By YanaHearts

4.3K 548 226

"Feel the speed, embrace the rush. Join the thrilling world of 'Herdrenaline,' igniting a journey of love, a... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.

Chapter Thirteen.

152 25 1
By YanaHearts

~The Date~

Lexi realizes that they have reached the final episode after hours of engrossing watching. As the last episode begins playing, she feels overwhelmed and pauses the show, capturing Adrian's attention. He turns to look at her, curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm as confused as I was in the first episode, but now I think I have an idea of how it mind be. To make it more interesting," she says, grabbing a sticky note and a pen from the table and concealing her writing from him.

"I've written who the mastermind is, and you'll write yours," she explains, a playful smile on her face. Adrian smiles in response.

"I know it's silly, but just do it," Lexi encourages him. Adrian takes a sticky note and pen from her, writing down his prediction. He folds it and hands it to her, while Lexi does the same with her note.

"What do I get when I'm right?" Adrian asks a mischievous glint in his eyes. Lexi ponders for a few moments before responding.

"Anything you want," she says, meeting his gaze with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"What are you thinking about?" Lexi asks, her smile reflecting her curiosity as she holds the remote in her hand.

Adrian's mischievous grin widens as he replies, "Nothing."

She raises an eyebrow at his response but doesn't press further. "Okay," she says, resuming the episode on the screen. Deep down, Lexi secretly hopes that Adrian's prediction is correct because she's eager to find out what he might choose as his reward.

The room falls into silence as they both remain engrossed in the final episode. Moments later, as the truth is revealed about the real Cychia, Lexi's reaction is one of shock and disbelief.

"No!" she exclaims, unable to contain her surprise. "She was the villain all along because there will always be another sister! Why didn't I think of that?" Her voice rises louder than usual, her emotions pouring out. She turns to Adrian, who is chuckling at her reaction.

Curiosity gets the better of her, and she opens their folded notes to see what Adrian had written. To her surprise, his words confirm her realization:

"There's another sister."

Lexi's eyes widen as she looks at Adrian, a mix of astonishment and amusement in her expression.

The playful interaction between them deepens their connection.

"I can't believe you knew who it was halfway through," Lexi says, taking a seat after her initial shock subsides. She realizes that she's eager to discover Adrian's desired reward, curious about what he has in mind. He senses her anticipation from her expression and decides to seize the moment.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow afternoon?" Adrian asks a hint of excitement in his voice.

"No, why?" Lexi responds, her curiosity piqued.

"There's somewhere I want to take you," he replies, his words carrying a sense of intrigue.

Lexi's mind races, contemplating the possibilities. Is this a date? A thrill of anticipation rushes through her veins, and she decides to embrace the surprise.

... It's a date. Our first date. She muses to herself, a smile forming on her lips.

"I want to ask where we're going, but I love surprises," she tells Adrian, her eyes filled with excitement.

Adrian leans in closer, his lips meeting hers in a sweet and unexpected kiss. Her initial surprise quickly transforms into delight, and she responds eagerly, kissing him back. At that moment, she realizes how much she likes him.

Their kiss deepens, and their connection grows stronger. Adrian's hands gently rest on her waist, pulling her closer to him. The intensity of the moment heightens, but Lexi's nervousness starts to creep in, feeling as though things are moving too quickly.

Sensing her hesitation, Adrian breaks the kiss, his eyes meeting hers.

"Not like this," she says, her voice filled with understanding.

"Not like this," he agrees, she appreciates his consideration by kissing him, savoring the moment before breaking away.

"Then you need to..." Lexi starts, her words trailing off, her thoughts aligning with Adrian's unspoken agreement.

"Yeah," Adrian understands her.

"Before we," she doesn't finish.

"Yeah," he responds, his tone filled with anticipation. He grabs his jacket and keys, leading the way to the door with Lexi closely following behind carrying the box.

As they reach the door, their gazes meet, and Adrian pulls her close for another passionate kiss. With their lips reluctantly parting, they walk to his car, their hearts still racing with the electricity between them.

"See you tomorrow," Lexi says, a smile gracing her face as Adrian opens the car door and puts the box inside.

He turns to kiss her once more, their lips meeting in a tender moment. She wraps her arms around him, feeling his tall frame against her, savoring the familiar scent that she has grown to love. She tilts her head upward, meeting his lips for one final lingering kiss before he enters the car. With a smile, she bids him farewell as he enters his car.

As she watches him drive away, a sense of contentment washes over her. A smile spreads across her face as she reflects on the events of the day, the unexpected connection they've formed, and the promise of what the future may hold.

They truly get along so well.

Adrian drives home in the calm of the night, the soft melodies of the music filling the car as he navigates through the familiar streets. Thoughts of the day spent with Lexi linger in his mind, bringing a contented smile to his face.

Once he arrives home, he enters his apartment and indulges in a refreshing shower, allowing the warm water to wash away the remnants of the day. The steam envelopes the bathroom, creating a serene atmosphere as he lets his mind wander.

As he sits on his bed, wearing a comfortable pair of black pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt, he reaches for his laptop and clicks open a website, scrolling through various options until he finds the perfect reservation for their Sunday outing.

It's an all-inclusive experience that promises a day filled with relaxation. With a sense of anticipation, he finalizes the reservation, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Lexi.

As he settles into bed, ready to unwind before sleep claims him, his phone vibrates, indicating a new message. It's Lexi, checking in to ensure he made it home safely. A smile tugs at his lips as he types a response, assuring her that he arrived without any issues.

Lexi's next message arrives, accompanied by a picture. It's a teaser, hinting at a possible renewal of the mystery series they had immersed themselves in.

Lexi: I couldn't resist, I went down a rabbit hole and ended up reading articles about the show. So many theories and explanations! I just love mysteries! I'm so excited and I want more. Do you have any recommendations?

Adrian: I do. Let me send you the list that my friends and I made. It took us quite some time. I watch a lot of movies when I'm not racing.

He sends her a link that shows the name and where you can watch it which is very convenient.

Lexi: Thank you so much, there are so many options! I'm not sure which one to start with.

Adrian: They're listed in order from the best-rated to the least. But trust me, they're all good. Even the ones with the lower rating have a great plot.

Lexi: I want to start watching the first one but I'll end up staying up late and I'm sleepy. I'll save it for another day.

Adrian: That sounds like a plan. Goodnight.

Lexi: Goodnight! Sleep well. 😊


Lexi eagerly clicks on the first title from Adrian's list, her curiosity piqued. As the webpage loads, her eyes widen with excitement when she sees the name of her favorite actress prominently displayed. A smile spreads across her face, knowing that this is the perfect show to dive into next. The anticipation builds within her as she imagines the captivating performance that awaits her on the screen, eager to embark on a new mystery with the familiar face she admires.

She soon realizes the late hour and the importance of a good night's rest. With thoughts of her date with Adrian swirling in her mind, she nestles into her bed, feeling a sense of contentment and anticipation washing over her. She eagerly looks forward to the surprises that await her. The thought of spending more time together brings a sense of joy and nervousness, a delightful mix of emotions that dances within her.

~The Next Day.~

As the morning sunlight filters through her curtains, Lexi slowly awakens from her slumber. A gentle smile graces her lips as she stretches lazily, savoring the anticipation of the day ahead.

Remaining cocooned in her comfortable bed, she reaches for her phone, eager to catch up on the latest updates. With a few taps, she navigates through social media, scrolling through the posts of her friends and acquaintances.

Lexi's heart leaps with excitement as she spots Adrian's name on her social media feed. She eagerly clicks on his story, her eyes lighting up as she sees a new poster of him in his gear. His sleek racing suit fits him, hugging his athletic frame and emphasizing his muscular physique.

The vibrant colors of the suit, a combination of deep blues and fiery red accents, create a striking contrast against the backdrop. The helmet rests confidently in his hands, its glossy surface reflecting the surrounding lights, while the intricate design showcases the mark of a true professional. As he lifts the helmet to his head, the visor slides down, concealing his features, becoming the embodiment of a racing champion.

She takes a moment to admire the photo, even though she's seen countless images of him before. But this time, it feels different. Now that she's grown closer to him, every photo, every post holds a deeper significance.

Continuing her exploration, she discovers that Adrian has also shared a song he's currently listening to. It's one of the songs they enjoyed together yesterday in the car. The familiar melody fills her ears, transporting her back to that moment, and a warm sense of connection washes over her. It's these little gestures, these shared experiences, that make her heart flutter with affection.

With a contented sigh, Lexi sets her phone aside and gets out of bed, ready to embrace the day. She can't help but feel an undeniable excitement bubbling within her. Today is the day of their date, and she knows it's going to be nothing short of amazing. As she prepares herself, her thoughts wander to Adrian, wondering what surprises await her.

She embarks on her usual weekend routine, but this time, it feels different. Excitement bubbles within her as she prepares for her long-awaited date with Adrian. As she steps into the shower, the rhythmic beat of her favorite songs fills the bathroom, heightening her anticipation - she always brings her tablet in the bathroom.

After the refreshing shower, droplets of water cascading down her body, Lexi stands before the full-length mirror, contemplating her outfit choices as she dries up. Aware that the date is a surprise, she wrestles with the decision of what to wear. Should she opt for a flowy dress that exudes femininity and elegance, or embrace her edgier side with one of her many leather ensembles?

Each outfit holds its allure, making the choice all the more challenging. Sitting on her bed, surrounded by an array of clothing options, Lexi engages in a lively conversation with Adrian through text messages. She resolves to select her outfit based on whether Adrian arrives with his car or his bike.

Lexi begins to apply her makeup, enhancing her natural features with subtle touches. The soft hues accentuate her eyes, while a hint of color adds a radiant glow to her cheeks. With each brushstroke, she becomes more confident.

Suddenly, her phone buzzes with a notification, indicating that Adrian has arrived. A flutter of excitement courses through her veins as she rushes to the window. Peering out, she catches a glimpse of Adrian, arriving on his bike. The sight of him fills her with warmth and happiness, she also likes his bike.

Filled with anticipation, Lexi grabs her phone and sends a quick message, "The door is opened."

Lexi's confidence soars as she knows exactly what to wear for the occasion - her favorite leather outfit. She quickly walks into the living room and catches sight of Adrian sitting on the couch. As she observes his reaction, a sense of assurance washes over her. He stands up, their eyes meet, and he leans in for a sweet kiss.

"Hey," he greets her with a smile.

Lexi returns the smile, feeling a surge of excitement. "Ready to go," she replies eagerly.

They make their way to the door, and Lexi grabs her helmet and keys, locking the house behind her. As she walks towards Adrian's bike, her eyes are fixed on its sleek and powerful frame. Adrian watches her admiringly, his affection evident in his gaze. Lexi dons her helmet, feeling a rush of anticipation.

She can't believe she's about to ride with him, knowing that he's known for his high-speed adventures. Adrian helps her get situated comfortably on the bike, and as she leans closer to him, she catches a whiff of his captivating cologne. Her hands find their place on the sides of his jacket, and Adrian gently takes hold of her hands, intertwining their fingers. Lexi can feel the warmth of his touch and playfully traces her fingertips along his shirt as she laughs.

With a burst of speed, they take off, racing along a less-traveled road where they can enjoy the freedom and exhilaration of the ride. Lexi's grip tightens, her heart pounding with a mixture of thrill and nervousness. She tugs playfully at Adrian's shirt, teasing him amid their adventurous journey, relishing in the closeness they share. As the wind rushes past them, their laughter blends with the symphony of the road, creating a moment of sheer joy and connection between them.

They arrive at the Lounge & Chill, a place that exudes a relaxed ambiance with only a few people scattered about. Lexi dismounts the bike, feeling a mix of excitement and relief as she takes a moment to catch her breath. Adrian follows suit, removing his helmet and offering her a reassuring smile.

"You'll eventually get used to the speed," he assures her.

Lexi chuckles, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Yeah... Quick question. Are we still riding back on your bike after we eat?" she quips, teasing him in return.

Her attention then shifts to the building before them, and she recognizes it. It dawns on her that Adrian has chosen this exclusive venue, known for its private reservations only.

She gasps, unable to hide her surprise as a wide smile spreads across her face.

They make their way towards the entrance. They are warmly greeted by a familiar face, a man who addresses Adrian by name. He leads them to a secluded area that boasts breathtaking views of the cityscape. Lexi's eyes widen in awe as she takes in the panorama before her, unable to believe the beauty of their surroundings.

As Lexi steps into their private spot, she is immediately captivated by the enchanting ambiance that surrounds her. The space is adorned with tasteful décor, featuring elegant furnishings in rich hues of burgundy and gold. Soft, warm lighting casts a gentle glow, creating an intimate atmosphere. The room is tastefully adorned with intricate artwork and floral arrangements, adding a touch of sophistication.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows offer a panoramic view of the cityscape, with twinkling lights stretching as far as the eye can see. The sight is breathtaking, as Lexi's gaze is drawn to the sprawling city below.

Plush seating arrangements are arranged strategically to maximize the view, inviting guests to relax and enjoy the picturesque scene. A luxurious table, adorned with fine silverware and crystal glasses, stands at the center of the space, ready to host an exquisite culinary experience.

The room is filled with a soft melody, courtesy of a discreetly placed speaker system, creating a soothing and romantic ambiance.

As Lexi takes in every detail of their private spot, she can't help but feel like she's stepped into his world. The beauty of the setting reflects the care and thoughtfulness that Adrian has put into their date, leaving her in awe of the magical experience that awaits them.

As Adrian joins Lexi, she turns to face him, a smile spreading across her face. She reaches out her hand, which he takes gently in his own, intertwining their fingers. However, instead of standing next to her, he takes a step behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. The warmth of his embrace envelopes her, and she leans back slightly into his chest, finding comfort and security in his presence.

With him standing behind her, they are left alone in their private haven, fully immersed in the beauty of the moment. They are cocooned in their little world, shielded from outside distractions, and can focus solely on each other and the breathtaking view before them. The gentle breeze caresses their skin, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and serenity.

As Lexi turns to face Adrian, a sincere smile graces her lips. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice filled with gratitude. At that moment, she realizes how lucky she is to have him by her side. Without hesitation, she leans in and kisses him, conveying her appreciation and affection in a single, heartfelt gesture. Their connection deepens with each passing moment.

Feeling her warmth, in that tender moment, he reciprocates her kiss with equal fervor, his lips gently meeting hers in a soft embrace.

August Fiction Five.

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