For Her, He Will

By LillyBelle13

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The sequel to For Him, I Would Oakley and Kayce are back and engaged. But with politics, heartaches, and a n... More

Chapter One - Too many questions can lead to mistakes.
Chapter Two - Family Loyalty and Distractions.
Chapter Three - Do distractions ever really work?
Chapter Four - Everyone is a threat.
Chapter Five - Can someone actually be safe here?
Chapter Six - Too many people can't know.
Chapter Seven - Welcome home to bruises and bruised egos.
Chapter Eight - How many times do I have to explain this to you?
Chapter Nine - You're hard not to love.
Chapter Ten - Fist swinging only gets you so far.
Chapter Eleven - Nothing to be jealous of.
Chapter Twelve - Slice through to the bone.
Chapter Thirteen - Keep him from his own monsters.
Chapter Fourteen - How does one explain?
Chapter Fifteen - To say sorry when it's not your fault.
Chapter Sixteen - Only she can heal her boys.
Chapter Seventeen - The anger will eat you alive.
Chapter Nineteen - Fix me, please.
Chapter Twenty - You have always been enough.
Chapter Twenty-One - Only as a team can this happen.
Chapter Twenty-Two - Keep the picture as a reminder.
Chapter Twenty-Three - I want this.
Chapter Twenty-Four - Fix the books and the family.
Chapter Twenty-Five - One more band aid to be ripped off.
Chapter Twenty-Six - Only one thing was missing.
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Let me hold you tonight.
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Rodeos and Ramblings
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Moments where it feels like it's always been like this.
Chapter Thirty - Birthday gifts that keep on giving.
Chapter Thirty-One - It won't come between you and me.
Chapter Thirty-Two - All this time, I never knew.
Chapter Thirty-Three - Heart beats so tiny.
Chapter Thirty-Four - I don't want to be that stereotype.
Chapter Thirty-Five - Take a deep breath, baby.
Chapter Thirty-Six - I do.
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Make your rounds before you leave.
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Love at first sight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Stay here forever.
Chapter Forty - Adjusting to the changes.
Chapter Forty-One - A whole lot more is on the line now.
Chapter Forty-Two - It's been a long, eventful week.
Chapter Forty-Three - Learn your place.
Chapter Forty-Four - What's in a name?
Chapter Forty-Five - Changes in the Night.
Chapter Forty-Six - One Pink & One Blue
Chapter Forty-Seven - Never dull for a Dutton.
Chapter Forty-Eight - They'll begin to take it all.
Chapter Forty-Nine - Who exactly are they after?
Chapter Fifty - I'm trying to not be my father.
Chapter Fifty-One - Those women will help figure it out.
Chapter Fifty-Two - Shuffle everyone around.
Chapter Fifty-Three - The views here are different.
Chapter Fifty-Four - That's how it works now.
Chapter Fifty-Five - Growing Up.
Chapter Fifty-Six - Homecoming

Chapter Eighteen - Election Night Results

1.4K 46 25
By LillyBelle13

Oakley stood inside the main house while she watched Kayce and Ryan stare down the reporters as they left the property. They had come for the election results, but neither Dutton man running was here. After the last car pulled out, Kayce turned around and walked back inside the house.

"I see why it was tempting to Rip," Kayce barked as he shut the door, and when Oakley looked at him confused, he elaborated. "With the river." 

"Kayce!" Oakley hissed at him.

"I'm kidding," Kayce shrugged.

"No, you're not," Oakley rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm not," Kayce smirked.

Oakley glanced at the clock on the wall.

"We'll know here in a few hours," She sighed. "It's the waiting that gets me."

"Tell me more about your nightmares," Kayce walked over to her. "When did they start?"

"At the hospital," Oakley sighed. "I think...I think they're more memories than a nightmare, but they're horrible."

"What are they of?"

Oakley knew that would be a question. She closed her eyes as she swallowed, wishing now she could take it back.

"The accident," Oakley whispered.

"Oaks," Kayce pulled her into his arms.

"I-I know why they're happening," Oakley said into Kayce's shoulder. "it's my memory, so it's only what I remember. They come in pieces...but there's always the smashed car, the burning smell and the..."

"The what?" Kayce asked.

Oakley leaned back and looked up at him.

"Screaming," Oakley felt tears in the corners of her eyes. "It's her screaming...Monica."


"A-And I can't get to her, I can't see her," Oakley cried. "But I hear her...she's in s-so m-much pain and I can't do anything ab-bout it."

Kayce didn't say anything but hugged Oakley tight against him, his fingers running through her hair as he pressed his lips against her temple. Oakley cried softly in his arms, the simple act of coming clean to Kayce about them powerful enough to ease some of the weight off her chest.

"Wake me next time," Kayce sighed. "I may not know what to do to help, but you don't have to sit there in silence alone."

"I'm sorry," Oakley sniffed.

Kayce pulled her head back and looked into her eyes.

"Don't be," He kissed her sweetly. "But don't ever not tell me if something is bothering you like this again."

"I just wanted to take care of you," Oakley sighed. "After what I've put you threw."

"I'm not good if you ain't," Kayce wiped under Oakley's eyes. "Come on, let's go relieve Lloyd."

Oakley grabbed Kayce's hand and walked over to the back door. They had left Tate with Lloyd so he wouldn't be involved if something happened. As they were walking back down to the cabin, Oakley saw a flash from the trees off to the side.

"Hey!" Kayce called out, stepping in front of Oakley.

"Commissioner Dutton...would you comment on the Governor's race and whether or not you voted for your father or your brother?" A loan male reporter walked out.

"Get off my property," Kayce snapped.

"I will," The man nodded. "But sir, would you like to comment?"

"I won't ask again," Kayce glared, while Oakley tightened her hold on his arm.

"Mrs. Dutton, would you like to comment for your husband?" The guy was walking backward.

"Excuse me?" Oakley asked. "Get off our property!"

"It's just a comment," The guy stopped, now a few feet away from them.

The pen and pad of paper were held in his hand while his cell phone was pointed at Oakley and Kayce...probably recording.

"You're on private property," Kayce growled. "If you want a comment from me or my office then you can call during work hours."

Kayce started to walk toward the guy.

"But you don't get to come to my home and harass my family," Kayce continued while the guy started to walk away again.

"Sorry, Commissioner," The guy fumbled over a rock.

"You do it again," Kayce threatened. "And I'll pull my gun without question."

"Just like with those other reporters?" The guy challenged.

Oakley felt her heart drop out of her chest. She looked at Kayce, unaware of what his face looked like since he was in front of her.

"The only reporter I know about is the idiot in front of me right now," Kayce said. "Now get the fuck out of here."

The guy turned on his heels and jogged off to the entrance of the ranch. Kayce looked back over his shoulder at Oakley with a scowl on his face. Oakley took a deep breath, feeling her tight muscles constrict...her breath was seen in the porch lights now coming on.

"Come on," Kayce walked back over to Oakley, placing his hand on the small of her back and lading her back down to the cabin.

When they got there Lloyd left and Tate was finishing up his homework. Kayce glanced at Oakley before he walked back out and headed to the bunkhouse. Oakley frowned, feeling on edge now as she went over to where Tate was at the dining table. She reached for her phone and called Beth.


"There were reporters at the ranch?" Beth asked.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "About ten or so...then this one guy popped out at Kayce and me when we thought they all had gone."

Oakley was in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed. While she knew Tate could hear if he wanted to, she also knew he wasn't probably interested in her conversation with Beth.

"Did Kayce kill him?" Beth asked.

"No, that seems to be your husband's handy work," Oakley sighed.

"Funny," Beth said. "But they're all gone now?"

"From what we can see," Oakley answered. "Are you at the results watch-party thing?"

"Yeah," Beth said. "Early voting results should be coming in here within the hour."

"Okay," Oakley nodded. "Hey, Beth? In case no one knows they're supposed to thank you for your work the last few months...thank you for all that you've done." 

"Sounds like you think Jamie won," Beth chuckled.

"No," Oakley rolled her eyes. "I'm being serious here with you as your friend."

"Thanks, Oaks," Beth sighed. "This has been pretty brutal."

"I'm sure," Oakley heard the front door open and close. "I think Kayce is back...I'll talk to you later?"

"Might get crazy after the final results," Beth cleared her throat. "If you don't hear from me...I'll call you in the morning."

"Kayce and I will probably be up for a while," Oakley said. "I'm here if you need me, Beth."

Kayce walked into the bedroom, looking for Oakley, and caught the tail end of what she had just said. He looked concerned at her, but Oakley shook her head no.

"Stay safe, Oakley," Beth hung up the phone.

"I called Beth," Oakley told Kayce as she brought her phone down. "Figured John would want to know what happened on his ranch whether he's governor in a few hours or not."

"Thanks," Kayce sighed.

"Where'd you go off to?" Oakley asked.

"To tell them they missed one," Kayce leaned against the door frame.

"They wouldn't have known," Oakley looked at him. "It's a big place, and we weren't expecting them to come here."

"They don't need you defending them," Kayce smirked at Oakley.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't have said something," Oakley rolled her eyes. "I'm just trying to make sure you know that everyone here is on the same team."

"Dad?" Tate appeared next to Kayce.

"What?" Kayce asked him.

"I finished my homework," Tate said. "Can I go feed the horses with the wranglers?"

"I want you to stay here, buddy," Kayce sighed. "It's a crazy night as is...I don't need you not where I can see you. Just stay with us, okay?"

Tate looked over at Oakley, but it wasn't for her to help him. Tate then looked back up at his father.

"Does she know?" Tate asked him.

"Know what?" Kayce's eyes danced to Oakley.

"About what happened to me?" Tate shrugged.

Kayce kneeled next to Tate, becoming the same height as him almost.

"Yeah, buddy...Oaks knows," Kayce nodded his head. "I told her a long time ago."

Even though Oakley was a few feet away, she felt like Kayce and Tate were in their own world right now. Tate nodded to his dad and then slowly turned around and walked back out into the living room. Kayce looked over at Oakley.

"Is he okay with me knowing?" Oakley asked softly.

"Who knows," Kayce sighed, standing back up. "Is a ten-year-old ever  supposed to be okay with being kidnapped when he was younger?"

Oakley stood up from the bed and walked over to Kayce.

"Do you just want leftovers?" She asked. "I could make milkshakes for dessert too?"

"Sure," Kayce nodded.

Oakley went to step around him but Kayce's hand shot out and pulled her back into him. Oakley held onto Kayce's arms that were wrapped around her back. He looked over her shoulder as if to make sure Tate wasn't too close by.

"Whatever happens tonight," Kayce said lowly. "It's you and me, okay?"

"Kayce..." Oakley sighed.

"I mean it," Kayce's grip on her tightened.

Oakley gave Kayce a sad smile. She reached up and pulled Kayce's lips down to hers for a sweet kiss.

"It's not you and me I'm worried about tonight, baby," Oakley whispered against his lips.

They heard Tate turn on the television set and the news could be heard. They were talking about Jamie...early voting had come in and John Dutton was currently in the lead with twenty-eight percent of the votes cast.

Oakley looked up into Kayce's eyes.

"Everything's gonna change," Oakley whispered.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded. "I love you."

"I love you," Oakley smiled.


Oakley was curled into Kayce on the couch, her head leaning back on his chest as Kayce had one arm wrapped around Oakley's front. Tate was sitting next to them; he had finished his chocolate milkshake Oakley had made earlier as they all watched the news. He was close to passing out. 

"We are just about an hour away from the final results of both primaries...and it had been a nail-biter! John Dutton currently holds thirty-seven percent of the votes. But his son, Jamie Dutton is a close second with thirty-three. This is anyone's game, ladies and gentlemen. Once we get election day numbers in, we will change the numbers you see at the bottom of your screen."

Oakley snuggled back into Kayce's arms and sighed. She looked at Tate and saw his eyes closed as he leaned his head on Oakley's legs stretched out. She leaned up and pulled a blanket over him before she sat back against Kayce.

Kayce's lips were right next to Oakley's ear as they sat there. She was playing with his fingers on the arm wrapped around her. When her two fingers pushed down on Kayce's ring fingers she glanced down.

"Just waiting for you to make an honest man out of me," Kayce whispered to Oakley, making her smile.

"Soon," She giggled, lacing her fingers through Kayce's.

They sat there until the news came back on, Kayce's arm tightening its hold on Oakley as the reporter stated they had results coming in from the elections office.

"We are prepared to announce that John Dutton will win the Republican Primary for the Governor of Montana...Mr. Dutton now has fifty-six percent of the vote, carrying him well over the fifty-one percent threshold he needs. John Dutton is the infamous owner of the Yellowstone Ranch in east Montana. He most recently served as Livestock Commissioner, the position now held by Dr. Dutton's youngest son, Kayce Dutton."

Oakley leaned her head against Kayce's as they listened.  

"John Dutton has defeated his oldest living son, Jamie Dutton, for the Republican ticket. Jamie Dutton was most recently working in the attorney general's office. The father-son has not been seen together since they both announced they were running...leading to speculations of probably some awkward dinner table conversations."

"How dare they," Oakley hissed under her breath.

"John Dutton will now face off against Jeremiah Perkins, from outside of Billings, Montana. Perkins took sixty-nine percent to claim the Democrat ticket spot. The two men will face off in the November election this fall."

Kayce turned off the television set. His phone on the table lit up with an incoming call. The two of them stared at the phone until it turned silent. But a second later it started to vibrate again. Kayce sighed, gently lifting Oakley up so he could scoot out from under her. He grabbed his phone off the table and answered it, walking toward the front door and grabbing his jacket.

Oakley sighed and took in what just happened. John was going to be the governor. She had little faith that whoever the Perkins guy was, he could pull off a win. Looking down she saw Tate still asleep on the couch.

Oakley gently lifted his head and placed a pillow under it, moving another blanket over him as she picked up around them. It was late, the votes taking a little longer to count. She turned off the side lamp and brought their empty cups into the kitchen, placing them in the sink. She could see Kayce talking on the front porch.

Oakley turned the kitchen light off and quietly walked into the bedroom. She sat down on the bed and thought about what Beth and John were doing right now. There were probably balloons dropping from a ceiling if she guessed. Maybe a band playing in the background? But then her mind went to Jamie.

Where was Jamie? Who was with him? Oakley felt herself grow sad as she thought about the man, she said she'd always care about.

"You okay?" Kayce asked.

"Who was that?" Oakley asked.

"Dad," Kayce walked in.

"Really?" Oakley was surprised. "What did he say?"

"Not much," Kayce sat down next to Oakley. "Think he was a bit surprised, honestly."

"Was he...happy?" Oakley rubbed Kayce's back.

"Think he's too stunned for that right now," Kayce sighed. "Beth was saying something about a band and telling him to hang up."

"I'm happy he called you," Oakley smiled. "That you were his first call after the results."

"Yeah," Kayce nodded. "It's weird."

"Yeah," Oakley took a breath. "Maybe you should call Jamie?"

Kayce looked over at her.

"I doubt he'll take my call," Kayce said.

"He'll take your call," Oakley smiled. "You're his little brother."

"Oaks..." Kayce sighed.

"You said it yourself, Kayce," Oakey interrupted. "That he better not call you anything else until he's dead."

"How'd you know that?" Kayce asked.

"Jamie told me once," Oakley shrugged. "And it doesn't matter...he warned you about the reporters...he's helped me back during my've told me countless of times how he's helped this place out even when it looked like he was turning his back on it."

Kayce sighed, thinking.

"What if he doesn't have anyone?" Oakley asked softly. "I know he's got some son somewhere...but what if right now he's alone?"

Kayce looked back at her.

"Alright," Kayce nodded, pulling his phone out. "I'll check on him."

Oakley lensed over and kissed the side of Kayce's head before standing up.

"I love you," Oakley said, walking into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

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