Do you still love me?

By lamadhu5

16.9K 1K 156

How come you change this much? You love me right then why you always keep on insulting your love. " She said... More

Dark side
her brother
true friend
his eyes
Shalin in clutter
Her mistakes
too blind in love
His fake promises!
toxic possession
I fell out
cold war
you got a loving husband
let him know
It's done
Pathetic Broken Doll
the argument
you would never change
does it matter?
Stalk me
scary night

her confession his denial

327 17 1
By lamadhu5

Harsh got confused when he saw her entering a music instrument shop beside the restaurant .... He followed her there...

Shalin : Aryan tell me purple, red, or maroon...

Aryan: what!!

Shalin: oh ho Aryan I heard that blind people are lucky charms....

Aryan: so...

Shalin: So I have to buy something.. and I am confused so tell me which colour object I should choose..

Aryan: umm maroon...

Shalin: great..

Then she saw Harsh entering the shop...she went to him and said while pointing to the maroon guitar

Shalin: bhaiya I want to buy this..

Harsh followed her gesture and again looked at her raising his one eyebrow..

Harsh: do you know how to play it??

Shalin: do as I said buy it for me..

She said something more like command...

Harsh: fine...

He bought a guitar for her and she said holding a guitar in one hand and grabbing Aryan's wrist with the other hand..

Shalin: Now let's go..

Harsh: where??

Shalin: I want to go to the garden...

They all went from there.. Harsh stops his car in front of a garden where mainly young people come to hang out..

Shalin and Aryan went inside the garden and Harsh also followed them after locking the car....

Shalin: attention please..( she said clapping her hands)

Some people gathered near the desk on which she was standing ......

Shalin: I have to ask  one question to you all..... Do you know my brother....

Girl: no how can we know your brother...

Shalin: So do you know who this guy is...

She said pointing to Harsh...

Harsh: Shalin, which kind of drama is this..

Before she could answer ... another girl said..

Girl: ya I have seen him in a magazine.... but who is he!?? Is he a supermodel......

Man: no he is the current CEO of Mittal Cooperation..Mr. Harsh Mittal...Am I right??

Shalin: right!! And this famous CEO is my brother but do you know his hidden talent??

Harsh: Shalin come down what are you doing??

She completely ignored his question and said..

Shalin: Well I guess you guys don't know!! But do you wanna know??

Man: we will love to!!!

Shalin: So today my super handsome and super talented brother will show you his talent... so give him a big hand...

Shalin stepped down and handed the guitar to Harsh and said..

Shalin: this is your time bhaiya..

Harsh: Shalin please....

Before he could complete his statement the public started clapping and shouting.... And more people were gathering there due to the crowd....

Harsh Harsh Harsh Harsh

People were shouting his name and he took guitar from her hand and sat on the desk..... and as soon as he started playing guitar his vocals started playing their role automatically... the artist's things you know...

He was singing a song from the depth of his heart and the background music which he was giving with the help of guitar was fabulous... the peace who were gathered there weren't regretting giving their precious time for his outstanding performance...they all were lost in his voice...

Shalin was listening to his music and suddenly her gaze fell on Aryan who was standing exactly beside her with a smile which was really genuine, she lost in his smile she was realising that the feeling she was holding from long wasn't crush but it was love...... Her first love..who made her realise the value of her only family..... the value of love, the value of care..... She was lost in her imagination which was broken by a long tune of the guitar indicating that her brother is done.....

Everybody started clapping for him..

Women: oh I have heard most of the business mens are boring.  But you prove it wrong...

Girl: yah your voice is just a cure for stress.....why are you a businessman...

Man: yes if you go into the music industry, you will become an overnight star..

Harsh: Thank you so much for your time and praise.... I want to say something.... The day I entered in the business I never played instrument and never sung a song because I thought if I can't build my career as a singer then music will only hurt me.. so I was trying to forget my dream from three years but today I realised that music can't give me pain because it's my life . When I heard you clapping for my talent then I got the biggest happiness and now I realise music is my first love and all I ever wanted was only to get compliments for my voice.... Thank you so much to all of you....

He went to Shalin and said...

Harsh: thank you so much  for giving me my first love back...

Crowd: and thank you so much  .. because of you we got to hear his beautiful voice....

They all literally shouted together...

Shalin was so happy that she could do something for her brother........ she gave him the best day of his life...

Time skip.

They all are sitting in the car...

Harsh: Okay tell me where do you wanna go now..

Shalin: umm bhaiya I want to go club...

Harsh: what!!

He asked, being completely shocked by her demand....

Shalin: yes I never went to a club and I want to try it at least once...

Harsh: you can't...

Shalin: why??

Harsh: You are a kid..

Shalin: No, I am old enough.. I am eighteen..

Harsh: you are still not complete eighteen . You are underage...

Shalin: So what accuracy doesn't matter, I will complete my eighteen in three months...

Harsh: then you can go after three months but not now...

Shalin: bhaiya

Aryan: Shalin he is right if you are not completely matured then you should listen to him...

Shalin: but..

Harsh: Then tell me should I drop you guys to your house..

Shalin: fine ... but are you sure you will take me there after my birthday..

Harsh: I promise....

He dropped them to their building and went after bidding them goodbye as he had important work...

Shalin: Aryan should I drop you to your home..

Aryan: no no I will go by myself.. but I want to tell you something..

Shalin: Okay say it..

Aryan: Shalin I don't know if we will be friends forever or not but I will always remember that I had a good friend like you.. I am proud of being your friend... I loved the way you made his day special..

Shalin: Aryan....

Before she could say anything he walked out from there...

Aryan was going to his wing when he heard someone talking...

??: Bro you were going to ask Shalin out right?? What happened??

????: she said no...

??: Ohh so sad but I am sorry for you.. but she will definitely say yes to me..

????: No way she is dating that stupid blindfold..

??: Who is Aryan!!

????: Yah

??: No way dude.. have you ever seen Shalin. She is super hot . Do you really think she is dating him? I think she is just friends with him..

????: But why should she even be his friend..

??: Simple bro just out of pity... only and only pity . A girl can make someone a friend because of pity but she can never date someone for pity..,..
Aryan froze on his spot after hearing this because he never thought about it... He changed his way.. Instead of going to his apartment he changed his direction..

With a heavy heart and red teary eyes Aryan came to the beach.... He was broken because he was thinking what he heard was true... His own parents betrayed him, no one talked with him, he didn't have anyone but suddenly he got a friend, a person who cares for him but now he got to know that wasn't friendship but just a pity....

Aryan: Why is there no one for me?? Why can't anyone see me in a good way?? Why does everyone want to show hatred and pity......?? Why???am I not lovable?? Of commerce not.I was so stupid to think that someone wanted to be my friend.....I was so foolish   I am really tired of these things.. I don't want to become a subject of pity anymore.... I was happy when no one was for me.... But I fell in love with my friend And I found out she wasn't even my friend....

He slowly slowly started walking towards the sea  he was going further, he decided to go further until the waves will include him in themselves...

He was going forward in the intention of suicide... But he heard Shalin from behind..

Shalin: Aryaaaan!!!!

He stopped for a second and again resumed himself to walk..

Shalin: Aryan what are you doing?? Come back!!

Aryan: goodbye shalin!!!! I will never be back...

He shouted without looking back...

Shalin furrowed her eyebrows and she started running behind him when she somehow understood what he was trying to say..

She was running but he was going further and further..

Shalin: Aryan please stop... Don't be childish...

He wasn't stopping, she finally reached his spot and made him stop by hugging him from behind tight..

Shalin: Aryan please don't go anywhere!! What were you trying to do??

She said in a cracking voice.. Aryan tried to remove her hands forcefully while saying..

Aryan: leave me ....

Shalin: No, I already promised you that I will never leave you...

Aryan: Shalin leave me!! I am telling you last time..

Shalin: I am also telling you last time... I won't leave you.

Aryan finally removed her hands harshly and shouted..

Aryan: Shalin, get the hell out of here. I don't need your pity anymore...

She flinched..

Aryan: Did I ever say I wanted to become your friend?? No then why you showed me this much pity just because I was blind and I didn't have any friends.. But I was happy in my life alone... But you just ruined everything... I know you are very great and kind hearted but did I ever tell you to show your kindness to me...

Shalin: Aryan what are you saying??

Aryan: You felt bad for me because I didn't have any friends so you decided to be my oops sorry to pretend to be my friend....

Shalin: Aryan, that's not the truth, who said that to you??

Aryan: You think I'm stupid but I am not... If you didn't feel pity on me then why did you want to be my friend huh..

Shalin looked at the ground and stayed silent..

Aryan: What happened, why aren't you speaking?? Just because I said the truth..

Shalin: no Aryan... It's not like that..

Aryan: Then what is it to tell me why you were so desperate to become my friend and why did you even come with me to roam around the beach?? Why did you always take me to eat ice cream?? Why did you always spend half of your time with me?? Why?? If you didn't feel pity then why did you come into my life to destroy my peace?? Why why??

Shalin: because I love you❤❤

She shouted in anger....

Shalin: because I love you idiot...

Aryan: wow!! Now one more favour.. Pretending to love me out of pi......

She shut his mouth by kissing him... His eyes widened and he couldn't process anything as he was in shock.... He didn't kiss her back because he was numb...

As soon as Shalin pulled away he put his hand on his lips.... She looked at him while breathing heavily... And said..

Shalin: Now don't say a single word, just listen to what I am going to say... I never felt pity on you and I don't even know who told you this .... But the only truth I know is that I love you Aryan... Trust me if you want or go to hell.... I don't care!! But I will say what I want... Mr. Aryan Malik I love you. You are the person with whom I want to spend my life and what the heck were you doing huh???? You were going to end your life for such stupid reason.. Is your life that cheap.... You know what if god made you then it means you are special because he never makes anything for time pass.. My mom always says you can't come in this world by your own consent nor you can exit by your own consent....and one more thing if someone leaves you thinking that you are worthless then you prove them right by such a thing.... It won't affect them if you behave like a coward... If you really want to affect their mentality then prove them wrong. Make them realise what they have lost...

Aryan just stood there speechless thinking about what he was going to do... He was literally trying to take his life... His tears started flowing uncontrollably  he just closed his eyes in sadness..

Shalin hugged him to console him but she was shocked by hearing him...

Aryan: I love you too....

Shalin: huh..

Aryan: I said I also love you... I also want to spend my whole life with you.......

Shalin: really thank you so much Aryan..

Her happiness was on another level but her smile faded when she heard his next words...

Aryan: But sorry I can't....

Shalin: huh..

Aryan: I am really sorry  but we are not meant to be together... It will be better if we stop this all here and part our ways...
Shalin: But you said you love me then why???

Aryan: Shalin I love you but you deserve the best . Who is absolutely not me.....

Shalin: But I only love you... And you are the best..

Aryan: Shalin, try to understand... You will definitely regret loving me in future..

Shalin: And why tho??

Aryan: Shalin please, it's not necessary to have answers for every question...... And I don't think it is a good thing to continue our friendship also..

Saying this he started walking out from there.... Shalin looked at him and started tearing up...

Shalin: Aryan please don't do this... Please I really love you..

Aryan continued to walk without saying anything.. But Shalin was really stubborn.. She ran behind him and held his hand and said..

Shalin: You have to tell me... Why are you behaving like this... Why do you want to leave me when you said you love me..

Aryan: do you really don't know why??  you are the daughter of Mittals.. And look at me for who I am.... Just a poor blind boy... I don't fit in your standard ... Try to understand... You will definitely get humiliated because of me, you will only get embarrassed.... Just focus on your own life because in the future you will get the best man and let's just not meet again.. It Will be a very good decision for both of us.....

Shalin: Aryan I don't want any other man than you because you are Prince Charming of my dreams and I will never regret loving you but you will definitely regret if we end this today please Aryan I can't live without you...

Aryan: But what about those people who will judge you because of me... Love is not enough to live ..

Shalin: It's more than enough and I don't care about people because there is no one to judge us..

Aryan: Shalin life is not that much easy...

Shalin: Nothing is easy ..

Aryan: Shalin, I am sorry...

Saying that he started walking again but he immediately stopped after hearing her question...

Shalin: Can you live alone for a life time?? Will you be able to live without me because I can't live without you...

He didn't say anything.... Shalin went to him and hugged him and said...

Shalin: I know you can't... What happens in the future we will face it together but please don't end this here....

He didn't say anything but the first time he wrapped his hands around her waist and accepted her hug.. He felt comfortable with her... He was feeling that the safest place for him is her arms.....,.

Shalin: So my best friend is ready to be my boyfriend,....

Aryan : hmm..

Shalin: what hmm say in words...

Aryan: yes now we are girlfriend boyfriend...

Shalin: I love you Aryan..

Aryan: I love you too....

Shalin: Would you like to go on a date with me??

Aryan: where??

Shalin: to my examination centre...

Aryan broke the hug and said with a confused look..

Aryan: what?? Date and exam centre????

Shalin: yes everyone goes to cafes, restaurants and gardens but I want to take you to my exam week..

Aryan: Of course I would love to....  Our first date will be interesting...

Shalin: Of course because your girlfriend is also very interesting....

Days passed like this .... Shalin and Aryan were getting closer day by day.... Now they spend more time with each other and Harsh still doesn't know anything about them.. As he already warned Shalin so she didn't tell him thinks that he will get angry....

Shalin: Aryan I am nervous...

Aryan: don't worry, you have studied well and it's normal to get nervous one day before an exam...

Shalin: But this exam will decide my future... What if..

Aryan: don't think negatively!! And relax your brain OK...

Next day..

Shalin and Aryan walking to her examination centre while holding each other's hands.. Shalin was completely silent...

Aryan: Shalin, don't worry, everything will be nice. Just think positive and solve your paper with peace... Don't need to panic... And if you don't know the answer then leave it at the last minute...

Shalin: You are talking like my dad...

Aryan: seriously...

Shalin: yes..

Like this they reach the centre..

Shalin: And we are here.. Aryan you sit here on this desk I will meet you here after two hours OK don't go anywhere..

Aryan: I am not a kid... Stop behaving like you are my mom

She hugged him and said..

Shalin: OK bye..

Aryan: bye and all the best..

Shalin: thanks..

She went from there and he sat on the desk, he was praying for her,

After two hours he heard some noise and he understood that the exam was over.. He got up from his seat and as soon as he got up from his seat... He was startled when someone hugged him tightly and he knew who it was.....

Aryan: Shalin relax, I can't breathe...

She broke the hug and said

Shalin: sorry..

Aryan: How was your exam..

Shalin: It was super easy.. You know what I have practised all the questions before which were asked in today's paper...

Aryan: wow  ... That's  great

Shalin: yah I am sure I will get admission to my dream college.. And bhaiya will also be very happy to hear that...

Aryan: yes...

Shalin: Now let's go... We will go to drink cold coffee..

Aryan: no need, let's go back..

Shalin: what!! Did you forget that it's our date??

Aryan: Are you serious? I take it as a joke..

Shalin: no joke... Now my exams are over I have too much time till the results.. And I will enjoy this whole month because I don't know if I can get time later or not..

Aryan: Fine, let's go...

They went to a nearby coffee shop and took their seats...

Shalin: waiter!!!

Waiter: yes ma'am what would you like to order???

Shalin: two cold coffees and two sandwiches..

Waiter: sure ma'am!!

Waiter went from there to Shalin and said..

Shalin: Aryan should we go to the park after this...

Aryan: as you wish!!

He said with a smile and Shalin held both his hands in her and kissed them..

Shalin: Aryan you are the best I love very very very much....

They were talking while smiling and laughing but her expression changed when she looked behind Aryan... She left his hand and stood from her seat..

Aryan: Shalin what happened...

She didn't say anything.......

Aryan: , ..... Shalin aren't you here...

To be continue.....

Hey readers, first of all thank you so much for giving my story a chance. I want to tell you it's not edited yet so ignore my mistakes please.
I hope you like the chapter.
And please do vote and comment. It motivates me

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