Teach me (Itachi UchihaxReade...

Von lexiee86

13.4K 528 1.4K

Y/n L/n, a student out of so many, finds her way to Itachi Uchiha's heart, her professor. Itachi Uchiha teach... Mehr

prologue-the present
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
ending- the past
ending-the future

Part 7

638 24 59
Von lexiee86

Y/n thought she sent a message loud and clear. She did want him, and her only request was actually more than ordinary.

Though from that, to what actually happened after, was a completely different narrative.

For the past week, Itachi Uchiha has ignored her entire existence. Exactly like nothing happened. Y/n had wondered about this sudden change, after all, he was acting so desperate just days ago. But she pushed it to the back of her head.

'Maybe he made up his mind about all of this and chose to remain with his girlfriend instead.'

Though let's be for real, what kind of man would he be if he would go back to Izumi and acted as if nothing was wrong? Itachi never loved her passionately to begin with. He would not be able, for the love of God, to fake his love toward Izumi right now.

Not when his mind wandered every few hours to the sweet innocent Y/n L/n that threw him off his feet for the first time in his life.

Both would sit and stare at the wall, respectively at  a diary, and get lost in the warmth of complete infatuation. Or so they categorized it to be that. But in reality, it was so much more than that.

They had the red thread of fate after all, didn't they?

Y/n repeatedly taps the back of her pen on her journal, looking over the blank page in front of her. She wanted to write something as usual, but what was there to write? It almost seemed silly to continue writing failed love letters.

Just like when you tell your mom what one of your friends did bad to you, and you know that even if you forgive the other person, your mom will always remain upset with that friend.

And to Y/n, that's really how she felt about her diary. It was more than a simple notebook to her. It contained her feelings, memories, stories, her whole life.

How can she bring herself to write in it when she feels like a whole-ass clown? She should've known better. How could someone like Itachi look at her? She was always a nobody to him. Y/n couldn't even understand when and why the red string appeared in the first place, and after so much time from seeing him.

Did it matter that much that he acknowledged her only then? Did he fall in love with her too? Because she knows that she is in love with him.

'No, stupid. He doesn't even talk with you anymore, he is back to his girlfriend and probably cringes at the thought of everything from last week.'

She starts to angrily tap the pen now. Until it becomes loud and annoying. Yet she keeps on.

'What does this red string really mean anyhow? It's supposed to bring you to your soulmate no matter what. And yet there are only obstacles in our way. I really don't see how any of this is worth it. From all people on this planet, did I have to be tied to my professor?'

On the upper part of the building, literally above only one floor, there is Itachi tapping his pen too. He was zoning out again and staring at the wall in front of his desk, not able to complete his files for a case that needed his undivided attention.

Uninteresting, since he felt like the only thing he'd like to give his attention to right now is Y/n.

'To be attracted to your student. To have a girlfriend and put her aside as she never meant anything, to begin with. Maybe I am a bad person after all. Sasuke might have smelled something rotten in me. This shouldn't happen. I cannot let it happen again, I must've been on drugs, as I find no other explanation to act this way toward a stranger. I deserve this life. I should be alone.'

Both Y/n and Itachi stand up from their desks, sighing out of frustration. Their thoughts go over and over again to one another. And a red string appears. But unfortunately, only one of them sees it.

A small tingle is making Itachi's little finger twitch.

'Again? What is it with this finger acting out so much lately?'

Scoffing to themselves as they both stare at their pinkie, they say out loud,

"I need to go for a walk. I am losing my mind completely."

Itachi begins to put on his shoes.

Y/n puts on a coat. Itachi's coat.

Itachi opens his door to get out, a soft sigh escaping his lips "Is it the university or my career? What is making me so suddenly to lose touch with reality and jump a young student?"

Y/n is locking her door on her way out, mumbling curse words under her breath "Damn fate and damn my luck in life! To be madly in love with someone you can't have. Just typically me."

Itachi's footsteps are firm on their way to the elevator, he presses the gray button and in just a short amount of time, it gets to his floor. He entered the elevator looking at himself in the mirror that faced him directly and almost accusingly. Itachi feels that even life is mocking him.

'You should look at yourself in the mirror and realize how much of a bum you are. 25, no family except for a brother who'd rather hang out with a cactus than with you, a girlfriend that you despise yet you shower her in expensive jewelry that she throws away the next day, and a big law firm that has your name written in big bold letters above its building, but always feels like it owns you, your time, and your health, not the other way around.' his demons taunt the Uchiha

Itachi is quick to lean his back on the mirror and avoid any more self-criticism. After all, that's what his mind tortured him with all his life, even when his parents were alive. Especially, when his parents were alive.

Y/n presses the button for the elevator repeatedly like an impatient kid, seeing as it first appears to go to the floor above her before coming to get her.

'Even the damn elevator chooses someone else first instead of me. Hmpfh, I'm always second best.'

She doesn't give up though, and persists in pushing the button, challenging the elevator almost as if.

When it finally gets to her floor, its doors open. Revealing to the both of them the person they have been thinking about like crazy for the past days.

Itachi is shocked, but amused to no end to have the pleasing sight of a fuming Y/n who presses the elevator's button like a little girl who ran out of patience.

Whilst Y/n feels like the ceiling fell on top of her head for appearing in such a childish position in front of the man she loves. She sees a casually dressed Itachi, an outfit that sends signals to every nerve in her body. Especially, to the part that has more than 8,000 nerve endings.

Their bodies are no longer in control of their mind the moment their eyes meet. This was a so missed contact.

Whatever were they thinking before? Who the hell knows. It doesn't matter, not anymore. Ration steps aside as their feelings for each other take authority.

"Hello, Y/n." Itachi starts the conversation

The young woman steps reluctantly in the elevator and quietly says back a hello too.

The doors close and the atmosphere is getting a little too thick.

"I see you've taken a liking to the coat." Itachi noticed out loud, making Y/n bite the inside of her cheek and play with her hands nervously like a little one who just got caught in the act

"Yeah, it's really comfy and it keeps me warm." Y/n tried to save herself the trouble of having Itachi think something else because of this

'Whatever rows your boat, Y/n.' Itachi thinks to himself, almost smirking due to remembering the endless pages written about him, for him, by the one and only Y/n who right now tries to hide her true feelings

"May I ask where you're headed?" Itachi plays his cards, hoping that Y/n will still let him in, despite the argument, well you can't even really name it argument, that they had last they saw each other

And despite the fact that he cowardly still didn't break up with Izumi.

'Why should that concern you?' Y/n asks herself in her head, but her mouth is in no way on board with her brain, because she blatantly tells him her business, like he deserves it,

"I'm going for a walk to clear my head." she admits just as the doors open and she steps outside

Itachi is not stupid. He started piecing some things here and there together for some time now. Being a lawyer, he was used to look for things, clues, loopholes, anything to solve a case. And right from the moment he read her diary that day, Y/n became his very own ultimate case.

He wanted to understand everything and to know more. To know if she believes in fate bringing two people together.

No, the thing he actually desired to know, was if she was the one.

Everybody has that one. Itachi although believed he simply doesn't have one. Bad luck or karma, or simply fate.

But ever since the day they first made contact, he felt deep down that there was more than meets the eye when it comes to the beautiful woman in front of him.

'She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I'm sorry mother. I am most likely disappointing you to be throwing such words so effortlessly. But my eyes, as bad as they see from afar, see her, and only her for days now, the most clear. And she is beautiful.'

Itachi shakes his head realizing how the doors almost close back again since he remained in the elevator watching Y/n's hips sway to the front door. Blood travels to his manhood as his eyes watch her back.

So tempting.

"I was actually doing the same thing, mind if I join you?" Itachi catches up with the fast paced Y/n on the sidewalk near their block

She wanted to say no. She already had her reasons to avoid him, but this past week he gave her another one anyway. Ignoring her for a week after almost kissing her? No way was she having that.

Not to mention Itachi did not clarify if he did what he was supposed to do if he really wanted her.

But did all of that matter?

"Sure." she utters

Itachi's lips form a small smile and he inches closer to the female that had her arms wrapped around her, hugging herself from the cold.

They walk for a few minutes in silence. Itachi didn't mind it, he was content to just be by her side. But Y/n did. She felt awkward. And the red string tauntingly dangling was not making things easier for her.

Until Itachi cuddled even closer to her and she was able to feel his arm press into hers.

They went to sit on a bench close to a park nearby and slowly, began to converse.

Minutes, hours passed, in a blink of an eye. Y/n could hardly believe how much they resonated about a lot of stuff. Having a long deep talk like this with him, only put more salt on the wound.

He was perfect. She knew in her heart anyway that he was perfect for her, but this only proved her first instinct from months ago.

And daringly, when it got too late, and it started to get colder, Itachi has made Y/n scream of cuteness in her head.

In the middle of their conversation about which dessert is the best, he slowly and sneakily opened her coat, which was actually his anyway, and got in too. Making them share the coat.

Y/n wanted to melt on the spot. She thought she'd die if she didn't kiss him already, but given that things have not yet been discussed, she urged herself to keep her lips away from attacking his.

"Dango is the best." Itachi mumbled smiling as one of his arms wrapped around Y/n's waist under the coat

If someone saw them right now they would be in big trouble. But neither one seemed to think of that at the moment. They were too lost into each other

"No way, tiramisu is." Y/n protests puffing out her cheeks

Of course Y/n couldn't be the only tormented, Itachi had to too. He wanted to kiss the living out of her cheeks in that moment. To kiss her all over her cute face.

When has he ever felt like that next to Izumi? Never.

"How about we make a deal?" Itachi asks playfully "I'll make you dango and you'll make me tiramisu, and we'll decide which one is better." he smirks

Her heart picked up its pace.

"Yes, sure." she accepts timidly and gives him a small smile

Half an hour later, they decided to finally go back inside.

"I had a great time, Itachi. You really are an interesting person." Y/n says as they walk through her floor, as Itachi insisted to accompany her until she reaches her apartment

"I did too, and I can say just the same, Y/n." he says softly while his hand instinctively reached her warm cheek "You have something that just pulls me to you."

His touch leaves her face and instead he picks up her hand like last time, choosing her little finger to be the winner that recieves a kiss from his lips a second time.

"Good night, Y/n. I'll see you in the morning." Itachi said and left, leaving poor Y/n dumbfounded

'He kissed the red string again.' Y/n thought while being wide eyed 'And he also said he'll see me in the morning! He will give me a ride to Uni again! This is getting so confusing and my poor heart will have an attack!'

Y/n unlocks her door and immediately goes to her desk.

'Itachi, you just have to always have me write pathetic love poems about you, don't you?'


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