Burdened With Life

By The_Real_Mod

8.8K 149 43

Born a sacrifice and forced to face hatred since his first breath, internal and external, Naruto Uzumaki has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

640 15 6
By The_Real_Mod

Naruto's eyes fluttered open. The sun hadn't even risen yet which meant he had some time to train. He attempted to get up when he felt a weight on his bare chest causing him to look down. To his surprise he was met with the sight of Satsuki peacefully sleeping with her head on his chest and arms wrapped around his midsection. Naruto couldn't help but blush and admire how beautiful she looked with her short raven hair in a mess. It was everywhere on her face and his chest. He honestly loved the feeling of her warmth on his body.

Kurama was snickering to himself inside the seal but cut the mental connection between him and Naruto (yes they can do that) not wanting to ruin the moment.

'What should I do?' Naruto thought. He wanted to train but didn't want it to end. It was just so peaceful as he continued to stare at her porcelain skin and short raven hair in a mess. Then he remembered Mikoto, his promises to her, then Itachi.

'No, I can't stop, not now,' determination burning within Naruto. He gently unwrapped Satsuki's arms from his waist and rested her head on the bed. Afterwards he changed into a black T shirt and trousers then Body Flickered to the Forest of Death. 'I will protect her and bring her revenge,' Naruto swore to himself as he made some shadow clones.


The beam of light that made her way into her room and somehow onto her face woke Satsuki up from her peaceful slumber. She was disappointed at the fact that Naruto wasn't in bed with her. 'He probably went to train,' she reasoned. 'Without me! Damn him! You know what I'm not making any ramen for breakfast,' she thought angrily burying her face in a pillow.

She then sighed and got out of bed. 'Nah it's unhealthy anyways.'


Naruto sat down in class feeling depressed with his head down. Satsuki didn't cook ramen for breakfast and just said it's unhealthy. They were ninja for Kami's sake. A little cholesterol wouldn't kill them.

Satsuki however was mad that he didn't invite her train. Hinata was looking between the both of them recognising some kind of tension but didn't question it, not after getting her ass handed to her yesterday.

As for the other members of the class, they were nervous on who would be their sensei.

Iruka Umino finally walked in and was surprised nobody was talking. "Okay class today I will finally be announcing who your jonin sensei will be, let's begin," he said.

Naruto zoned out until he heard his team. "...team seven your Jonin sensei will be Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 Kurenai Yuhi and finally Team 10 Asuma Sarutobi."

With that Iruka gave a speech about how he was going to miss them and they were his greatest students then left, and the excited chattering began. "Hey you notice Mizuki isn't around?" one boy asked. "Yeah I wonder what happened?" a girl replied, and speculation began on what happened to Mizuki until Kiba cut in. "He's dead." This immediately silenced everybody and even Satsuki and Hinata were interested while Naruto raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean Kiba?" the stout boy named Choji asked. "He was killed yesterday," Kiba said staring at his knees. "By who?" this question was asked by Sakura. Kiba looked up and then pointed an accusing finger at Naruto. "By Naruto!" he exclaimed scowling.

Naruto did not react at all but this caused an uproar in the class. Some laughed and some gossiped. "You can't be serious right?" Ino asked. Kiba shook his head and shouted, "He murdered Mizuki I saw his body he really is a demon like my parents said."

Naruto's eyes widened. He hadn't heard the word demon in a while mostly because he was skilled enough to totally avoid the villagers. Everybody began taking the Inuzuka seriously. "But he's dead last," Shikamaru said. "He's been hiding his skills, he's a demon in sheeps clothing!" Kiba exclaimed.

"Demon?" "I mean my parents did say avoid him." "So he really is a demon."

Naruto put up a blank expression on his face but inside he was hurting, his past memories resurfacing in his head. The beatings, the burns, the stabbings, the scars. Hinata and Satsuki both looked at Naruto. One with curiosity and another with concern.

Satsuki stood up and walked towards Kiba. "Finally realise that I'm an alpha?" the Inuzuka asked hopefully. But instead of a reply with words he got a reply with a kick...to his private area. Every male in the classroom including Naruto winced. Kiba was on the ground, pale and tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"If Naruto did kill Mizuki he probably had a reason else he would've ended up in jail," Satsuki said. "Are you all really stupid to believe that he would get away with murdering a shinobi of the village without getting imprisoned. If so I fear for the future of Konoha."

With that Satsuki went back to her seat next to Naruto, the class was deathly quiet. After a few minutes a man with a cigarette in his mouth opened the door to the class and said, "Team ten with me." Followed by a woman with red eyes and long wavy hair. "Team eight come with me."

Shino and Sakura both picked up Kiba and followed the woman. Eventually all that was left was Naruto, Satsuki and Hinata. "Where the hell is our sensei?" Hinata asked no one in particular annoyed.

Satsuki impatiently drummed her fingers on her desk and venomously said, "I'm going to kill that Kakashi for this."

"You can try," Naruto suddenly said catching both girls' attention. Naruto looked at both of them and said, "He is Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan." This made both girls' eyes widen and shocked Satsuki to the core. "Wait, what?" she asked furiously. "He's not even Uchiha! Did he steal it?"

Naruto shook his head and continued. "Apparently his comrade was an Uchiha and gifted him his eye when he fell in battle." "Must have been some weakling," scoffed Satsuki. "No Uchiha would have ever done that and we never will."

Naruto sighed at her words. "From what I heard he was quite powerful and essential in Konoha winning the Third Great Shinobi war. He died a hero for his village," he stated. Immediately Satsuki began to feel some remorse for what she said and guilt.

Hinata took all this in and a question popped into her head. "How do you know all this?" she queried. "I read, it's not hard," Naruto replied casually. "But what?" pressed the Hyuuga girl. Naruto fished into a pouch around his waist and took out a green book which he threw at Hinata. The latter caught it and gave a questioning look. "The Bingo Book, gives information on missing nin and shinobi from other villages," Naruto answered her unsaid question.

Satsuki was now interested and went beside Hinata to observe the book. This kept them occupied for three hours, well not Naruto who was on the verge of killing the whole village.

Finally a man with gravity defying silver hair, a face mask like Naruto's, a forehead protector covering his left eye, a regular shinobi flat jacket and blue cargo pants with a white bandage around his right leg opened the door to the room.

"Is this Team sev-." His sentence was caught off when he had to dodge a kunai that moved at light speed that was meant for his head. 'A mere genin shouldn't be able to do that,' he thought looking ready for a fight as he observed the person who threw the weapon.

Naruto was standing, glowering at Kakashi leaking massive amounts of KI which made Satsuki and Hinata struggle to breathe while Kakashi was unaffected. 'How does he have this...presence. It can't even be the Kyuubi...could it?' thought Kakashi.

"Don't...fucking...make...me...wait...for so fucking long!" Naruto growled. Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous and nodded. Naruto then settled down while Hinata and Satsuki regained their bearings. "My first impression of you. Is scary. Anyways, meet me on the roof in five minutes," Kakashi announced then Body Flickered away.

Naruto touched Hinata's and Satsuki's shoulders and did a Body Flicker of his own on top of the Academy's roof. Kakashi was stunned to say the least that Naruto could do that but didn't show it. He instead did an eye smile and said, "Yo, why don't we introduce ourselves starting with name, likes, dislikes and goals for the future."

"Sensei why don't you start us off?" Hinata asked. "Alright then my name is Kakashi Hatake, my like is something you will know when you're older, my dislikes...many things and I don't really have a goal for the future," Kakashi replied still smiling. 'He just gave us his name,' were the thoughts of Hinata and Satsuki. Naruto however was sizing up Kakashi.

"Okay, you next Ghost Eyes," Kakashi said pointing at Hinata which made said girl annoyed but she didn't express it. "My name is Hinata Hyuuga, I like cinnamon rolls, my clan and cousin, I dislike my father and being called weak, my goal for the future is to become the head of the Hyuuga clan." When Hinata finished Kakashi nodded then pointed at Satsuki. "Okay Duck Ass, you next." Satsuki was irked but also didn't show it.

"My name is Satsuki Uchiha, I like Naruto, training with him, and tomatoes. I dislike failure and my goal for the future is not really a goal because I will bring it to fruition is to kill a certain man." She said the last part with so much venom a snake would be put to shame. 'Hm, so she has a strong relationship with Naruto, weird and unexpected but the Hokage did say Naruto was found around Mikoto a lot before her death,' Kakashi thought nodding then pointed to Naruto.

"You next blonde mini me," Kakashi said. Naruto nodded and began speaking. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like Satsuki, training with her and ramen. I dislike people who choose not understand something or somebody. My goal for the future is to help Satsuki kill the man she was talking about, become Hokage and change this whole world for the better."

'They are really close...interesting. But their quest for vengeance could mean trouble. At least Naruto has other things in mind,' Kakashi thought. Meanwhile Hinata was bewildered. 'How are they so close?' she thought.

"Alright then, tomorrow meet me at Training Ground 69 at five in the morning sharp, and I would recommend you don't eat unless you want to throw up," Kakashi said then disappeared in a Body Flicker.

Hinata promptly left taking the stairs leaving Naruto and Satsuki alone. There was a moment of silence until Naruto said, "Thank you." Satsuki looked at him and tilted her head in confusion and asked, "For what?" "For sticking up for me," he replied.

Satsuki's eyes widened and then she smirked. "That must mean I'm more powerful than you huh," she said confidently. "Not by a long shot," Naruto said deflating her ego. "Dead last," Satsuki muttered. "Well I got some training to do want to come?" Naruto offered standing up. Satsuki jolted to her feet and immediately held Naruto's hand and they Body Flickered to the Forest of Death. It took them a moment to realise they were holding each other's hand and instantaneously they broke the connection. Both blushing.

'It was kind of...warm,' Naruto thought. After that they spent the whole day training themselves to their limit for tomorrow and went home that night on death's door, but in each other's arms holding one another.


Naruto and Satsuki arrived at the training ground their sensei had told them to meet three hours later and as they expected, Kakashi was nowhere to be seen. Hinata however was fuming and when she saw the pair she yelled, "The fuck! You could have at least told me something!"

Her stomach then growled and Satsuki raised her eyebrow. "You really didn't eat?" she queried scoffing. "He said not to eat," Hinata replied confused. "No he recommended...weakling," Satsuki added the last part smirking. "Bitch!" Hinata exclaimed. "What did you say?" Satsuki asked angrily.

Both girls were now in each other's faces. In that moment Kakashi appeared and sweat dropped at the scene in front him. "Sorry I was late an old lady needed help carrying her groceries," he said. Naruto knew it was lies but at this point didn't even care while HInata and Satsuki were sending each other discrete glares.

"So today you will be tested to see if you should be sent back to the Academy or not," Kakashi announced which caused the three new Genin to widen their eyes. "Wait but weren't we already tested?" Hinata asked. "Well yes to see if you were capable to be shinobi, but now this test will determine if you will become one or not," Kakashi replied.

Naruto nodded his head in understanding not at all intimidated. Satsuki saw his confidence and began feeling sure of herself. Even Hinata became determined after seeing both of them. Kakashi eye smiled at this and then pulled out two bells from his pocket. "Whomever gets one bell passes, meaning one of you will fail. You have until noon." Kakashi announced.

Naruto wasn't fazed but Satsuki and Hinata seemed shaken up. 'Is he crazy? Noon? That's too little time,' Satsuki thought. 'Isn't a Genin cell using a cell of four?' Hinata thought. 'I wonder if Satsuki will make ramen today?' Naruto thought.

"Come at me with the intent to kill. Begin," Kakashi said and immediately Satsuki and Hinata jumped away into the trees surrounding the open field they were in. Kakashi pulled out an orange book called Icha Icha Paradise and took a seat on the ground. "You're not like the others are you?" Kakashi asked not taking his eyes of the book. "I sense where Satsuki and Hinata are so I assume you do to, am I correct, sensei?" Naruto asked Kakashi with a look of indifference. This made the Jonin sensei glance up from his book for a moment. "Interesting, so, are we going to talk or are you going to fight?" Kakashi asked.

"The fight has already started, long before you came here you just didn't know it," Naruto said. Kakashi raised his eyebrow then immediately after jumped into the air, avoiding three kunais that were meant to hit him. 'Where did that come from?' he thought looking at Naruto in front of him. He put his book in his pouch, and sharpened his senses.

He then blocked a kick that was meant to hit the side of his head. He grabbed the leg of the perpetrator and flung him into a tree. 'Shadow clones!' he thought incredulously when he saw an exact copy of Naruto dispel in a puff of smoke.

Kakashi didn't get a chance to recuperate because as soon as he touched the ground the real Naruto delivered a punch to his midsection sending the grey haired shinobi flying.

Naruto Body Flickered behind the man with a kunai in hand. He stabbed Kakashi's back only for him to turn into a log. The real Kakashi was wide eyed on a nearby tree branch processing what the hell had happened. 'How the hell is a Genin doing this? Lord Hokage said Naruto was full of surprises but damn!' Kakashi thought impressed.

Kakashi was about to go back in when he felt cold steel press against his neck. He looked down to find a three pronged kunai at his neck and immediately got PTSD. 'No, it couldn't be. He can't know it...it's impossible,' thought Kakashi sweating and shaking profusely. "The Flying Thunder God, yes, I do know it," Naruto replied as if reading Kakashi's mind. He then cut the man's neck only for him to dispel in a puff of smoke. 'So he knows Shadow Clone Jutsu too.'

Naruto was broken out of his thoughts when he felt a presence behind him. He leaped onto another tree branch avoiding a kick from Kakashi. Both of them stared at each other, accessing each other's strengths. 'Kit, you know this man can make quick work out of you, he just didn't expect your strength?' Kurama asked inside Naruto's mind. 'I'm just testing him out,' Naruto replied. 'He's supposed to be testing you!'

'Go back to sleep you shri-.' 'Don't say it.'

Meanwhile Kakashi leaped towards Naruto with a kunai in hand. The three pronged kunai and regular ones met with a loud 'CLANG' and spark. Naruto used all his strength to launch Kakashi into the air. The latter weaved hand signs in the speed of light and breathed out a huge plume of flames which rivalled that of Naruto's. Said blonde boy threw his kunai and teleported to it on a different tree.

Kakashi saw where he went and leapt from tree to tree to Naruto's position. Naruto made a cross hand sign and five more Naruto's appeared and rushed to Kakashi. The grey haired shinobi had superior taijutsu which was displayed in his battle with the five clones.

He disposed of all the clones all while keeping tabs on Naruto who was leaping from tree to tree concealing himself with the leaves and vegetation. Kakashi looked all around him, waiting.

Eventually eight three pronged kunai surrounded him and in an Orange Blur, Naruto teleported in front of the kunai in front of Kakashi and landed a kick to said man's face. The grey haired shinobi barely blocked it.

He then had to dodge a horde of shuriken behind him, rolling into a punch from Naruto. This time however Kakashi caught Naruto's wrist and threw him into a tree. Pain seared through the blonde boy's midsection as his back collided with the tree but Kakashi wasn't finished.

He rushed at Naruto with blinding speed and kicked him straight through the tree cutting it in half. 'That was a little much,' Kakashi thought not really caring.

Naruto was on the precipice of unconsciousness as he struggled to get back up as Kakashi appeared behind him. "Your speed is greater than mine but you can't utilise it well enough to take me down," Kakashi commented. Naruto barely able to breath teleported to his kunai away from Kakashi.

"Tell me, how do you know my sensei's techniques?" Kakashi curiously asked as he walked towards a wheezing Naruto who was on one knee holding onto his kunai to support himself. "Who...was....your...sensei?" Naruto asked in between deep breathes. "The Fourth Hokage," Kakashi replied which made Naruto's eyes widen.

"M-my...my father," Naruto whispered, but Kakashi heard it and in that moment both were too shocked to register they were in a battle. "B-b-but the Hokage said y-you died," Kakashi stuttered out. 'Of course,' Naruto thought venomously.

Then Kakashi did something Naruto would not have expected, his body began shaking uncontrollably as tears flowed freely down his face. "N-n-Naruto I should've known," Kakashi said crying. "The blonde hair, blue eyes."

He then slowly walked towards Naruto, went on two knees and enveloped the boy in a hug. "I-I-I'm sorry I wasn't there, I'm sorry," Kakashi muttered weeping while Naruto just remained there, astonished at what was transpiring.

After a while Satsuki and Hinata who were in hiding were now in bewilderment as to why their sensei was hugging Naruto. 'Are they gay?' was both of their thoughts.

"Sensei, let's handle this later we are in a test right now," Naruto said, pushing Kakashi away who chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "And it's teamwork isn't it?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi nodded. "That's what I expect of sensei's son," he said smiling. Naruto then made a shadow clone which went to Satsuki's and Hinata's locations. "But I want to continue this battle," Naruto said getting up, Kurama's chakra having healed his ribs and back.

They both ran at each other. Naruto threw a roundhouse kick which Kakashi blocked with his arms and the latter rushed into Naruto's space with a punch aimed at the blonde boy's face. Naruto caught the punch and used it to catapult himself on top of Naruto's head and behind him. Naruto then sent a jab to Kakashi's shoulder, then jumped away when Kakashi took a swipe with his kunai.

The grey haired shinobi found that the movement in his right arm was very limited. "Hm, nice taijutsu, I guess I have to up my game," Kakashi said.

Naruto smirked and created three more shadow clones. "You have Kage level chakra, maybe even more, that's going to be useful in the future," Kakashi commented.

"So I'm going to pass then?" Naruto asked innocently as he and his clones began running to Kakashi. "Maybe," the scarecrow shinobi said with an eye smile as he jumped in the air and threw shuriken at the oncoming blonde boys. One of the Naruto's launched themselves into the trees while the other three began battling Kakashi.

Within minutes Kakashi disposed of the clones with little difficulty and stretched his senses to try and pinpoint the real Naruto's location. That was when he heard a suction like noise and Naruto appeared in the air with a pure ball of blue chakra that was rotating in the palm of his right hand. 'Of course he knows that,' Kakashi thought not even surprised.

"Rasengan!" Naruto exclaimed and in an orange flash he was in Kakashi's face ready to slam the Rasengan in the man's body. To his astonishment however, the grey haired shinobi also had a Rasengan in his left hand. Both began smirking as both Rasengans collided.

Three trees surrounding them swayed violently as pure chakra was emitted from the clash of the two jutsus. Eventually Naruto began wavering and Kakashi was gaining the upper hand as Naruto fell to one knee, his Rasengan growing smaller in size.

Kakashi cancelled the technique and instead sent a knee to Naruto's jaw. The spiky haired shinobi used the momentum to backflip away from Kakashi to regain his bearings, giving Kakashi a what the fuck look. The grey haired shinobi shrugged and said, "He was my sensei."

"So what will you do now Naruto?" Kakashi asked. Naruto wiped his chin of some blood and then pulled out a bell from his pocket, which made Kakashi widen his eyes. "What more do I have to do," Naruto said smirking. "But to ensure we all pass, NOW!" Naruto shouted.

Satsuki ran out of a bush and ran to Kakashi while Hinata came from above. The grey haired shinobi caught a kick sent by Satsuki and threw her up in the air to Hinata. Fortunately Naruto jumped in the air and caught Satsuki before she could collide with Hinata and landed on the ground holding her bridal style.

Hinata was inches away from landing punch to Kakashi's head but said man appeared behind the girl and kicked her down to the ground. Meanwhile Naruto was unconsciously holding Satsuki trying to formulate a plan, while the Uchiha was blushing furiously. "Um, can you set me down?" she asked. "Hm?" Naruto replied not taking his eyes of Kakashi, as he hid in a tree branch. Hinata was getting her ass handed to her that was for sure.

Before Kakashi could cast a Genjutsu on the Hyuuga Naruto's shadow clone from before swooped in and carried her bridal style next to the real one. "I have a plan. I will go into the ground. Satsuki use your fireball and he should jump back then Hinata will use her Air Palm to put him under pressure. That is where I will jump out of the ground and try to grab the bell. My clone explained the test to you all right?" Naruto asked.

Both girls nodded. "Okay, ready...let's go," Naruto stated and threw Satsuki in the air who was weaving hand signs and inhaled a deep breath of air. When she exhaled a giant plume of flames came out of her mouth. Kakashi began sweating as he jumped back where Hinata appeared and shouted, "The Eight Trigrams Air Palm." A gust of wind was emitted from her open hand strike pushing Kakashi forward. He heard a deep rumbling in the ground and Naruto bursted out of it with his hands reaching for the bell.

Kakashi immediately substituted himself with a log and began panting, his chakra was low. Before he could recuperate somewhat Naruto's clone sent a kick to his head, which Kakashi barely managed to dodge. Naruto then threw another three pronged kunai behind the grey haired man which hit the tree behind said man. In an orange flash Naruto was behind Kakashi holding the kunai. He slashed at the man's back which Kakashi barely managed to dodge.

Hinata then rushed at Kakashi Byakugan active. She began sending jabs in quick concession and yelled, "Eight Trigrams, 8 Palms, 32 Palms, 64 Palms, 128 Palms." When she finished her onslaught Kakashi could still move because he could interpret where each strike was aimed for but some still hit, and he couldn't feel much of his body.

Satsuki then appeared in the air again, and yelled, "Fire style Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" She spewed more flames from her mouth but this time in balls and Kakashi was once again forced to dodge, right into a punch to his face from Naruto. Hinata saw her chance when her sensei was disoriented to snatch the last bell.

When she did a smile graced her lips as she laughed in joy. Satsuki did the same while Naruto fell to one knee. "So that a battle with a Jonin of his stature," he muttered. 'Wasn't even full power,' Kurama commented. 'Damn! If I can't beat him how the hell can I beat Itachi and that masked man,' Naruto thought angrily. 'Patience, patience,' Kurama replied.

"Well, Naruto you have a bell and Hinata you do too, Satsuki I guess it's back to the Academy," Kakashi said. Naruto then threw his bell at Satsuki's feet and said, "Take the bell, you should pass," he said. Hinata then threw her bell to Naruto and said, "No, you should pass too you two did most of the heavy work."

Satsuki took Naruto's bell and threw it to Hinata and said, "You got a bell fair and square if anything I should be sent back to the Academy," Satsuki said.

Kakashi eye smiled and announced, "Then I guess, you all pass, congratulations. Your teamwork was immaculate. Just remember your team is everything. In The Ninja World, Those Who Break The Rules Are Scum, That's True. But Those Who Abandon Their Friends Are Worse Than Scum." Satsuki and Hinata were shocked at first then began cheering, hugging each other. The Naruto and Kakashi shared a look meaning, 'We're talking after this.'

"Wait Naruto, how the hell are you so strong?" Hinata asked remembering the Rasengan and his teleporting to the weird looking kunai. "Since we're going to be teammates I guess I should tell you all, although Satsuki already knows everything. The Hokage already knows too."

He then began relaying his life with them.


"So, you can't tell anybody anything, please Hinata," Naruto said looking vulnerable. Hinata's face softened up and she even had a small smile on her face as she said, "Don't worry, I won't," she said. Satsuki smiled at this while Kakashi observed their interactions. 'They really are a team,' he thought. "Okay well, training starts tomorrow at 5 am sharp, don't be late, Naruto stay, the rest dismissed," Kakashi announced. Satsuki and Hinata walked out of the Training Ground and went their separate ways but not before saying slyly to Satsuki, "Living together huh?"

Kakashi and Naruto looked at each other for a few moments. Kakashi then began shaking as he held his face, tears streaming down his face and arms. "I'm so sorry my boy, for everything," he said.

"I should've been there, you shouldn't have had to go through the beatings and the loss of another loved one," he said. "How did you know?" Naruto asked. "Lord Hokage told me," Kakashi replied. "Everything except that your sensei had a son, wow," Naruto said sarcastically. That man just didn't stop making mistakes. 'He is old,' Kurama said. 'Not as old as-.' 'Don't fucking say it!'

Meanwhile Kakashi was still sobbing. Naruto couldn't help feeling sorry for the man. After everything he lost, and now he learned his sensei had a son he never had the chance to know and take care off. Naruto went towards Kakashi and patted him on the back.

"I would've taken you in I swear," Kakashi sobbed out. "Why did the Hokage not tell me!" he exclaimed. Naruto shook his head and said, "He's old, maybe older than the Kyuubi for all we know." Kakashi chuckled at this while Kurama growled.

"Maybe we can, get to know each other? Make up for the past. We can't change the past but we can make a better future," Naruto offered. Kakashi looked at him and smiled. "Yes, yes I would like that."

They stayed like that for a moment until Kakashi said, "I want to show you something." He touched Naruto's shoulder and Body Flickered them into a field full of graves. He lead Naruto to four graves, that read Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Naruto's eyes widened. "Mom and Dad," he whispered. "I usually visit these graves every day," Kakashi said staring at the graves. Naruto stared at his parents' graves as tears flowed down his cheeks but he didn't even make a sound.

Kakashi put a hand on Naruto's shoulder and said, "It is unfair that I got to spend so much time with them yet you didn't know who they were for quite a while. I'm so very sorry Naruto."

Naruto continued looking at the graves silently crying. "I think... I think I would like to come here more often," he said. Kakashi nodded in understanding. "We have to show up early for missions thought," he stated. Naruto nodded in understanding then asked, "Do...do you have stories about them?"

"Of course, there was this one time Obito was caught peaking on Rin in the hot springs and your mother caught him," Kakashi said chuckling fondly at the memory. Naruto also chuckled and they spent the rest of the afternoon talking about Naruto's parents and Kakashi's family. 

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