King of Hatred - RWBY

By BeastSix

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A child, abandoned by everything.....? Except an old God's blessing.... or curse? More

BIO + Info
Ch. 1 [Bloody Vanta]
Ch.2 [Homey Vanta]
Ch.3 [Hunting Vanta]
Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]
Ch.5 [Adventurous Vanta 1]
Ch.6 [Adventurous Vanta 2]
Birthday Special
Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]
Ch.8 [Adventurous Vanta 4]
Ch.9 [Adventurous Vanta 5]
Ch.10 [Bandit's Gaze 1 ]
Ch.11 [Bandit's Gaze 2]
Ch.12 [ Family ]
Ch.13 [Sands of Menagerie]
Ch.14 [Truths, and feathers]
Side story 2
Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]
Ch.16 [ Spring and Summer ]
Ch.17 [ Spring and Summer 2 ]
Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]
Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]
Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]
Ch.21 [ no idea for title? ]
Ch.22 [ Trial of Knowledge ]
Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]
Ch.24 [ Alive ]
Ch.25 [ Exams ]
Ch.26 [Exams 2]
Ch.27 [ Beacon ]
Ch.28 [ Beacon... ]
Ch.30 [ Nightmare, Dream ]
Ch.31 [ Nightmare, Dream 2 ]
Ch.32 [ Hellish Nightmare ]
Ch.33 [ Hellish Nightmare 2 ]
Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]
BIO 2 [Spoilers]
Ch.35 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet ]
Ch.36 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet 2 ]
Ch.37 [ Old Truth ]
Ch.38 [ Gluttony of Darkness ]
Ch.39 [ Sliver of Hope ]
Ch.40 [ Creation ]
Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]
Ch.42 [ Creation Drei(3) ]
Ch.43 [Creation Vier(4)]
Ch.44 [ True Answers ]
Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]
Ch.46 [ Alive ]
Ch.48 [Tests]
Ch.49 [Just your unaverage day]
Ch.50 [ Lost Memory ]
Ch.51 [ Tears and Quest! ]
Ch.52 [ Hey... ]
Ch.53(A/B) [ Point of Time-Singularity ]
Ch.54(B) [ True Negativity ]
Ch.54(A) [ Scores ]
Ch.55(B) [Prep]
Ch.55(A) [School]
Ch.56(A) [Prologue to a massacre]
Ch.57(A) [Training session]
Ch.58(A) [Once Again]

Ch.29 [ Nightmare ]

360 9 0
By BeastSix

*Same day as last chapter.


Sometime later at continent of Anima.

'Fucking dammit! Why do I feel so uneasy!'  Akira raged thorough the forest, as he killed anything on his path... destroyed anything.

As one would follow his trail from Branwen Camp, they would find only path filled with destroyed trees, blasted, burned, slashed, frozen.

'It's high noon...' muttered Akira as he looked at the sun right above him.

'Why did I even agree to Salem that time? How did she "pull" me there...' Thought to himself Akira as he stared down...
The speed at which "Nightmare" was spreading could be considered low.

'Seems lile it's much, much slower than Jaune who fainted...' muttered to himself Akira as he called up System.

'Can I take breaks during Trial of Creation?' Asked Akira, as the window appeared and started loading...

[ Trial of Creation ]
[ Checking conditions.... ]
[ *ding* completed check. ]
[ Creation is a Special Trial with time halting properties ]

'And in Faunus?' Asked Akira

[ Time outside will slow to zero. ]

'Okay, that's useful. And I should go back for now, Kin.' Said to himself Akira and opened a portal to... Blake.


Combat Classes by Professor Goodwitch

'So, where do you think he is?' Asked Roz, as she observed Team MABA fighting Team RWBY.

'He can rot.' Answered Arth as he observed Schnee and Beryl exchanging blows.

'Dear Oum... can't you two just fight it out? Why are you so angry with him? Because he knocked you out?' Retorted Scarlet towards Arth as she had it with his grumpiness and "mad" act.

'None of your business!' As he shouted at her, a portal opened behind Blake and Akira calmly walked out of it...

He quickly moved away from the arena as they kept fighting and he didn't want to get caught in crossfire.

'Talk about the wolf, and he'll come.' Spoke Roz as Akira sat next to Scarlet.


A silence occurs as he doesn't speak much and observes the two teams....

'So... What's going on?' Asked Akira as if nothing happened.

'Not much, except small argument between Weiss and Ruby. And Team JNPR got rid of that Nightmare on Jaune.' Calmly answered Scarlet as Glynda came over to them.

'Thanks.' Answered Akira as Glynda took out a scroll and gave it to Akira.

'Seems like Weiss also has a Nightmare... but it feels weak? How can I feel it?' Thought Akira as he looked between Glynda and Weiss.

'It's a gift from Headmaster, Mr.Branwen. and he wants to talk with you later. Understood?' Said calmly Glynda as Akira nodded and reached for the scroll.

As Akira reached for the Scroll, Glynda suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled the sleeve down revealing thorn marks, very visible thorn marks through whole right arm.

'This would explain your... edgy behaviour. Mr.Branwen, take your team and move to Headmasters office. Shion should be there.' Ordered Glynda as Akira glared at her as he took his hand away.

'Shouldn't we take care of her first?' Akira pointed at Weiss and they stopped fighting at commotion between the two.

'What do you mean?' Asked Scarlet as teams RWBY and MABA come over.

'Just like I said. Weiss, was it?' Asked Akira as he looked at her.
She only gave a proud nod.

'Check your shoulder, and someone check back of her neck. Hers Nightmare progressed much more.' Pointed out Akira as Weiss looks at him with disbelief.

Weiss tries to rebuke but rest of her team instantly starts checking her... as Ruby releases a gasp.

'It's here... a thorn mark like Jaune had!' Shouted Ruby as Glynda looked surprised at Akiras instincts?

'I'd guess... it should be Team RASA and RWBY to Ozzies office?' Asked casually Akira as he fixed his sleeve.

'Both teams. Now.' She ordered coldly and pulled out her scroll.


'So, how does it feel? To have a Grimm in your body?' Asked Roz as they all sat in Ozpin's office.

'I don't feel anything? Do you?' Asked Weiss as Akira unbuttoned his shirt and showed his toned chest with only few scars.
Long and thick thorn marks spread thorough his body.

What pulled everyone's attention is a giant scar at his left arm/shoulder...

'It feels... as if its biting into me, aggressively.' Answered Akira calmly as Yang pointed at his shoulder.

'Yo! What's with the scar hot-stuff?' Asked Yang as she instantly bloted to him and started touching his arm.

Everyone stared at her reaction and Akira only smirked.

'It was cut-off for few moments. But it's fine.' Responded Akira as Shion walked into the room.

'I have several questions... but I'll hold onto them. I heard the situation.' Shion said calmly yet with a hint of curiosity.

'Ms.Schnee and Mr.Branwen here are the next ones afflicted with the Nightmares.' Said Ozpin, as Shion examined Akiras markings...

'I think... It would be much better for us to take care of Ms.Schnee... as Mr.Branwen here has an Alpha variant which is currently asleep.' Announced Shion as everyone wondered about the difference.

'So? What's the difference between normal and Alpha Nightmare?' Asked Scarlet as she lightly reaches for Akiras wolf ears.

He bolts back and places his hands at the ears glaring at her.
'Do not. Touch my ears!' Snarled Akira as Shion calmly started deploying his fish-net area.

Scarlet apologised as Akira sat back.

'Going back to your question. Normal Nightmare is active 24/7 slowly feeding on the Aura, making its host breeding grounds for Grimm... but for Alpha...' He goes silent as he finishes making the net?

Everyone observes him as he lays Weiss in middle of the net.

'So? What about Alpha one?' Asked Akira as Shion only turned around and looked straight at Akira.

'It's nearly same, but it also affects mentality. It could make you hate everything. Want to kill everything. Become uncontrollable.'  He sat on nearby chair.

'Yeah. I'm good at controlling those.' Answered Akira as he stared at Weiss.

'Then good, taking care of Ms.Schnee will happen first.' Calmly said Shion... as everyone knew something was off...

Shion was way too silent, even for Ozpin.

'Shion... I lived hundreds of lives and Nightmares are only Grimm I never met...' Thought Ozpin as he drank his coffee.

As everyone was getting ready, or simply waiting. Akira suddenly fell over in pain and held his head.

'You... killed... her...' as he heard voices echoing through his head, the pain only intensified.

'Hey! You are you okay?!' Blake instantly noticed  him, as did everyone else. She was first to assist him as Yang and Scarlet helped setting him back on the chair.

'And the attacks tend to be more Invasive than normal ones, that's why it has a sleeping state' Said Shion as he walked over to Ozpins Desk and calmly sat.

'Then why don't you help him?!' Shouted Yang as Shion released a sigh, and immediately put up his hand like he's about to say something.

'It's... really complicated with Alphas. Truth be told, with the way it has spread he should be already dead. And the only explanation I can think of... is that he has an enormous amount of Aura, much more than anyone in this room. Or even more than everyone here counted together.' Said with a hint of worry Shion as some sort of red sparks appeared around Scarlets hand.

'And you waited with it?! I know world is cruel! But say it straight up DUDE!' Shouted Scarlet as created multiple weapons made of red energy, all directed at Shion.

'Scarlet! / Stop it! / Young Lady! ' Multiple shouts have been made thorough the office as purple bubble surrounded Scarlet due to Glynda's Semblance 

'Just... shut... up...' They all heard Akira mutter and turned to him.

'What did he say?' Asked Ruby as she didn't hear it.

'Just shut up, but it wasn't directed to us?' Blake answered as she placed her hand under her chin thinking.... as everyone else looked at him.

'Nightmare is probably attacking him. There is not much that we can do.' Announced Shion as Weiss doll appeared above her and her breath became much more regulated and in single motion.

Akira is panting, as the mark spreads thorough his chest to his legs and his whole body. His Right arm is nearly full covered with the mark as it starts spreading into left one and into lower body.

'It shouldn't spread that fast! Even with an Alpha!' Shouted Shion as he instantly bolted to Akira's side and started observing closely the reaction on his body.


It soon calmed down, as Akira was left panting...

'Damn... Why did I hear voices of everyone I killed?' Thought Akira as he could still feel the throbbing pain thorough his body.

'Mr.Branwen' Suddenly spoke Ozpin as he had stayed quite silent for the whole time. Everyone turned to him as he stood there drinking his coffee.

Everyone waited for him to say something, as he took the cup away from his mouth.

'Shouldn't you try using your Blood Semblance? Check if some sort of foreign particles aren't in your bloodstream? It should be quite easier to discern since your blood isn't exactly red anymore.' Proposed Ozpin as everyone looked at him strangely, but it struck them how Akira was puking out blood some time ago. (pretty much yesterday)

'There's no way it would work... It can't be that simple right?' muttered under her breath Glynda as everyone could hear her due to silence.

Akira only closed his eyes and relaxed his body as everyone awaited for anything.

'In my blood you say....' Akira thought to himself as he activated the Semblance and slowly surveyed his body, his veins, major vessels to find anything....

'Heart, Liver, left Lung, Arteries, Kidney....' muttered Akira as he lightly bended forward and something black started flowing out of his mouth.

'Need a tissue? Or a bucket?' Asked Roz as she had both in her hands.

'Where the fuck did she get a bucket?' was in everyone's thought, as Akira took the bucket and spit black liquid into the bucket.

'I'll be throwing this thing out, you take care of Weiss as fast as possible.' Calmly said Akira as Shion and Ozpin nodded along with it.


'Then I'll require someone who was close to Weiss, first to enter and survey her "Dream", finding anything about the Nightmare." Said calmly Shion as Ruby raised her hand.


Time passes as Ruby had entered Weiss dream,  during the time Ruby has contacted Shion from inside the Dream.

He puts the phone back as Ruby ends the call.

'So... how does that Semblance of yours even work?' Asked curiously Akira as Shion gave him a small smile.

'My Semblance. 《 Dream 》 as I call it. Allows me to create a connection between people to enter their dreams, subconscious part of mind. Which I found out that can affect Nightmares, and deal with them.' Explained Shion as everyone listened with great curiosity.

'It's quite... Unique Semblance then?' Pointed out Yang.

'Less unique than Mr.Branwen, that's for sure.' Retorted Shion with a small smirk.

'Mph!' Everyone suddenly heard sleeping Ruby wince from pain and every single one of them turned towards her.

Shion instantly started typing something inside his computer, as soon Ruby's doll has fell and Ruby woke up while sweating and holding her heart.

'Sis!' Yang instantly bolted towards her and held her little sister.

Shion rotated a hourglass upside-down.

'Now Ms.Rose, please tell us everything that happened there.'

Screen fades away, as Ruby explains what happened inside Weiss Dream.

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