Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny

By miraclequeen45

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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... More



183 10 1
By miraclequeen45

Night time in the Destiny's bounty, bai he sleeps peacefully in her bed before a giggling Lloyd garmadon excitedly tried to wake her up.

"Jing. Psst. Bai he!".

She doesn't wake up, so Lloyd climbs into the bed and tries shaking her awake.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up".

The little girl groaned with her eyes still closed. "Lloyd, go back to sleep".

The blond boy sighed and lies on top of her on his back. "I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play".

"Go play by yourself". Bai he shoved him off her bed and he lands on his butt, to which he pouted.

But Lloyd wasn't giving up and got an idea before hoping back on the bed and used a finger to lift one of her eyelids.

"Do you want to build a snowman?".

Immediately when he lets go, bai he smiled and opened her eyes. Lloyd cheered in delight and quickly grabs her hand to lead her out of the room, while repeating the same word over again, "Come on, come on, come on", while she tries to shush him.

The kids giggled as they finally made it to the deck and closed the door behind them. They laughed with Lloyd chanting. "Do the magic! Do the magic!".

Giggling, jing started waving her hands together and suddenly snowflakes appeared forming a snowball as Lloyd watches in awe and childish wonder.

"You ready?".


Bai he throws the snowball into the air and it burst out creating flakes around the deck.

"This is amazing!". Lloyd exclaimed, laughing as he runs around in excitement before bai he got his attention.

"Hey, watch this!". She stomps her foot and suddenly a layer of ice coats the floor, making Lloyd slided off laughing.

The snow coated the whole deck as the kids were now making a snowman. Once they were done, jing uses her magic to help Lloyd and the snowman slide across the floor as if they were dancing. Next they slide down snow hills together with jing in front and Lloyd in the back.

"Ah-huh! Tickle bumps!".

They jumped off the snow peaks and crashed in a pile of soft snow, until Lloyd then gets a crazy idea.

"Alright. Catch me!".

"Alight, but hand on!". Bai he make a snow peak to catch Lloyd as he hope on it. "Gotcha!".


They contined to do this until it starts to become a problem for jing.


Lloyd keeps jumping and bai he quickly tries to make peaks to catch him.

"Slow down!". Suddenly, she slips on the ice floor but quickly sits up to see lloyd about to jump again. "Garmadon!".

She quickly uses her power to catch Lloyd as he jumps, but it accidentally strikes him on the face and he falls rolling down on unconscious. Jing gasp before rushing towards him and took him in her arms.


A streak of his hair where he was struck turns white just like jing's, to which she cries out in anguish.

"Cole! Sensei! Nya! Anyone!'.

As the little girl cries, the deck fills up with more ice, this time covering the whole ship flying through the night sky in ice.

"You're okay, Lloyd. I got you".

"Bai he, what have you done?".

She looks up and gasp with teary eyes to see Lord garmadon standing there with a disbelief look.

"It . . . It was an accident". She said, before looking down at the unconscious boy in her arms. "I'm sorry, Lloyd"

Lord garmadon got on his knees and gently takes his son into his four arms. "He's ice cold"

Bai he then watches in horror as ice began to envelope Lloyd's body. "Wha-Lloyd! Lord garmadon!".

The dark Lord looks at her with a sorrowful face as the ice enveloped his being as well.

"Why, bai he? Why?". Were his last words before they were completely frozen in ice, much to jing's shock

"No!". She got to her feet and tries reaching out her hand to them, only to have the clod wind blow them away into tiny snowflakes. "Garmadon!".

"Your power will only grow". Bai gasp and turned around to find sensei wu approaching with his staff and the other hand behind his back. "There is beauty in it".

Using his smoke visions, he shows a silhouette of a grown up bai he creating magical snowflakes.

"But also great danger".

One of the snowflakes turned red and into icey spikes.

"You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy".

The spikes turn into human form, the ninja then attack adult bai he, frightening the girl before the silhouette dissappers into snowflakes, along with sensei wu, his last words being. "Control it".

"Sensei!". Jing gasp once again to see his snowflakes flying away .


She then turned around to see the ninja and nya, all of them looking at her with sorrowful looks. Her eyes widened in shock at all of them frozen solid in a spot with Cole being the last as he met her gaze.

"How could you?".


Bai he gasp and she shot up from bed, cold sweat running down her body. She panted, looking around to find everyone still sleeping inside their small apartment. She grasps tightly unto her blanket as she tried taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.

"It was just a dream, bai he". She whispered calming words to herself. " You've been having them for a while and they're not gonna come true. Lady bone demon's already left you, so calm down".

She inhaled the air, counting one to five in her head before exhaling, relaxing her hands from her bed sheets.

"Everything's gonna, be alright". Bai he sighed, unaware that her eyes flashed blue before she sudden felt something and looked down.

Her hands were under her blanket now. Curious and hoping what she's thinking wasn't coming true, she slowly lifted her blanket and sighed in relife when she saw nothing. But that was until she looked inside the her blanket. Her brown eyes widened in shock as she felt her heart began race and her breathing becoming unstable.


Bai he quickly covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from screaming before looking around at the others who are thankfully still asleep, except for sensei at who was in a meditating pose, but still asleep.

She then looked back at her blanket. Ice! She had his damn ice powers. She quickly took whatever breathes she could to calm down, which eventually worked before she looked at her hands with only one thought in her mind.

No one must know about this.


Ever since that night jing had no choice but to keep her distant from from everyone, which was strange to them. She even installed a small curtain in her below bunk bed so one one sees her. As for training, she still train with the ninja but was barely herself. The ninja noticed her sudden change and weren't liking it and got concern.

Today was no different for the little girl, but thanks to sensei wu, there she was doing hand stance on Lloyd's feet, the latter balancing on one finger. Zane was on top of jing on one feet while holding Kai and Jay in his arms, and Cole was standing on his head with sensei wu on his shoulders.

Today's training is about balance and support, which the kids had to do.

"Focus". Wu said, pouring himself a cup of tea from his place on the ninja piramind. "In order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders, you two must first learn to trust each other and bear the weight of all of us".

He sips on his cup of tea while everyone looked nervous.


"Um, sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea". Jay exclaimed, he and the others clearly worried for the kids as Cole looked up at the old man on his shoulders. "Yeah, sensei, they're just kids".

Sensei wu ignores their concern while pouring himself another cup of tea. " In order for them to succeed, we must all trust one an other".

Bai he starts straining at the weight before her eyes flashed and some machinery was heard from the outside. She gasp before a wrecking ball slams into the wall, making everyone lose their concentration as they fell down on the ground that now had broken pieces of glass and rubble that was once a wall of the dojo. They groaned while getting up with Lloyd trying to help jing but she quickly stood up on her own.

"What was that?". Cole questioned, before they see construction workers who unexpectedly noticed them.

Suddenly, Dareth came in to stop them while panting. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!".

"Tomorrow?". The foremen questioned, scratching his head in concussion before holding his hand out to the builder. "Let me see that order".

The builder handed him a order slip and he looks at it.

"Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry 'bout that. We'll be back in the morning".

With that, they both left as Dareth groans sadly and pick up one of his trophies that was bent.

"Uh, Dareth, what is this all about?". Cole asked, as the brown ninja turned to them sadly.

"Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named Darnagom Enterprises is buying the entire block to put on some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone".

"But, we already lost the bounty. We can't lose the dojo now". Jay exclaimed.

"My trophies. Oh, my fake trophies!". Dareth sobs while hugging his fake trophies, making bai he roll her eyes.

Normally she would be giggling but she didn't feel like it.

Zane looks at the bill board of the company that wants to buy the building and realized something. "Wait a minute. Darnagom, when you rearrange the letters, it spells-"

"O grandma?" Jay shrugged unsurely.

"It spells garmadon". Jing muttered in shock, the first thing she's said all day as Jay realizes his mistake and laughed nervously.

"Right. That would make more sense".

"Um, my dad is behind this?". Lloyd frowned sadly, making jing frown as well. She really wanted to comfort him, but just couldn't.

"If he destroys the dojo, where will we train Lloyd and jing?". Cole questioned, as Dareth looks at sensei wu.

"Any chance you got 50,000 in that teapot of yours".

"Worry not, Dareth. You're not in this alone. We're all with you". He reassured, before everyone noticed nya walking into the room.

"Did someone say 50,000-".

Jay cut her off by gasping in surprise. "You didn't happen to win the lottery?".

The samurai shook her head. "No, but I heard about ninjaball run!".

"NINJABALL RUN?". Everyone churosed

"What is that?". Bai he asked, letting her curiosity get the best of her silence.

"It's the biggest road race in Ninjago, with a prize of 100,000 big ones. And it's later today".

"I thank you, bigger little lady fighter, but you're talking about the most dangerous race known to man. Only the most serious of racers even stand a chance". Dareth explained, losing hope.

"But didn't you just do a few upgrades on our ultra sonic raider?". Kai asked his younger sister who nodded in confirmation. "Maybe we might stand a chance"

"And I can enter with my dragon. You did say I needed the practice". Lloyd exclaimed, as Kai nodded.

"So it is agreed. You will all enter this Ninjaball run to save the dojo". Sensei at exclaimed, before nya noticed Dareth sobbing.

"Are you still crying?"

"Yes. But these are happy tears".

"This is great. That means we can be partners, jing". Lloyd said to said girl, really hoping to spend some time with her.

Bai he frowned. "Actually, garmadon. Maybe it'll be better if you fly solo on this one 'cause I'm not entering the race".

"What?". Dareth exclaimed, before he suddenly popped up in front of her with a pleading look. "But my trophies!"

Jay pulled the brown ninja back so the little girl could have some personal space.

"Why do you not want to enter the race with us, bai he?". Zane asked, looking down at the purple ninja who began rubbing her arm.

"Well, actually, it's not that I don't want to help save the dojo, believe me I do, but I just have a lot on my plate right now. But don't worry, I'll be cheering for you guys all the way".

"So you want to seat in the bleachers with us?". Nya asked.

"No! I mean, uh, I just think I'm gonna be on my own and go for a walk". Bai he grinned nervously while jabbing her thumb at the opened wall. "If that's okay?".

Sensei wu and Cole shared concern looks before looking back at the little girl.

"It is alright".

"Just be careful, okay?".

The little girl nodded with a small smile before exiting the dojo through the hole in the wall.

"Okay, is it just me or is there something wrong with that girl". Kai exclaimed, the first one discussing the matter.

"Yeah. She's been acting strange all week". Jay agreed, as Lloyd frowned

"Do you think it has something to do with me?". Nya part as his back, smiling reassuringly. "Of course not, Lloyd. If anything, I think she enjoys your company more than ours".

"She appears to be going through something and might be having a hard time to interact with any of us". Zane said, sharing a look with sensei wu.

"You might be right, Zane. And perhaps all we can do is give her time and hope that she one day can open up to us".

Lloyd contined to frown at the direction his friend ran off to. Ever since they came back from darkley he thought that things would be different between them. Well they were but not in the way he wanted. He knew something was really disturbing her more than they were before and he esspecially wasn't liking the way how she was keeping it all to herself. He just feels like he should at least be there for her.


Now a few blocks away, jing sighed in relife to be away from the ninja. Honestly, she didn't like keeping away from them, esspecially Lloyd. His sad face always would always get to her, but she has to stay strong. For his fake. She just doesn't want to hurt anyone with her ice powers. It was a miracle and randow how they didn't show up when doing the ninja piramind.

Jing sighed once again before looking around the city which was mostly empty due to everyone being at the big race. She then heard some animal noses and turned the corner to see a pet shop. As the animal noises got louder, so did her curiosity as she made her way towards the pet shop and read the sign out loud.

"Littlest pet shop".

She then looks through the see-through mirror and saw some pets playing around, which she smiled and found adorable.


"Welcome". Bai he jumped a little at the sudden voice and looked at the shop entrance to see a lady smiling down at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you".

She appears to be an elder but with surprisingly youthful features. With the smile she was giving her, jing could tell that she was friendly.

"Oh, no. It's alright". The nine year old reassured.

"Well, I was just reading when I noticed you were looking through my window". The woman crouched down to her level, still keeping her smile.

"O-oh! Sorry about that. I was just passing by when I came across this place".

"Well, aren't you going to the big race?".

"Not really".

"I see. Why don't you come in. You looked interested in the pets". The elder woman exclaimed, getting to her feet and leading bai he inside her pet shop.

"You sell pets?". The little girl asked her.

"Oh heaven's no! This is littlest pet shop where we don't sell pets but cater to them".

"Fascinating". Bai he commented, looking around the place.

"Mrs Twombly?". Bai he turned to see a pre-teen girl approaching the store owner.

"I'm back from my lunchbreak and also got you those pizza bagels you like". She said, holding out a brown paper bag containing the snacks.

Jing saw the woman know as Mrs Twombly's eyes lit up with delight. "Oh good!". She yanked the bag from the girl, grinning at it before realizing what she just did and cleared her throat. "Blythe, I would like you to meet, um . . . I'm sorry, sweetie, I never did get your name". She said to bai he.

"Oh, right. My name is bai he brimstone".

"Blythe, jing isn't going to the race and I have some important work to attend to, so why don't you show our guest around while I'm gone, hmm".


Mrs Twombly nodded her head before exiting the store, leaving the two girls. Blythe looked at the little girl with a kind smile.


"Uh, hey". Jing grinned sheepishly, not really knowing what to say before the sound of the pets caught her attention, which blythe noticed.

"You wanna check out the pets?". She asked, jabbing her thumb at the door leading to the next room the animals were in.

Jing shyly nodded. "Yes, please".

Blythe chuckled. "This way, then". Bai he followed her into the next room and gasp when she saw all the adorable animals. A dog, a monkey, a panda, a lizard, a hedgehog, a skunk and a mongoose. Bai he was surprised someone would have some of them as pets.

"Aww. They're so cute!". She cooed, before blythe looked down at her.

"Right? You wanna pet 'em?".

Bai he met her gaze. "Yes!". Blythe giggled before walking foward with jing by her sighed. The pre-teen got down on her knees to pet the animals as they rushed towards her, which made bai he giggle.

"Go ahead. Pet 'em".

Hesitant, bai he got on her knees and reached out her hand to pet the dog who saw this and growled, immediately making jing draw her hand back, to which blythe gave the dog a scolding look.

"Zoe, be nice. Sorry, she's not usually like this. Just be gently and let her come to you".

Bai he nodded and slowly reached out her hand again. She wanted to redraw it back when zoe growls once again but blythe placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry. She won't hurt you. Trust me".

Bai he instanly remembered her sensei's word about trust before sighing, patiently waiting for the dog who lowered her growling and looked at her hand in wonder. The dog slowly leaned forward and licked her hand, causing the little girl to giggle, before zoe nuzzle her head against her hand and barked happily. Not to soon did some of other pets gathered around jing as well.

"See? They like you". Blythe smiled, seeing her happy little girl was. "Wow. You're really good with pets. Do you have one?".

"Kind of. But I wouldn't really call him or them a pet, considering he's a dragon". Bai he shrugged, her gaze on the small animals the whole time as she ignored blythe surprised looked.

"A dragon? Well that can't be possible unless you're a ninja. Wait! Are you a ninja?".

Bai he looked at her, still petting the pets. "Hmm-mmm". She returned her gaze back to the pets.

"Wow! That's so cool".


"But wait, I though they were all at the race trying to win the prize money so they can save grand sensei Dareth's mojo dojo".

" They are-wait a minute. How do you know that?". Jing looked at blythe with a raised brow as the pre-teen smirked.

"News spread fast like wildfire around these parts. But seriously though. Shouldn't you be with them?".

Bai he frowned and looked away from her. "I-".


The sudden cat noise cut her off, much to her surprise.

"What was that?". Bai he got to her feet, carefully passing the pets to make sure he doesn't hurt them as the cat noise got closer. She looked around before coming a box.

Curious, jing opened the box and was surprised to see the world's most adorable ginger kitty with a Gem in his forehead.

"Aww. Whose this little ginger?". Bai he questioned, her eyes turned into stars at the sight of the kitty.

"Actually we don't know". Blythe replied, as she walked over and stood next to the little girl to see the cat. "He appeared on our door step a few days ago with no collar or name tag. So we've kept him here ever since in hopes that his owner might see him and take him back home. But the poor thing, he always stays by himself and barely interacts with the other pets".

"That's so sad". Bai he frowned at the news while also remembering how she's been distant with the others. She then tried reaching out her hand to pet him.

"Careful now, he doesn't like people touching him". Blythe warned, recalling the first time she tried carrying the cat. but the little girl ignored her warning as the cat's stromy blue eyes met her brown ones that flashed purple, feeling the urge to pet it and she did, earning a purr from the cat in response as it nuzzled his head against her hand.

Out of nowhere, the ginger cat then jumped out of the box and into bai he's lap after making her fall on her butt.

"Wow! He's never done that before". The employee said in surprise. "He must really feel like he can trust you".

"Strangely. I feel the same way too". Bai he said, smiling at the cat she was petting. But she was also surprised with the fact that she didn't create an ice/snow. "Such a sweet kitty".

"You feel better petting him, don't you".

Jing nodded. "Yeah".

"Then you mind telling why you're so depressed?".

"Huh?". Jing looked at the older girl with a mixture of surprise and confusion. Blythe smiled at her.

"Pets are known to be really good listeners when you don't want to talk to people. They're your emotional support animals. And I could tell that since you got here you've had something on your mind you feel you can't say to people. So I'm gonna leave you two alone, okay?". With that, blythe got up and left to go attend to the other pets as jing just sat there stunned.

"Wow! She's good". She chuckled when the cat meowd in agreement before looking down at him. "So you're a good listener huh? Well, here goes nothing. I'm scared. Scared of everything. One minute you're an ordinary girl with daddy issues, the next you're possed by a demon, now you're suppose to be some legendary hero everyone expects you to be. It's too much pressure! But what scares me the most are my dreams coming to pass, and at the same time it's not. And because of that, I'm even distancing myself from my friends and it's killing me. I just don't know what to do. A part of me says that i should tell them because they might be able to help me, but another part doesn't want me to because they won't understand. But seeing their sad faces saying i don't trust them hurts me more than what I already feeling. I just wish I know why this is happening to me, why destiny is doing this to me, or even who I am anymore".

Bai he looked down at the cat in her arms who was looking back at her with a plain look and meows. The purple ninja sighed and chuckled at this.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? At least you don't have to worry about destiny. You have nine lifes".

She smiled and carried the ginger furred cat in front of her.

"But you're a really good listener though, even if it would be nice to hear some reassuring words. Huh?".

The cat's stromy blue eyes found their way to something hidding inside her gi in her chest and meows again, making her look down at what he was looking at. Bai he placed the cat back down on her lap before pulling out a chain connected to her mom's necklace from inside her gi. The cat began playing with it with his paw, making her chuckle.

"You're proberbly wondering what this is. It's just something that use to belong to my mom. My dad says that whenever she was in a pickle and the sun was out, she would look at it as if it was the moon, because it felt like it would always tell her to listen to . . . her heart".

Bai he's brown orbs glanced at her necklace one last time before she looked back at the cat blue eyes that had flashed as he looked at her. A smiled made it's way to her lips.

"Only a idiot would get rid of a cat like you. I wish I was your owner".

Bai he hugged the cat who happily purrs gently while it nuzzled against her. Behind them, Blythe smiled at the sight as she feeds the animals.

"What a cute pair, don't you think?". Mrs Twombly exclaimed, leaning against the entrance as she also smiled at the nine year old girl and the cat.

"Only destiny will tell what the future holds for them". Blyth replied, her eyes never leaving the hugging cuties.


After the ninja ball race, which the ninja won of course, they were also able to get the Destiny's bounty back from Lord garmadon. Bai he was a little disappointed to have missed it all, but at least they got their home back. By the way, her time at littlest pet shop really helped her out, and now she wishes she had a pet 'cause that cat really did help her feel better. Now all that's left to do is just to talk to the ninja.

Actually she wasn't sure yet, but maybe she'll just start with one of them, and she knows exactly who. So there she was, walking down the hall until she reached a door and knocked on it. Seconds later she heard footsteps before the door was opened to reveal nya.

"Jing? What are you doing here?". She asked, a little surprised to see the little girl who gave her nervous grin.

"H-hey, Nya. Um, is is okay if we talk inside?". She exclaimed, while twiddling her fingers nervously.

"Um, sure". The samurai opened the door a little more and step aside for the purple ninja to get in before closing the door. "So, what did you wanna talk about, 'cause honestly I thought you wouldn't want to talk to anyone for a while".

"That's what I wanted to talk about. Nya, have you ever heard of the lady bone demon?".

The older girl was taken aback by that question. " . . . Yeah, I have".

"And you've heard about her powers?".

"Ice and snow, although some belief it's bone. Why?".

"Believe me, it's snow!".

"Okay . . .? But why are you asking me all this?".

"Well . . ." Jing closed her eyes and took a deep breath before sighing and brought her hand in front of her.

Tears began to form in her eyes as she created magical snowflakes, to which nya gasp quietly at this with her mouth falling open.

"Jing, you're . . .".

"When I was in megapolis, I was volunteering at a local animal shelter. A cat ran away so I went to go get him. I looked everywhere before I finally found him in an allyway and tried to get him back. But before I knew it . . . I was possessed".

A tear ran down bai he's face as she clutched her fist, making the snow vanish.

"It took a while before I was finally free and she was destroyed, but I've been having disturbing dreams. At first i just thought they were dreams until they started coming true".

"Just like the purple ninja". Nya mutters in shock. "But then . . Why didn't you tell us?".

"I didn't think it was important considering it was in the past. But it looks like the ghost of my past has come to hunt me". Jing chuckled, before sighing with her head hanged and her faced shadowed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't want to hurt anybody".

She sniffed before feeling a hand wiping her tears away and looked at nya who had knelt down to her level and was giving a small reassuring smile.

"I'm guessing it's also the reason why you've be distancing yourself from others, and that white streak in your hair". She said, noticing the newly added piece of colour in her air. The little girl sniffed and gave a small nod in response. "Bai he, you don't need to be scard. Honestly, after seeing this, it's the least most surprising thing I've seen all day. Not just you, but we're all going through unexpected changes in our lives. Your new demon powers changes nothing about how I see you, jing. You're still my sweet little sister, always and forever. And I think your white streak looks beautiful".

Bai he couldn't help but smile at her words. "Thank you, nya. I'm really glad I told you".

"Me too".

"But the thought of telling the others-".

"It'll be alright. We can wait. This is something you have to do on your own, and when the time is right, you'll know when". Nya reassured before spreading her arms out. "Now how about a hug for comfort?".

"I wish I could but . . ." Bai he gestured to her hands.

"No worries. I think I have just the thing". Nya got up and walked towards her drawer to look for something. Once she found it she came back and resumed her formal position, then revealed a pair of gloves. "May I?".

Bai he nodded, holding out her hands and the samurai put the gloves on them. Nya then took her gloved hands into hers.

"The gloves will help, see? Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show until you're ready".

Bai he sighed. "Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show until I'm ready".

"That's right. Now how about that hug?".

Bai he smiled and giggled before hugging the Smith girl. "Thank you".

"You're welcome".

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