The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Take Your Time

180 8 12
By IStoleTime

Chapter Two!

Take Your Time

10th of March 2020 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The hallways of the Ministry were silent, it was just before dawn. The Clergy employees were still in mourning, their respects for the deceased former Papa Emeritus continued. Papa Nihil's body had been laid in state in the chapel, he had many visitors of importance passing by his casket since his body had returned to the unholy church. White and yellow roses had been placed around his glass casket, there were lit candles burning brightly in their golden candelabra stands. The chapel was peaceful and welcoming, it was the perfect place for anyone to say their final farewells to the elderly Papa Nihil. 

Light crept through the window above Copia's makeshift bed, his room was occupied not by himself but his lover. Albany stirred in her sleep and rolled onto her back, she shielded her eyes from the early rays of morning's first light while she softly moaned. Her eyes fluttering open she focused on three burning candles on the dresser, the light they cast kept the darkness of the room at bay. Albany had been staying in Copia's room since he returned home, she didn't want to be alone. He never left her side until she had fallen asleep like he had promised, his sweet embraces each night were comforting. He was there everytime she woke up in tears, her dreams were haunted by her Father pleas for help. She adored her lover's constant support, he had been wonderful and caring throughout her grief for her Father. They had discussed the night of her Father's death, her lover was clueless about what had happened to Papa Nihil. His autopsy at the unholy church had shown that he had died from his lung issues, his decades of unhealthy choices had finally caught up with him.

Albany remained motionless in the bed, she had decided to visit her Father in the chapel this morning. She had given herself a few days to process the news about her Father's death, but she felt ready to see him now. Sitting up on the mattress Albany pulled the blankets back and stretched her arms above her head, she gave herself a moment to wake up before she got to her feet. Copia was nowhere to be seen, he often disappeared before she awoke. Walking towards the bathroom she turned the light on and locked the door behind her, she didn't want to be disturbed by her lover while she was indisposed. Copia had barged into the bathroom countless times to use the toilet when she was in the shower or brushing her teeth, she didn't mind but his bowel issues weren't pleasant to witness. Taking care of her personal business she turned on the shower and made sure it was the right temperature, she wanted freshen up before she visited her Father in the chapel. Getting undressed she stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to cleanse her body, but her attention was caught by Copia's voice from the other room. He sounded panicked, his concerns for her were ever growing since Papa Nihil had passed away.

" Albany, where are you?!" He asked.

" I'm in the shower!" She replied before she peered around the shower curtain. " I won't be long, I'm not washing my hair! The door is locked, I'm fine!"

" Right, right!" He said.

Albany turned off the shower and stepped into the cool tiled floor, she needed collect her mourning clothes from her dorm room before she visited the chapel. She dried herself and changed back into her nightgown, she then left the bathroom. Closing the door behind her she noticed Copia standing next to the mattress, he had a wooden tray in his hands. Two bowls of cereal and a coffee pot sat upon it, there was even a yellow rose in a slim glass vase. He had laid the tray out with breakfast foods they would both need to start their day. Albany smiled at her lover, he had made her breakfast every morning since he returned to the Ministry. He was making sure she was eating three times a day, but she had heard Sister Imperator giving him helpful advice in the hallway when she was meant to be sleeping. Copia's voice soon broke the silence between them, his speaking tone was cheerful.

" Hello, good morning!" He said while he showed her the tray. " I've brought us some breakfast, there's a fresh pot of coffee and one strawberry pastry just for you. They're your favourite pastries, yes?"

" Yes, I love them." She replied.

" And how are you feeling?" He asked.

" I'm feeling more rested today." She replied.

" That's very good to hear." He said.

" I was thinking we could eat in the kitchen this morning." She said before she approached him. " I still feel guilty about spilling my coffee on your bed sheets..."

" It's fine, it was easy to clean up." He said.

" I know, but I was thinking it's about time that I returned to my own room." She said, their gaze met. " You need to have a full nights sleep, it's not fair that I've kept you awake for days. You haven't slept properly since you returned from your tour. I've seen you dozing throughout the day, it's time that I started getting back into my daily routine."

" Okay, cool..." He said.

" That's unless you want me to stay for a few more nights." She said.

" I would like very much, but the choice is yours Albany." He said while he placed the tray down next to the mattress. " But come now, it's time for breakfast in bed. It won't be breakfast in bed unless you're in bed to enjoy it. It's not a table breakfast, it's for beds only."

" Okay, fine." She said with a sigh. " But from tomorrow we'll start having breakfast in the kitchen."

" Fine, fine!" He said.

Stepping onto the mattress Albany sat down and covered herself up with the blankets, she was soon given a full bowl of Froot Loops. It wasn't the kind of cereal she wanted first thing in the morning, but she never told Copia that because she appreciated his consideration. Stirring her spoon around the bowl Albany noticed three of his rats hurrying through the doorway, they immediately jumped into the mattress and made themselves at home. Copia's loyal pets hadn't been around much lately, they hadn't been sleeping in the same room has them. She was unsure where they had been nesting for the last few days, but their presence seemed to please their owner. 

Albany took a few mouthfuls of her cereal before she placed the bowl on the tray, she took a slip of her coffee before took the rose from glass vase. The sweet scent of the rose was divine, he had brought her a different coloured rose with their breakfast every morning. Her gaze focused on Copia sitting not far away from her, he was happily feeding his cereal to one of his rats. Her voice caught his attention, their gaze soon met. She hadn't told him yet about her plan to visit the chapel, she had only decided this morning that she wanted to see her Father.

" I plan to visit Papa in the chapel today." She said.

" Would you like me to come with you?" He asked.

" I would like that, thank you." She replied with a smile. " But I need to stop by my room first to get changed into my mourning clothes. I want to look smart for Papa, he would appreciate my effort."

" That's fine, we can leave whenever you're ready." He said.

" Thank you." She said.

" You're welcome, baby." He said.

Albany shuffled closer towards Copia, she kissed his cheek and thanked him again before she placed the rose back into the slim glass vase. Taking her strawberry pastry from the tray she used a napkin to keep most of the flakey pastry from falling onto the blankets, but the delicious scent of her breakfast treat soon caught the attention of the rats. She had no other options but to share some of her pastry with them when the adorable rodents began to pull at her nightgown. Copia ordered them to stop, but one of his rats decided to jump into his cereal bowl. Albany tried to hide her amusement when milk splashed onto her lover's pajamas pants, it seemed like her decision about moving breakfast back to the kitchen from tomorrow had been the right one.


An Hour Later

Albany had left Copia's room not long after she had drank her coffee and ate some of the strawberry pastry, she had told him to give her an hour before he came to met her outside of her dorm room. She had changed into a plan black fitted dress and a pair of black stockings, her dresses length was just below her knee. She had tied her hair up and applied some make up, she had decided not to wear a mourning veil since her Father always found them over the top. Slipping her heels on there was a knock at the door, it seemed that Copia was here to escort her to the chapel. Her voice soon broke the silence of the room, she needed to do one more thing before she left. 

" I'll be out in minute!" She called.

Opening her dresser Albany took a little jewellery box from the draw and opened it, she planned to wear the earrings her Father had given her when she had turned eighteen. They were old fashioned since they belonged to Papa Nihil's Mother, but she thought they would suit her outfit. Putting her earrings on she took one last look at herself in the mirror before she approached the door, she soon opened it and stepped into the hallway. A smile crept across her features when she saw Copia with a yellow rose in his hand, he had changed into one of his black tracksuits. She didn't mind him dressing causal, she was just happy that he was here to accompany her to the chapel. Albany smoothed her dress down before she approached him, her voice was soon heard in the hallway.

" Do you think I look presentable?" She asked.

" You look good, very good." He replied.

" You don't think the red lipstick is too much?" She asked.

" No, it suits your mourning look." He replied before he took hold of her hands. " Papa would be very proud of you, he loved you very much."

" I know..." She said.

" Come now, let's visit Papa in the chapel." He said.

" Okay." She nodded.

Albany curled her fingers around her lover's hand before they wandered down the hallway together, he opened one of the double doors and allowed her to go first. They took the elevator to the ground floor and continued to venture down the many hallways of the unholy church. Albany remained quiet, her thoughts and nerves were getting the better of her. She didn't know what to expect, it was very different from the way her Brothers had been mourned and presented in death. They hadn't been laid in rest in the chapel like their Father, they had been embalmed and placed in glass caskets to be displayed on future tours. This way of mourning for someone of importance was very new, it was more restricted to the Ministry until his body was placed elsewhere. It wasn't long until they reached the open doorway of the chapel, the sight that greeted them was draped with splendor.

The chapel was silent and dimly lit, the scent of burning incense sticks drifted through the open doorway. Candles burnt brightly in their holders, the pedestal stands were beautiful decorated with colourful flowers at each end of the aisle. White silky see-through draps covered the pews and yellow rose petals had been scattered around the altar, it looked elegant. Albany's grip tightened and trembled around her lover's hand when she saw the glass casket on the altar, she could see the outline of her Father inside of it. Her breath flattered slightly while she backed away, but her lover's grip kept her from fleeing. Copia's voice soon caught her attention, his speaking tone was supportive.

" It's okay, I'm here." He said.

Albany's gaze soon met with his own, his features were ressuring. Copia softly kissed his lover's hand before he gave her the single yellow rose, he told her he wouldn't be far away. Giving him a slightly nod her hand slipped away from his own before she entered the chapel, her gaze wandered around the unholy place of worship. She had never seen the chapel decorated in so much splendor and elegance, it didn't seem real. Albany stopped dead in her tracks when she reached the third pew from the altar, she could now see her Father more clearly. A single tear rolled down her cheek, she didn't want to say farewell just yet. Someone touching the lower part of her back caused her to jump, she immediately looked over her shoulder. Copia was standing close behind her, he encourged her to keep going. Albany took a deep breath before she hesitantly approached the glass casket, she could see her Father lying on the altar.

" Hello, Papa." She said.

Stopping in front of the casket Albany placed the rose on the altar with the others, she was surprised how many flowers have been laid for the former Papa Emeritus. Her gaze remained on him, his appearance was peaceful. Papa Nihil was dressed in his golden papal robe and mitre, his face was painted in his normal fierce face paint. He looked like he was sleeping, he didn't look dead. Her hands cupping together Albanys attention was caught by approaching footsteps, she felt her lover's presence by her side. She glanced at Copia before her gaze returned to her Father, her voice soon broke the silence of the chapel.

" It looks like Papa is just taking a nap." She said, her speaking tone was soft. " I'm half expecting him to wake up any moment now and ask for a coffee, he would hate knowing that his paperwork is incomplete. None of this seems real..."

" He can't wake up, right?" He asked.

" No, he's very much gone..." She replied.

Albany paused and thought about what she had just said, her Father was gone. She would never hear his voice again or listen to him complaining about everything that annoyed him at the Ministry, his sleep was now eternal. Albany covered up her mouth with her hand when low sob escaped her lips, she immediately felt Copia's arms wrapping around her. Leaning into him she rested her head against his chest while her gaze remained on her Father, she still couldn't believe he was gone. Copia's voice soon was heard, he tried his best to condole his lover.

" Let's get you a sweet coffee." He said before he rested his chin on the top of her head. " You can visit Papa after you've had a moment to yourself, then we can sit in the chapel for as long as you want..."

Nodding her head Albany silently agreed to his proposition, she didn't feel ready to say her farewells to her Father just yet. Copia began guiding his lover back down the aisle, he kept her close while they walked together. Albany looked back down the aisle before she was led through the doorway, she had no idea how she would cope without her Father around the Los Angeles Ministry. 

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