finally Orieus led me to my tent which had a banner with my Dragon symbol on it

"I remember you" I spoke to the Centaur "You led the Vanguard against the witch in the first war"

"I did" The Centaur spoke "Now I have been given the honour of leading the kings Army" I looked at him and nodded before entering my tent

The first thing I noticed was my old armour set up on a stand with the helmet on a table next to it

I ran my fingers over the dragon on the chest plate before changing into a simple grey tunic with black pants

I refastened my sword belt to my waist but left my shield on the table with my helmet

I walked outside and noticed Peter walking off so I followed alongside him

We came to a stop on a hill looking over the camp and all the way to "Cair Paravel" I spoke

"The castle of the four thrones" Aslan spoke walking to stand between us "On one of which you will sit Peter, as High King"

Peter gave a skeptical look and Aslan spoke again "You doubt the Prophecy"

"No, that's just it" Peter started "I'm not who you all think I am"

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley" Aslan spoke "Beaver also mentioned you planned on turning him into a hat" Aslan chuckled lightly "Peter, There is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules over Narnia, It defines right from wrong and governs all our destinies, Yours and Mine"

"But I couldn't even protect my own family" Peter argued

"You've brought them safely this far" I spoke to him

"Not all of them" He said solemnly

"Peter" Aslan spoke "I will do all that I can to help your brother, But I need you to consider what I ask of you, I too want my family safe"

After that I left them to talk and walked back to camp quickly entering my tent

I was sat on a chair in my tent sharpening my sword when I heard susan's horn

I quickly stood up and left the tent noticing Oreius coming over to me with a black saddled horse following him

"Get on" He said when he got close to me

I climbed onto the horse and started following him

When we got to where the horn came from I saw Peter circling Morgrim and Aslan pinning another wolf onto the ground

Orieus charged in but was stopped by Aslan

"No this is Peters battle" Aslan spoke

"You may think your a king but your going to die" Morgrim jumped at Peter shouting "Like a Dog"

Aslan let the other wolf go and I quickly followed it as I was accompanied by Orieus, A satyr, Two fauns and a Cheetah

It was nearing nightfall when we made it to the witches camp and attacked

I killed a minotaur and two dwarves while Orieus and the Satyr freed Edmund and pinned another Dwarf to the tree

I helped Edmund onto the back of my horse before we set off back to Aslans camp

When we arrived I took Edmund to Aslan

"Here he is Your Highness" I said before heading back to my own tent and going to sleep

When I awoke the next morning I heard Lucy shout "Edmund" outside my tent

I left the tent and saw Lucy Susan and Peter stood outside with Edmund next to them

Lucy was hugging Edmund and then Susan hugged him while asking "Are you alright?"

"I'm a little tired" Edmund answered

"Get some sleep" Peter told him "And Edmund, Try not to wonder off" After that they shared a smile

It was a couple hours later Lucy Susan and Edmund sat around a table eating while me and Peter were talking while leaning against the cliff side

"I can get Orieus to get some centaurs to take them back" I said to Peter quietly so they wouldn't hear "That way they can get there and back within a few days"

"Narnia's not gonna run out of toast Ed" Lucy said to him

"I'm sure they'll pack some for the way back" Peter said to them

"We're going home?" Susan asked

"You are" Peter told them as he went to sit at the table "I promised mum i'd keep you three safe"

"That doesn't mean Peter and I can't stay behind and help" I said to them

"But they need us" Lucy spoke "All four of us"

"Lucy it's too dangerous" Peter spoke "You almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed"

"Which is why we have to stay" Edmund said "Ive seen what the white witch can do, And i've helped her do it, And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it"

After that Susan stood up and walked over to her bow

"Where are you going?" I asked her

"To get in some practice" She said and started walking off

I decided to follow her and I noticed Lucy following me

When we got to the training ground I watched as Susan consistently hit the black ring

I had picked up a bow from the rack and I kept hitting the red inner circle even splitting an arrow once

She was on her third round of arrows when Peter and Edmund came from behind us sparring on horse back

Beaver came up and shouted causing Edmunds horse to rear up

"Woah horsey" He spoke

"My name is philip" It spoke back getting a sorry from Edmund

"The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan, She's on her way here" Beaver spoke

We walked back to camp and while the Pevensies stood to the side with the army I was stood by Aslans side

"Jadis, Jadis" The dwarf Orieus had pinned to the tree spoke "The true Queen of Narnia"

The Cyclops holding the witches chair high set her down

"You have a traitor in your midst Aslan" The Queen spoke

"His offence was not against you" Aslan spoke

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built" The witch spoke

"Do not site the deep magic to me witch" Aslan said angrily "I was there when it was written"

"Then you will remember well, Every traitor belongs to me" The witch said "His blood belongs to me"

"Try and take him then" Peter spoke drawing his sword

"Do you really think mere force will deny me my right" The witch started "Little King" She mocked

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood like the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water" She turned to Edmund pointing at him "That boy will die on the stone table, as is tradition"

She turned back to Aslan "You dare not refuse me"

"Enough, I shall talk with you alone" Aslan said before turning and walking past me into his tent followed by the Witch

I stood guard outside the tent standing outside at the door waiting, It was an hour later when they finally exited and I stood to the side

The Witch walked past me and Aslan spoke "She has renounced her claim on the blood of Adams son"

"How do I know your promise will be kept" The Witch asked

Aslan let out a mighty roar and the Witch sat down

While everyone was celebrating I turned to Aslan

"What did you have to do" I asked quietly

He walked into his tent and I followed

"I must die on the table in his place" He spoke softly

I slowly nodded processing the information

"Peter will need you" Aslan spoke "It is he that will have to lead this army, Give him good counsel" Aslan said

I left the tent and walked back to my own processing

I stayed there alone for the rest of the day making sure my sword and armour were ready for the upcoming fight

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