Chapter 3

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I was walking around town with my headphones on while listening to music. I havent had a chance to explore the town so when I finished all my homework, I changed out of my school clothes and changed into something more comfortable. Mom has a late night shift at Pops, and Ronnica is out with her friends, so I had the apartment to myself and I dont really like to be home alone. Veronica wanted me to tag along but I stayed behind doing schoolwork. I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket and I took it out to see whos calling me and itsDakota. Again. 

I had enough of him blowing up my phone on a daily basis so I decided to answer and I put my phone next to my ear. What the hell do you want, Dakota? I snapped at him, I wanted him to know that Im beyond annoyed with him. Ouch babe, its been a long time and thats how you talk to me? Dakota said to me over the line, If I could slap him I would. Mmm, have you forgotten that I want nothing to do with you or your family? I sassed, rolling my eyes at him. Oh come on, Violet, you know you miss me.  Dakota snickered, I scoffed at him shaking my head. 

This is why I dont like going by my first name anymore, and why I go by my middle name now. Actually, I despise you more than I miss you. The only people I miss back home are Mia, Jasper, Alexia, Jace, Elliot, and my daughter. As you can see, you are nowhere near on that list. I stated, listing the names of people that I miss back home. So, Im gonna ask again, what the hell do you want? I asked again, I realized that I had wandered off of the trail that I was previously going on. Why are you acting like you dont care about me? When we both know you do. Dakota asks, clearly not getting the hint that I dont want to speak to him. 

An act? Oh please! I laughed at him. Its not an act. I really dont care- I was interrupted by hearing Odessa crying in the background. Rose! Make that kid shut up! Dakota shouted and that made my mommy instincts kick in. Something was wrong with Odessa. I started to have a bad feeling when I heard her crying uncontrollably. Put her on the phone, Dakota. She wants her mother. I demanded, that cry means shes heard my voice and that means she misses me. I dont think so, Violet. Dakota said to me, Odessa kept crying.Im calling you because I need you to mail me anything else that you have that belongs to Odessa. 

I rolled my eyes again at Dakota. I gave you everything the moment you got full custody of her, Dakota. I have nothing else that belongs to her. You have everything. I told him, Dakota was talking but I couldnt hear him over Odessa's crying. Dakota, babe, let her talk to Brooke! She wont stop crying until she does! I heard Rose yell at Dakota in the background. I wanted to punch Dakota the second he said no. NO! Go feed her or something, shes probably hungry. She doesnt need Brooke! Dakota yelled back at her, I let out a deep sigh and I ran my fingers through my hair.  No, Dakota, Odessa needs to hear her mothers voice! Put my daughter on the phone NOW! I raised my voice at the boy. 

Give me the baby, Rose. Dakota huffed giving in. Odessas crying was heard loud and clear over the phone. I had to pull my phone away from my ear for a second since her crying made my ear ring a little bit. Start talking to her or else Im hanging up the phone, Violet! Dakota threatened, my heart sank to the pit of my stomach the second he said that. Odessa, baby, hi its momma. I cooed, Odessas crying began to calm down a little bit but shes crying uncontrollably. Its okay, baby girl. Dont cry. I continued to console her until she finally calmed down enough. Dakota gave Rose back the baby. Mail me what I asked for if you have anything thats Odessas. Or else. Dakota hung up the phone. 

I let out a soft sigh, I made a mental note to myself to dig through my stuff later during the week. I texted Veronica about the phone call and that I want comfort later when shes home. I have come to a realization that I wandered off too far from the trail I was previously taking around the Northside. I read the sign that read: Southside on it. I didnt care and I continued on my stroll. I didnt mind it though because Im exploring; I guess I could explore the Southside whilst Im here. After Dakota hung up the phone, I put it back into my back pocket. I accidentally bumped into someone causing me to stumble back a few steps. Im sorry! I didnt see you! I apologized, my phone fell out of my pocket so I picked it up. Its alright, dont worry about it. A male voice said to me, I looked at the boy I bumped into. He had medium- length black hair, tanned skin, and his eyes held a light blue eye color.

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