Chapter 2: Papi, what is Mr. Quackity doing here?

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Coraline movie spoilers

Welcome back to Tallulah Jones: QSMP Coraline AU! (the name is a work in progress).


Tallulah gasped, waking up with a start. She looked around, seeing the light of the moon on her and Wilbur's faces, a bottle of something in his hand. Lullah looked down, thinking about the dream she had. Chayanne had led her to the small door and he opened it to reveal, not a brick wall, but a tunnel colored a dreamy blue, pink and purple light. She caught a glimpse of it before she awoke.

She looked over to the door, curious. Lullah climbed out of bed and walked quietly over to the mysterious door. She rested her hand on the doorknob, squeezing her eyes tightly, opening it. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open in shock as the tunnel from her dream appeared before her.


Tallulah stared down the tunnel, eyes open wide. Wilbur snored and she turned back to him, making sure he was really asleep. After waiting a minute, she looked back to the tunnel. Lullah glanced down at her doll, who's hand seemed to be pointing down it. Taking in a breath, Tallulah crawled through, leaving her doll behind. It would be there when she gets back. Hopefully. A few minutes later, Tallulah had crawled through to the other side which seemed to be almost an exact copy of her house that she had just left, except not a dirt shack.

As she looked around, Tallulah realized that there were two other people in the house. A man was making food while another man was sitting in a chair, reading a book. The second man looked up from his book.

"Welcome my darling Tallulah!" The man smiled as she gasped. It looked just like her father but with buttons on his eyes.

"Papi?" She whispered, confused. The man making food turned around and Tallulah stared open mouthed. This man also had buttons for eyes but it was who the man was that confused her.

"Mr. Quackity?" Tallulah whispered again, baffled. What was going on?

"Mr. Quackity? Are you ok, Lullah?" Quackity asked, walking over and feeling her forehead. Tallulah moved Quackity's hand away before running over to WIlbur, hugging him.

"Are you ok, darling?" Wilbur asked her, kneeling down so he was level with her.

Tallulah whispered in his ear. "Papi, what is Mr. Quackity doing here?" Wilbur chuckled a little, picking her up.

"Lullah mi amor, this is your other papa and I'm your other papi." He smiled as Other-Quackity walked up to the two, hugging them.

"Come on you two, I just made dinner." Other-Quackity beamed as Other-Wilbur and Tallulah moved over to the table with three chairs. On the table was an extravagant buffet of delicious looking food, ranging from chicken nuggets to spaghetti.

"This looks amazing!" Other-Wilbur exclaimed, placing Lullah down on a chair before moving to sit on his own. Tallulah nodded in agreement. She didn't exactly know what was going on, hoping this wasn't a cruel joke. She did like that the two men were getting along as she wished, it was just a little weird.

"Thank you, you two! Enjoy!" The family began to eat the delicious food, making a bit of conversation while enjoying each other's company. Once everyone was full, Other-Quackity brought out a cake with light purple icing and dark purple text in cursive writing that read 'Welcome Home!'

"Home?" Tallulah muttered, questioning the word choice on the cake.

"We've been waiting for you, Tallulah." Other-Quackity sat back down as Other-Wilbur stood up, standing near Other-Quackity's chair.

"For me?" She whispered, looking up at the other two.

"Of course! It wasn't the same without you, my darling Lullah."

"I didn't know I had other parents." Tallulah mumbled.

"Of course you do! Everyone does!"

"Really?" She asked the Other-Quackity, slightly skeptical.

"Uh-huh, and as soon as we are all done eating, I thought we would play a game!" Other-Quackity smiled, a little too big.

Tallulah cast her mind around, thinking of a game. "Like, hide and seek?"

"Sure! Hide and seek, in the rain, at night!" The next second, thunder sounded outside the window behind the two other parents.

"But, I'm not allowed outside after dark." She spoke softly. That was the rule she and Wilbur had back at home.

"Oh but we love the night here!" Other-Wilbur said excitedly.

"Night swimming, night walks, night biking, it's so much fun!" Other-Quackity said, standing up and walking towards the young dragon, coming to a stop on one side of her chair.

Tallulah smiled slightly before standing up, like the others. "I'd love to play, but I should get back to my other-papi."

"But I'm your other papi." Other-Wilbur replied, standing across from Other-Quackity, on the other side of Tallulah.

"I meant, my Other-Other-papi. Papi numero uno." Tallulah attempted to walk away, but bumped into Other-Quackity, who smiled at her.

"I think I should go to bed..." She said quietly.

"Of course, Lullah."

"Come on sleepyhead!" Other-Wilbur picked her up and the three made their way to Tallulah's bed. Other-Wilbur placed her down before her parents grabbed their guitars. Lullah took out her flute and started playing along.

After playing a lullaby, Tallulah lay down, yawning. Her eyes closed and she fell into a restful sleep, the last thing she heard was her other-parents whispering:

"See you soon."


Tallulah rolled over, rubbing her eyes. She opened them to see the dirt shack and her father making some food.

"Papi?" Tallulah asked him, climbing out of bed, taking note of the fact the little button eyed doll was back in her bed.

Wilbur turned around, smiling brightly at the sight of his daughter. "Good morning my little Lullah!"

Tallulah looked around before realizing she was back home. She went over to the small door and opened it. Her eyebrow furrowed as she stared, not into the tunnel as she did last night, but into the brick wall.



Special thanks to Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated and my Writer Mix on Spotify to keep my sanity while writing this, (Almost like my sanity is still here.) Extra special thanks to mqrss, the artist of the QSMP Coraline drawing for inspiring this story!!

I'm sorry this one is short, I am currently supposed to be watching my brothers and I am not in the mood to be grounded by my mother.

Get some water, a small snack and take your meds (if you have them) or I'm going to kidnap your stuffed animals and hold them hostage until you get some nourishment in your system!

Anyways, thank you all for reading this and for the support!!

Chapter 3: "As long as I'm here, we have each other!" coming soon!


Word Count (Without author's note and recap): 851 words

Word Count (With authors note and recap): 1151 words

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