sangyeon is horny for hyunjae but he wont say it

83 5 48

Sunwoo: sunnyD
Eric: sleepatron_3000
Hak: token_straight
Juyeon: manstandingemoji
Chanhee: hellokittyenjoyer
Jacob: Mom™
Kevin: moon_cheese
Sangyeon: Dilf
Hyunjae: Himbo™
Changmin: certified_creep
Younghoon: bread.

Private chat between hellokittyenjoyer and sleepatron_3000

hellokittyenjoyer: eric

sleepatron_3000: yessir o7

hellokittyenjoyer: what are you doing rn

sleepatron_3000: doing your mom

hellokittyenjoyer: wow
hellokittyenjoyer: im laughing so hard it's insane

sleepatron_3000: I'm a comedic genius I know
sleepatron_3000: but to answer your question,, im getting ready for a game rn

hellokittyenjoyer: you have a game today?

sleepatron_3000: i do :D
sleepatron_3000: OH EM GEE
sleepatron_3000: IT STARTS AT 5 ARE YOU ABLE TO MAKE IT???

hellokittyenjoyer: only those 3?

sleepatron_3000: well hak has a class, younghoon and jacob both have work, and i didn't bother asking the others

hellokittyenjoyer: not even juyeon?

sleepatron_3000: im sure hes busy anyways
sleepatron_3000: BUT YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME !!
sleepatron_3000: ITD BE SO COOL HYUNG

hellokittyenjoyer: sure why not

sleepatron_3000: YAYAYAYAY ʚ(*'꒳'*)ɞ

hellokittyenjoyer: BUT
hellokittyenjoyer: im gonna ask the rest of the gc to come

sleepatron_3000: okay???
sleepatron_3000: the more the merrier ¯\_( ツ )_/¯
sleepatron_3000: SEE YOU SOON <333

hellokittyenjoyer: ill wear your jersey number <333


yassified burn-outs

hellokittyenjoyer: okay losers
hellokittyenjoyer: im kidnapping you all to erics game today

Dilf™: what

hellokittyenjoyer: i know youre old but dont tell me youre losing your eyesight already sangyeon
hellokittyenjoyer: eric has a game today at 5 and he deserves some support ۹( ÒہÓ )۶

moon_cheese: me, hyunjae, and sunwoo are already going

hellokittyenjoyer: ik,, he told me

Dilf: he plays volleyball right?

sunnyD: yes
sunnyD: and this game is very important
sunnyD: it's the first one of the season,, and hes on starting lineup as libero
sunnyD: so unless youre younghoon, hak, and jacob,, if you dont show up i will personally see to it that you never interact with youngjae ever again

certified_creep: i would ask if he's being serious, but im too scared (☍﹏⁰)。

Himbo™: hes being serious :D
Himbo™: happened to a dude once in highschool
Himbo™: none of us have talked to hyunjun since sunwoo kicked his ass

sunnyD: and id do it again
sunnyD: he was a fucking asshole
sunnyD: anyways, see you all at 5
sunnyD: its in gym 3

manstandingemoji: i was going anyways

Grow as we goNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ