Tallulah Jones- A QSMP Corali...

By FandomPerson_1

959 20 18

"Welcome my darling Tallulah!" The man smiled as Tallulah gasped. It looked just like her father but with but... More

Author's Note
Prologue: you're not bad dad, i love u
Chapter 2: Papi, what is Mr. Quackity doing here?
Chapter 3: As Long As I'm Here, We Have Each Other
Uhhh, well...- Authors Note

Chapter 1: Geez, stop flirting with Mr Quackity, Papi

190 5 11
By FandomPerson_1

Welcome back to Tallulah Jones: QSMP Coraline AU! (the name is a work in progress).

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Alcohol being consumed


Coraline spoilers


Tallulah grabbed her father's hand and dragged him to the side, away from Mr. Quackity, the man he was arguing with. She whispered something in his ear:

"Geez, stop flirting with Mr. Quackity, Papi!"

Wilbur Soot, her father, looked at her. "I'm not flirting with him."

Quackity moved closer to them, continuing to argue with Wilbur. "Hey, what are you doing? Get away from my daughter!"

"Lullah, go inside."He led her to the door of the shack, closing it behind her. "Quackity, she is my d-"

She sat inside the dirt shack she called home as she heard her father and Mr. Quackity arguing outside about something she couldn't hear. There was some shuffling coming from outside the back wall and Tallulah looked in that direction and broke a block, sneaking out the back to see a green slimy dragon.

"Who are you?"

"Gegg." Dramatic music played as the dragon, presumably named 'Gegg' handed her a strange doll before staring off into the distance.

Tallulah stood there, holding the doll that looked similar to her, confused as the arguing died down and the front door opened and Wilbur entered the shack.

"Wha- Tallulah!" He called. Tallulah looked back through the hole in the wall to see her father, looking back at her, eyebrows raised. He moved to the front door and went around the house to see his daughter, a doll that looked just like her, and another smily green dragon, who paused the dramatic music. "Who's... this?"

Tallulah shrugged, looking down at the doll as Gegg repeated his name once more, playing the music again.

"Ok then... well it's time for bed, mi niña." Wilbur spoke, blocking up the hole in the wall, picking her up and leaving the slimy dragon behind, playing the music and staring off.

"Alright my darling, we need to give you a little bedtime lullaby." He placed Tallulah on her bed before grabbing his guitar. He was about to start playing a song when Tallulah placed her hand on his, stopping him from playing.

"Papi, do you like Mr. Quackity?"

"No. Um... No. I don't. I- um... these are big girl questions, I don't think we need, we don't need to figure that one out just yet, do we?" He replied, awkwardly smiling at his daughter.

After a nice little lullaby, WIlbur sat down in the chair and drank himself to sleep, as he always does, but Tallulah couldn't get to sleep. She sat up, looking around for the doll. Tallulah spotted it by where she broke the hole in the wall. Ignoring her father's snoring, she noticed there was a little door where the hole in the wall was. Tallulah crawled out of bed and quietly walked over to the door, picking up her doll as she went. She tried to open it but it was locked. She sighed before moving back to her bed, holding the doll, falling asleep to her papi's snores.


When she awoke, Wilbur wasn't there, but her Abuelito, Phil was, along with her Tío slash brother Chayanne. Tallulah smiled, climbing out of bed and giving them both a hug. Abuelito smiled at her.

"Good morning Tallulah! I'm sorry your papi isn't here, he'sout helping Mr. Quackity but he called me to take you to our house for the day!" Chayanne smiled, nodding in reply to Phil's words.

Tallulah nodded in understanding before grabbing the little Tallulah doll and following them to their house. Along the way, they ran into BadBoyHalo and his dragon, Dapper.

"Hi Tallulah, Chayanne and Phil!" Bad smiled as Tallulah gave them hugs. "How are you guys?"

"We're good!" Chayanne smiled in response while Tallulah gave a thumbs up.

"I'm very glad to hear that!" Ba smiled as Tallulah gave him a hug, Dapper smiling at her.

"That's good! Well, we gotta go get some tasks done, We'll see you later! Bye guys!" They all exchanged goodbyes before heading on their way.

Once the three of them got back to Phil and Chayanne's place, Abuelito seemed very distracted and taught Chay a lot about fighting while Tallulah played Usher on her flute, wrote in her books and examined the doll. All the tasks were done without incident although Phil still seemed preoccupied about something and kept teaching Chayanne about fighting.

Tallulah was thinking about her papi, playing with her doll. She hadn't seen him all day because he was apparently helping Mr. Quackity with something. She smiled slightly to herself. I like them together. She thought.

A few hours later, Wilbur came back to pick Tallulah up.

"Mi niña!" He smiled, picking her up and spinning around, Tallulah giggling. "How are you today my darling?"

The young dragon smiled brightly as Phil and Chayanne stopped sparring and moved over to the duo, smiling at the newcomer.

"Hey Will! Done helping Quackity?" Phil called to his son. Will paused, putting his little Lullah down. He motioned to Phil to follow him out of earshot of the two dragons.

Tallulah frowned as Will put her down. She didn't care that he put her down, she cared about how he was acting. He seemed... scared. Chayanne noticed his niece's slash sister's worry and walked up to her, holding out a flower to take. Tallulah smiled, taking the flower and putting it in her hair.

Ten minutes later, both Wilbur and Phil came back outside along with BBH and Dapper. The two dragons were happy to see Dapper again and Dapper felt the same about their friends. But Wilbur, Phil and BBH were very worried and seemed more overprotective, if possible, of their children. They quickly said their goodbyes and moved swiftly to their respective homes.

"Papi? Are you ok?" She whispered to him, putting her hand on his.

He smiled at his daughter. "Sí, mi amor. I'm ok. Are you ok?"

She nodded, climbing into bed and lying down, hugging her doll. Wilbur was about to grab his guitar and sing a lullaby, just like every night when Tallulah stopped him once more.

"Papi, what's that door?" She pointed to the weird door. Wilbur turned around, eyebrows furrowing in confusement.

"I don't know Lullah. Let's find out." He said, putting a hand in his pocket and taking out a black key with a button at the end of it. "I wonder if this mysterious key I found goes there."

He walked across the room and knelt down, putting the key in the lock. It turned with a dull clunk and Tallulah sat up in excitement. The door swung open to reveal...

"A wall?" Wilbur said, confused. The door opened to a brick wall that neither little Lullah nor Wilbur had seen before. "That's weird. I never placed this down." He said, turning back to Tallulah.

Tullulah was very confused.

"It's ok. We can deal with this tomorrow, darling." Wilbur told her, closing the door and putting the key back in his pocket. Tallulah nodded before lying back down, removing the flower in her hair and Wilbur grabbed his guitar and played a lullaby. Tallulah fell asleep almost immediately after the long, tiring day.


Tallulah gasped, waking up with a start. She looked around, seeing the light of the moon on her and Wilbur's faces, a bottle of something in his hand. Lullah looked down, thinking about the dream she had. Chayanne had led her to the small door and he opened it to reveal, not a brick wall, but a tunnel colored a dreamy blue, pink and purple light. She caught a glimpse of it before she awoke.

She looked over to the door, curious. Lullah climbed out of bed and walked quietly over to the mysterious door. She rested her hand on the doorknob, squeezing her eyes tightly, opening it. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open in shock as the tunnel from her dream appeared before her.


Chapter 1: Done!!

Special thanks to the original iCarly show and the Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated show for keeping me sane while writing this and extra special thanks to the artist of the drawing of the AU.

Once again, if you know who drew this, please let me know so I can give credit to them!

Get some water, a little snack and make sure to take your meds (if you have them) or I'm going to steal your cat. (Please someone get that reference.)

Anyways, thank you all for the 24 reads!!

Chapter 2: "Papi, what is Mr. Quackity doing here?" coming soon!


Word Count (Without authors note): 1314 words

Word Count (With authors note): 1419 words

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