Living With Seven Brothers

By savagelove00

80K 1.9K 187

Kat grew up with her Mother in a toxic environment all her life. Only being twelve she had been through so mu... More

Prologue: Do you want custody of your sister?
Chapter 1: The Day Everything Changed.
Chapter 2: You're going to live with your brothers.
Chapter 3: Getting Ready for Church.
Chapter 4: Visitation
Chapter 5: What Happened to Her?
Chapter 6: Girls are Weird
Chapter 7: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 8: What Could Go Wrong
Chapter 9: The Rodeo
Chapter 10: The Party
Chapter 11: Goodbye
Chapter 12: New Home
Chapter 13: Well this is awkward.
Chapter 14: The Fall
Chapter 15: Ouch That Hurt
Chapter 16: Who is the Real Delinquent? 
Chapter 17: The Truth!
Chapter 18: Making Up
Chapter 20: Who Is She?
Chapter 21: Only for Adults
Chapter 22: The Hooker
Chapter 23: I Can't Do This.
Chapter 24: Don't Do That Again
Chapter 25: The Quack
Chapter 26: The Mall
Chapter 27: Meeting the Hooker
Chapter 28: Weston
Chapter 29: I Will Teach You To Be Rich And Snobby.

Chapter 19: Revenge is Bitter

2.1K 59 4
By savagelove00

     This is bull shit absolute bull shit. I could ring Jason's neck right now. He's lucky Ben took my phone. I have so much dirt on that boy one call to Papa and he wouldn't be sitting for a month. By time I made it to my room I was fuming, I slammed my door not caring if it would piss off my brothers.

     I started pacing my room trying to dissipate the heat that was radiating off of me in waves. It didn't take long for my door to open, but to my surprise it wasn't any of the brothers I figured would come up. I turned around to see Jere and Wes shutting my door.

     "Hey sis you okay?" Jere asked as they both stared at me eyes full of concern.

     "No I pulled a joke on Jason and he went and showed Papa the messages. Now my phone has been taken because Ben found out and saw that I was cussing on the text." I said as I throw my hands into the air and plopped down on my bed.

     "Oh dang, why would Jason do that? Ben is serious about cussing he doesn't let any of us do it." Wes said plopping down on my bed.

     "I don't know but he is so dead. He's lucky I am not there right now I would ring his neck." I spoke through my teeth.

     "Well why don't you go off on him now." Jere held out his phone after FaceTiming Jason.

      In all honesty I probably should have said no but I was so made that my mind was clouded. I snatched the phone out of Jeremiah's hand waiting for Jason to show up. It wasn't long til his smiling face pop on the screen. It took about two seconds for his smile to fall.


     "Is that so?" I heard a deep voice of disapproval from the other side of the phone. I frozen in place as I saw tears well up in Jase's eyes. My stomach dropped feeling like it hit the floor. Papa must have been in the room and heard everything. I suddenly felt my anger disappear and be replaced with fear. "Give me the phone now son." Jason nods and hands to phone to Papa where his face pops up on the screen. "Katherine you're going to go find Ben or Reuben right now and take the phone to them." His eyes green eyes were narrow and his lips formed a straight line from where he pressed them together in disapproval. I was frozen in place scarred. I felt like my feet had been welded to the floor. "Now Katherine Elizabeth!" He said in a the tone he always used that meant business. Usually the kind that meant his hand would be talking more to my butt than his mouth spilling out words. That kicked my ass into gear letting my feet take control as I went to find one of my older brothers as the youngest two fallowed behind me. 

     I ran into Logan first almost slamming into him.

     "Hey cupcake what's wrong?" He raised an eyebrow reading my face. I just held out the phone. "Hey Mr. Smith everything okay?"

     "No little miss Katherine called Jason on one of the boys phone and was using some very colorful words." I heard Pa's voice come through the phone rough and stern.

     Logan's face dropped and he glanced at me then at the two behind me. "Whose phone is this?"

     "Mine sir." Jeremiah answered looking nervous.

     "Where is your phone Kat?"

     "Ben took it." I sigh.

     "So I am assuming he has it because you got grounded and so you went and used your brothers instead?" His face is filled with curiosity and also carries a stern aspect to it. All I could seem to do was nod I felt frozen again. "You two come with me, Weston unless you want to be in trouble too I suggest you to run along."

     Wes gave us a look of sympathy and then nodded, "Yes sir." He quickly runs off allowing Logan's attention to be fully on us. Shaking his head and telling us to fallow him again we headed to the end of the house that held the offices. Once in front of Ben's we are told to wait outside as Logan goes in.

     "How screwed are we?" I whisper.

     "Me probably not so much. I just let you use my phone, I probably won't get it back. You however you're getting in trouble for pretty much the same thing that got your phone taken, so you're screwed." He looks at me with pity as I gulp nervously. We sat there is silence for a bit until Logan come out of the door.

     "Jeremiah you know better than to give someone who is grounded your phone. This is the last time you will be told next time it is going to be seen as defiance. As for now your phone is Ben's until further notice. Go before you wind up in more trouble."

     "Yes sir." Jere nods and quickly scurries away. Logan then opens the door to Ben's office and tells me to go in.

     "Katherine sit." He glares as he puts some documents away. I quickly sit watching him. "So let me get this straight, I took your phone and you just go and use your brothers going around your grounding. Then you proceed to do the same thing that got you grounded. What were you thinking?"

     "I didn't plan to get caught." I mumble.

     "Clearly, but you did and now we are here." Ben sighs and leans back in his chair. "I warned you Katherine. I don't tolerate that kind of language." He pauses as he stares me down as if waiting for something. I shrug my shoulders and he takes a deep breath. "Go to your room I will be up there in a moment."

     Without saying a word I get up and go back upstairs to my room flopping onto the bed burying my face into the pillow. It wasn't long when I heard my door open and footsteps fall onto the floor.

     "Sit up and look at me Katherine." Ben's voice boomed through my room. I did as he said keeping my eyes on the floor not wanting to face him. He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face up. His eyes burned with fury as if there was a flame in them. "I am very disappointed in you young lady and so is Matt. I talked to him for a bit and he said that you normally don't act like this. I don't know why you think it's okay to have such a foul mouth but I am going to break you of that." He paused looking at me as if he was studying me. "So here's what's going to happen. You are going to have this bar of soap in your mouth while I spank you." He holds up a bar of soap instantly making me want to puke. "You spit it out and the time and spanking starts all over understand?" I nodded and he glares. "Words Katherine!"

     "Yes sir, I understand." 

     "Open up." He says holding the bar of soap to my mouth. I sigh and open up excepting the punishment. As soon as the soap hit my mouth I flenched back in disgust trying to keep my tongue away from it as much as possible. Without another word Ben grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me up taking my seat pulling me over his lap. He wrapped one arm over my waist holding me into his body and then took his legs and trap mind in between them. He quickly pulled my shorts and underwear down I tensed up knowing this is going to suck.

     Ben wasted no time and started laying down hard smacks. It stung instantly plus the bar of soap in my mouth was starting to sudd up from my saliva. He was raining down smacks on my ass and I could already feel the heat building up. I started to groan though the soap. The bitter taste only growing in my mouth.

     "Pease op." I mumbled through the soap as Ben continued as my sensed over loaded. The sound of the smacks, the sting feeling on my rear, and the taste of the soap was all making my stomach churn. After what felt like forever Ben stoped.
      "Okay you have ten more you may spit the soap out." Ben said putting his hand on the part of the bar that was sticking out of my mouth. I greatly let go of the soap however it didn't take the taste away sadly. "You're going to count these Kat."

     He wasted no time and laid down what felt like a harder slap then all the rest. The tears poured from my eyes as soapy saliva slipped out of my mouth. "One...." Slap... "t.t.twwwooo." Slap... "three.... Ben please stop." Slap... slap.... "OW! Four...... f..f...five." I try to wiggle out of his grip but he only tightens it.

     "Hold still Katherine." He gave me two sharp slaps on my thighs causing me to howl out in pain.

     He goes back to my butt and smacks it again. "Ow! Six." I cry out. Slap.... "Ben please."

     "Count Kat!" He growls laying down two more smacks on my thighs.

     "OW!!!!!" Slap... slap.... "Eight.... Nine.... Bu..bu..bubby please stop!!"

     "You're almost done baby girl." He said in a softer tone.

     He slapped my butt one more time and I yelped in pain saying ten in a shaky voice. He quickly but gently pulled up my underwear and pants then pulled me up to sit on his lap careful of my sore rear end. He held me tight letting me cry in his shoulder. Tears and saliva soaking his shirt. But he seemed unfazed about it. He just sat there rubbing my back and telling me that it was over and that I was forgiven. As I cried on his shoulder he stood up and carried me into the bathroom where he turned the sink on and told me to rinse my mouth out. Rinsing it out only seemed to make it worse though. It sudd up so bad making bubbles in my mouth. I could have vomited it's that bad. It seemed like it took forever for me to finally get rid of the taste. Once I was done rinsing my mouth out I flung myself back into his arms and cried some more. He held me the entire time and carried me back to my room where I cried myself to sleep.

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