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-The Adventures of Andie and Indy- In which two souls go from strangers to friends; friends to lovers; and st... Еще

Act One


80 4 2

"Elephants! We're riding on elephants?!"

Andie couldn't lie and say that she wasn't disappointed upon coming to the realization that Willie Scott would be joining them on this journey. She most definitely was, but the woman tried to play it off as though she was happy about this situation.

The brunette was absolutely ecstatic to find they were going to be traveling on elephants. She always admired the larger then life creatures. But as she took a moment to admire the large animals, she noticed that there were only three, one far smaller then the others. Had they given Willie a baby elephant?

Andie turned to Indiana, calling out to him, "Is Shorty riding with you?"

The man shook his head, a smug look upon his face, "Nope, but you are." The woman stared blankly, gesturing to herself, "Me?"

"You heard me, sweetheart."

Short Round appeared from behind Indiana, a bright smile on his face, "Andie! I get my own elephant! He's small!" The woman let out a laugh, "That's amazing Shorty, I'm sure you two will be best friends."

She then watched as Indiana walked the young boy to his elephant, hoisting him up onto the creatures back with ease. He then took a moment, making conversation with Short Round.

Andie sighed deeply, she was struggling. Struggling to keep her bearings over how she was beginning to feel. It was no secret that Indiana Jones was a handsome man, many had noticed, hell, even the healer had noticed!

His adventurous personality in general was so enticing, his snark, his courage, everything about him was so... so attractive. And as much as the woman was trying to keep her personal feelings out of it, Andie was beginning to fall prey to him and his ways.

And seeing him now with Short Round, oh Lord, something was shifting. And now she'd have to spend an entire trip on the back of an elephant with him.

This man was going to be the death of her.

Indiana then left Short Round and approached her, "Ready for this, darlin?" He asked. Andie nodded, "Born ready." "Well then, let me help ya-"

"I think I can get on my own elephant, thank you very much." Andie sassed, stalking towards the creature. The elephant kneeled as she approached it, allowing her to carefully climb onto the animal. Her side ached slightly as she pulled herself up, sitting tall. Indiana looked at her, nodding, "I'm impressed."

"What? Did you think I couldn't do it?" He shook his head, "No, no. I was just y'know, trying to be a gentleman and all." "Sure, sure. Why don't you go be a gentleman and help Miss Scott back there?" The man glanced back, catching sight of the blonde who was currently seated backwards upon the elephants back.

He let out a chuckle before turning his gaze back to the woman before him, "Being a gentleman is overrated." He replied before climbing up onto the elephant, settling himself behind her. He was so close to her, hardly any distance between them now. "This alright?" He asked softly. Andie could hardly bring herself to nod.

This was going to be a long ass trip.

"Y'know how to control the elephant right? With the foot motions?" "I think so." She replied. Indiana gave her a brief rundown, and it seemed easy enough. Besides, if needed any assistance, he was always going to be right behind her.

And so the journey began. The quartet had been given a guide who went by the name of Sanju. He'd lead the way. Things started out smoothly, but the complaints, mainly from Willie, came quickly. "Indy! I can't go to Delhi looking like this!"

"We're not going to Delhi, doll! We're going to Pankot palace!"

"Pankot?! What the hell's in Pankot!" She exclaimed. Once the woman quit her complaining, it was actually quite a peaceful ride. Andie was taking in the scenery around her, completely unaware that the man seated behind her was also admiring something... or someone.

His hazel eyes hardly left her. Watching her fawn over the beautiful surroundings brought a smile to his lips.



"Might I ask why I am riding with you?" She wasn't complaining, of course, but genuinely curious. "As you can see, I'm mostly healed and hardly in any pain, which seems to be the only reason I can think of in which you'd obligate to riding with me."

The man remained silent for a moment, Andie felt his large hands come to rest upon her hips as he leaned forward, his voice low in her ear, "Maybe I just wanted an excuse to be near you."

The woman felt a blush creep up her neck, smiling to herself, "Are you flirting with me Doctor Jones?"

"Maybe I am, Miss Briggs."

Before she could reply, something in the sky caught her attention. It looked as though hundreds of enormous winged creatures flapping across the afternoon sky.

"What big birds!" Willie exclaimed, sounding somewhat in awe. Andie squinted, "Those aren't birds.."

"Those are giant vampire bats." Indiana finished. The brunette shuddered at the sight. "Why are there so many?" Short Round piped up from behind the couple's elephant.

The man shook his head, "I don't know.." He mumbled.

The bats flew out of sight and they came upon a river. The elephants paused for a moment, using this time to take a drink. Andie glanced back, checking up on Willie, who was currently dumping what looked to be perfume onto the poor elephant's head.

She let out a laugh, "That woman, I tell you. The elephants can't help the way he smells." Indiana looked back, a smile cracking across his lips, "She's wasting that perfume, it's not gonna do a single thing."

Andie was grateful that she'd turned back, for not even a moment later, she'd witnessed the sight of Willie being sprayed by the elephant and proceeding to fall into the murky water. The brunette struggled to contain her laughter.

Short Round, on the other hand, was currently laughing his head off. "Haha! Very funny! All wet!" Andie used her left foot to nudge the elephant turn, and they now faced Willie, who was seated in the murky water, looking on the verge of a breakdown. "I was happy in Shanghai! I had a house.. and a garden. I went to parties-in-in limousines, I hate being outside!" She shouted, splashing in the water. Andie did everything in her power to refrain from rolling her eyes.

"I'm a singer! I could lose my voice!" The brunette sighed softly, glancing at the man seated behind her, "Think we should stop?"

"Good idea." He turned to Sanju, who seemed to also be holding in his laughter. "We'll camp here for the night."

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