Embracing Chaos [Sweet Pea]

By h3llfir3_eggos

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"Why are you so surprised that I can fight?" I asked Sweet pea, I blocked his punch and kicked him in the sto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 6

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By h3llfir3_eggos

The next day I was awakened by the sounds of birds chirping and people talking in the other room. I realized I did not wake up in my bed, I was in someone elses, and I panicked. I looked down at my clothes, my eyes widened seeing Im wearing something different than what I was wearing last night. It was still girls' clothes just not mine. Heavy footsteps were coming down the hallway, I turned my head towards the door. Its Sweet pea, he had a bag and a drink from Pops in his hands. 

"Good morning sleepy head. Its 1 pm. Sweet pea greeted me jokingly as he walked into the room and over to me and sat down next to me. Good morning. I yawned, stretching my arms and legs like a cat. Fangs and Toni brought you food. Theyre in the living room talking to Witchy. Sweet pea says to me, handing me the bag and the drink. Awww, they didnt have to, um, you said its 1 pm? I asked, rubbing my eyes trying to wake up.

"Yeah, you slept all night and all morning. I didnt want to wake you. Sweet pea said to me, and I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. My mom's gonna kill me when I get home. I joked, earning a small laugh from the giant. No, she wont! I told her you slept over at my house last night! AJ yelled from the other room, and I giggled, shaking my head at her. Thanks, babes! I yelled back. 


"Do you remember anything from last night? Sweet pea asked, I looked at him nodding my head remembering everything. I mumbled a small yeah. I took out the hamburger from the bag and I took a bite out of it. What did you mean when you said you needed to go get your daughter? That was the last thing you said before you fainted. Sweet pea asks me, and I swallowed before speaking.

"My friend Mia called me last night, Im not quite sure what happened back home but she said that she was physically hurt and so were my other friends when she dropped off Rose, my baby daddys girlfriend back at their house. I was going to leave before the whole fight between me and that tall man. I explained to him, taking a sip of my soda and taking another bite of the burger. 

"Really? Sweet pea handed me my phone that was sitting on the nightstand next to him. I took it from him and started to go through it to see if I got any new messages. Yep, thats why I was anxious as hell, uhm, Im scared for my daughter, I mumbled the last part. I replied to some of the messages I received from the girls and from some other friends. 

"Is he that bad? Sweet pea arched a brow at me. Yes, Dakota, my fathers daughter, is physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. I have no idea if hes hurt Odessa, but I know hes hurt his girlfriend, and my friends Mia and Jasper. I replied to him. I havent talked to him about my relationship with Dakota. I havent told AJ about it yet either. 

"Has he been abusive w-with you? Sweet pea hesitated a little in his question. I put down my phone to look at him and went quiet. I froze and set down my food. I bit my bottom lip. 

"T-that's something Im not ready to talk about. I stammered, my hands were shaky, and he noticed. I looked down at my hands, they had some cuts and bruises from the fights Ive gotten into. He put his large hands on my small ones. Thats alright, Im all ears whenever youre ready to tell me, okay? Sweet pea says to me, he pulled me into a hug, and I hugged back the boy. I was glad he wasnt forcing me to talk about it.

I pulled away from the hug. I put the food back into the bag, becoming full after a few bites. Are you gonna go back to New York to get your daughter? I shrugged my shoulders leaning back against the pillows. Well see, I said to him, I need to think of a plan. I dont wanna go to New York unprepared.

"Are you ready to get up? I nodded my head, and he gave me his hand. I took it then I got up with his help. Ill save the food for later, I got full. I tell him as he gave me a look. You need to eat more. Sweet pea told me while we walked out of the bedroom. I walked behind him. Technically, I ate half a burger, so I did. 

Sweet pea looked at me over his shoulder shaking his head. Look who decided to finally get out of bed. Fangs said, earning laughs from the girls. You needed the rest didnt you babes? AJ asked, grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto the couch to sit next to her. Yeah, I guess so. I yawned, rubbing my eyes again trying to wake up. AJ moved so she was laying her head on my lap. Are you feeling better from last night? AJ looked up at me, I leaned back into the couch and looked down at her. If Im being honest, no I dont feel better. I bit the inside of my cheek. 

Sweet pea sits down next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Shes mine right now, Sweet pea, AJ tells him, grabbing my hand and she plays with it as she glared at him, and he glared back at her. You get to see her all the time, I dont. Sweet pea whined, I ran my fingers through my hair to get the tangles out and also so the bed hair could go away. 

"I hate you Sweet pea, AJ said to Sweet pea, she was holding her shoulder. I giggled at the two arguing. Why? Because I smacked you? Sweet pea asked, letting out a laugh. Yes. AJ glared at him. I shake my head at the two. I wasnt feeling well, I havent been for a day now, but I wasnt going to the four know that. Toni must have noticed that I wasnt. You okay? Toni asked to which I nodded my head. Yeah, I replied to the pink-haired girl. 

Liar, AJ said, doing a fake cough, wow throw me under a bus why dont you?

"Brooke, what's wrong? Sweet Pea asked, in his voice, it sounded like he was starting to worry. I just dont feel good. I promise its nothing to be worried about. I reassured the four worried friends. Well worry. Both AJ and Sweet Pea spoke at the same time, Its not nothing, now spill!

"Theres nothing to spill? Im just dizzy.

"Babes, you look pale. That's not nothing. Toni commented, am I pale? I dont think I am. Toni, guys, I said Im fine, I say to them. I got a phone call. I looked at the caller ID.

"Would you guys just leave me alone? I was talking to my phone, not AJ, Toni, Fangs, or Sweet Pea. I looked at them and stood up. I gotta take this. I didnt give them time to answer before I just walked out of the trailer. Jazz? I answered the phone. H-hey Brookie. Jasper greeted me, Jasper, shes my ex-girlfriend from back in New York, she was with the girls last night when they all got hurt by Dakota.

I felt my face drop, I knew something was wrong. Whats wrong? I was walking around outside in Sweet Peas part of the trailer park. Nothings wrong, just in some slight pain. Jasper replied to me, I sighed in relief. Dont do that! You scared me, I thought you were going to tell me someone died. Jasper laughed a bit but then groaned from her pain. How is everyone?

"Sorry! Everyone is okay. The girls are feeling some pain today like myself. I was glad that everyone was okay. "Its okay, Im glad that everyone is fine. Ill be heading out there tonight, okay? I need to pack a bag and take care of other things. I could hear either Mia or Rose in the background saying no. No, no well be fine for today and tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day and night, come tomorrow. 

"But Jazz, Im worried about you guys and my daughter. I dont want you in town if Dakota is after all of you. 

My eyes widened a bit as I realized something. Please tell me you and the girls are somewhere safe?

"Were fine. Des is asleep with Mia right now, those two are taking a nap like nothing happened. Rose is still somewhat freaking out but were calming her down. I nodded my head and hummed. Were at my brothers apartment, Dakota doesnt know where he lives so its the safest place we could go to. He cant find us Jasper stopped talking for a second, Rose must be talking to her as I cant hear her. Rose wants you to stay in Riverdale until tomorrow, Jasper tells me, and I sighed. Okay. I was still freaking out a bit. Obviously, Im gonna disobey Roses wishes and head out tonight. Jazz, I need you and the girls to lay low. Turn off your GPS. I dont need Dakota figuring out where you are and causing more trouble. Ill be there tomorrow, text me your brothers address, so I have it. I said to her, half of that was a lie. 

I love you.

"Mia and I are the only ones that have our phones. Dakota took Roses from her. Thank God that Rose never saved our numbers, he cant get them. I love you too. Jasper reassured me; a small smile crept its way to my face. Okay good. I gotta get going. Tell Dessa I love her and that I will see her soon. Jasper told me that she would before we hung up.

I started to make my way back to the trailer however, as soon as I moved my legs, they gave out from underneath me, and the world went blank for a couple of seconds before I came back to reality. I noticed that I was back in the trailer, someone must have brought me back inside. AJ SHE IS UP, DONT NEED TO WATER. Fangs yelled to AJ, who must have dumped whatever was full of water back in the sink. Dont pour water on me! I shouted, AJ and everyone else laughed. I wasnt going to; I was going to pour it on Fangs.

What? Why me?

"Well, you were the one who suggested it.

I just realized that Im laying down on the couch. I slowly sat up a bit to lean against the pillow that I had under my head. You okay? You scared us for a minute there. AJ walked up to me and crouched down in front of me. Yeah, Im fine, like I said earlier Im dizzy. I gave her a reassuring smile. Whats making you dizzy? AJ furrowed her eyebrows down to the middle of her forehead. I didnt take my medicine this morning, its the only reasonable answer for that question.

AJ gave me a look. Whats the medicine for?

Ill tell you later. AJ nodded her head and playfully glared at me. You better! 

I will! 

AJ stood up and removed the pillow, replacing the pillow with her lap. Now you can lay on me. AJ giggled and I smiled back at her. Question, are you going to the homecoming dance tonight? AJ asked, changing the subject. I havent really thought about it until now. 

I dont think its a good idea. "Maybe, probably not, why? Are you going? AJ nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders. Yeah, Kevin wants me to go, and I dont want to. Since the whole school knows Im back, he told me to get over it and come to the dance.

"Yikes. Okay. Well, I dont know to be honest. I dont think I should be around people right now. Im clearly not ready to be. I said to her, thinking about the last 3 days. Plus, I dont even have a date. I told her, Thats why I sort of asked if youre going, you could be my date! Itll be fun. 

"Thats what you said last time and look where that got me. 

"I promise I wont let anyone mess with you! Everyone will back off, they saw you punch Chuck, twice, they wont mess with you.

I thought about it. Fine, we can go to the dance together. 

Yay! Changing the subject, you should let me dye your hair. 

I gave AJ a look. No. I shook my head at her. 

"Please? Itll be fun! We could dye your hair for the dance. Give you a new look. AJ tried to convince me, I shook my head, Im very picky with who I trust my hair with. Brookes, I promise you are in good hands. AJ knows how to do hair. Shes done mine countless times, and shes done some of the younger serpents' hair too, who are also picky with their hair. They come to her now whenever they want to get their hair done Toni also tried to convince me. 

If I let you do my hair, what color would you want to do? 

AJs face lights up in excitement. Red! Itd be a super cute color on you. AJ said, trying to picture what color would look good on me. Red is definitely her color or blue! Toni agreed and then suggested. Oooh! Or purple! Fang also suggested. I was intrigued by the idea. I mean, I guess you could since we have a couple of hours to get ready for the dance. 

AJ squealed excitedly. Yay! C-could we dye your hair now then? She batted her eyes at me, and I giggled at her. You can dye my hair, but I swear if anything happens to it, Ill have your head, got it? I playfully threatened her. Yes maam. 

"Lets go to the store and get hair dye.

AJ goes to get up and so do Sweet pea and me. As soon as we all get up, I lose my balance and nearly fall over. Sweet Pea puts his hands out and steadies me.

Are you sure youre okay?AJ asked me, and I nodded my head. Yeah, just stood up too fast, I answered her. I could see the worry that they held in their eyes. Really? Because you dont look so good. Toni walked over to me. 

"Im fine, lets go. I was the first one out the door. I didnt let anyone say anything. Toni, Fangs, Sweet pea, and AJ followed me out the door. She reminds me of a certain someone, Toni says to them, and they all look at each other. I wondered who Toni was talking about.

"Clarissa. They all said at the same time. Do you want to come with me or the green giant over there? AJ motioned to herself then pointed to Sweet pea as she went over to her Jeep. She put her hand on the handle ready to open the door. Before I had a chance to answer, Sweet pea wrapped his arms around me, picked me up from the door, and dragged me to the bike. I squealed and laughed.

"Asshat! AJ shouted at Sweet pea, flipping him off and we all got to our vehicles. Theres your answer! I shouted at her, earning a laugh from the redhead. Sweet pea hands me his helmet and I put it on. I wanted to come with you anyway, you didnt need to drag me. I flicked Sweet peas shoulder and he chuckled. And I was gonna drag you with me anyway. Hop on. I got onto his bike and put my arms around his torso. 

The first ones to leave are Toni and Fangs, then AJ, and then it was us. 


Sweet pea parked his bike in front of the store. It didnt take us long to get there. We were hanging out by his bike whilst we were waiting for AJ to get out of her Jeep. She got out of her Jeep then she walked over to us and we all headed inside the store. 

Toni, AJ, and I went over to the aisle where the hair dye is at. Fangs and Sweet pea went elsewhere to look at other things. Us girls started to look at the different shades of red to see which one is more suitable for me. AJ picked up a light shade of red and held it up to my face to see if itd be suitable. She made a face at it and she set it back down. She picked up another shade of red thats still light but dark, she held up another color to my face, she made another face and put that one down too. 

Toni and AJ did the same thing for about 10-20 minutes.This shade is the perfect one for her! Toni said, picking up a dark dark red color. Hmm, Id have to throw in a neon red to blend the colors to even the dark and light, AJ says to her, Toni nodding her head in agreement. We all looked for a neon red to go with the dark red. AJ looked at the shelf that was in front of Toni and laughed, the hair dye was right in front of her. 



In front of you. 

Toni looked up from where she was crouching on the ground and made an oh sound and grabbed the neon red. She hands it to AJ while I see Fangs and Sweet pea walking up to us from down the aisle. Witchy! Fangs yelled. Fangs, honey, we are in a public place, you need to use your inside voice, not your outside voice.AJ scolded him like he was a child. I giggled at her.  Sorry, Rory. Fangs apologies.

Now what did you need?

"Im bored. Fangs whined. We are almost done, why dont you and Sweet pea get snacks and drinks and then meet us at the register? 

Okay. Fangs left with Sweet pea again. Hes a big baby, isnt he? 

"Yup and the green giant too. AJ said, popping the p. I see that. I grabbed the hair dye bottles and a snack to have for later. We went to the self-checkout where the boys were waiting for us. AJ pays for everything, and we all leave the store. Again, Sweet pea dragged me to his bike not letting me go with AJ. No, I want to go with AJ!


But, but AJ! 

"No, mine! AJ walked over to us and playfully shoved Sweet Pea away from me and we walked over to her Jeep. Buzz off loser!

Sweet pea pouted and I giggled. Bye-bye dummy! 

AJ drags me to the jeep, and we hop in and we go back to Sweet peas trailer to get the hair dye process started. 


We got back to the trailer, and us girls set up everything and AJ is now bleaching my hair. After Im done with your hair and mine, do you want to go dress shopping? The dance doesnt start till 7 and its only two.AJ looked at me through the bathroom mirror. When she was done with mine, she started hers. 

Yeah! I dont have any new dresses to wear. I replied to her. Okay. 

About thirty minutes went by and AJ was done with bleaching her hair. So, since your hair is a dark brown/black color, itll lift to a brassy orange color, the dark and neon red will take that away and you will love your new look. AJ says to me, I nod my head. I hope so. I mumbled; I had a bad feeling in my stomach. 

I was worried about the girls and Odessa. No matter how distracted I am, the feeling in my gut screamed at me. I popped my knuckles, and my leg was shaking, I was sitting down on a chair. Its something I do when Im worried or anxious or both. Currently, its both. I flinched at the sound of my phone going off. I, for some reason, was scared to look at it. 

I glanced at my phone that was sitting on the sink and its sitting right next to AJ. Shes leaning against the sink with her arms over her chest. W-whos calling me Rory? I stuttered out, AJ perked up alertly and grew worried when she saw my face. Before she looks at my phone, she grabs my hand holding as she looks at the caller ID. Dakota. 

My heart sank and I felt goosebumps creeping on my arms. 

Want me to answer it? AJ broke the silence that fell in the bathroom, Heavy footsteps came to the door, Sweet pea and Fangs were standing in the doorway now. The look of concern on their faces as if they were wondering what was happening. AJ pressed on the phone icon. Brooklyns phone, AJ answered, putting on the phone near her ear. 

"Who the hell is this? Where the fuck is Violet? Dakota hissed, I flinched at the sound of his voice. Toni came quickly to my side, wrapping her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my head into the crook of her neck like a scared little girl clinging to her mother. Shes unavailable at the moment. AJ lied for me; I somewhat lifted my head to look at AJ. 

"Bullshit! I know shes there! Give her the damn phone! Dakota snapped at AJ. My heart raced so fast that it could jump out of my chest and jump back in. Brooke isnt here dude; she left her phone here.

"Right. Well, maybe youd be of good use to me then. Give her a message for me, will you? Next time you see that whore tell her Im coming for her, and her bitch ass friends to get my daughter! Dakota threatened and a tear rolled down my cheek. AJ quietly laughed to herself. Come after her and her friends, youll have a rude awakening. 

Dakota laughed at AJ. Sure, you will. You dont scare me and neither does she. 

"I might not scare you, but I know the police do, and your big shot of a lawyer is a joke, I hope you know that you wont be having your daughter for long, Odessa will be back with her mother. Call this number again, I wont hesitate to find you and hurt you myself.

I felt Dakota rolling his eyes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ive heard all of Violets friends' little threats. They dont work. Where is she? AJ rolled her eyes and shook her head. Buh-Bye Asshat!

I had my head buried in the crook of Tonis neck the whole phone call. I was scared and crying softly. I was shaking a little in Tonis arms. Violet, AJ said my name, and I lifted my head to look at AJ. I still cringe at my first name, Dakota is the only person on this planet that calls me by my name, my own parents dont call me that. Theres nothing to be scared of, if he dares to step foot in Riverdale, we will protect you from him. 

I frantically shook my head at her. N-no, I-I dont want you guys invol- I started to say but AJ cut me off. I dont give a rat's ass if you dont want any of us involved, were going to protect you whether you like it or not. Were gonna tell my uncle about this when were done with the hair. AJ said sternly, tears were streaming down my face.

"No! I cried out to her, my emotions were starting to show and I kept trying to keep my cool but that clearly wasnt working. Toni was hugging me from behind wiping my tears away. Brooke, you are hanging out with a gang that protects their own people, you may not be in this gang but you are our friend and we are going to protect you no matter what, whether we are involved or not. 

A small cry escaped my lips. My own father whos behind bars doesnt know about Dakotas abusive ways. Not even my twin brother, yes, I have a brother, but I havent mentioned him yet. He doesnt know about Dakota. The second they both know what Dakota has done to me, my daughter, and to my friends, they are going to go after him. I dont want AJ and her friends to get in trouble or be put behind bars because of me. 

I-I dont want you to get hurt b-because of me! I argued. 

Brooklyn, we wont get hurt! 

I exhaled sharply shutting my eyes for a second then opened them trying to calm down. Im not talking about physically, Aurora! I dont want anyone to end up in jail or worse! I sniffled, yep, Im crying and its so gross. I hate being emotional in front of people. "We go to jail, oh well we go to jail, we wouldnt be in there long enough with them to tell us when AJs mother is a lawyer for us. Dakota cant touch us. Sweet Pea said to me. I let out a soft sob, I just dont want anyone getting hurt physically or emotionally. 

"We havent known you long Brooke, however, we already care about you, and we dont want you to get hurt either. We hate seeing you suffer in silence; you think we dont know somethings going on with you? We do. We knew the second we met you back at the bar. We would rather end up in jail for hurting Dakota rather than see you suffer. Okay, babes? We want you to be safe too. Toni told me, Id rather suffer than let Dakota hurt the people who I care about, Toni. I sniffled again. Does your dad know about this? AJ asked, asking the question that was on everyones mind. 

"N-no, he doesnt know. Neither does my brother. I answered her, she and the other three widened their eyes when I said the word brother. I had no idea you had a brother. 

"Y-yeah, I have a brother. Hes my twin. I said. Awww! Youre a twin? Fangs smiled and chimed in. Yes, he is. His name is Vincent.

My phone went off and I mentally groaned. I looked at the caller ID and it said Unknown. I gulped putting the phone next to my ear. Hello? I asked over the phone. A woman was speaking on the other phone and asked if I would accept a phone call from the juvenile detention center from back in New York. My eyes widen a little knowing its my brother on the other line. I accept the charges, I said to her, I saw the surprised faces in the bathroom.

"Violeta? (Violet?). My brothers voice filled my ears, and a big smile crept its way to my face. He was speaking in Spanish. He only calls me by my first name besides Dakota and is the only one thats allowed to. Vincent. I said his name, I put my index finger over my mouth telling AJ and her friends to be quiet during this phone call. I put my brother on speaker. Hi Osita (Hi little bear), I miss you, how are you? Vincent asked, I sniffled a little, and tears rolled down my cheeks at the question. I dont know how to answer that anymore. 

Who did it? Vincent immediately knew something was wrong. Thats most likely why he called me. I had my leg crossed over the other. I rested my chin in my palm, wiping the tears that kept rolling down my now stained, red cheeks. Nada, Vinny, no te preocupes por eso (Nothing, Vinny, dont worry about it.) 

Violeta (Violet). Vincent said sternly in Spanish, and I shuddered a bit at the tone of my brothers deep voice. Te extraño mucho hermano (I miss you a lot brother). I mumbled quietly, Toni was rubbing my back and drawing small circles trying to kee[p me calm. I kept eye contact with AJ who was also holding my hand. Are you, Mom, and Veronica doing, okay? No ones tried to hurt you, have they? 

Oh, Vincent, you have no idea. But, obviously, youre not gonna know that. I go to speak, however, no words come out.

Dakota hasnt hurt you, has he? 

I felt my face turn white as a sheet the minute he mentioned Dakota. Uh, Mom and Veronica are well, me and Dakota broke up. I managed to say, I felt better hearing my brothers voice. Violeta,si te lastimó Dakota te juro por Dios que lo lastimaré a el! (Violet, if Dakota hurt you, I swear to God Ill hurt him!). Vincent exclaimed and I shook my head. My brother and I have a habit of speaking to each other in Spanish. 

I dont have enough time to explain everything, Vinny. Uh, Im coming up to New York tomorrow. Im thinking about stopping by and coming to see you before I come back to Riverdale. I said, changing the subject. It was true, I did plan to go see my brother in Juvie. Good, Im looking forward to seeing you, Osita (little bear). I, unfortunately, have to get going, te amo hermanita (I love you little sister). My smile dropped when he said that. Okay, yo también te quiero. Mando muchos besos y abrazos. (I love you too, I send lots of hugs and kisses).

Bye hermanita. Be safe. (Bye little sister, Be safe).

Bye Hermanito (Bye brother). You stay safe too. Please stay out of trouble. 

I will if you will. 

Do you not know me by now, big brother? Im always getting into trouble. 

Mmm, no promises on that. I let out a little evil giggle earning a laugh from Vincent and the others. Okay, well, I really have to go now, bye.


Vincent hung up the phone and I put my head in my hands. I felt all of them hugging me now. AJ had her arms around my shoulders first and let me cry onto her shoulders. I couldnt hold it in anymore; Ive finally broken down, and I just cried in their arms. 

When they were able to calm me down, AJ took out the foils in my hair and finished the dyeing process.  I washed my face so AJ could do my makeup for the dance. I wasnt in much of a mood now. I kept quiet as she was doing my makeup. "So, Im assuming that was your brother who you were just speaking to on the phone? AJ asked me, and I slightly nodded my head at her. Yeah, uhm, h-hes in juvie, I said to them, Fangs and Sweet pea joined in on listening to the conversation. 

They stayed put where they were standing. If you dont mind us asking, why is your brother in jail? Fangs asked. I exhaled a sharp breath, I bit my bottom lip nervously, I was almost scared to answer his question. Well, for starters, Vincent isnt just my brother, hes my twin brother like I said earlier, I said to Fangs, we were all surprised to hear that. Arent you full of surprises? AJ joked, earning a small laugh from me. 

"The reason he is in jail is because one night, Vincent and I were walking home late from our boxing session with our trainer. This random thief wanted our belongings. I had just gotten a brand-new bracelet that our dad bought me, and it was one of those gorgeous, expensive ones. I didnt want to give it up to the thief, so the thief attacked me, and Vincent being the overprotective older brother, didnt let him touch me. Vincent killed him, but if he didnt the thief wouldve killed us. We called our parents, and they came and then we called the cops. They arrested Vincent and hes been behind bars for a year now. I spoke to them, as the memories of that night replayed in my mind. So, he protected you? Sweet pea asks, I nod my head at him. 

"Yes. I wouldve done the same for him. My brother and I might fight like dogs, but we would die for each other. Hes my everything. 

"Do you happen to know when hes getting out of Juvie? Sweet pea questioned, asking the question they were all wondering. Uh, sometime within the next couple of months or nearly a year, I said unsurely. Hopefully sooner than within the next couple of months. 

"Do you think hed move to Riverdale? AJ inquired. I shrugged my shoulders. Thatd be his choice if he wants to come to Riverdale or not. I replied to AJ, If he moves to Riverdale, Im already excited to meet him. I already get overprotective older brother vibes. Toni said excitedly, and I made a face when Toni said the words overprotective. 

"Obviously more than just protective. Sweet pea I feel bad for you already. Fangs said jokingly to Sweet pea, I let out a little giggle looking at the giants reaction to that. Sweet pea smacked Fangs upside the head. Shut the hell up Fangs! Sweet pea snapped at him who punched his shoulder. Sweet pea honey we all saw your face the second you heard Vincents voice, shut up youre scared already! I laughed, Toni, AJ, and Fangs laughed too. I playfully smacked Sweet peas arm. 

"Im not scared! Sweet Pea exclaimed, he was trying to convince us, but we didnt believe him. We all know hes scared of Vincent now. Hes just not admitting. "Okay, I think AJ should finish your hair and her hair and your guys makeup so you guys can leave. Sweet pea said to us girls and we all rolled our eyes at him. 


About an hour and a half later, I let AJ finish dyeing my hair. Sweet pea held my hand the whole time while AJ blow dried my hair as my mind wondered. Im scared of what Dakota is gonna do to the girls and especially to Odessa. AJ made the finishing touches on the dyeing process; she began to do my makeup since were going dress shopping when were done here. 

Are you doing okay? AJ questioned me as she finished the finishing touches on my makeup. She had also kept on eye on her hair since shes done bleaching it. She was already done with mine and it looks amazing. I have never thought of going red.  I turned my head and looked at her confused. What? I asked, not hearing AJs question. I asked if you were okay. AJ repeated herself. 

Eh. I muttered; I kept my hair behind my ears so it wouldnt bother AJ whilst she made sure my makeup was fine. She was gonna say something however she got interrupted by Fangs. Are you guys done yet? Youre taking forever! Fangs whined for the second time today, the girls and I shook our heads. No! Quit whining! AJ called out to him, a groan was heard from the living room, and we laughed. 

Toni had helped AJ with her makeup so the process can go by faster and it wont take forever like mine did. About almost half an hour later, Toni kept making sure AJs makeup was all right. AJ added the last bit of finishing touches to her makeup before we were kicked out of the trailer by Sweet Pea. 


AJ and I were now back at her house finishing getting ready for the dance. We had gone dress shopping after Sweet pea kicked us out of his trailer. I had suggested wed match thinking itd be cute. We are each others date after all. Might as well make the best of it, right? 

We had managed to find beautiful dresses that had the same style but in different colors. My dress was a light pink almost blush color and AJs dress was a light baby blue one. Im currently standing in front of the body mirror in her room making sure I looked okay. 

I know I should be excited for the dance. If Im being honest, Im not excited at all. I keep looking over my shoulder like if Dakota is watching my every move. It feels like he is even though he probably isnt. I have had this feeling ever since I left him, and I hate it. Through the body mirror, I saw AJ on her phone, and I turned around to look at her. 

"Penny for your thoughts babes? I walked over to her and sat down next to the gal on the bed. AJ sets her phone down to look at me. Today was the freshmen dance for Reggie and me exactly one year ago today, also would be the night I got pregnant. Dances were a thing me and Reggie did when no one knew we were sneaking around. AJ explained to me, and I frowned at that. 

Really? AJ nodded her head at me. Yeah. AJ said sadly. 

"Youll be okay. This dance is gonna be full of new memories. I reassured her, and she gave me a look. Maybe. All it seems like with every new school thing theres drama now and I dont want to deal with it. AJ groaned, putting a pillow over her face and I took it from her. Honey, you have me now, you dont have to worry about drama and all that bullshit. We will have fun and Ill make sure of it. AJ smiled at me, and I extended my hand out to her for her to take while seeing the time on her clock thats on her nightstand. Ready? 


AJ and I got up from the bed and then left the house when we grabbed our stuff. We got to the Jeep, and we hopped in and then buckled up. AJ started the Jeep; she made her way to the school, and I leaned back in my seat looking out the window taking in the scenery that was passing by. 


AJ parked the Jeep in the school parking lot. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the Jeep. AJ and I walked into the school, there were already a lot of people and the dance had just started. I held her hand in mine seeing shes nervous. Youre fine, I promise. 

We made our way to the gym, and they decorated it nicely. Music was playing loudly through the speakers, people were mingling, and dancing. I guided us to an empty table and sat down. Im gonna get punch, do you want some? I raised an eyebrow at her and she shook her head no. Maybe something sweet though. AJ told me, I set my bag down. Okay. Ill be right back. Will you be okay here by yourself? 

Yeah, please dont take long. 

I wont.

I go over to the punch table to get myself a drink. I got something sweet for AJ and I to munch on. I flinched when someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around seeing my sister. Hey! Where have you been? You never came home the other night. Veronica asked, we stepped to the side to let other people get something from the table. I sort of fainted when I was hanging out with AJ and her friends. I slept over at her house. I half lied; I didnt want her to start asking more questions.

"You fainted? We need to tell mom when we get home. Are you feeling, okay? 

"Yeah. I lied again; I actually still feel like crap. Im not gonna tell you that though sis. Thats good, oh, also I love the new hair! Red totally suits you! Veronica squealed and I giggled at her compliment. Thanks sis, AJ dyed it for me. 

Well, she did a good job. Ill see you around. I got to go find Archie. 


I made my way through the crowd. I was careful with holding the punch in my hand trying not to spill it. I bumped into something-someone. Whoa! Sorry! I apologized, a boy turned around and he smiled widely at me. Its okay! He said, waving it off as if it didnt matter. At least I dont have to fight this guy unlike the last two. Behind the guy was Reggie and he smiled at me too. Did you dye your hair? Reggie asked, I nodded my head in response. 

"Yeah. AJ did it earlier today. I said to him, It looks good! Reds a good color on you! 

"AJ did a good job on it! Its pretty! 

I blushed at both compliments. Thanks boys. 

"I dont think youve met Moose. Have you tiny girl? Reggie asks, I looked at the boy I had bumped into. I took a good look at him trying to figure out if I have met him or not. I havent memorized everyones names yet nor have I planted what they look like in my brain yet. Nope. Ive never seen this guy before in my life. I said sarcastically, earning a laugh from the boys. Im Marmaduke Mason but everyone calls me Moose. The boy I bumped into said to me and I then made sure to remember his name. Although, I found his name kind of interesting. Ive never met anyone with his name before. 

"Not to be like rude or anything, but what kind of a name is Marmaduke? Do your parents not love you or something? Of all names in the book, they chose to name you Marmaduke? I raised an eyebrow at Reggies friend who just laughed and shrugged his shoulders I have no idea. I asked them the exact same question, doll face. He replied to me, and I laughed. Hes cute. I thought to myself. Well, its nice to meet you anyway, Moose. I said using his nickname. Its nice to meet you too Brooke. I gave Moose a look when he said my name. 

I hadn't told him my name yet. Reggie told me your name when we saw you walk in with AJ. 


I glanced at my lonely best friend thats waiting for me at our table. Well, boys this was a nice chit chat, but I need to get back to my date. Ill see you around. I told them both and they waved at me. See you later, tiny girl! Reggie called after me as I turned around to wave at him. 

I turned around again then I went back to AJ. I again made my way through the crowd, and I got back to AJ in one piece. I sat down at the table handing her something sweet. 

I have returned. I announced and she smiled. Finally! I was about to hunt you down. AJ says in a joking manner. I shook my head, and I took a sip from the punch. I got trapped by Reggie and some friend of his. 

Moose? I nodded my head at her. Uh huh. Hes cute. I admitted, and a huge grin appeared on AJs lips. I let out a nervous laugh. Whats that look for? I raise my eyebrows at her. I would say go for him but that would be me bursting your bubble from telling you hes a closeted gay. AJ told me, and I honestly wasnt surprised. I mean, it makes sense, most attractive people like Moose normally are. I said being honest and AJ nodded her head in agreement. 

I finished eating my something sweet and my punch. On the stage, Mayor McCoy and Principal Weatherbee step up. Friends, students and alumni. I hope you brought your dancing shoes. Please join me in welcoming to the stage Riverdale Highs very own Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge! Mayor McCoy announced, and everyone clapped and cheered. AJ and I look at each other confused. What the hell? AJ and I asked each other to see my sister and her brother walk up to the stage. 

AJ and I get up to go get a closer look. Music began playing and Archie started to sing. I smiled seeing how flirtatious the two are with each other while performing. I know my sister well and I know when she likes somebody. She definitely has a thing for the red-headed boy. They definitely like each other; most likely, they are secretly dating. AJ and I were dancing to the song as so were everyone else. For once, I was actually having a good time at an event and with my best friend too. 

However, that came to an end when I got a frantic phone call from Mia. My phone was buzzing in my pocket. I stopped dancing seeing Mias contact name on the caller ID. I let the phone call go to voicemail because I dont want to answer it in the gym where it's loud and I wont be able to hear anything. I got lost into the sea of people; I walked out of the gym and into the hallway. Mia? I answered the phone, there was heavy breathing on the other line. B-Brooke? Mia called my name; I froze hearing her speaking weakly. Whats wrong? I asked, glancing back at the gym, and back to the entrance of the school. Something bad happened. You need to come New York now. 

What happened? Tell me! I demanded, needing to know what was going on. 

There was a car crash. Odessa and I are hurt. Were at the hospital. The doctors need you to come to New York. 

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. Im on my way. 

Hurry. Odessa and I need you. 

Dont worry. Ill be there. I love you.

I love you too. 

I hung up the phone. I go back into the gym to grab my bag, AJ is nowhere to be seen, I wanted to tell her I was leaving. Ill shoot her a text on the way. I grabbed my bag then quickly left the gym. I told Mr. Smithers to come pick me up early from the dance earlier today so hes currently waiting for me at the front of the school. I got into the backseat of the car. Home Miss. Brooke? Mr. Smither asked, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. 

I shook my head at him. 

New York. 

Mr. Smither's doesn't ask any more questions since he knows the plan. He starts driving. I know I'm going to get in trouble for not telling Mom or Veronica about this, but I don't care. 

Mommas coming for you, baby. 

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