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Indiana gulped nervously, taking a moment to examine his champagne glass, noticing a residue at the bottom. By the look on his face, Andie could tell it was already taking effect.

"There is an antidote for this poison. You give me Nurhachi -- I give you the antidote."

Indiana was breaking out in a sweat, and the brunette noticed his hands shaking. It was kicking in too fast.

"The poison works fast, Dr. Jones. Where is Nurhachi?"

Andie leaned down slightly, "Where is it?" She questioned. "Left pocket." He muttered, trying to keep his composure, but it was difficult considering the man was literally dying by the second. The woman nodded, moving to his side, reaching into the pocket of his suit jacket. She grasped a small box and believed it had to be it.

She retrieved a beautifully decorated box and placed it onto the table near the cash and jewels. Lao seemed to salivate at the sight.

Indiana let out a shakey exhale, "Inside are the remains of Nurhachi --the first Emperor of the Manchu Dynasty."

Andie watched nervously as Lao opened the box carefully, admiring the contents inside. He seemed content. Good.

"Now, the antidote." Andie stated, but Lao ignored her, exclaiming, "At last! I have the sacred ashes of my ancestor!" So that's what this was about? Jesus Christ.

Willie, who had been silent for so long Andie had honestly forgotten she'd been here, spoke up, "So what's the big deal? Let me see-"

The blonde grabbed Lao's arm, which resulted in some of the precious ashes spilling onto the white tablecloth. Lao was stunned by the desecration of his ancestor, he grabbed Willie's arm roughly, twisting her wrist, the woman yelping in response.

"You fool!"

"Ow! You're hurting me! You miserable little hood!"

"Let go of her, Lao, and give me the antidote."

Andie glanced around, people were noticing now. They were causing a scene. And there was only one thing Andie could think of to do.

Was it stupid? Sure. But she needed that antidote for Indiana.

She reached into her clutch, retrieving the handgun, cocking it, and pointing it at Lao, who froze at the sight.

"W-Where'd she get that?!" Willie exclaimed. Andie tilted her head, a smirk toying on her lips, "Game's not over. Put the antidote on the table or I blow your brains out before your other gunman can even try and pull the trigger."

She'd called him out. He had no choice now. Lao carefully reached into his pocket, retrieving a small vial of blue liquid, placing it onto the table near all the valuables. A wave of relief washed over her as Indiana reached for the vial-

She felt the shot before she heard the muffled sound. Pain radiated through her left side as she stumbled slightly. Indiana whipped around, eyes widening at the sight of red blood pooling at her side.

But Andie did not fall. She stood her ground, trying to act as unaffected as possible. She exhaled deeply, trying to hold herself together.

In one of the son's hands was a smoking pistol, now aimed at Indiana. Lao sneered, "Don't worry Doctor Jones, you'll be dead by the time she bleeds out."

Slowly, Indiana rose. Andie was terrified that he'd keel over from the poison. But instead, he reached behind him, grabbing a skewer of pigeon flambé and hurled it across the table.

All hell broke loose then.

Indiana shoved past Willie, reaching for the antidote, but is grabbed from behind by one of Lao's sons. He elbowed him, reached back, grabbing his head and somehow ended up somersaulting him onto the table.

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