Known Strangers

Af chinachanchal

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Second Chances ?? Is it worth it..?? Mere

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1

485 42 10
Af chinachanchal

Here it is.. Plz ignore typos and errors..


Putting the key inside the keyhole , he enters inside his new apartment..

It was pitch dark in there... Like it has been for him from last few years...

Just like his life..

Finding the switch he press it.. Living room illuminated by  lights removing the darkness..

Oh how he wish there was such a switch for lights in one's heart ..  And lonely life..

He looks around the living room.. Fully furnished, all the things he would need already there..

His agent did a great job in this regard..

Putting his laptop bag on the couch, he goes towards kitchen..

Taking a bottle out of fridge, he takes a sip..

There are no more people who will wait on him hands on after he returns from office to serve him water, tea or snacks..

Honestly he doesn't even mind it much.. He was a spoiled brat, maybe he still is but getting out of thay wasnt something that was hard for him..

Looking around the kitchen he notices that it has all the essential necessities..
Groceries, utensils, dishes , equipments..

Not that they will be of much use..

He has been surviving on take outs from a long time..

In all these years he did learn some survival cooking but thats not something he really enjoyed doing..

Alright.. Maybe he still has that spoilt nature in him..

Those warm food and gentle care are distant dreams..

By his mother and by

By her.....

The one who shall be not be named..

Otherwise it leads to an opening of pandora box..

It was a different time.. Different life and different laksh..

Now time has changed.. Things have changed..Life has changed..

He has changed..

He would like to think that he was more sensible, more responsible, more mature now..

But even after all this he was alone..

There was no one to bother him, no one to ask about his whereabouts, no one to stop him.. He could go wherever he wanted, whenver he wanted.. He could do whatever he wants..

He is independent and free from all the shackles..

Just like he had wanted.....


That life is something he had always wanted..

And now here he is..

At 32..successful career, big businessman, independent, headstrong..

And alone..

Betrayed, divoreced, betrayed, left behind..

And now here he is at his own apartment in different city.. All alone..

Well.. It was his choice.. He had to deal with it..

He couldn't continue anymore.. It was getting difficult for him to live there even if his whole family was with him..

The guilt, his insecurities, betrayal, anger.. Everything taking its toll on him..

Even after years be couldn't come out of the guilt that he almost destroyed his family by bringing someone like kavya into their life..

As if she was any less that he brought someone like kavya as well..

Talk about bad choices..

And making it again and again..

He couldn't even imagine how it would have turned out if not for her..

The damage kavya would have caused his family..

And then the way she left..

What was he thinking..?? He will do one up to her ??

The master of all and palniing and plotting..??

Sometimes he can't help but feel bad for kavya.. Poor girl did all those planning and plotting for years, burned in fire of revenge and at last moment failed miserably because of her..

She failed all of kavya's plans just like that..

Such a waste..

Talk about disappointments..

Well he was glad that she exposed her.. One thing that he is immensely grateful towards her for..

He wouldn't have been able to live with himself if kavya would have succeded in her attempts..

Already he is drowning with guilt..

He did try.. Try to move on.. Try to forget everything..

Presence of sanskriti helped a lot.. Even after all his weird attempts at keeping some connection with her, it did look that he was moving ahead...

He thought it was getting better.. He even tried and agreed to see a prospective bride..

But that turned out to be his achilles heel..

Oh what a mistake that was..

As the moment to see that girl comes nearer, he started having anxiety..

All his failures , his mistakes, his failed relationships one after another started coming to his mind and he was overwhelmed with all those emotions..

While sitting in living room of that prospective bride' s home he just couldn't calm himself no matter how hard he tried..

Who would be interested in coffee offered by that girl's father at such a  time.. ??

In his mind he was having a full blown cocktail of emotions..

And made a big spectacle of himself and his family and gave a good show to the family of that girl..

Not wonder his father was furious and mother was extrenely disappointed..

While that girl was coming out with the tray, he stood up shaking his head and turned around and ran away saying that he can't do this..

He would never know what the faves of everyone standing behind looked like.. He never even looked back after all..

Not only that,he created a big ruckus at his home as well blaming everything and everyone for his messy state..

And that was the moment he realized how weak in a state he was .. He wasn't moving forward.. Not at all.. He was spiralling even backwards..

The fury and disappointment of his parents turning into concern, worry and pleadings 

The burden of his wrong decision, the guilt of his wrong choices, the anger at his betrayal,  the shame of his failed attempt at betrayal, his wrong deeds, gratitude towards the person he hated the most and disbelief that she knew it all along.. Those mixed feelings while he was faking with her and then knowing that probably she was faking it as well as she knew everything from the  start.. Those genuine flutterings of heart amongst those fake love moments, the shock of her leaving just like that, the  burden of pretending that everything is alright, the pressure of moving forward..

Everything took it's toll on him one day and he snapped..

Very badly..

And then he decided to leave .. He wanted to be alone, he wanted his space and room to breath..

He didn't want to smile when he wasn't willing to, he didn't want to be gloomy all day and worry his family, be didn't want to stay confused all the time.. He just wanted himself and so he left..

On the pretense of work, he started staying outside.. Travelling from one place to another, hardly going home ..

Well it wasn't all a waste.. He got one success after another at work.
The waste coin of durgaptasad maheswari turned out to be most useful..

He even exceeded Adarsh and Sanskaar and although it doesn't sound humble but he is proud of it..

He set up new business at places around India and taking their company to heights and now setting up a new company in this city which is his own sweat and blood..

He had completely immersed himself in setting up this company and once it started bearing fruits he had decided to relocate here for a longer term..

He wants to focus on this company ..

And it gives him a solid excuse of staying away..

No one would bother him to return back for few years atleast..

Maybe he just wanted to hide from everyone..

But whatever it is that's his decision.. It could once again proved to be those wrong decision of his..

Maybe it's not the best life to have but it's his life..

Only thing is that he is not sure whether he is actually living it..

Shaking himself out of his thoughts and Keeping the bottle back at its place, he goes towards his room to sleep..

He had to get up early for work next day..


Laksh comes out of his apartment taking his laptop bag while talking on phone..

Laksh - Yes I will be there.. Make sure Mr. Mehra is on time.. I don't like to waste my time.. Yes sure..

While this was going on with him, at the same time in the apartment at the other side of the floor -

A girl was running here and there with a toast in her one hand and taking a bite from it while arranging some files in her bag..

One hand holding her bag, other one her toast while her phone placed between her head and shoulders..

Girl - Yes yes sheena.. I m coming, I m coming.. No you don't worry about that.. I will handle it.. You just take proper rest.. I have said it and it's final.. Don't even move from your place..I will be there in some time..

Arranging everything she opens the door and comes out side and start locking her door..

She hears the door sound of the apartment from other side and from the side glance saw a man coming out if his apartment and turning to close the door..

Must be the new neighbour..

She tilt her head a bit and wish with a smile..

Girl - Good morning..

Focusing back to locking her apartment door..

Laksh nods his head and wish her back..

Laksh - Good morning..

But after a second both froze and widen their eyes ..

Laksh - Ragini....??

Ragini - Laksh....??

They both immediately turns around and gets completely shocked looking at each other..

It was Laksh and Ragini facing each other ..

This unexpecred face off after years.. What turn it will take..??


Here it is.. Hopefully you like it.. Do give your feedbacks..

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