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"Miss! Miss! Sir, please wake up!"

Andie stirred, prying her eyes open, finding the jumpscare that was Willie Scott in her face, "Oh thank God, someone's up!" She exclaimed. "We there yet?" The brunette questioned, sitting up slightly, feeling soreness in her side. She glanced at the man beside her, still asleep. Andie decided to let him sleep, considering the past hectic twenty-four hours, he deserved it. Suddenly, Willie took her hand, yanking the woman to her feet, "What the hell, lady!" Andie exclaimed, setting over a sleeping Short Round as the singer dragged her toward the cockpit.

"What's the matter with you!" Andie exclaimed, ripping her hand from Willie's grasp. The blonde pushed back the curtain, gesturing to the empty cockpit, "No one's flying the plane!!"

Oh shit.

Andie moved toward the pilot's seat, sitting down, examining the controls. Willie seemed surprised, "You know how to fly?"

The woman let out a nervous chuckle, "Uh, no. Do you?" Willie's face paled slightly. Andie waved her off, "But, how hard could it be?" It couldn't be more difficult then driving a car.

But she was proved to be very, very wrong when her gaze flickered to the fuel gauge, only to find that the tank was practically empty.

Even if she were able to find a way to fly this thing, it would be impossible without fuel. They were going to crash.

Andie rose quickly, rushing out of the cockpit and heading for the back of the plane. "What are you doing!" Willie cried. "Wake up Indiana and Shorty, and for God's sake, shut up!" Andie called back. She glanced around in search of any emergency equipment but found nothing besides a lift raft. How could a plane not have any parachutes?

"Sir! Sir, wake up!"

"You call him Doctor Jones, doll!"

Andie was beginning to stress. This plane was going down any minute and there was absolutely nothing that could save them. "Where's Andie?" That was Indiana.

"Back here!" She shouted, running a hand through her waves. She heard heavy footsteps and found Indiana now standing before her, Willie and Short Round close behind. "What the hell is going on?"

"I'll tell you what's going on, there's no one flying the plane and there's no goddamn parachutes!" Panic flashed past Indiana's hazel eyes, but he refused to show it before launching into action, his gaze fixated on the yellow lift raft.

"Shorty, grab our stuff!" The little boy ran off and out of sight. "What are you thinking?" Andie asked. Indiana remained silent, stepping in front of her, pulling open the emergency door, a whipping wind filling the plane. He then took the folded raft, moving it toward the open door, "A raft?? We're not sinking! We're crashing!" Willie screeched.

"Shut up and hold on! Shorty, where are you?!"

Shorty squeezed into the space between Indiana and Andie, holding onto the man's waist tightly, "I'm here, Doctor Jones!" Andie wrapped her arms around Indiana's shoulders, trying to not squish Short Round in the process, also wondering how the hell Willie was gonna make it.

Andie let out a choking gasp as the woman wrapped her arms around her neck, trying to hold on, "Jesus, woman, you're gonna kill me!" "Sorry!"

Without warning, Indiana pulled the inflation cord and jumped. Their screams were drowned out by the crash of the plane hitting the mountainside. Andie squeezed her eyes shut tightly. This surely was how she was going to die. She thought it would've been when she jumped out the window in Shanghai, then she thought she was going to bleed out, but now, this has to be it. But hey, at least she was going out in style.

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