Grow as we go

By _am0r_

1.7K 76 637

➥ I don't know who we'll become; I can't promise it's not written in the stars. But I believe that when it's... More

the dudes
eric is lonely and wants friends
everyone bullies Hyunjae
the socks stay ON during sex
Juyeon has reached hyung status
the Bratz image is my homescreen
hi welcome to Dilf Manor
sangyeon is horny for hyunjae but he wont say it
here are your Juric crumbs <3
nothing. just hyunjae going feral.
changmin hyung status when?
chanhee has a thing for gym bros confirmed
the density of this density being dense, is just density waiting to be dense
Chanhee has decided to kill Kevin.
Sunwoo's closet is made of glass
Bbangkyu wedding + Eric starts a cult
Gay gay homosexual gay
sunnyu hate (love) each other
Chanhee just really likes his muscles
NyuRic are endgame

Bermuda Line is slaying right now

59 5 32
By _am0r_

Sunwoo: sunnyD
Eric: rizzatron_3000
Hak: token_straight
Juyeon: manstandingemoji
Chanhee: hellokittyenjoyer
Jacob: baebae
Kevin: moon_cheese
Sangyeon: Dilf
Hyunjae: the_brightest
Changmin: certified_creep
Younghoon: bbangy-boo

Eric's Crime Syndicate

token_straight: oh my god I have an idea

bbangy-boo: mmmm doubtful

sunnyD: his stupidity is about to shine through rn guys just watch

token_straight: WOW OKAY-

rizzatron_3000: guys shut up I'm curious

token_straight: Eric,, my only friend

rizzatron_3000: it's true <33

token_straight: but ANYWAYS onto my IDEA

sunnyD: cringing rn

token_straight: WE SHOULD ALL MEET UP

bbangy-boo: oh

moon_cheese: still cringing sunwoo??

sunnyD: it's a perpetual state of being actually

token_straight: damn y'all can just say no

rizzatron_3000: I WANT TO !!!!

hellokittyenjoyer: we know pooks

rizzatron_3000: ...

token_straight: fine guess it'll just be me and eric then because the rest of you are LOSERS

Dilf: that could be fun

token_straight: oMG REALLY?? CAN WE DAD??

Dilf: yeah

certified_creep: sangyeon finally accepting his role as sunhakric's dad?

Dilf: key word here being finally

moon_cheese: @the_brightest

the_brightest: whats up

moon_cheese: scroll

the_brightest: oMG???? DADDY??

Dilf: nevermind

sunnyD: dear god can we get back to the hangout

hellokittyenjoyer: are we just gonna ignore how changmin shoved their names together

certified_creep: ....i do it for all of you tho?

bbangy-boo: you what

moon_cheese: SHIP NAMES???:&4&;&:&

manstandingemoji: dear god this again?

rizzatron_3000: HI JUYEONIE HYUNG !! <33

manstandingemoji: hi eric

token_straight: 50 times

Dilf: changmin do you care to tell us these names

baebae: why would you ask that sangyeon

Dilf: color me curious

certified_creep: sure !
certified_creep: first one is sangmil !

Dilf: nevermind

moon_cheese: LMAO

the_brightest: damn(╥_╥)

certified_creep: second one is moonbae but everyone knows that

moon_cheese: teehee

baebae: <3

manstandingemoji: ignoring both of you

moon_cheese: bitch

certified_creep: third is juric !!


manstandingemoji: howd that happen

rizzatron_3000: i take back my yayyaayayyay (☍﹏⁰)。

sunnyD: there there youngjae

token_straight: DAMN the jae brothers are not winning today


bbangy-boo: <3

hellokittyenjoyer: heLLO???

baebae: now that's a development

the_brightest: i cant believe banana boy and chucky-doll are more likely than me and daddy

Dilf: please stop

the_brightest: ngh~ sangyeon~!

Dilf: im suicidal now

certified_creep: ignoring that ^_^
certified_creep: next is sunnyu

sunnyD: ,,,

hellokittyenjoyer: ..

rizzatron_3000: *cricket noises*

manstandingemoji: damn that got no reaction

certified_creep: they're at the bottom of the list for a reason juyeon

manstandingemoji: fair


baebae: oooo i like that idea !!

moon_cheese: if cobbie is in,, then so am i

Dilf: we already know eric is in
Dilf: which by default means sunwoo is in

sunnyD: unfortunately

token_straight: suck my dick

sunnyD: that shrimpy thing? No way

certified_creep: SOMEONE woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning (≖͞_≖̥)

sunnyD: woke up in ur moms bed

certified_creep: i stand correct

bbangy-boo: sunwoo is violent today good lord

hellokittyenjoyer: he's violent everyday

sunnyD: you get me

hellokittyenjoyer: someone has to

rizzatron_3000: (・⌓・)

the_brightest: eric is right there oergheoirhgoif

manstandingemoji: dw guys sunwoo just lost his progress in Breath of the Wild last night,, so he's a little piss baby

baebae: leave it to juyeon to be the mediator

Dilf: not younghoon for once

bbangy-boo: its an exhausting job yknow

hellokittyenjoyer: shut up you have infinite stamina

certified_creep: does he now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

bbangy-boo: only for you <3

hellokittyenjoyer: what

moon_cheese: never thought id see the day changmin actually gets bitches

certified_creep: WOW

token_straight: no no kevin's got a point

sunnyD: anything to say on this development Hyunjae?

the_brightest: me and sangyeon are actually married

Dilf: false claims


the_brightest: ...aha so anyways like daddy said,, false claims

Dilf: i've won...but at what cost

manstandingemoji: the cost of not having normal friends

baebae: are sangyeon and hyunjae even friends? Bc i feel like its some stalker situation

moon_cheese: a parasocial relationship

token_straight: good for them(?)

certified_creep: no their actual friends
certified_creep: see?

hellokittyenjoyer: HAS THIS BEEN A BIT THIS WHOLE TIME??

Dilf: no
Dilf: thats just how hyunjae acts

hellokittyenjoyer: oh thank god

bbangy-boo: thank god???

hellokittyenjoyer: someone has to entertain me and juric is currently crashing and burning

rizzatron_3000: its true we are (⋟﹏⋞)

manstandingemoji: what does juric even mean


rizzatron_3000: (ノAヽ)

sunnyD: juric = JUyeon + eRIC

manstandingemoji: oh
manstandingemoji: okay

rizzatron_3000: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

the_brightest: at least its not a rejection???

Dilf: its close enough tho

the_brightest: way to make him feel better

Dilf: whoops

token_straight: NEJDEJDKEKF

sunnyD: now i have to make him feel better damnit
sunnyD: sigh the things i do for sohn youngjae

rizzatron_3000: (;Д;)

sunnyD: im kidding


Juyeon and changmin bestie chatroom lmao

manstandingemoji: do i actually make him sad?

certified_creep: no,, i think he's just like that

manstandingemoji: oh phew

certified_creep: puts your social skills to the test LMAO

manstandingemoji: im not talking to you anymore


Eric's Crime Syndicate

sunnyD: youngjae where even are you rn

rizzatron_3000: im doing ur mom rn

sunnyD: awesome, tell her i miss her

rizzatron_3000: will do <33

the_brightest: hes with me rn

sunnyD: oooh okay

rizzatron_3000: teehee

Dilf: i hate how kevin's vernacular is spreading

moon_cheese: no you dont (▰∀◕)ノ

Dilf: ...yes i do?

moon_cheese: damn it

the_brightest: if i cant get through,, what makes you think YOU will

moon_cheese: okay fair BUT ITS ME

bbangy-boo: please go check your ego pookie

moon_cheese: no <3

baebae: kevin,,,,

moon_cheese: fine ( ・'з'・)

baebae: ^_^

hellokittyenjoyer: ew

certified_creep: LMAO

the_brightest: be quiet chanhee youre the biggest romantic out of all of us

hellokittyenjoyer: uhmmm,,, i plead the 5th

sunnyD: this is korea

hellokittyenjoyer: silence you deceased couch cushion

sunnyD: sigh ('-ι_-`)

rizzatron_3000: and chanhee says me and juyeon are burning,,,

sunnyD: SHUT UP

rizzatron_3000: IM JUST SAYING


token_straight: remember that accepting is the first step in healing Sunwoo-ssi <3

sunnyD: kill yourselves

bbangy-boo: not only did he wake up wrong, but he hasnt been laid recently either

sunnyD: ʕ•̠͡•ʔ

manstandingemoji: its true he hasnt


Dilf: i always forget those two are roommates

rizzatron_3000: i dont because SUNWOO ALWAYS POSTS BAOUT IT ON INSTAGRAM

sunnyD: ...aha anyways,,

rizzatron_3000: WHAT EVEN IS THIS(iДi)

token_straight: sunwoo has started his harem(?)


certified_creep: BE SO FR BGHSDKJD

rizzatron_3000: AND THIS????

token_straight: oh god hes cracked


certified_creep: i can explain..?

hellokittyenjoyer: no just give him a second

rizzatron_3000: (> 囗<?)
rizzatron_3000: (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)

baebae: oh no he's lost the ability to type

moon_cheese: what do we do

sunnyD: he'll live
sunnyD: ...probably

certified_creep: sangyeon its our time to shine!!!

Dilf: we have to?

certified_creep: yes you fucking loser

Dilf: fine
DIlf: eric

rizzatron_3000: (;﹏;)

Dilf: do you want to come with me and hyunjae to a new cafe that just opened?


Dilf: is that a yes or...

certified_creep: thats a yes
certified_creep: LETS GO!!!


[bbangy-boo added the_brightest and manstandingemoji]

[bbangy-boo changed the chat name to 'Berumda Boys']

bbangy-boo: men, i have gathered you both here today
bbangy-boo: because i realized something

the_brightest: oh? Do tell younghoon

bbangy-boo: we are...

manstandingemoji: ...?

bbangy-boo: ....really hot

the_brightest: ,,,was this supposed to be something new?

bbangy-boo: no but we are also v chill and i felt it was high time we had our own chat to talk without the others nosing themselves into our business
bbangy-boo: also bc frankly you both need relationship advice

the_brightest: IM TRYING MY BEST OKAY

manstandingemoji: hyunjae youre failing

the_brightest: oh like you can talk

manstandingemoji: i dont even like anyone ??

bbangy-boo: and therein lies your problem

manstandingemoji: i dont get it

bbangy-boo: anyways do you guys wanna get coffee with me?? Im bored and need motivation to study

the_brightest: ugh i hate exams
the_brightest: but sure,,
the_brightest: i need to study too ( _ _||| )

manstandingemoji: which cafe?? maybe the one in the library?

bbangy-boo: thats what i was thinking ^^

the_brightest: meet you both there in like...10 minutes?

bbangy-boo: sounds good

manstandingemoji: see you then ^


[hellokittyenjoyer added rizzatron_3000 and certified_creep]

[hellokittyenjoyer changed the chat name to 'we'll get through this </3']

rizzatron_3000: get through what exactly?

hellokittyenjoyer: this

certified_creep: i think i just screamed
certified_creep: *creamed

hellokittyenjoyer: i know pooks,, thats why i sent it


hellokittyenjoyer: not to mention sunwoo adding this to his instagram story...

rizzatron_3000: ,,,chanhee hyung how will we get through this

certified_creep: ^^^^^

hellokittyenjoyer: wonderful question
hellokittyenjoyer: unfortunately i feel like giving up

certified_creep: there has to be hope for us !!

rizzatron_3000: yeah!!!

hellokittyenjoyer: youre optimism is admirable,, but besties
hellokittyenjoyer: they planned that *without us*
hellokittyenjoyer: well in my case, sunwoo is just really hot,, but YOU TWO
hellokittyenjoyer: you two are being left behind

rizzatron_3000: and replaced by hyunjae

certified_creep: unforgivable

rizzatron_3000: ^^
rizzatron_3000: its bc sangyeon wont give him attention

hellokittyenjoyer: ....i have an idea

🐵: I just really wanted to shove a bunch of photos in here LMAO anyways enjoy the plot(?) Idek but I hope you likey <333

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