ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

By DCLGalloway

453 232 126

Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... More

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8

11 8 1
By DCLGalloway

Act 2

Meanwhile, off the coast of Lighthouse Empire, Usopp, Franky, and Chopper & Muskers continue to lead the security force through the endless line of Navy vessels. They leap and bound from ship to ship, with each Straw Hat taking turns destroying a section of the ship, while the security soldiers beat off the armed sailors.

Usopp sends flame stars and killer plants flying across the deck, setting ammunition crates ablaze and swallowing sailors whole. Franky--in his new Frankytronic form--hammers masts, splintering them apart like twigs as they fall into the deck. Chopper rides atop Muskers confidently with charging battle cries, as Muskers hops between ships rabbit kicking the hulls, bursting open the wooden panels.   

Usopp runs down the deck with a large group of security soldiers following him, their weapons primed a ready to strike. "Don't stop now, men! Keep fighting with all your strength. No mercy!"

"Yes, sir!" The men call out as they charge past him, clashing with more sailors. 

Usopp begins to weep happily again as they pass, looking to the sky in total bliss. "I can't believe I'm really here! This is really happening! Are there really eight thousand men at my command?! Ha HA!"

Chopper and Muskers stop beside him for a moment. "I don't think so, more like a few hundred."

Usopp turns to them aggressively. "Stop ruining my dream!"

The Straw Hats continue to battle for some time. They lose many men, but with the power of their core, and the remaining warriors who battle with all their might, it appears the group may slowly be securing victory. 

As a few more ships are destroyed, the Straw Hats jump to a neighboring ship, which has been abandoned by the crew and left to sink. Franky runs to the aft of the ship and examines the rest of the fleet. He notices that many of the ships are pulling away from them.

"Hey, look! The fleet is thinning out!" Frank shouts, pointing toward the fleet.

Usopp, Chopper and Muskers arrive beside him. "What--seriously?" Usopp wonders. 

The security force agrees. "Yeah, see? The ships are slowing and pulling away from us!" One of them exclaims. 

Chopper turns toward them. "So that's it? We won?"

Usopp throws his hands in the air. "We did it!" 

The soldiers cheer and begin jumping and pumping their fists in celebration. Franky and Chopper high five, as Muskers yowls in delight. 

Usopp stands tall and proud with his hands on his hips, wagging his finger at the fleet. "We showed them! That will teach you to mess with the mighty Usopp!" He laughs hardily. 

But just then, Franky--who has been keeping his eyes on the fleet--suddenly notices something else fast approaching on the horizon. He narrows his gaze and leans forward. "...Wait. What's that out there?" He gestures to another figure beyond the ships.

As Chopper and Usopp look out over the sea, they can now see that the ships are not retreating, but making room for something else to pass through. Something much bigger.

Chopper begins to tremble. "W-What is that thing?!"

Usopp covers his eyes from the sun. "It looks huge!"

Franky fixates a scope on his eye again, zooming his vision and adjusting the focus. When the figure has come into clear view, he can now see what appears to be a very large Navy ship, with an enormous battering hammer attached to the bow, shaped like a ram's head with curling horns. 

"Oh, hell no!" Franky yells, panic setting in.

Chopper looks to him. "What is it, Franky?"

Franky freezes for a moment, stammering. "It's...It's a battering ram! A...battering ram ship!"

Usopp screams in fear, holding his face as his eyes pop. "Oh no, I knew it! We're all dead!" He runs behind the security force and disappears into the crowd. "Go, men! Now is your time to prove your strength! Protect your captain!"

Franky pulls him out of the crowd again. "Cut the crap, Usopp! We have to figure this out. And fast!"

Chopper agrees. "Yeah, that thing is coming straight at us fast! We don't have much time!"

Usopp tries to settle his nerves. "Okay, okay. Let's figure this out. Is there any way we can jump to the ship and fight?"

Franky studies the giant vessel. "I don't think so. It's moving too fast to stop before it reaches the city. And not only that, it has plated iron sides, so we wouldn't be able to damage it enough as it passes."

One of the security soldiers steps forward. "And we don't have nearly enough men left to invade anyway, there's only about a hundred of us now."

Franky looks to his friends. "Seems like our forces are too depleted to fight."

Chopper jumps into the air in fear. "What are we going to do?!"

Usopp comes beside Chopper. "Well how about you, Chopper? Can you transform?"

"What, you mean my monster form?"


Chopper thinks. "Well sure, I could--but there's no way I could do anything. The only place for me to stand is the water, and I would sink this boat. So there's nothing I can do."

Usopp's eyes gush tears. "I knew it, we're finished. And just as I finally got lead my own army. Oh well, I suppose it's a gallant way to go down."

Franky looks toward the battering ship again, which is nearly upon them now. "Damn! Is there really nothing we can do?!"

"Brace for impact, men! It's going to clip us!" One of the security soldiers calls out. 

As the battering ship draws closer and closer, the men and Straw Hats grab onto the railings furthest from the approaching ship, awaiting their fate. But just then, another sound cuts through the sky above them. Music. 

One loud, distorted stoke of a guitar chord rips through the air. "Yo HO!" A voice echoes from the clouds. 

The Straw Hats look behind them, raising their eyes toward the main lighthouse at the center of the city. There at the very top, they can see Brook standing with guitar in hand, posing in a power stance with radiant lights behind him. 

Chopper gets starry eyes and points to him. "Its Brook!"

Franky pumps his fists. "Yow! Get it, brother!"

Brook grabs his microphone. "Any requests for the Soul King?" He gestures to the battering ship. "How about a little--DEMON SOUL!" As Brook's body ignites in red flames, several of the Lighthouse Empire musicians emerge from one level below, all holding their own unique instruments, waiting to perform. "Ready, composers?!"

"Ready, Soul King!" They call back in unison. 

A strong beat begins to play, sending shockwaves over the ocean below, and rattling the battering ship. Brook strums a strong, heavy guitar line. The other performers follow his every note, as hundreds of musicians play together in harmony. 

As Brook's song begins, all of the sailors on the battering ship crowd around the front of the vessel, trying to get a better look. "What is this awesome music?!" One sailor wonders. "I don't know, but it's grooving!" Another replies. Without thought, many of them start dancing, spinning and twirling around the deck, locking arms with each other and celebrating the random party. They throw their hands in the air and move in sync with the music. 

The Straw Hats watch in amazement. "Look at them!" Franky exclaims.

Chopper grins brightly. "They're dancing!"

Usopp chuckles. "That's the power of music, baby!" He turns toward Brook. "Way to go, Brook! I knew you wouldn't let us down!"

With every measure, Brook's fantastic song becomes heavier and more intense, pulling his new crowd of sailors into his alluring performance. Brook and his musicians rock out on their lighthouse stage, while the sailors dance with joy and excitement below, ignoring their duty, as well as the ship's controls.

As the song continues, even the Straw Hat's and the security team begin to dance, hopping around deck and swaying with the melodies. Even Muskers stands on his haunches and prances around the deck. 

Brook suddenly notices this and grabs his microphone again. "Hey, Straw Hats! This isn't your party!"

Usopp, Chopper and Franky snap back to reality in a cold sweat, realizing their foolishness. "Oh, crap--sorry!" Usopp shouts, waving his hand at Brook.

Franky turns toward Usopp and Chopper. "Ok, now is our chance!"

"But what are we going to do?" Chopper inquires.

"Now that they're distracted, we need to redirect the ship."

Usopp steps forward. "Right! Chopper and Muskers--you guys punch that ship off course. Me and Franky will disable the rudder."

"Got it!" Chopper chirps. He jumps on top of Muskers once again and rides him to the edge of the deck. "Ready when you are!"

Franky looks to Usopp. "Okay, bro, what's the plan?"

Usopp gazes at the battering ship, which is nearly about to pass them. He readies his sling shot. "I'm going to fire a shot at the connecting hitch. Right after that, use your flying fist to rip it off!"

Franky smiles and gives a thumbs up. "Nice! I like it!"

As the ship begins to pass them at great speed, Usopp and Franky ready themselves.  

"Alright, here we go!" Usopp places an iron orb into his sling and pulls it back, aiming carefully. "...GUNPOWDER STAR!" He fires the orb directly above the rudder. On impact, it explodes with force enough the knock the top rudder hitch loose. "Go, Franky!"

Franky steps in front of him and aims his arm. "STRONG--RIGHT!" He fires his fist toward the rudder. When his hand lands, it grasps the thin section of the rudder and rips it off the ship.

"Now, Chopper!" Usopp calls to Chopper. 

Chopper nods and pats Muskers on the neck. "Go, Muskers!" He commands. With a mighty leap, Muskers flies forward through the air. His big feet plow into the bow of the ship, throwing the bow to the side and redirecting the course. 

When Muskers and Chopper land safely on the deck again, the Straw Hats and the security team gather around the railing to observe their work. Sure enough, the ship sails away from the city uncontrollably, as the sailors on board continue to dance to the music, unaffected. 

"We did it!" Chopper squeals, jumping into the air. 

Usopp laughs and cheers. "We really did! We're unstoppable!"

All seems well again, until one of the security soldiers comes beside Usopp and taps him on the shoulder. "Uh...Usopp, sir?"

Usopp turns to him. "Hm? What is it?"

The solider points to the remaining Navy ships, which are now heading straight for them again.

Usopp's eyes pop. "Oh CRAP! We forgot about the other ships!"

One of the soldiers steps beside Usopp. "Don't worry, sir! We can do this!"

Usopp immediately changes his attitude, pretending as though he never lost confidence. He puffs his chest out and raises his fist. "Oh--ah--right! Yes, that's right men! Don't loose your confidence. We can take them!" He legs shake.

"Sir, your legs are trembling!"

"Don't mind that! That's how I get my myself limber for battle!" His voice cracks.

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers cry out. They begin to shake their own legs.

Franky steps in front of them. "Get ready, everyone! Here they come!"

The crew watches at the Navy ships speed toward them, readying their canons.  


Along the boarders of Tomb Aqueous, Tydal, Tiff, Bara and Chong continue to battle with Fukitsu's fleet. As their giant vessels round the outside layer of ships, their strong bows tear through the Navy ships with ease, splinting them apart while raining unforgiving cannon fire down on the fleet. 

Yet soon, to counter this aggression, the Navy ships slowly begin to surround them, attacking the paddle wheels and boxing them in, preventing the giant ships from maneuvering, and stopping their momentum

On board Tydal's ship, one of his crewman runs beside him frantically. "Tydal! The Navy fleet is beginning to box us in! They're sacrificing their ships to act like barricades. Our paddle wheels are under attack again--it's hindering our speed."

Tydal looks around him, assessing the situation, noticing his friend's ships are in the same trouble. He nods and turns to his crewman. "Alright. We're going to have to destroy them ship to ship from this point on. Pass the orders to the other captains. Drop the gangway planks on top of the nearest ship--invade at will!"

"Right away!" The crewman runs inside.

Tydal gazes at Tiff's ship, which is located directly next to him. "TIff!" Tiff looks to him. He points down toward the Navy vessels surrounding their bow. "Let's go!"

Tiff nods and runs forward down the bow. Tydal does the same. With strong leaps, both throw themselves from the front of their ships and glide toward the marines below. 

Just before Tydal reaches the first ship, he swings his sword underneath him, pulling a strong wave of water up into the air. "TSUNAMI STRIKE!" He calls out. With great force, the small but powerful wave strikes one of the Navy ships like a solid blue wall, destroying the wooden panels and fracturing the hull. As the ship tips to it's side, it falls into another ship and pushes it under the waterline. 

As Tiff flies through the air, her fists begin to burn with raging fire once again. She places one hand behind the other and raises her fiery fists overhead. "DINOSAUR PAW!" She yells. When she comes directly over the mast of one of the Navy ships, she pushes her fists downward straight through the mast of the ship with such force, that the mast is violently slammed straight through the deck. The entire ship splits in half and immediately begins to sink.

Tydal and Tiff land gracefully on the floating wreckage, punching and slicing any remaining sailors into the sea. They then direct their gaze toward Chong and Bara, who take their own turns blowing huge smoke rings and powerful air strikes at the Navy fleet. The ships are destroyed instantly with ease. 

When all the friends have safely settled on the floating wreckage, the gangways of their giant ships lower, revealing hundreds of feisty soldiers, ready to fight for their captains. The planks make contact with the nearest Navy ship, and all at once, soldiers from each ship flood onto the vessels, quickly overtaking the helpless marines.  Along with Sky's blue sash around their waists, each crew wears bandanas or headbands representing their captain. Yellow for Tydal, red for Tiff, white for Bara, green for Chong, and purple for Lunya's crew; battling with extra gusto for their imprisoned captain.      

As the soldiers fight their way through ship to ship, aided by their powerful captains, a sudden deafening sound rings out through the air above them. Tydal and Tiff stop themselves and look up at Tomb Aqueous. There, at the very top, they can see extreme energies erupting, as if two stars were colliding. It doesn't take long before they realize what is happening. There's no doubt, it's Sky and Fukitsu, and their battle is growing more intense than any could imagine.

Tydal stares up at them, the bright colors reflecting on his face. "We have to end this quickly! We don't have much time left!"

Tiff shields her eyes. "Those two are going to set the ocean on fire!"

Tydal turns to Tiff. "Come on--let's go! We have to take out the rest of these ships now!"


Both leap into the air again, reading their next attacks.     

On top of Tomb Aqueous, Sky and Fukitsu continue to clash, their energy waves surging into the clouds, flashing with violent colors. They scream at each other with every breath of strength their lungs can gather, fighting with all their might to overtake the ferocious power.

Behind Sky, Luffy remains trapped in Fukitsu's aura bubble, desperately punching the barrier to free himself. 

"Give it up, boy! You will never defeat the strength of my haki!" Fukitsu growls, forcing his weight forward.

Sky mirrors his actions. "You may have strength of haki, Fukitsu--but you will never have the strength of my heart!"

"Ha! Heart is fleeting. True power is eternal!" Fukitsu boasts. He increases the flow of his energy, pushing Sky off balance for a moment. 

Sky quickly recovers and matches the intensity of his force. Then, with one final deafening scream, Sky's energy finally overcomes his enemy. As Fukitsu's white aura wave bursts, he is sent flying backwards. He skids across the roof on his back and falls down through the air vent. Luffy catches sight of this and begins to cheer, although he can't be heard.

When he lands on the floor of his chamber below, one of his officers immediately runs out from the back room and kneels beside him. 

"Sir! Are you alright?!" The officer inquires in shock. 

Fukitsu moans in disbelief, but quickly rolls to his side and jumps to his feet again. He pushes the officer away from him. "I'm fine! Go back to your duties!" He spits out a wad of blood on the floor. 

"But, sir, you're injured!"

"Don't make me repeat myself!" He pushes the officer again. "I will not relent, and neither will you! Do you understand?"

"Y-yes sir!"

Fukitsu steps closer to the officer and grabs his shirt. "Need I remind you of why we are here? It is not just for the women. The government requires the technology of Lighthouse Empire, and it is our duty to see that happen! That is our task! We will not stop until every foe is defeated!"

"Understood, sir!"

Fukitsu gazes out the window for a moment. "Have you begun corralling Sky's ships?"

"We have! All the ships are currently bordered by our Navy vessels, with one trapped close to the compound as you requested."

"Good. See that it stays that way. Focus all your efforts on the ship closest to the compound. Disable it completely. Kill all on board. And begin the sword operation."

"The sword operation--now, sir?"

"Yes, now!" Fukitsu snaps. Then he looks up through the air vent. "I'll take care of the other four myself."

"Right away!" The officer jogs into the control room and begins communications.

Finding his strength again, Fukitsu leaps up through the air vent, returning to the roof in front of Sky. He notices Sky attempting to free Luffy from the aura bubble, but he is unsuccessful. 

Fukitsu chuckles as he watches Sky. "...You prove to be more entertaining than I had imagined. Your baseless faith is amusing."

Sky stands and faces him. "Glad you're enjoying the show. But it's time to end this. Now." His raises his fist in front of him as it glows with blue light.

Fukitsu folds his hands behind his back. "I agree. It is time. So let's see how strong that heart of yours truly is..." He lifts one hand into the air, as an evil grin spreads across his face. 

Just as Sky is readying himself to run forward again, the entire compound suddenly begins to shake. Sky stops himself and steps back, attempting to locate the source of the sound. Then, he notices something extremely large rise into the sky behind Fukitsu. Fear and amazement overtake him as he realizes it is gigantic mechanical arm attached to the backside of the structure.

Sky and Luffy both share a dazed expression as they watch the arm stretch into the clouds. Fukitsu smiles with delight as he watches their reaction. On the docks below, Tydal, Tiff, Bara and Chong freeze in place, lost in awe as they watch the event unfold. Some of their crewmen back away in terror. 

Even Zoro and Sanji stop for a moment to gaze up at the ominous sight in astonishment.

Ga giggles at them. "Now it's about to get fun..." 

Without warning, the huge arm falls downward, plunging toward the sea until it reaches the hilt of the giant's sword protruding from the ocean. It grabs the blade, and with great force, removes it from the seafloor, sending a series of waves toward the docks. It washes many sailors and crewmen away, while the rest brace for impact, holding onto whatever they can find as the waves smash into the docks. 

The arm slowly raises the massive sword into the air, holding it high overhead. For a short time it remains still, as everyone's eyes stay locked on the blade, before gradually falling through the air again. Sky watches in horror as the arm swings the sword down, landing directly on top of one of his ships. The vessel explodes into several pieces, even destroying a few Navy ships surrounding it. They all sink into the ocean. 

"NO!" Sky cries out, running to the edge of the roof. His eyes shake with disbelief.

The arm lifts itself from the wreckage and holds the sword high once more, before quickly sending it downward again. This time landing on another of Sky's ships, completely obliterating every piece.   

When the arm begins to raise again, Sky turns to Fukitsu, his eyes tearing with fear and rage. "Stop this! Stop this now!"

Fukitsu laughs. "Was that an order?"

Sky jumps toward Fukitsu. "Fight me, you coward!"

Fukitsu smiles. "Oh, but I am fighting you, my dear boy. Look how you crumble under the weight of your emotions. Pathetic."

Sky's face wrinkles with anger. "By the time this battle is over, I'm going to shove that sword right down your sadistic throat." 

As the arm readies it's next attack, Sky and Fukitsu lock eyes. Fukitsu elated with his display of dominance, Sky severely enraged. Both men power up once again, as blue and white light erupt from their bodies. They lean toward each other fiercely and prepare to strike.   

End of Episode 8

Note from the author : I will be taking a short break from writing for a couple weeks. Sorry to leave you all on a big Oda-style cliff hanger! I guess it wouldn't be One Piece without it though, right? I've got a new album and some new singles coming out soon, so I need to take some time to focus on my music. I will be returning to this series around the last week in July. Thank you all so much for your continued love & support for this arc! The adventure will continue soon. MUCH LOVE!

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