Amphibia: Anne's Journey

By GabeSchmitt

193 4 8

After recharging The Calamity Box, Anne knew it was time for her, Marcy and Sasha to go home. but, Anne later... More

Newtopian Takeover
Newtopia Showdown

Anne's New Love

105 3 4
By GabeSchmitt

After the battle of the bands, Grime ended up winning the contest, leaving Anne, Marcy and Sasha shocked. "Sorry we lost, Sash." Marcy said while feeling bad about losing. "Y'know! As much as it pains me to lose, it was worth it spending time with you three... Sorry I was late." Sasha said while apologizing.

"Hey! No problem!" Anne said. The three sat in silence until Mayor Toadstool spoke. "Alright folks! Gather around! I have one more announcement!" Mayor Toadstool said. Anne, Marcy and Sasha then came back out and stood over everyone.

"Now! As I understand it, you three girls will be leaving us soon." Mayor Toadstool said. "Yep! With the box charged, we'll be going to Newtopia tomorrow so The King can send us home." Anne said. She then looked at everyone, tears in her eyes with a bright smile on her face.

"Everyone! You've done so much for me... And I'll miss you all then you ever know it." Anne said. "Aw, shucks!" Mrs. Croaker said as Loggle then blew his nose. "Hey! Before I go, can we take a group photo?" Anne asked.

"Heck yeah! Everyone line up!" Mayor Toadstool said. Everyone gathered around The Town Statue. "Sprig! Hurry!" Anne shouted. Sprig then came in as the photo took, everyone smiles as they all cheered for the girls.

They all then went home and left only Anne, Marcy, Sasha, The Planters, Frobo and Grime. Anne then grabbed her phone off the stand, Anne smiled at the photo, she's really going to miss everyone of Wartwood and Amphibia.

Anne then turns to Sasha and spoke. "Hey, Sasha?" Anne said as she then approached Sasha. Sasha looked at Anne and smiled. "Yeah, Anne?" Sasha said. Anne rubbed the back of her neck and spoke. "Thanks for singing with us... You really changed for the better." Anne said.

Anne then hugged Sasha tightly. "Thanks..." Anne said. Sasha blushes and smiled. "No problem! I'm always there for you two." Sasha said. Marcy saw this and frowned, she saw how close Anne and Sasha are now, but that was a good thing... Right?

Marcy saw the blush on Sasha's face, her stomach twists and turns, she felt... Hurt... She didn't know why, she feels sad and upset, Sasha then turns her attention to Marcy, who turns her head around as tears streamed down Marcy's face.

Sasha frowned, why is Marcy so sad all of a sudden, she then spoke to herself in her head. "What's wrong with Marcy? Is she okay? Did... I do something wrong?" Sasha asked herself. Sasha then turns her attention to Anne and smiled.

"Sasha! Let's go! We need to rest! Tomorrow is a big day!" Grime shouted. Sasha then turns her head and frowned, she turns back and then walked off. "Goodnight, girls." Sasha said in a depressed tone. "Goodnight, Sasha!" Anne said with a bright smile.

"Night, Sasha..." Marcy said in a sad tone. Anne then held Marcy's hand and they along with The Planters and Frobo went back to The Planter's house. Anne was concerned what was wrong with Sasha, she sounded a little sad there.

"Hey, Mar-Mar?" Anne said. Marcy turns her head and looks at her friend. "Yeah, Anne?" Marcy said. Anne frowns and sighed. "Sasha sounded a little sad... Do you think she's upset at something?" Anne asked while sounding worried about Sasha.

Marcy's eyes widen and spoke. "She's probably tired after the battle, she probably needs rest... Like we do... I honestly wished I could just crawl in a bed with someone and just... Hug them and love them..." Marcy said when she's talking about some she secretly loves.

Anne sighed, she was hoping Sasha was okay. She's glad Sasha has changed... But she looks and sounds sad... Unbeknownst to Anne, Polly listened to what Anne and Marcy were saying and saw Marcy's expression. "Oh boy, girl! I didn't know how dumb you were." Polly said.

Sasha was with Grime in there gest room, Sasha was in her pajamas while she was sad about doing what she and Grime are going to do tomorrow. Grime walked in in his pajamas and robe and saw Sasha's expression.

He sighed and spoke to the long haired blonde. "Sasha! Don't forget about tomorrow... Don't let your emotions take over." Grime said. Sasha looks at him and sighed. "I won't, I won't let these emotions take over..." Sasha said.

Grime smiles and spoke. "Good... Now, get some sleep, Lieutenant... We have a world to conquer!" Grime said. He then went into his room, leaving Sasha alone by herself. Sasha sighed and spoke. "Anne, Marcy... I'm sorry... But I hope you two understand." Sasha said. She then went into her room and went to bed.

Anne and Marcy were in The Planter's downstairs bathroom, they were changing out of there band outfits and got into their pajamas. "Man, Marcy! Tonight was amazing!" Anne said in excitement. "Yeah... It was... Great..." Marcy said in a depressed tone.

Anne saw Marcy's expression and the tone of her voice, Anne then placed her hand on her shoulder. "Marcy? Are you okay?" Anne asked. Marcy looked at Anne and changed her expression. "Oh! Yeah! I'm fine, Anne! No need to be worried about me!" Marcy said in her normal tone.

"Okay?" Anne said in confusion. "Anywho, we need some sleep, Anne! We need to rest if we're going home tomorrow!" Marcy said. Anne was conflicted, Marcy wasn't acting normal. "Yeah..." Anne said. Marcy saw Anne's expression and spoke.

"Anyways! Goodnight, Anne! See you tomorrow!" Marcy said as she exited the bathroom. "Yeah... Goodnight..." Anne said. Anne saw how Marcy was acting... She wasn't acting normal, Marcy never acts like that.

Anne saw there was something wrong with Marcy, and whatever it was... She was hoping she could help her with it. Anne sighed and exited the bathroom, only to see Polly, standing in front of the door, which caught Anne by surprise as she yelped in shock.

"Oh! Hey, Polly..." Anne said as she was frightened by Polly's presents. "Okay! I knew you were tense, Anne... But I never knew you were this tense." Polly said. Anne raised an eyebrow in confusion on what Polly means by that.

"What do you mean?" Anne asked. Polly sighed and spoke. "Didn't you see how sad Marcy looked when you acted weird to Sasha?" Polly asked. Anne was surprised by that. "Wait? Is that why she was sad, she was sad about me and Sasha getting closer?" Anne asked.

"No! She wasn't sad about that! It was like you were flirting with Sasha, that made Marcy jealous!" Polly said. Anne was confused as she raised an eyebrow. "What? I wasn't flirting with Sasha. Besides, if Marcy was jealous, why would she be acting..." Anne said before she stopped.

Anne realizes why Marcy was sad and upset, the realization hit Anne like a spending train. "Oh..." Anne said as a blush appeared on her face. Anne's heart flutters at the realization, Polly smiles. "There she it..." Polly said as she's glad to see Anne has figured it out.

"Now! You're going to go talk to Marcy about this! Now get some sleep, soldier!" Polly said. Anne then frowns and rubs the back of her neck. "Okay..." Anne said. Polly then left Anne as she went upstairs, Anne sighed and slides down the bathroom door.

Marcy has... Feelings for her? Anne curled up and leans against the door, Anne never knew Marcy had a crush on her. Marcy always was caught up in her games and fantasy puzzles, the thought of having a boyfriend or girlfriend never concerned Marcy... At least is what Anne thought...

Anne sighed, Marcy had a massive crush on her, Anne didn't know how long Marcy had theses feelings, but it must have been for a long time. Anne sits up and goes down into her bedroom, she lays down on her bed and closes her eyes.

After a few hours, Anne was still awake, she tried to fall asleep. "C'mon! Sleep..." Anne groans as she tossed herself around in her bed. Anne tried to fall asleep, but she was unable to do so not after finding out that Marcy... Loved her.

Anne sighed, she started to see signs of Marcy's feelings for Anne through her memories, the times when the two started to spend a lot of time together, Marcy always wanted to spend every day with Anne, even when Anne had to help The Planters with the market.

Anne started to see Marcy always wanted to be with her... To get... Closer to her... Anne then sits up and spoke. "Welp! I'm not sleeping tonight! Might as well..." Anne said before she was cut off to the sound of movement upstairs.

Anne then opens the hatch to her bedroom and saw the front door closing, she saw what time it was, 1 a.m. "Hmm, wonder who's up this late?" Anne asked. She then exited her bedroom and opened the door slightly to see who it was.

"Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy then yelped in surprise. "Oh! Hey, Anne..." Marcy said while turning her head back. Anne then exited the house and sat next to Marcy. "Hey, Mar-Mar... You couldn't sleep ether?" Anne asked.

"No... Too many thoughts..." Marcy said. Anne smiles and spoke. "Yeah... Me too..." Anne said. The two sat in silence for a few moments until Marcy broke the silence. "Sasha looked really good tonight..." Marcy said. "Yeah! That outfit really suited her, she looks so amazing!" Anne said with a smile.

"Yeah..." Marcy said. She was sad that Anne was hanging out with Sasha and recreating that connection they had, Anne looked at Marcy and smiled, she then grabs and holds Marcy's hand. "But, Mar-Mar... To be honest, I liked yours way more!" Anne said.

Marcy's eyes widen as a blush appeared on her face. "Oh! Thanks! Yours was really good too." Marcy said in embarrassment. Marcy sat there, her stomach was filled with butterflies, her heart fluttered, Marcy was starting to feel better since Anne was next to her.

Anne smiles, knowing Marcy is feeling better, Anne then saw some glitter left on Marcy's right cheek. "Oops! You gotta... Little bit if glitter left on your cheek, Marbles." Anne said. She then cupped Marcy's right cheek with her left hand and started to stroke it to wipe the remaining glitter away.

After Anne wipes all the glitter away, she saw how Marcy was staring at her with a deep blush on her face. "Anne... You really think if me like that? You think I'm... Cooler then Sasha?" Marcy asked. Anne's eyes widen as she then cupped both if Marcy's cheeks and brought her closer.

"Hey! Look at me! Sasha is cool, no doubt... But you, Marcy... You're cooler then Sasha in many different ways!" Anne said. "You may be clumsy, but your the best thing that has ever happened to me, Marcy..." Anne said.

"You mean so much to me, Marcy... I know a lot of people don't pay attention to you, but I say that's impossible for them to see how cool you really are, Marbles." Anne said. Marcy smiles and giggles. "Anne..." Marcy said as she brushed Anne away with her hands.

The two couldn't talk anymore, they just stared into each other's eyes, admiring the other. Anne and Marcy then got closer to each other as the gap between them closed, the two meeting each other's lips as they fell into a magical and shocking and electrifying kiss.

The two pulled back, shocked and blush they just did that. "That was..." Anne said. "That was amazing!" Marcy nearly shouted. "Oh my frog! This is just like in The Owl House where Luz and Amity didn't figure out theses feelings until the end of season 2 and then..." Marcy said as she just kept rambling on.

"And she's back!" Anne said as she cupped Marcy's cheeks again and brought her into another kiss to shut the cute and adorable nerd up. Anne just wanted Marcy to shut up and just enjoy the kiss, the two moved their lips around as they made messy kissing noises.

Marcy wrapped her arms and legs around Anne and just made out with her. Anne and Marcy smiled into their kiss and hugged each other tightly. Anne and Marcy just wanted to lay down in a bed and sleep together like the couple that their supposed to be.

Anne and Marcy eventually stopped when they heard someone shout from his bedroom window. "No funny business under my roof! I'm not ready to be a great grandpa yet!" Hop Pop shouted. Anne and Marcy both yelped in surprise as they covered their faces, blushing even more.

"Oh my gosh! Hop Pop! Go back to sleep!" Anne shouted back while Marcy just remained silent and embarrassed she just kissed her best friend. "No can do, young lady! You and your smoochin' companion get back in this house this instance! I may be old, but not too old to give you both 'the talk'." Hop Pop said as he crossed his arms.

"And that's our cue to hide in the basement until morning." Anne said. She grabbed Marcy's arm and she rushed down into the basement, while doing that, Marcy then saw how beautiful Anne looked, she was everything Marcy wanted... Some Hot Thai Spice...

Anne and Marcy both entered the basement and laid on Anne's bed, giggling nonstop. The two girls sat on Anne's bed, Marcy then rested her head on Anne's shoulder and held her hand. Anne took notice of that and spoke.

"You're a really good kisser, Mar-Mar... Y'know?" Anne asked with a sly smile. Marcy's face turns red, she was too embarrassed right now for kissing her best friend twice in a row. "Um! I... Uh-w-well y'know I was uh... I was just lost in thought there for a second..." Marcy said.

Anne smiles, knowing she got Marcy right where she wants her, she then spoke. "Marcy... Why didn't you tell me you had... A crush on me?" Anne asked. Marcy's eyes widen, she then frowns and she told the truth to Anne.

"Anne... It was... It was... I was too scared on how you'd react to me having feelings for you." Marcy said. Anne's eyes widen as Marcy continued. "I fell in love with you, Anne. I always loved you, you were everything that I was hoping to have... You became my everything, Anne." Marcy said.

Anne's eyes widen as a blush appeared on her face, Marcy then wrapped her arms around Anne's neck and hugged her. "Anne, I Love You... I Love You So Much... You mean the world to me and... And I don't want to live without you." Marcy said with a blush on her face.

Anne blushes even more at that sentence, Marcy can't live without her around, if Anne goes then Marcy wants to go too. Anne wrapped her arms around Marcy and held her close. "Anne... When you came into my life, I felt like I had everything I wanted... A friend..." Marcy said.

"I was so happy when I was with you, you always took care of me, hung out with me, you were the one who always paid attention to me... But... You always ignored my interests and needs... I felt isolated and abandoned by you and Sasha." Marcy said.

Anne's eyes widen in shock, Marcy always saw how they ignored her interests and needs. "Anne... After that... My feelings for you faded away... I only loved you as a friend but... When I saw you again at the gates of Newtopia... You held my hands... My feelings for you came back." Marcy said.

"After that, I kept them hidden for awhile now but... I want you to know that... I Love You, Anne... You everything to me and... Honestly... I wants some of your nice hot Thai Spice in my life, you beautiful and gorgeous Thai girl." Marcy said.

Anne's face flustered and her heart rate increased, Marcy is showing her turn feelings for Anne right now. Marcy felt the softest of Anne's skin, she was so warm and so comfortable, she nuzzles closer to her and kisses Anne's cheek.

"Anne... You're my hero... You're the love of my life... You're my everything... You are all I want... I wouldn't trade you for anything else in the world. Anne... I love you for you, not for what you can do... I love you for who you are... No matter what you do, I will always love you." Marcy said.

Anne flustered even more as Marcy nuzzles in Anne's hair. "Anne... I Love You... I Love You So Much... Will you be my girlfriend?" Marcy asked. Anne held Marcy close, thinking about it. Anne cannot believe that her first childhood friend had a crush on her fore a long time.

Anne thought, she felt terrible for treating Marcy like nobody, but then again, Marcy still loved her even during that time. Marcy always felt safe and protected by Anne and now, Marcy wants Anne to be her partner in life.

Anne continues thinking and she finally came to a conclusion, she smiles and spoke. "Marcy..." Anne said. Marcy smiles and spoke, hoping Anne says yes. "Y-Yeah, Anne?" Marcy said. Anne rubs Marcy's back and placed a kiss on Marcy's cheek.

"Marcy... I Love You Too... I would love to be your girlfriend." Anne said. Marcy's eyes widen, tears streamed down her face and a smile appeared on her face, she and Anne are now an official couple, the two broke the hug and stared into each other's eyes and slowly got closer to each other.

The two kissed again and embraced each other, the two touched the other's tongue as Marcy then slips her hand under Anne's pajama shirt and grabbed one of Anne's breasts, she touched and feels it, Anne then moans into the kiss.

Marcy slips her hand out from Anne's pajama shirt and embraced her, the two eventually stop, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled, the two of them giggled and hopped onto Anne's bed. "You want to sleep here tonight, Marcy?" Anne asked.

Marcy's eyes widen in shock and she blush, she nods her head yes. Anne smiles as the two laid together, staring into each other's eyes, they didn't cover up but just felt warm right now. "Umm... W-Wanna hug?" Anne asked nervous as she opened her arms.

Marcy blushes and nods her head, Marcy got closer to Anne, wrapping her arms around her neck and resting her forehead on Anne's nose. Anne closed her arms and held Marcy close to her. "H-Hey, Anne?" Marcy spoke.

"Yeah?" Anne asked as she looked down at Marcy. "W-What does all of this make us now that... Y'know... Me and you are a thing?" Marcy asked. Anne saw that as a question with one answer, she and Marcy have been friends forever.

She and her always goofed off and had fun together, Anne would always take care of Marcy and make her feel better, that one time when they were in a grass field together when they were kids, Marcy was crying and upset, but Anne was there for her.

She made Marcy feel better, she hugged her and told her that everything would be okay. Marcy calmed down and hugged back, embracing Anne in her arms. Anne smiles at that memory, she always would be here for Marcy when she needs her.

Anne then sighed and gently placed a kiss on Marcy's forehead. "I've been afraid of a lot of things, Marcy... I will admit that this is a bit scary but... This is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me... Me and you becoming a couple will always have a place in my heart... You will have a special place in my heart, Marcy..." Anne said while hugging Marcy tighter.

"Marcy Wu... I Love You So Much... I will always be with you... In here!" Anne said as she pointed at Marcy's head. "And here." Anne said as she pointed at Marcy's heart. Marcy looked at Anne. "Marcy... No matter what... I will always be with you... I will never forget you..." Anne said.

Marcy smiles and hugs Anne tightly. "I won't forget you either, Anne." Marcy said. Anne smiles and hugs back. "Marcy, c'mon... Let's get some rest." Anne said. Marcy then closed her eyes. "Yeah... Let's..." Marcy said.

"Goodnight, Marcy... I Love You." Anne said while placing a kiss on Marcy's forehead. "Goodnight, Anne... I Love You Too." Marcy said as she placed a kiss on Anne's cheek. The two fell asleep in each other's arms and waited for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a day they won't forget... It will be a living nightmare...

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