๐…๐€๐“๐„ | BWWM โบยนโธ โœ“

By erotic_scarlett

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A hand land on the back of my neck turning me around "don't turns your fucking back on me" he growls in my fa... More



5.2K 198 43
By erotic_scarlett

"You sure it's them" I ask Micheal grumpily , as much as I know I'm doing this for my woman , I'm still mad that I had to leave her side.
Micheal roll his eyes "yes for the umpteenth time I am sure" I close my eyes still feeling grumpy.

I am not the type to rethink my decisions, but seeing Rose's expression when I left her makes me uneasy.

I can't shake of the feeling that I keep fucking things up with her.
Shit maybe I should let it go like she said , I know she really worked on herself with her therapist and has grown so much into the confident women I saw in Seattle.

If I really carry this through , I would just reopen her wounds and I don't want that for her.

Rose deserve the world and I want to give it to her.
I sigh rubbing my temples.

I need to focus right now , I will think about my doubts later.

We finally land in Greece , the sun is already bright up in the sky. We follow Micheal as he walks toward a bulky man "Motherfucking John I honestly can't believe you're still standing old man" he gives John a hug and the man retrun it with a bright smile.

They served together in the army and when they left Jonh apparently became a mercenary.
And if the rumors are true he's not to be underestimated.

"John this my friends Alessandro and Lorenzo" john smile at me and nod but when his eyes land on Lorenzo who's a little far behind me , his smile drop.

I turn to Lorenzo who just shrug smiling wickedly.

"They are ready for you"
We nod and follow him.

We quickly come to a deserted zone "you can do whatever you want here no one will come"
I nod feeling grateful

"They're inside have fun"
"Oh yeah we will" Lorenzo says his hand in his pocket

"Thanks John" Micheal nod to him

I've always considered myself to be a calm and composed man  I don't get angry easily.
The few times I got angry was all linked to a certain woman.

And right now I'm livid staring at the two unconscious men in front of me.
"I can't wait to make them suffer"Micheal says and Lorenzo crossing his legs as he sits I arch a brow to him "you only plan on watching ?" He shrug "you know how much I enjoy you being out of control , I wouldn't miss this for anything" he grins wickedly.

When we were younger I lost my temper badly on some fucker who didn't know his place by harassing a girl non stop, almost killed the guy but surprisingly Lorenzo was the one who stopped me since there was too many witnesses.
But he decided then that I was finally worth being his friend and not just because of our fathers.

"But don't worry you know I won't stay calm for long" one thing this man love is making other people suffer , he just find it calming apparently.

"Time to wake up bitches" Micheal says as he throw a bucket of water on their faces waking them up with a gasp.
"What the fuck !"

"What's going on ! You tied us you freak"
"Let us go"

"Here how things are going to go Jude and Jay I ask you answer" I say walking to them "you give me the answer I want , you make me happy or else.."

I don't finish my words but with the way their eyes are widening I guess they understood my unsaid words.
"Who the fuck are you ?" Micheal punch Jay who just says that and with the way blood is spilling out of his mouth Micheal really put all his force in that punch.

I chuckle walking toward them with a cutting pliers "look whatever you think we did it wasn't us alright !"
"Please let us go"

"First question : do you know who Omarosa is ?"

Jude frown while Jay eyes widen "what the fuck no !" I sigh nodding "okay then" I say just before cutting one of Jay's fingers "aaaaaagghhghh ! Fuck is wrong with you !"

"Second que-"
"Wait please fuck wait" they're both now crying , one because he's scared shitless and the other well obviously is missing a finger so .. 

"You think I want to do this Jude ?" I shake my head making Lorenzo chuckle , I turn to him and he put his hands in the air "sorry continue please"

I clear my throat "as I was saying this could be easy for the both of you just tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go"

"Okay okay she's a black girl huh yeah I remember her"
"Shut up Jude ! They won't do anything to us , you can't kill us or else you'll end up behind bars, you want to know something about that Omarosa girl huh , she was a fucking bitch in hea-"

He doesn't finish his words that I am tackling him on the ground and throwing punches in his face "don't" punch "you" punch "dare" punch "talk about her ! You hear me"

"Ye-yeah p-pl-please"
"Don't finish him too quickly Alessandro , he clearly is the leader"
Which means he's the one that has the informations.

Micheal picks him up and tie him again "yo- a-are n-n-not lett-le-le go"
"Aww you're a bit smart huh" Micheal slap his cheek repeatedly.

"6 years ago you left England why ?"

"How did you find us ?" Jay ask me hardly , I shrug walking towards him making him flinch "you and your friend where as broke as dirt but something happened six years ago and suddenly you were traveling around the world who gave you the money ?"

"Look we did nothing to her please !"

"You took advantage of her , she clearly was in no state to protest but you touched her !" I cut two other fingers this time on Jude making him scream for his mom "we're sorry !"

I shake my head "no you're not , you're sorry you got caught !" Micheal cut all fingers on Jay's left hand "okay it was a woman !"

My heart stops knowing exactly who he's talking about , I tried to deny it as much as possible because at the end of the day she was still my mother and well there's always been in my heart a love for her .

But now ?

She's as good as dead to me.

"She had a posh accent thought she was better than everyone she didn't even want to touch us but she gave us money we never saw in our life , you wanted us to say no !?"

"Yes !"
I punch him with the cutter , slashing his cheek to his throat.
"It was just easy work okay they said we just had to touch her but nothing more , we didn't rape her !"

"Oh so that make it alright ?" Micheal ask anger lacing his tone "n-nno we know that now okay we're sorry let us go !"

"You really are a fool if you think you'll ever see a sunlight" I say as I bring back a blowtorch , Lorenzo gets up and pick one up too smirking "now this is fun"

"No no no no we didn't do it"

"I saw the video you were hard as a rock and what did you said in it ? That you wanted a taste ? Let me give it to you"
They both start screaming as Lorenzo and I get close to them their pants off thanks to Micheal.

Jude pass out before I even have the time to light up the the torch , but Lorenzo get what he wants as he burn Jay's dick "next time you don't touch a woman if she can't say anything coherent"
Jay nod repeatedly as he still his eyes rolling back.

"Really he didn't even scream , it can be that easy" Lorenzo groan as he punch the limp body of Jay with the torch "shit face"

Micheal laugh "you really are a rare breed , the other won't last too"
I groan nodding "I'll take care of it , you go to the hotel I'll join you when I'm done" Lorenzo and I nod getting out of the place.

The day after I'm still shaking with anger , I shouldn't have let them off so easily.
"So we got what wanted ?" Lorenzo ask as soon as Micheal sit with us "Well Alessandro need to see that with his witch of mother"

Lorenzo laugh patting my shoulders "thank god I don't have shitty parents" I roll my eyes "what will you do ?"

"Whatever Rose want" I say with a strangled voice.
"I think she already had her suspicions but now that it will be confirmed..."

I tuned off the conversation my mind racing , so what she just didn't want me with Rose and that was it ?

She didn't need to do all this.
How can someone be so cruel , and a woman at that to another one.

She makes me sick

'they said we just had to touch her'

I blink getting out of my head "he said 'they'" my friends watches me in confusion "my mother was not aline there were someone else"

"Easy that Olivia bitch she always wanted you" I nod yeah he must be right I don't see no one else.

"Okay they didn't want to get caught so they hired these guys and you mother paid them"
I shake my head "mother cannot pull out that amount of money without father's approval"

And at that time he was passing slowly the charges to me so she'd have to go through me for the money.

"Olivia then but how ?"

I shrug rubbing my face , I really need to see my girl.

"Olivia is a spoiled princess but she could never get that amount of money out of thin air"

But she has many connection just like my mother maybe that's how they got it.

"Maybe you should consider someone else" Lorenzo says "who ?" He shrug "Look Omarosa is a beautiful woman" I glare at him making him chuckle "there must be someone who wanted her and helped Olivia and your mom"

My mind start racing in every ways

Who could it be ?

My eyes widen as I get up

"We need to go back ... Now"

Cliffhanger ?? 🫣

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