Just let me love you.. again...

By reemsie

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Reem and Izhaan Ayesha and Athar Two beautiful love stories.. IMPORTANT NOTE- This book has Muslim characte... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71

chapter 62

425 23 27
By reemsie

Izhaan's pov

After dropping the bomb on us, the doctor left, I felt so suffocated, I couldn't stay there any longer, so I went away from there. I could hear everyone calling me, but I didn't stop.

Reem.. critical.. baby.. in danger..

I dropped on the bench.

Four hours...

How will I live if something happens to them! I buried my face in my palm and broke into tears. The pain was unbearable.

"Izhaan" Athar sat next to me. I looked at him, "be strong buddy" he said, his own voice was cracking. I hugged him

"I did this to her" I cried, "she saw me with Maizah at the cafe, she walked up on me, and I refused to recognise her" I pulled back and wiped my tears.

"I was so rude to her, I held Maizah's hand in front of her, she had so many complains in her eyes, but I ignored it, she was crying, her eyes were begging me to say that she is my wife, but I was so ruthless to her, I held Maizah and walked out. She kept staring at the door in disbelief, but I didn't go back to her." Tears appeared in my eyes again

"She is in this condition because of me, I put her and my baby in danger" I wanted to shoot myself, I gripped my hair so hard

"I told her on her face that I don't know her" I wanted to hurt myself

"Yaar" Athar held my hands.

"How will I live if something happens to them?" I asked

"Nothing will happen to them beta, be strong" dadi came, Athar immediately got up and she sat on his spot

"Dadi" I put my head on her shoulder and weeped. "Please don't let anything happen to my Reem, I can't live without her, I will die"

"Don't say that" she put her arm over me. Maa sat on my other side.

"Ya Allah! Mere bachche pe rahem kar, aise mat aazma use (ya Allah please have mercy on my son, don't test him like this)" maa cried

"Amma! What will we tell Abba ji? He will be furious at us that we couldn't take care of Reem in his absence" maa said missing dada ji.

"Beta stay quiet for now. Let's just pray for Reem" dadi told maa.

"Let's sit outside her room" dadi said and got up, she held my hand. She took me outside Reem's room, dad was also there, I wanted to talk to him, but I had no courage, I was the reason behind his daughter's condition

Three hours passed, but still no improvement in Reem's health. Every passing second seemed like lifting mountains. I was continuously praying for Reem's and my baby's health.

Allah punish me, but please save my wife and my child.

"Doctor! Come quickly" a nurse came running from Reem's room. We all panicked.

"What is the matter sister?" Dad asked

"We will let you know, just give us a moment" she replied and went back inside, the doctor came and he also went in the room

The wait felt like I was walking barefoot on the burning coal.

"Izhaan go inside and find out what is happening?" Maa panicked

Just then the door opened and the doctor came out, I walked to him, before I could even ask him anything, he spoke

"Your wife is out of danger" he said and I released a breath which I have been holding for so long.

"And the baby" maa asked, the doctor smiled

"Baby is also fine"

"All thanks to Allah" dadi said

"Indeed" I mumbled.

"Can I see her?" I asked

"No one can meet her right now. We have given her medicine, so that she sleeps well, it will help her in the recovery. The danger is gone now, you all should leave now and can return in the morning" the doctor said

"We can't leave her alone" maa said

"I respect your emotions, but not all of you can stay in the hospital, just one or two of you" he said and left.

"Doctor is right dadi, all of you should leave now, I'll stay with Reem" I said

"You should be the first one to leave from here" Ayesha taunted at me, I looked at her in surprise.

What's the matter with her?

"Ayesha is right, Izhaan. Go home and freshen up, you can come back later. You have taken a lot of stress today" Athar said

"I'm not leaving Reem alone" I said and I swear I heard Ayesha scoffing, but nobody else seemed to notice it.

"Ok! As you want buddy" he patted my shoulder.

"Ayesha, go home with everyone" Athar said to Ayesha

"You are kidding, right? You think I will leave Reem?" She raised her eyebrows, he sighed.

Athar, me and Ayesha stayed at the hospital while everyone else left, dad was adamant to stay, but I told him to come in the morning so that he will be able to meet Reem.

She was under observation, so she was kept in a special room, nobody was allowed to go in there. The three of us had to be in the waiting room.

"You guys want to have food?" Athar asked

"No" Ayesha and I said in unison. He shook his head and let out a small smile.

After a while Ayesha and Athar fell asleep on their chairs, I got up from my chair and went towards Reem's room. I asked the nurse about her health, and she told me that Reem is recovering well. I gave my number and told that if God forbid there's an emergency, she would call me first.

I came out of the hospital and went to the nearest mosque, I offered my Salah then for a long time I prayed to Allah, I had to thank him for saving my family.

I wish Reem would understand my situation and forgive me, I went into prostration and begged Allah for Reem's forgiveness.

Tears pooled in my eyes when I recalled the moment when the doctor said she was critical, I died a thousand deaths at that moment.

I stayed in the mosque for a very long time, then I returned to the hospital. At first I went to check on Reem, and was told that she is doing fine. Then I went to the waiting room. Ayesha and Athar were still in the same posture.

I don't know why but I felt Ayesha's behaviour was rude towards me.

Maybe she is just too worried about Reem.

I closed my eyes and rested the back of my head against a wall, I was just about to fall asleep, when I felt someone shaking my arm, my eyes snapped open. A nurse was there. I got worried instantly

"Is Reem ok?" I sat straight, she smiled

"Yes! She is fine now, she is awake, you can meet her if you want" she gave me the good news and I immediately got up.

"Thank you sister" I said and literally ran to her room, but she wasn't there, I was told that she has been shifted to the ward. I headed there.

I stopped outside the room, to take a deep breath. I opened the door, Reem was lying down on the bed, the bed was inclined for her. She looked at me.

I marched towards her and sat on the chair, I took her hand in mine and put my forehead on it. I felt the corner of my eyes moistened.

This girl has turned me into a cry baby, I don't even remember when was the last time I cried, but since last night all I have done is crying.

"Alhamdulillah you are ok" I kissed the back of her hand. "I love you so much Jaan, you literally took my breath away, I thought I was gonna die" I raised my head to look at her. Her blank eyes horrified me.

"Jaan trust me, it was not how it looked like. I am sorry for all the mean things I said to you, I know I hurt you, but I was hurting too. How can I not know you, you are the love of my life, the mother of my child. You are the reason behind my happiness." I was speaking from the bottom of my heart but no emotion appeared in her eyes.

"I will tell you everything, from the beginning till the end, I just want you to trust me" I said, she turned away her gaze and pulled out her hand from mine.

"Jaan, don't do this to me, please listen to me" I begged, but she didn't even look at me.

"Reem" Ayesha's scream echoed in the room. "Oh my God, you are awake" Ayesha hugged her gently, my heart broke into pieces when Reem gave her a smile, her affection towards Ayesha pierced my heart.

"I can't tell you how relieved I am to see you awake, you almost killed me, you stupid" Ayesha hit Reem's arm lightly, Reem smiled softly

"I'm sorry" Reem's voice sounded parched, she began coughing, I immediately picked up the water bottle and put towards her.

Ayesha snatched it from my hand and unscrewed it, she put it to Reem's mouth and she drank it, I frowned at Ayesha

What's the matter with her?

"Hey! How are you feeling now?" Athar asked Reem.

"A lot better" Reem said.

"Good to know. I pray for your speedy recovery, you know I have never seen Izhaan crying so much in my life. He really loves you Reem" he said, she looked down.

"Kisi ko rula k roye to kya khak roye (what is the point in crying after making someone cry)" Ayesha mumbled under her breath, but I heard her clearly, I wanted to ask her what her issue is, but just at the moment nurse came.

"Good morning Mrs Reem" she smiled at her, she asked about her health and then took out her medicine.

"Did you have breakfast as yet?" The nurse asked, Reem shook her head, just on cue, a ward boy came with her food.

"She has to eat it first then she has to take medicine" the nurse said looking at me, I nodded, "Only one person can stay with her, rest of you will have to leave" she said and left.

"I'll stay with her" I said quickly.

"No! You are not going to be with her. It's better you leave, I will stay" Ayesha said rudely, before I could reply Athar spoke.

"She is right buddy, we will bring the breakfast in the meantime" Athar held my hand and brought me outside.


Athar's POV

Some loud noise disturbed my slumber, I opened my eyes and looked around, it took me a few seconds to register where I was.

It's a hospital.

All the incidents happened yesterday flashed in my head. Thank god Reem and junior are fine.

Where is buddy? I turned to look where he was sitting last night, but the chair was empty, he must have gone to see Reem.

I don't know how Reem will react when she wakes up. What she saw was too traumatizing. I wish Izhaan told her everything sooner

I looked at Ayesha, she was sleeping next to me, her head was awkwardly hanging on one side. She was so worried about Reem, that she even refused to go home to change her clothes, she got wet in the rain yesterday.

I held her head to carefully put it on my shoulder, but the moment I touched her she woke up with a jerk

"Hey! Relax" I held her, she put her hand on her chest and breathed in and out.

"You ok?" I asked, she nodded.

"How's Reem?" She asked

"I'm sure she is fine"

"We should go to see her" she got up, but sat back immediately, a whimper left her mouth.

"What happened?" I asked getting worried

"My whole body is aching" she replied

"Of course it will my love. You got wet in the rain, then you slept so uncomfortably. You took so much stress. Come, I will take you to a doctor"

"I need to see Reem" she said stubbornly

"Ayesha! You need to take care of yourself"

"Athar please" she pleaded, I sighed

"Ok. Let's go" I got up then helped her in getting up.

Together we went to Reem's room, but was surprised to find out that she wasn't there anymore.

"I hope she is ok" Ayesha said, while walking to her ward.

"Didn't you hear the nurse, Reem is a lot better than last night, and don't worry Izhaan is there with her"

"He should not be with her" she said, I rolled my eyes. Just because she wants to be with Reem, she doesn't even want her husband to be there with her.

We reached the room, and Ayesha just barged in, I wanted to stop her, but couldn't.

She hugged Reem and cried. My heart ached looking at Izhaan.

The nurse said only one of us can stay with Reem, I knew Ayesha wanted to be with her, and I wanted to talk with Izhaan, so ignoring all of his protests I brought him to the cafeteria, he was sulking, and I let him be for a while, I made him sit on the chair and went to get food.

"Stay here I'll be back" I told him and headed to Reem's room.

I knocked on the door, Ayesha came to answer quickly.

"I got you breakfast" I said handing her a sandwich and a coffee.

"I'm not in the mood Athar" she shook her head. I glared at her

"You have not eaten anything since last night, and I didn't say anything to you. now either you have it or I'm going to tell Reem that you are not eating anything" I threatened

"Are you crazy? She is already stressed enough" she rolled her eyes

"Then you eat" I emphasized

"Fine" she finally nodded, I patted her cheek lovingly

"Good girl. I'm going now" I said, she nodded, I turned to leave.

I returned to the cafeteria and sat next to Izhaan, food and coffee were served to us.

"What happened?" I asked

"Reem is so upset with me, she did not even look at me, I couldn't see any emotion in her eyes for me. She hates me" he sighed

"It's not true. She has been a lot since yesterday, give her some time, she'll be ok. And we all know she madly loves you, she can never hate you." I put my hand on his

"By the way, did you notice Ayesha is so rude towards me! What happened to her?" He said and I frowned at him

"She isn't rude with you"

"She is"

Why didn't I notice anything like that?

"Buddy you are just tensed, that is why you are just seeing things, she is fine with you" I tried to clear the misunderstanding

"You know how good I am in studying people, I am telling you, there is something wrong"

"I know you are the best Mr lawyer, but here you are just being paranoid, there is nothing wrong. Ayesha is just worried about Reem."

"Everyone is worried about Reem, but Ayesha is acting weird" he huffed, I sighed.

"How did Reem talk with you?" I asked what I have been wanting to ask, pain appeared in his eyes

"She didn't talk to me at all. I can't blame her, yaar. The way I treated her, her anger is justified. I told her on her face that I don't know her, I called Maizah my wife"

"But Maizah is not your wife, it was just an act" I said, he smacked his lips

"How will I explain it to Reem?"

"Give her some time." I tried to console him, his phone rang, he took it out and answered

"Hi.. yes I'm at the hospital... Cafeteria.. ok" he hung up

"Who was it?" I asked

"Vivek, he is coming here" he said, I nodded. I pushed his untouched sandwich towards him, he shook his head

"Eat" I said firmly. He sighed and took a bite.

Who could have thought, things would turn so ugly! I hope Reem listens to Izhaan, otherwise I will have to call dada ji, nobody informed him about Reem as yet, since he is traveling.

"Good morning" a very fresh looking Vivek sat with us, both of us greeted him back, he asked about Reem's health, I replied to him.

"Adarsh took Maizah to the safehouse, shaurya sir is taking care of her safety for now" he informed Izhaan, who was blankly staring at the table

"Izhaan " I shook his hand

"Hmm" he looked at me

"Vivek is saying something" I tried taking his attention to Vivek

"Yeah?" Izhaan asked

"Are you alright?" Vivek asked, Izhaan nodded, "I messaged you the moment Reem asked me to take her to the cafe." Vivek said

"I did not see your message" Izhaan sighed defeatedly

"I wish I had known you were there, I would have never took her there" Vivek said

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked

"While I was on the way to your office, Reem suddenly wanted to go to a cafe, I tried convincing her to drop the idea, but as usual, she used her sharp tongue to shut me up, then I messaged izhaan to inform him that I was taking her to the cafe" Vivek said

"Since I was at the climax of the drama, I couldn't even see my phone and was comfortably sitting with Maizah, but got a shock of my life when I saw Reem standing on my head. I wish I didn't have to be so mean to her and just accepted that Reem is my only wife" Izhaan said

"You did a very good thing by not recognising her. You have no idea there was a whole trap against you in the cafe, and even outside the cafe. After I parked the car I was coming in the cafe, but I found a gunman in the parking lot only, so I got busy in handling him, while Reem went inside" Vivek said

"She was about to take my name, so I got even meaner to her, then stupid Maizah was going to call her by her name, so I thought best is to just leave, but I couldn't leave her alone, that is why I called Vivek to come to her right away" Izhaan said

"And when I came there was one of them who was mishandling Reem, but she was so lost that she couldn't understand anything. She went on the road while it was raining heavily, I called her multiple times but she didn't stop, she was so traumatized that she was not even acknowledging the traffic, I had no idea how to handle her luckily Ayesha came. After Reem fainted I made her call Izhaan, then after reaching the hospital I called Athar" Vivek explained

I was so hurt hearing about Reem's condition, I looked at Izhaan, he looked like he was trying hard to not cry. I put my hand on his shoulder

"Buddy! Are you ok?"

"Reem is too angry with me, I have no idea, how I'm going to convince her" Izhaan said

"Dude, I know it's not the correct time, but let me remind you tomorrow is the final hearing about Maizah's case" Vivek said

"I'm not mentally stable to handle it right now" Izhaan shook his head

"What the hell! You can't do this. We have spent months on this case, and now when things are about to end, you are saying this." Vivek got upset.

My phone rang, it was a call from maa, I answered it

"Assalamualaikum" I said

"Walekumassalam. Beta what is happening? Reem is not where we left her last night" she said

"Maa, she has been shifted to the ward, call Ayesha, she is with Reem, Izhaan and I are at the cafeteria"

"Ok" she said and hung up. And I returned to the ongoing topic.

"Vivek is absolutely correct Izhaan, you have to go for the hearing tomorrow and win the case" I encouraged Izhaan

"Buddy! Reem is here, how wil...." He was saying but I cut him off.

"You gotta stop worrying for Reem for a while, we all are here for her. And please don't forget, you have worked so hard on this case, you have sacrificed so much. Do you think I don't know how much you wanted to spend most of your time with Reem?" I tried to knock some sense in his mind

"Where the sacrifices have brought me! She is here because of me" he said hopelessly

"Please just get done with the case for once and for all. Think about Maizah, she is counting on you." Vivek said

"Just one more day, then you will be completely free from any other responsibility, and then you can completely devote all of your time to Reem and junior" I said and finally I could see a small smile on his face.

"So, you will go to the court tomorrow?" Vivek asked, Izhaan nodded.

"Thank God" I sighed in relief, it was good he agreed otherwise I was just going to call dada ji, after all he is the one who got him in this mess.

I got a call from maa so I excused myself and headed to Reem's room while Izhaan and Vivek continued talking about the upcoming hearing.

I knocked on the door, hayat opened it

"Shhhh" before I could even open my mouth to speak, she shushed me. She pointed towards Reem, I looked at her and saw her sleeping peacefully.

I sat with everyone for a while.

"Beta Athar, take Ayesha home, let her get freshened up and she needs to take some rest also" dadi said

"No I will not go, I am fine here" Ayesha refused immediately

"Ayesha please, you need to take care of yourself" maa patted her shoulder, she shook her head.

"Dadi and maa are correct, let me take you home, I promise we will return soon, but please come with me for now" I insisted holding her

"Athar I'm scared of leaving her alone" she said

"Bhabhi, Reem bhabhi is not alone, we are here for her, I will stay beside her till you don't return" Hayat said

"Shall we go now?" I asked, she heaved a defeated sigh and nodded her head. I quickly bid goodbye to everyone and brought Ayesha to the parking lot.

I unlocked my car and made her sit inside, then I settled on the driver's seat and began driving.

I looked at her, she was sitting too quietly. I saw her rubbing her forehead every now and then. I held her hand.

"Are you fine?" I asked

"Hmm" she lied, I let out a cold sigh

"My heart is hurting seeing you like this my love. Alhamdulillah Reem is fine, you don't need to be worried for her, in a day or two she will be discharged and come home" I said, she looked at me, then she leaned forward and put her head on my shoulder, I gave her a comforting kiss on her head.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok" I said she stayed silent and the rest of the journey passed by in silence.

After reaching home we went straight to our home, her phone rang, it was a call from Abdullah uncle, so while she was talking to him, I prepared a bath for her and kept her clothes ready.

When I returned in the room she was done talking.

"I kept everything ready you can take a bath now" I said, she nodded she got up and went towards the bathroom, I noticed she has been sneezing a lot. I will have to take her to the doctor. But for now coffee would work.

I came to the kitchen and gave an order to make coffee, while it was being prepared I just sat there and got busy in checking my phone, I didn't even inform anyone in the office that I won't be coming.

I called Rose.

"Sir?" She answered

"I won't be coming to the office for a couple of days" I informed and hung up.

I was just checking my emails when I was informed that the coffee was ready, I took the mugs from her and headed to my room. I kept the mugs on the table and waited for Ayesha to return, I didn't have to wait for too long.

"I got coffee" I announced, she gave a small nod.

"Come, have coffee first" I insisted, she came and sat next to me, she sat quietly while taking small sips of the coffee.

It was so painful to watch her like this, she is my hunter queen, I have got habitual of seeing her always throwing her weight around that this side of hers was upsetting me.

I took the mug from her hand and kept it aside. I scooted my chair closer to her.

"What's the matter Ayesha?" I asked lovingly, she looked at me, she put her head on my shoulder and broke into tears

"She was in pain Athar" she cried. And I immediately understood that Ayesha is traumatized with Reem's condition.

"You know it was so heartbreaking when she lost consciousness in my arms, I couldn't even handle her" she was crying and I was rubbing her back, she needed to let it all out.

"When the doctor said that Reem and the baby is in danger, I got so scared, I thought I was gonna die myself. She is so important for me, Athar" her voice was cracking.

"I understand that moment was horrifying, I also got scared. Even Izhaan brokedown" I said, suddenly she pulled back

"Don't even take his name, I can't stand him right now" she said with hatred, I was shocked

"What are you saying?" I asked

"He is responsible for her condition. My heart aches when I think how she must have felt when he refused to recognise her, how hurt she must have got when he held some random woman's hand in front of her, how did she bear it?" She sobbed, "how could jeeju be rude to Reem, I don't even feel like calling him jeeju anymore"

"Did Reem tell you this?" I asked, she shook her head.

"When the doctor gave the news about Reem's critical condition and jeeju left from there, I came after him and I overheard when he was confessing his sins" she cleared my confusion, "I will not leave him Athar" she cried

Oh so Izhaan was correct, she was indeed rude to him, but he can't afford Ayesha's right now.

"We will deal with Izhaan later, for now we just have to take care of Reem" I brought her attention back on Reem

Izhaan is already disturbed, I can't let Ayesha disturb him more, he needs to go to the court with a clear mind tomorrow.

Should I tell her the truth? No, I think best is to wait till the case is over. I wonder why Ayesha is not mad at me for hiding about Maizah from her, maybe she is too disturbed to notice that

"What will happen to Reem now?" She sniffed and wiped her tears.

"All good will happen" I reassured her while praying for the same in my heart. "take some rest" I told her, she shook her head.

"I want to go back to the hospital" she insisted

"Ok! We will go back, but rest for a while."

"I want to go back, right now" she said stubbornly. I knew she would never agree, so I tried something else.

"I wanted to take a shower, my body feels all itchy after staying a night in the hospital, but it's fine, let's go back" I said innocently.

"Athar, I can wait till you take a shower" she said, I stifled a smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Absolutely" she nodded.

I purposely switched off the lights of the room and made her lie down on the bed, I begged her to rest till I return, and thankfully she agreed.

When I returned after having a bath I found her sleeping peacefully, I smiled looking at her. I laid beside her and closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep.


After a two hour nap, I was feeling so much better, but Ayesha got upset with me, she wanted to go back.

Ayesha kept her essentials in her bag and we headed back to the hospital. She couldn't stop sneezing and coughing.

We reached the hospital, I took her to the OPD, she frowned.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked

"To the doctor" I shrugged

"I don't want to go, I want to go to Reem's room" she said

"Ayesha please! If you want to stay around Reem, you have to take care of yourself too. And if you will continue sneezing like this, you will not be allowed to be with her" I said, she sighed and nodded.

After visiting the doctor we went to Reem's room, everyone stayed at the hospital the whole day, they only left in the night.

Even tonight Ayesha, me and Izhaan stayed at the hospital, I tried sending Izhaan home, since he had to prepare for tomorrow, but he refused, he got his laptop in the hospital only.

Izhaan was working, Ayesha was taking care of Reem and I was just making sure that everything happens smoothly, just one more day then everything falls in its place.

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