My Mistake || Scaramouche x Y...

By bambamloser

32.5K 682 1.9K

You've been training in order to join the fatui, you thought it would just be work nothing more how wrong you... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: New Friends
Chapter 3: Keeping Eye
Chapter 4: Day Out
Chapter 5: Breakfast
Chapter 6: A Date
Part 7: Punishment
Chapter 8: Lunch
Chapter 9: Showers
Valentines Day Special
Chapter 10: Stars
Chapter 11: BFFS
Chapter 12: Sleepover
Chapter 13: Naptime
Chapter 14: Another Trip
Chapter 15: Moons
Halloween Special !!!
Chapter 16: Suprise!!
Chapter 17: Yes

Chapter 18: Last Night

362 13 18
By bambamloser

((Thank you reigensbbg for making me do this chapter ))

Me and Scaramouche walked hand in hand proud over two things. One his success and two our new relationship together. As we walked we made some conversation about the randomness that popped into our heads. Along the way Scaramouche had asked if I was hungry.

"No I'm good thank you. Are you hungry?" I asked Scaramouche.

"Not really, I just wanna get back to the hotel room..." Scaramouche responded flashing me a smile.

I nodded and we continued walking but instead of light conversation it was now silence. The silence was not uncomfortable however but the oposite. It was comforting. We finally made it back to the hotel, the walk back always feels longer. Not even a second before I entered Scaramouche had placed his hands on my waist and began to kiss my neck. It felt so good the way his light kisses would be placed gently on my neck. I felt goosebumps travel across my body. Scaramouche smirked against my neck because of my reaction.

"Do I have your permission to continue going?" Scaramouche asled looking into my eyes.

"Yes..." I said desperately wanting more. This was the first time Scaramouche had ever asked me if I wanted to do anything sexual and something about that made his touch even better. Once the "yes" slipped out of my lips Scaramouche wasted no time making his way back to my neck. This time he changed his pace starting to attack my neck leaving hickeys all around it. Once he was satisfied he began making his way up to my face. We made eye contact and he kissed me passionately, our lips followed the same rhythm both wanting, craving more. As we kissed Scaramouche guided me from the door to the bed. Once my back was facing the bed he pushed me on and made his way in between my legs. Our lips locked once more, I felt his knee in between my legs. The more we kissed the more we each wanted. Scara broke the kiss and lifted his shirt off, and I followed, guiding the dress off my sides so my chest was showing...

The next morning, I was wrapped in Scara's warmth. I never wanted to leave, it was like my safe place. I decided to stay in his arms and attempt to fall back asleep. However I couldn't because shortly after Scaramouche woke up.

"Goodmorning Y/N." Scaramouche said giving me a kiss on my check. I said goodmorning then checked the time. It was 9:37 a.m. We stayed in bed for about 30 minutes until Scara suggested the idea to get breakfast. I agreed and went to go get dressed in my normal attire. When I looked in the mirror I was shocked at the bruises on my neck. Goddamn, he did not hold back...
I spent some time trying to figure out how to hide my hickies.

"What are you doing?" Scara had asked when I put on a hoodie.

"Covering up what you did" I replied going back to finishing up.

He began to laugh then went up to me.

"C'mon Y/N don't cover them up." he said.

"Why shouldn't I?" I questioned.

"So that everyone knows you're mine." He said giving me a kiss on the lips. I did what he said because I'm pretty sure if I didn't he'd give me 100 more. By the time we had gotten to the breakfast shop it was 10:48 a.m. Luckily it wasn't a busy day so we didn't have to wait that long of a line. I ordered a bagel and coffee while Scaramouche just ordered coffee. As we walked around Liyue I learned a little more about Scaramouche. He's from Inazuma, likes his coffee dark no sugar, and he tolerates cats.

We continued walking around enjoying each others company.

"Y/N we have to go to Sumeru." Scaramouche said breaking the silence. I nodded whole heartily agreeing with him. We could not lose sight of why we came here. The traveler was headed to Sumeru so that's where we were going to go.

"When do we head out?" I asked my boyfriend.

"Well we can enjoy today together then start our journey tomorrow. Does that sound good with you?" He asled making his way closer to me.

"That sounds perfect." I said, giving him a kiss.
After finalizing our plan we got bored of walking so we decided to go back to the hotel to do a little packing.

When we got to the hotel we both tackled the task of packing together as a team. We got a little bit done but there was still much more to go as we had been here for a while. We sat on the bed together taking a break together.

"Hmmm Scara wanna take turns asking each other questions?" I asked him as I situated myself in between his legs.

"Okay...what's your favorite thing about me?"Scaramouche asked.

"I'd have to say your hair but everything really, however your hair is extra fun to play with? What about you?" I replied.

"Mine is your hands, they're soft but not super soft you know." Scaramouche explained.

As we kept asking each other questions some meaningful others nonsensical we quickly realized how late it was becoming. We decided that I would go out and get the food while Scara finished packing up our luggage's.

I went down to get the food, we got food from a cafe extremely nearby since Scaramouche didn't want me to walk far in the dark, actually it took a lot of convincing to even let me get the food but I really wanted to walk. There was a nice breeze and it felt calming and peaceful. I picked up the food and headed back to the room and saw Scara zipping up my luggage.

"Thank you kind sir!!" I said as I gave him his food.

"Thank you madam" He replied as I gave him his food. We ate together on the bed since it was our last night we could get it dirty without it being a huge bother. The food was super tasty and it satisfied any hunger we had. As we got ready for bed me and Scaramouche doubled check all the drawers and made sure we weren't leaving any clothes behind.

Eventually we got all tucked in together and faced each other. For some reason I was a little nervous for this mission. Maybe because now I really was sure of my feelings for the Harbinger and he was my boyfriend if I lost him I am not sure what I would do.

"'re gonna be okay right on this mission?" I asked trying to calm down my thoughts.

"Yea Y/N I will protect you and myself at any costs." He said placing a kiss on my temple.

"Now let's get some rest we head out tomorrow." Scaramouche said as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my body closer to him.

"Okay, goodnight Scara" I said closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight Y/N." Scaramouche said doing the same.


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