chanhee has a thing for gym bros confirmed

103 5 39

Sunwoo: sunnyD
Eric: rizzatron_3000
Hak: token_straight
Juyeon: manstandingemoji
Chanhee: hellokittyenjoyer
Jacob: Mom™
Kevin: moon_cheese
Sangyeon: Dilf
Hyunjae: Himbo™
Changmin: certified_creep
Younghoon: bread.

SNU Crime Syndicate

bread.: i hate homophobes

certified_creep: /srs or /j

bread.: /srs

Himbo™: uh oh
Himbo™: what happened

bread.: my professor happened

moon_cheese: the old one?

bread.: yes
bread.: the old one

certified_creep: lets hear the gossip babe

bread.: god youre like hyunjae

Himbo™: (‡ಠ╭╮ಠ)

bread.: but anyways
bread.: so im walking in to my business administration class right
bread.: and my professor was on some school-funded research trip for a week so we've been having a TA for the past few classes (love that girl she was so slay)
bread.: but prof was back today and hes some old dude that LOVES to talk about his personal life
bread.: like we basically know whats written in his will at this point
bread.: but ANYWAYS
bread.: hes talking about the trip bc of course he had a bunch of free time off
bread.: and my guy just goes "saw far too many faggots though."

moon_cheese: side eye SIDE EYE

Himbo™: damn he really dropped that bomb on you fr

bread.: nah like we were STUNNED silent man

certified_creep: that is so not swag

moon_cheese: no changmin no it is not

manstandingemoji: names younghoon
manstandingemoji: i need names

certified_creep: bestie relax please
certified_creep: you already got a teacher fired once in high school lets not do it again

manstandingemoji: ignoring you

bread.: i mean at least we know juyeon isnt homophobic

token_straight: he has occasional homicidal tendencies though

Himbo™: wheres eric when you need him

certified_creep: @rizzatron_3000
certified_creep: come stop your man from murdering someone

sunnyD: hes in class rn

manstandingemoji: i dont need stopping
manstandingemoji: i wont get caught

token_straight: ...sunwoo

sunnyD: fine
sunnyD: i'll call him

bread.: what is happening rn

Mom™: well from what i gathered while
Mom™: juyeon is very angry at your professor for calling people faggots
Mom™: and is currently planning his murder while we speak

moon_cheese: meanwhile...

Mom™: sunwoo is calling eric to come onto the chat and calm juyeon down(?) because juyeon wont listen to changmin

bread.: a beautiful synopsis jacob thank you

Mom™: you are very welcome

moon_cheese: god i love you

rizzatron_3000: IM HERE !

certified_creep: ERIC MY SAVING GRACE


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