๐…๐€๐“๐„ | BWWM โบยนโธ โœ“

By erotic_scarlett

501K 16.6K 2.9K

A hand land on the back of my neck turning me around "don't turns your fucking back on me" he growls in my fa... More



8.1K 280 46
By erotic_scarlett

"Oh you should definitely pick this one too" Viviana says sipping her glass of champagne "you should try something's too" I urge her to get up , she doesn't look very happy today so she shake her head and I sit beside her "tell me what's going on" she sniffle and gulp the rest of the glass.

"I think Nate is cheating on me" I intake a sharp breath and hug her , her husband is a multi millionaire sports investor , he own some of the best football clubs in Europe and own several other businesses.

"Why do you think so ?" Her breath is shaky and she fake a smile "he's never at home and we're always fighting but last night when he came home he had a woman scent on him"

I squeeze her hands "I know it might not be the best advice especially coming from me but you have to talk to him , he's your husband and if he really did the unthinkable you'll see what you do then , don't let your mind play tricks on you"

She nod "it just that our relationship has been so strained these past years from our problem with having childs to .." I interrupt her "what about Colin ?"

She swallow hardly "he's adopted and I love my boy he's my little miracle but Nate comes from generational wealth and well ... his family want their heritage to go to a legitimate child so they don't really treat Colin well"

I don't know what the hell is wrong with these men parents , "and what do Nathanael think about it ? Colin is his son too" she shrugs "whenever we talk about it we end up arguing so I just learn to not bring it up"

I can't believe I am going to say this "you need to set your boundaries and tell him exactly how you feel , he need to know that you're not happy about your situation"
She smiles nodding "you're really a good friend you know I'm happy to have met you" I hug her again "I'm here for you Viv"

"I'm here bitches !" Abby comes in the showroom and hugs me "you're late" I choke out since she's cutting my breath with her hug
"I know I'm sorry but I was getting dicked real good" Viviana gasp making me laughs "Viviana this is Abbigail my best friend and Abby this our new friend Viviana"
Vivian hold her hands out to Abby who shake her head and hugs her "girl we're friend not some business partners"

"I can't believe I have two hot ass friends , if you ever get over your men you know where to find me" Viviana blush and send me a glance to which I just shake my head "trust me you'll get used to it"
"Okay so new dresses and all , I can't believe we're going to that old hag marriage anniversary"

"We don't like Josefina by the way" she says to Viv who looks at me but I only nod "she hates me for some reason"
"Her son is in love with her and that's why she can't stand Cat" understanding  falls on Viviana expresssion and I nod indicating her that I definitely understand her struggles.

"Oh my god you know what I was thinking , we should definitely have a girl trip after tonight" Viviana and I shake our heads "the boys school homecoming is tomorrow" Abby groan "wait... I'm an auntie to two boys ? Girl y'all need to step up cause I need a niece"
"I don't know about that from my end but maybe with Oma ?" Viviana bump my shoulders and I roll my eyes "that won't happen for a damn while"

They look at me to develop further "I still didn't have a proper sex with Sandro" the gasp in unison and I exhale "what ?! I thought y'all were fucking like bunnies"
"with the way he was looking at you at school I thought so too" Viv add but I shake my head "trust me i have tried and well i don't know , he wants me at least I think but whenever I want to go further he stops me and I'm left horny as hell."

"You think it's because of ..." she doesn't finish her words but I know she's thinking about the tape , I shrug not really knowing if it's due to that "we didn't do anything even before that so..." I shrug again not really knowing what to answer.

I've passed the stage where I thought he was disgusted by me and that's why he didn't want to touch me.
My therapist told me that it was some kind of anwer my mind brought up because I was disgusted in myself which was very true.

But now I understood that Alessandro is really here for me in almost every kind of way , I also understood that whatever happened in that video was not my fault so I stopped blaming myself and ever since then I feel so much relief it's like a weight have been put off my chest.

We finish choosing the dresses we want and go our own way since we're going to see each other tonight.
I go to Maria's and pick up Aurelio , they really love spending time together she's the one he calls abuela instead of Josefina.

And I am glad since I consider her a mother to me.

"Hey little prince" I expect him to come running to me and hug but instead he continues eating "hey mommy" he says his mouth full and I glare at him but he just smile and continue filling his mouth.

"Is it good" he nods frantically giving me a bite of Maria's famous paella "hmmm you really need to tell me your secret to make it this good" I hug Maria who's laughing.

"Maybe when you marry my boy" I roll my eyes and turn to my son "eat faster Lio we have to get ready" he pouts "but I wanted a refill"
"I will put it in the tupperware" he huff and get up mumbling " I hope the food is at least good at the party" I chuckle and we go home.

I get Aurelio ready first "you don't touch a single you hear if you're just a tiny bit dirty I'll get your ass little boy" he chuckle nodding I don't know why he enver take me seriously whenever I threaten him.
"Hey you" I turn around at the deep voice of Alessandro "you're here early" he pull me against his chest and kiss my neck "I couldn't wait , where is Lio ?"

"Probably the library" he chuckle nodding and rejoin him
I play some music and start getting ready , for some reason the boys are back quickly and are now staring at me "what ?!"  Alessandro nudge his son and tilt his head at me
"We're going to be late mommy" my eyes narrow on Sandro who shrug "he's the one who said it"

"Don't rush me , I can't even put my eyelashes and if you rush me we're not going to leave any time soon trust me" I say angrily putting another coat of glue on the damn lashes , they groan and sit on my bed watching me like oaks "you're stressing me"  Lio take that as cue to get out of the room but his father think against it.

"Alessandro go fetch my dress for me" he quirk a brow and I huff "just go" he walk into the closet "which dress ?" I roll my eyes and finally glue my lash to my eyes "the one on the hanger" he came back and still when he sees me in my lingerie and not the robe , he gulp shaking his head , I approach him tentatively "maybe I shouldn't put any lingerie on what do you think ?" I murmur

"H-huh ?" His breath becomes unsteady "the dress ... is strapless" I say turning around putting my back against his chest "I think it's better if you undo my bra" I feel his hard dick poking my ass and I moan softly "Rose... I-I... uh"

"I can't put the dress on if i have the bra Sandro you need to unhook it" I bat my eyes at him , he nod repeatedly "yeah .. the bra yeah uh yeah" I smirk I can't believe that I just make Alessandro nervous , I feel his fingers shaking while he undo the bra.

Not wanting to add too much to his dismay since we're already late I put on my dress and turn to him again "Zip it for me please" I smile looking down at his crotch , his very hard crotch "maybe you should take care of that too" he narrow his eyes and I laugh "just turn around will you"

We finally made it into the car and arrive at their estate.
I see Viviane in the crow and we walk to her and her husband , colin and Aurelio wander off as soon as they saw each other "hey Viv" I hug her
"Hey" she says in a small voice and I look at her questioning her with my eyes she shake her head giving me a small smile.

"Nathanael it's been a long a time since I saw you"
Viv husband smile taking Sandro's hand in his "Just like you I'm very busy but maybe we should go golfing someday since our child are apparently friends and our women too"

Sandro nods and take me closer to him "we definitely should" they walk away to fetch us some drink
"What's wrong ?" I ask but get interrupted by hand hugging my back "bitch you look stunning" Abby hugs Viv too and look at her confused "you're okay girl ?"

We walk somewhere more quiet and sit down "you need me to beat his ass because I will" Viv release a laugh and shake her head "it's just feels like we don't have our connection anymore , I used to consider him my soulmate you know but now I feel like a barely know him"

"I think you need some time alone with him , it's obvious that you still love him so fight for it" Abby says squeezing her hand I nod along "maybe that trip idea wasn't bad after all" Abby adds and we laugh "with some convincing maybe we'll do it" we then join the men waiting for us.

Alphonso start his speech and everyone turn to him "Thank you all for joining me and beautiful wife for our 30 year anniversary , it's been a long journey for Josefina and I but our love is still as strong as the beginning of our relationship , Josefina I love you and I wish us the very best for the longest time" he smile at her and then kiss her , Abby and I lock eyes and hide our smiles "thank you so much honey and thank you all for coming to my event , it means a lot to me , I love you honey"

"Well now maybe we should cut the cake" they do so and everyone cheers for them.
The party goes on and I tell sandro that I want to find Lio , he kiss my cheek and let me go , I wander in the numerous hallway this mansion has "Maria please" I still at Alphonso's voice.

The nosy batch i am stay and listen to his conversation "I just want to see you .... I just .... I miss you"
"I know you said not to call you ..... You think I don't know that Maria .... You're the one for m-" Alphonso throw his phone at the glass and I yelp , I put my hand against my mouth but it's too late "who's there ?"

I close my eyes , maybe I can disappear that way "Show yourself now" I jump at his voice and walk inside "Omarosa ?" He sigh and sit down more relieved than angry "I didn't mean to snoop" he shake his head closing his eyes "it's fine you heard everything ?" I shake my head mumbling "not really"

"Maria is .... She is the woman I should've marry" I sit down in front of him "then why didn't you ?" He thinks for a while like he's back in another time "My parents .... They wanted someone of my standing not the maid ... and well I never wanted to disappoint them"
"They're not here anymore Alphonso and you're still clearly in love with Maria"

"I can't just ... Josefina is-" I interrupt him "not the one you're in love with " he chuckle "the Omarosa of before couldn't even talk eye to eye with someone , I like the one you've become" I smile nodding then get up

"You should do the right thing Alphonso" I get walking toward the door but I halt at his voice "And what is that ?" I turn around "whatever makes you happy"
I think I should follow that advice too.

"What are you doing here with my husband ?!" I turn to face Josefina who's glaring at me "Josefi-"
"So now you have your eyes set on the other Guerrero !"

Is this woman alright ?

"You know what I don't have the time for this" I try to walk past her but she stand in front of me "what is going on here ?" Sandro's voice make her turn around as she point at me .

"This bitch right here was alone with your father god know what she was try-"
"Mother Enough !"
Alessandro walks to me and take my hand

"But Sandro she .."
"Look mother your disrespect for Omarosa stops now you hear me , she's the mother of my son"

"Oh please you d"
"Fucking shut it !" I jump at the voice of the man beside me "you'll learn to respect or else I"

"Or else what huh Ale !?"
"I will cut you out of my life for good , because Omarosa is here to stay"
"Good night father" he says and lead me out of the room.

He makes a halt in the hallway and stand in front of me "are you okay ?" He says his voice still gruff
I smile nodding and  kiss his cheek .

By the end of the event I find Aurelio sleeping on a bench with Colin "I think we should go" Sandro whispers to me and I nod , I say my good byes to the girls and leave with sandro.

I finish my shower when Sandro join me in my bedroom "I put him in bed" I nod walking to him "I think I want a drink"  he nod and goes down , I quickly put on my night dress that's slightly transparent but who cares ?

I join him in the living room and he hands me my glass of wine "the party was good" I mumble he nods taking a sip of his whiskey "yeah even though it's all a mascarade"

I laugh shaking my head "so you knew"
"That my father is not love in love with my mother that's old news ... I think he loves someone else I just don't know who"
I snort putting my knees against my chest "you're really clueless aren't you"

He frown "it's Maria !"
"What ? No I mean they definitely had some kind of chemestry but I just thought it's because they grew up together" I shrug not talking further letting silence install between us.

"Can I tell you something" I murmur feeling unsure of what is about to happen, he nods and I take a deep breath.

"I ... after the sound of tape was released I really hated myself, I hated myself for letting that happen to me"
"Rose it's not your fault at all" I nod "I know that now but it was really hard to see myself being so helpless"

"Then ... I resented you Alessandro" he turns to me his gaze full of sadness "You were the only person at the time that I felt safe with you know, back then I thought you could protect me from every thing and till now I think it's sometimes true , I held you up in such high standards that when you couldn't protect me in that video I didn't know what to feel"

"I should've protect you Rose I am so so fucking sorry it's my fault I should've done more I should've believed you , let you speak , I should've not let this happen to you at all" I shake my head and caress his cheek

"Sandro it's not your fault nor mine , I don't resent you anymore I was just very confused and I guess I needed to direct my anger at someone" I shrug

"So that was you were avoiding me ?" I chuckle shaking my head "you mean after the pizza night when you clearly rejected me" his eyes snap up to mine in a flash "what I no I didn't I thought I was respecting your boundaries and also that sex probably wasn't what you needed at the time"

Okay he might be right but I was still a little bit hurt

"Understandable but I don't know it really felt like you didn't want to have sex with me and even before all these events you never you know"

He picks me up making me straddle him.

"At first when I thought that you ... cheated I hated myself for wanting you and in some kind of way I think I was punishing you and myself to not totally give in"

"And after you weren't .... you know a bit dis-"
"Don't even finish that phrase , Love I don't think there's a moment I don't dream of being balls deep inside of you , I want you so much that it drive me fucking crazy Rose."

He takes my hand guiding it inside his pants "you think I would be this hard if I didn't want you"

My breath hitch

Well well well .... 👀

70 k !!!!!!
I'm so happy

I hope you enjoyed the chapter
Thoughts ??

Have a nice day ❤️❤️❤️

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