Aizawa Oneshots and More

By sstrawberry_hearts

17.4K 191 58

Need even more fanfiction of your favourite teacher? You've come to the right place! Here you will find all o... More

Strawberry Donuts (BF Scenarios)
Yearning (BF Scenarios)
Rainwater pt2
Rainwater pt3 (ending)
Happy Pills
Love Bites (NSFW)
Jealousy (NSFW)
Midnight Chase
Hot Springs
Full Moons
Beauty of Art
Learning Day
The Pale Rose
Ex's and Oh's (NSFW)
Gojo Special
15k Reader Special?
Worlds (NSFW)

Starlit Eyes (BF Scenarios)

761 6 4
By sstrawberry_hearts

-- Starlit Eyes --
~ You Hang Out / He Develops Feelings ~
Type of Fic: General - SFW
Request: No.
Please Enjoy!

Deep breaths, (Y/N))

You breathe in deeply, holding your breath for a few long seconds before exhaling. These students were getting on your nerves today, specifically Denki. That boy has been flirting with Kyoka all class and she was beginning to be receptive to it, making matters worse. Don't get yourself wrong, you were all for romantic relationships blooming between your students, but when it gets in the way of their schoolwork, that's when it becomes a problem for both you, Aizawa, and them.

"Kaminari," you call to him, "focus on your work please. I don't want to say it again." A stern, strong voice emanates from you, ringing throughout the classroom and making the others focus more intensely on their schoolwork. You've gotten the hang of this pretty well, it's been a little more than half a year now since you first arrived at the prestigious school that was UA High and you've settled in quite nicely in your role as teaching assistant to the Pro Hero Eraserhead.

"Good work as always, (Y/N)." The hero tells you with a slight, amused smirk. You spare a glance towards the teacher, appreciating his acknowledgement.

"Thank you, Shota." You beam, a sense of pride evident in your voice. His words only made you more determined to support your students in every way possible.

"You've become quite adapted to this role, you know. It's impressive. I don't really have to struggle with these kids as much as I used to ever since you showed up." He leans against his desk, his eyes sweeping across the students engrossed in their work. "You've become quite the asset to my classroom, congratulations."

When his eyes meet yours, his expression softens just the smallest bit, "the students respect you, even the troublesome ones."

Your cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink and you put up a humble, modest smile. "I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do; ensuring the students lead a successful path to becoming a hero, all while helping you."

You feel a sense of gratitude wash over you as you say these words, your chest puffing out a small bit. Your dedication and sense of pride reminds him of himself in a way, and of his ideals he holds as a hero.

"Your commitment to me and my students is commendable, (Y/N)."

A subtle shift in the air occurs between you both; an unspoken strengthening of your bond together. One that goes beyond the box of colleague and colleague, just as it has been these past few months. Aizawa takes a step closer to you, his expression showing that he's happy his students are completely focused on their work, but out of the corner of your eye you can tell a few are staring; like Mina and Jiro.

His voice lowers to a whisper, his tone almost intimate with you. He leans down slightly, raspy voice whispering in your ear: "You bring warmth to my classroom, (Y/N). Thank you. I appreciate you."

Warmth spreads throughout your chest and especially over your face. What was he doing, so close to you like that? You can't help the smile that comes to your face, albeit one that's a little nervous and shy. A quick glance to the side shows you that most of the class is staring now, completely invested in the scene that's happening at the front of the room.

Before you can say anything, Aizawa stands straight and with an annoyed sigh, he looks over the classroom, "get back to work, there's nothing to see here. Say a word and I'll fail you."

"Shota! Don't be so harsh on them!" You retort, giving him a light nudge in the arm. A pout comes to your face and your ears twitch at the sound of giggles. You fwip your head to the side and glare at the students giggling, "back to work! You heard him."

A few hushed whispers and laughs come from a few of them before they die down quickly, daring to make a few retorts under their breaths but not daring enough to disobey their teacher and his assistant.

Minutes pass as you and Aizawa chat and laugh together, leaving the students to finish up their work for the rest of the class. The bell eventually rings and the young heroes quickly pack up their things and file out of the classroom, a few more rushed than the others to get out and go home.

As the remaining students bid their goodbyes, the air in the room feels a lot more intimate and warm than the usual bubbly and lighthearted vibe. Aizawa pushes himself off from his desk and takes a step forward towards you. This time he raises his head, seemingly making sure the last of the students were out of the classroom. As he steps closer, his dull eyes shine with vulnerability, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"You know, not only the students benefit from your presence here. Working alongside you like this has impacted me quite a bit, (Y/N). I just thought you should know that."

You glance at him once, then twice, and the third time is when you finally manage to look at him, the slight blush on your face earning a larger smile from the teacher. The weight of his words weigh heavily on you, but in a nice way, like you were under a thick warm blanket on a cold winter night. A new territory was slowly being tread on, one that he was beginning to hope you would walk on with him.

Seeing your blushing face sparks something within him; it makes his heart flutter and his mind race. What was this? He began to sweat a little, his hands becoming clammy and words feeling like rocks in the depths of his throat. When you thank him, he's at a loss for words.

Raising a curious yet concerned eyebrow, you wave a hand in front of his face.

"Shota?" You call. "Shota, hello? Shota?"

Your voice calling him reaches his ears but it takes him a long second to snap out of his daze, hands still clammy and words eluding him.

"S-Sorry," his voice betrays his flustered state, "I just got lost in thought. I apologise profusely." He sputters, bowing his head slightly as an act of apology.

Your brows furrow in a mix of concern and understanding and you give him a gentle pat on the arm. "If there's something bothering you, Shota, I'm here to listen."

"I appreciate you willing to lend an ear, but I don't think I'm ready to talk about it. Maybe soon. How about you and I go out for a walk? I can clear my head and tell you all about it. How does that sound?"

You beam up at him and nod your head approvingly, "that sounds great. I'll get my things." Stepping past him, you reach under his desk and bring out your bag. You shove your notes and phone inside, along with your water bottle, before sending another nod his way. "I'm ready to go. Come on."

His lips curve into a grateful, fond smile. Aizawa opens the door to the classroom and beckons you outside, "after you."

"What a gentleman." You tease, earning a snicker from the teacher.

Together, the two of you walk side by side into the fresh air outside, happy to be out of the congested space of the classroom. Aizawa takes a deep breath and sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he usually does. His stoic demeanour returns, but you notice he's in deep thought. You were about to ask, but when he shoots you a glance, you quickly decide against it. He will tell you when he feels ready to.

The cool breeze of the outside world hits your faces, rejuvenating the two of you. It was only now that you realise just how long you were inside the classroom after the final bell rang, as the sun had slowly begun its descent. Each step that was taken had made the air feel more comfortable, which allowed the two of you to reflect on your own thoughts. Yours was full of concern for Aizawa while he was full of many mixed emotions.

For the first time in a long time, his typically reserved heart was beginning to open. Everytime he looked at you, you noticed the subtle touch of vulnerability in his eyes. Every time he heard you speak his name, a myriad of emotions and conflicting desires swirled within him. It was now, as he stole glances at you when you weren't looking, did he realise something. His heart, which was once reserved and shielded, began to crack. The more you talk, the more he spends time with you in class, the deeper he is pulled into this web of emotions, full of uncertainty and hesitancy. And yet, despite this inner turmoil, he finds assuagement with your presence. The support and care you offer him provides a way for a deeper connection.

"How about we head up to the roof of your apartment and stargaze?" He asks suddenly, breaking the rather comfortable silence. "The sunset is rather pretty."

Aizawa nods at the setting sun, eyes squinting a little as he looks at the pretty colour variants that paint the sky. You turn your head to him, intrigue in your eyes, albeit hopeful and full of excitement.

"That sounds wonderful, Shota, I would love to stargaze with you. Maybe then you can tell me what's on your mind?" You ask, a bit of hesitancy in your voice as you didn't want to make him uncomfortable in the slightest. His expression softens once more, his own eyes showing a spark of glee and vulnerability again.

"Of course."

Together, the two of you begin walking again, making your short way back to your apartment. Anticipation and nerves run wild as the two of you walk up the stairs of the apartment complex, eventually reaching the door that leads to the roof. Aizawa opens it for you and allows you to step through first before following suit. The thought of spending this intimate quality time with one another made both your cheeks turn pink and butterflies flutter in your stomachs. You two step out into the open space and the sight of the star-studded sky fills you both with awe. You nudge Aizawa and then nod at a few chairs under some closed umbrellas by the railing at one side of the building.

"Come on, let's go sit there."

As you both gaze upward, sitting relaxed in your separate chairs, Aizawa can't help but glance over at you. His breath hitches in your throat, his eyes noticing how absolutely gorgeous you looked under the starlight. The way your eyes sparkled with reflections of the stars, the way your lips parted open in a gasp when you saw a shooting star; it made his heart race. It made his hands clammy again, made his face turn red, a stark contrast to the dark colours of the night sky. He is completely captivated by you, and it wasn't until now that he realised that maybe, just maybe he has feelings for you.

As the silence continues to stretch on, he caught himself staring now. No longer was his attention on the stars or even on the sky at all, but it was all on you. He was wrestling with himself deep down. Should I say something?

Finally, Aizawa musters up his courage and with a subtle shift of his chair, he moves closer to you, enough to where your knees are touching. The sudden action causes you to snap your head back down to look at him, eyes glancing between his knees and his face. You raise a curious eyebrow and open your mouth to speak, but are cut off by him.

"(Y/N)," he begins, his eyes showing sincerity with an ounce of hesitancy. Your reaction to his moving closer made him even more nervous. His voice was barely above a whisper, "You know what's been on my mind lately?"

You look at him in the eyes now, eyes twinkling with curiosity and you nod your head. "Go on, I'm here to listen. What's troubling you, Shota?"

"You are." He replies bluntly. Your eyes widen slightly and an embarrassed blush comes to your face. You were about to speak again, worried for what you might've done to trouble him so.

"I realised something tonight, (Y/N). You look absolutely stunning tonight, under the light of the stars... you're absolutely mesmerising, I can't help but be drawn in by you. The way your eyes sparkle with the thoughts of the universe, or the way you look so entranced by the endless possibilities up there, it makes my heart flutter."

He takes a second to take a breath, his eyes searching yours for the reciprocation to the feelings he was confessing to you. He continues when all he receives is stunned silence.

"I may not... be able to word things right right now, but I want you to know that being here with you right now feels incredibly special to me. It feels like magic, like the beginning of something extraordinary."

A fragile, fragile silence hangs in the air as Aizawa bares his heart to you, his expression nervous; unsure of how you will respond to his confession. In his eyes hold a glimmer of hope that you feel the same way, and for now, he falls silent, awaiting your response.

"Shota, I–" you stammer, your worried expression changing to one of awe and fondness, "I'm enjoying myself up here with you just as you are. I think the stars highlight your features very well, too."

His eyes go wide; all he wants to do now is to hug you, to embrace you in his arms and maybe even–

"But," your words snap him out of his thoughts, "what are you really trying to say? Confirm it for me."

Trepidation runs through his blood as his heart pounds against his chest. He takes another deep breath, gathering his thoughts and bringing forth the courage to express what he really feels with you, without sugarcoating it.

"I...," he whispers, leaning in just a little closer to you, "this time we've spent together has made me realise that I have feelings for you, (Y/N). I think I'm crushing on you – no, I think I'm in love with you."

Your eyes stare into his, noticing the vulnerability and sincerity in them and in his voice. Both your faces were a deep shade of red now. Your expression shows many things, surprise, compassion, and even some hope.

"Confirm it for me." You whisper, your voice soft yet firm. Aizawa scoots his chair closer to yours and tentatively reaches out, his hand grasping for yours, searching for affirmation as he realises the importance of your request.

"I have feelings for you, (Y/N). That's what has been on my mind lately. All throughout today I've had these... feelings. I get nervous yet confident when I am around you, like I can take on even the most dangerous of villains. Like I can take on the League all by myself. I hope you–"

"I do."

His eyes snap open to peer up at yours, mouth slightly agape mid-sentence. His heart was about to jump out of his chest now.

"You do? Will.. will you be–"

"I will."

Not even a second after your response, Aizawa engulfs you in a tight hug, his scent of cologne filling your nose as his hand comes to the back of your head, ushering your head into his chest.

"I'm happy to be yours, (Y/N)."

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