Chapter 3: As Long As I'm Here, We Have Each Other

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Welcome back to Tallulah Jones: QSMP Coraline AU! (the name is (still (still)) a work in progress).

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Slight cursing (Like someone started to curse, but stopped themselves)


Tallulah rolled over, rubbing her eyes. She opened them to see the dirt shack and her father making some food.

"Papi?" Tallulah asked him, climbing out of bed, taking note of the fact the little button eyed doll was back in her bed.

Wilbur turned around, smiling brightly at the sight of his daughter. "Good morning my little Lullah!"

Tallulah looked around before realizing she was back home. She went over to the small door and opened it. Her eyebrow furrowed as she stared, not into the tunnel as she did last night, but into the brick wall.


"You ok, Tallulah?" Wilbur asked, kneeling down behind Lullah, gently turning her around so she faced him. She nodded before giving him a hug. The two headed outside where there were furnaces cooking something. Tallulah then decided to tell her father about what had happened last night, what could go wrong?

"It was really real, papi. Except you weren't you, you were my other papi."

"Buttons for eyes, hm? Lullah, that is a very interesting dream, but at least get a little something to eat, ok?"

Tallulah nodded before continuing to tell the rest of her story, ignoring the food Wilbur handed her. "And Mr. Quackity was there too! Except he wasnt Mr. Quackity."

Wilbur looked at Tallulah when she said that. "What was he?"

Tallulah paused. Should she tell her father that he and Mr Quackity were her parents. It was a little strange, especially if she led her father to believe that this whole thing was a dream. Then he would find out that she liked them together.

"Tallulah?" Wilbur repeated, bringing the young girl back to reality.

"Oh, sorry papi."

"Its ok, Amor. What happened in the rest of your dream?"

Tallulah sat there for a second before replying. "Mr. Quackity was a walking, talking amapola."

Wilbur laughed at that. "A walking, talking amapola. You have such silly dreams Tallulah."

The young dragon smiled a little before taking a bite of her food. It felt a little strange to be lying to her father, but she liked seeing him laugh because it made her happy.

"Hey, you should tell Tio Roier, Tia Jaiden and Bobby your story! Maybe we can stop by later and you could tell us all a bedtime story, its on the tasklist for today." Tallulah smiled and nodded before the two of them went back inside to eat, the young dragon's eyes wandering over to the little door often.

After eating, Tallulah snuck outside to grab some surprise amapolas for her papi when she noticed the thing on the mailbox was up. (Anybody know what those red thingies on the side of mailboxes are?) 

She opened it to find a bunch of swords and bows and arrows. Lullah picked them up, excited. Maybe Papi is finally letting her learn how to fight? She sighed when the names on all the packages were 'Felipe Minecraft'. It couldn't hurt to quickly drop off the packages at Abuelito's house, could it?

Tallulah Jones- A QSMP Coraline AUWhere stories live. Discover now