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𝟎𝟎𝟐. starry nights
𝟎𝟎𝟑. freaky
𝟎𝟎𝟒. scary findings
𝟎𝟎𝟓. calm day
𝟎𝟎𝟔. disappearance
𝟎𝟎𝟕. halloween
𝟎𝟎𝟖. weird interactions
𝟎𝟎𝟗. nightmare

𝟎𝟎𝟏. unnatural

419 14 35

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— ❪ 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘵 ❫ ✮
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AURELIA SOLACE woke up earlier than usual for school, but she didn't really mind. Her hand ghosted her butterfly beauty mark right on her neck. It was an odd mark, yes, she admits; but she didn't really care anymore. It's not like anyone would notice, anyway. She didn't really have friends, but people knew of her.

She had always been introverted and quiet, not really into parties, drinking, and whatnot. She didn't care if others did so, but for herself, she likes how she is. She has tried being extroverted a few times in the past, but she gave up and went back to her old ways.

Her old ways, as in not giving a fuck how she looks or acts anymore. Well, of course she wants to look somewhat decent, but overall doesn't want to listen to what others say now. Aurelia was mentally exhausted. She changed schools and came to Mystic Falls at a young age because of how she was treated at her old school.

Just because she was bigger, so what? It was infuriating especially because their parents only agreed with their kids and stayed quiet. Since then, she distanced herself from everyone and made sure she was herself with her mom, not like her mom's any different.

In the past, Gabrielle had subtly talked to her about it, and has had an impact on her mental health. Getting good grades were now expected, being the perfect daughter as well, and not to mention always having to look good. Aurelia understood and learned to not take things to heart very early on when everyone called her sensitive and whatnot, so now nothing could get to her.

Well, it secretly does. Deep down, it does effect her, no matter how much she hates herself for letting it. Baggy clothes, introverted, sleep, has all helped. She would be caught dead wearing anything other than an oversized t-shirt, hoodie, or sweater. Even if she did get the bold idea once a month to wear a crop top or a spaghetti strapped top, a jacket or cardigan would always be on top. Sometimes she would wear a dress, but nothing too short or revealing, not to mention tight.

"Riley, breakfast!" Gabrielle, her mother, yelled. Aurelia brushed her brown her before leaving it down. She changed into flared low waisted jeans, and an oversized sweater. She pared her outfit with some simple converse and called it a day. She rushed out to the kitchen, greeted with a smile from her mother. Scrambled eggs, something quick as her mother had to leave for work soon.

She was a nurse, and often had to be at the hospital. The seventeen year old girl didn't mind though, she would go hangout there at times, "I'll be late to today, as usual, so if you need anything, call me." Gabrielle informed the brunette.

"You know what I've been thinking about?" Aurelia thought about all of a sudden as she knitted her brows. Her mom turned to her with a shrug and an intrigued look as she took a sip of her coffee, "What if I just dye my hair blonde?"

"Um," Her mother paused dramatically for a dramatic suspense, "no." She had a sarcastic smile on her face to which Aurelia chuckled to.

"Keyword, if." She pointed a finger at her mother, as she finished up her eggs and put it in the sink. Her mom turned and told her she was leaving now, to which Aurelia nodded to in acknowledgment. After a bit, she decided it was time to go to school.

She walked to school sometimes, and sometimes her mom would drive her to school if she didn't have to leave early. With her earbuds in, she put on some of her favorite songs and hummed while packing her bag. She walked along the sidewalk, noticing a few people she knew, or well, knew of.

She walked into school and noticed Caroline squeezing Elena, while Bonnie just stood there holding back a laugh. She was able to overhear what they were saying, and paused once she realized there was a new student. It was his back, but she could tell he was new. She basically knew everyone in town, and he was definitely new. Aurelia walked to her locker, before getting a tap on her shoulder.

In surprise, she furrowed her brows and turned around in confusion. Caroline, "Uh, hey," She said with a hint of confusion laced in her tone. Caroline had her oh-so-caring smile plastered on her face.

"Hi," Her smile widened which confused Aurelia even more, "Are you coming to the bonfire tomorrow night?" She asked, making her almost let out a gasp. What the hell is happening, she thought. Caroline and Aurelia had never spoken, barely even interacted.

"I...don't think so, why?" She genuinely replied as she shut her locker, her books in her arms as she wrapped her arms around them as they were set on her chest. Caroline looked like her eyes were about to pop out of her head by her answer, and Aurelia honestly had to pull herself together from forming a smile.

"Okay, look, I know we don't talk, like at all, but I've been thinking why not be friends? Or at least, acquaintances. I know you're very, very introverted, but please just think of coming?" Aurelia was at a loss for words after hearing Caroline basically beg for her to come.

She then actually gave it a thought before realizing she was about to be late to class, "I'll think about it?" She said in an unsure tone before rushing to english class.

As she sat down, she noticed the new guy. Sure, she would have no chance with him, but damn was he attractive. From his hair, to his beautiful green eyes. Let's not mention how his back was attractive.

Again, she always thought she would have no chance with him. Anytime she had a crush, or found a guy attractive she would always stay quiet about it. Relationships were also not one of her 'things', and she tended on keeping it that way. Besides, Elena, the talk of the school, seemed to be interested in him. She couldn't blame her, the entire school seemed to like him, too.

But as always, she expected Elena and him to get together. The beauty and most loved girl im Mystic Falls will always get whoever she wanted, this time would be no different. After Matt, she wouldn't be surprised, too. Elena seemed unhappy and unexcited in her relationship with Matt. It was a relief to them all, except Matt obviously, that they were finally over.

In all honesty, she did feel bad for him. Set aside Elena, Matt looked like he enjoyed his relationship with her. They were childhood best friends, each other's 'firsts', and overall had an amazing relationship—platonically. It was only platonic, Elena only hoped they would be able to go back to being friends like they once were.

Aurelia felt bad for the Gilberts, too, if not the entirety of Mystic Falls. Grayson and Miranda Gilbert were known in the town, always getting positive comments by everyone. Aurelia herself didn't know them, nor Elena or Jeremy personally, but she felt sorry for them. I mean, they did lose their parents.

She has some experience with losing a loved one as well. Her father, he died. Her mom had her at a young age, nineteen. No one really knows how he died, but she missed him. Sure, he wasn't the best dad in the world, but he was her dad.

He used to yell at her for no reason while he was drunk, but never went as far as hitting. His insults were rude and plain body shaming, but he was her father. He helped her, somewhat.

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After school, Caroline had reminded her of the bonfire to which she once again replied with, "I'll think about it," just as before. She did actually think about it, and with an unbelievable decision, she was going to finally go to the bonfire.

Sooner or later, Gabrielle made it back home, yelling, "I'm home!" to let her daughter know she was back from work. Aurelia walked out in her hoodie and sweatpants as her hair was tied into a ponytail, her notebook and pencil case in hand.

"Talk, mother," She said jokingly with a laugh. She got a playful slap on her shoulder by Gabrielle as she chuckled along. Her mom gladly started talking about her day, then asked her her teenage daughter a question, "Don't you ever want to, you know, go to a party?"

"Oh! Speaking of which, tomorrow—the bonfire, I'm going." Her mother's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"You?! No way," Gabrielle furrowed her brows, "No fucking way, Riley!" A smile formed on her lips as she was obviously excited now.

"Mom!" She pointed out the swear word, but in reality she really didn't care. It was a joking matter between the two, as it is literally her mother. To be honest, Aurelia used to curse, she just stopped. Sure, she accidentally slips some out, but it's mistaken.

"Sorry, sorry, but my Riley? I have been waiting for this day!" She clapped her hands as she was now bursting with energy and excitement.

"Okay, calm down, it's tomorrow. Freak out about it tomorrow." She laughed as she continued with her classwork.

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The next day came earlier than expected. She decided on an off shoulder shirt, which was an actual surprise to herself as she wouldn't even imagine herself wearing it to school. And while she stared at herself in the mirror, all she could see were flaws. Her weird butterfly beauty mark, a few stretch marks that are almost unnoticeable, but she noticed. She always does.

Her mother walked in after knocking the door, and she audibly gasped, "Ari, you're gorgeous. To school, really?" She asked in a compliment manner than an insulting tone, "Wear what you want to wear, and if you feel comfortable enough, go for it." She encouraged.

"I'll see if I want to wear it tonight," She nodded, grabbing one of her oversized t-shirts. Gabrielle smiled and left her alone, closing the door behind her to let Aurelia change.

Even by an off shoulder top, I'm insecure, really, she scolded herself internally. She decided to go for something she sees Elena would usually wear, yet different. The design was a bit different as it was black and her dark flared jeans matched. Her hair was in a ponytail as she didn't want to give it much thought.

Her butterfly beauty mark could be noticed if someone worked hard enough to see it as it was just barely darker than her skin tone. She wasn't feeling hungry, or she just forced herself to not eat—she wasn't sure anymore. So, she told her mom goodbye and walked to school like the day before.

As she entered the school, in the hallway, she accidentally bumped into the new guy, who she overheard was Stefan Salvatore, "I'm so sorry," She laughed.

He gave her a small smile, "It's okay, it was my fault, I wasn't focused." He apologized, to which she gave him a confused look. He now returned the expression, "What? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just most people here would blame it on me and walk away." She shrugged, making him chuckle.

"Well, I'm sorry for that, too." He nodded, making her chuckle in response. She introduced herself, and then he introduced himself. He didn't need to though, she knew who he was.

"I'm going to be late for class," Aurelia suddenly remembered before he calmed her down.

"We have history together, remember?" He smiled, reminding her to let her settle down from panic.

"Oh, yeah, come on then." She started walking beside him, getting weird looks from everyone. Caroline gave her a thumbs up, which was sweet of her even though she was interested in him.

Aurelia was sure she would keep her distance from him, after all she was okay with him being a friend. Wow, a friend, who the hell would've thought? She sat down in her usual seat, back corner. It was always that seat. It isn't her assigned seat, but she had always chosen it. It was far back, alone and quiet.

Stefan gave her a confused look to which she just shook her head with a smile, getting her things out for class. Mr. Tanner was sitting on his desk, waiting for the rest of the students to come in.

Elena sat in her usual seat, and so did Bonnie. Close, but not in the same row. Aurelia watched from afar, accidentally zoning out as she remembered earlier today. She snapped out of it once Mr. Tanner basically yelled her name.

"Ms. Solace!" He clapped. She immediately snapped out of her zoned out haze and wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. She could practically feel everyone's eyes on her, they were basically burning her alive with their stares.

"Aurelia, just because you're...well, overweight as one might say and is incredibly strong for doing as well as you're doing without a father figure, doesn't mean you have an excuse for not participating in class." He stated. She almost let out a gasp in shock as the sentence repeated in her head like an echo.

Overweight? She wasn't overweight, actually, at all! She was doing quite well, to be frank. She lost a lot of weight in the past year or so, and her appearance changed drastically. The brunette girl didn't know whether to defend herself or just stay quiet.

Suddenly, she looked over as someone disrupted the silence, "There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting the local civilians." Stefan replied confidently, tilting his head ever so slightly to Mr. Tanner.

"That's correct, Mr...?" He had an impressed smile on his face, his attention moving to Stefan. Aurelia felt like pressure had just been lifted from her chest as everyone continued with what they were doing, already forgetting about her incident.


"Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?" He continued on with his questions, intrigued by the new student.

"Distant," He had a small smile before changing his expression back to his usual resting face, nodding.

"Well, very good; except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle." His hands were all over the place as he spoke, something Aurelia noticed each time she had history. He always had to talk with his hands.

"Actually, there were 27, sir." Stefan shot back almost immediately, his confidence never faltering for even a second. Something in her gut told her Stefan was right, "Confederate soldiers fired on the church, believing there were weapons; and they were wrong. It was a night of great loss."

Aurelia had a downward smile on her face, however she stifled her giggle that threatened to escape once she saw Mr. Tanner's face, "The founder's archives are in Civil Hall if you want to brush up on your facts...Mr. Tanner."

Now that was a time that should've been recorded, she thought as everyone turned to him with an impressed expression. Her brows rose happily as she witnessed Mr. Tanner get put in his place.

She couldn't wait to get home to tell her mother about school, for the first time in a while. As she was about to walk away, she noticed Stefan talking to the teacher in absolute anger. She was confused, until she overheard what he was talking to him about. What happened earlier, to her. She kind of felt bad, but he deserved it. She would be giving him a piece of her mind after the Salvatore.

Somehow, he knew she was watching, making him smile as he turned around. Mr. Tanner was shocked and speechless after that, "Thank you," A big smile was on her face, giving her a glow she hasn't ever had.

"For what, defending you? The only thing I'm mad about other than him is you not defending yourself, and me not speaking up in class." He shrugged at the end of the sentence, making her chuckle.

"Well, I was just about to talk to him, actually," She tilted her head before softly knocking on the door.

"Come in," She heard, and so she opened the door before getting an encouraging nudge by Stefan, "Ah, Ms. Solace. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

He had his shitty and fake grin plastered on, making her want to smack it right of off of him, "First of all, I don't think talking to anyone that way, let alone a student, is right. Don't you think?"

She started off subtle and kind, he let out a sigh, "Might've taken it too far just a bit, but—"

"Nuh-uh, you did way more than just "too far", Mr. Tanner," She interrupted him, "say anything like that to me, or any other student, or teacher, because God knows who else you say that kind of crap to, I swear to you I will get you fired."

And with that, she walked out of his classroom, leaving a speechless man.

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"Mom?" She yelled as soon as she stepped into their house, finding her in the living room, "You will not believe what happened today."

"And we'll talk about that as we're picking your outfit." She got up with a smile, then dragged Aurelia to her room by her hand.

"Mom, it's just a bonfire. We're going with something casual, okay?" She gave her mom a look, to which she nodded to.

Almost as soon as Gabrielle opened her closet, she picked out something. It was an open buttoned long sleeved baby pink shirt, and light blue jeans. Not flared or anything, but she decided to change her look.

Her mother and her talked as Gabrielle did her daughter's hair, a half up-half down look, "I am beyond proud of you. For standing up to your bitchy teacher, and because you finally made a.. 'friend'." She did quotation marks, making her jaw drop open.

"No, no. Mom, we just met, and also, I'm not looking for a relationship." She laughed as Gabrielle rolled her eyes, brushing out her hair.

"When? You're 17, Ari. When are you going to find the love of your life?" Her mom dramatically said as her hands squeezed her shoulders.

She turned her head around, "I'm in no rush." She got up and smoothed out her outfit, and took her leather jacket.

"Wait!" Gabrielle rushed out of the room, behind Aurelia, "Uh, don't make bad decisions, and don't drink." She said as she rose her hands to her sides, then gave a bow.

"I'll try not to!" Aurelia sarcastically responded, clapping her hands.

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She made it to the bonfire next to Stefan, who had insisted on walking her to the bonfire after accidentally bumping into her. He admitted he was going there, anyway, so it was no big deal.

"Aurelia!" Caroline called over, catching her and Stefan's attention.

"I'll be...over there. If you need me, which I doubt, just yell my name. Can't be more embarrassing than what happened at class today, so." She shrugged and gave him a smile. Aurelia guessed he was going to Elena, and she didn't mind.

"Hey!" Caroline gave her a hug, confusing her. As much as Aurelia adores hugs, this was a bit of a shock.

"Hey, Caroline, what's up?" She tried to make conversation as she didn't do well in awkward situations, but with Caroline, that was basically impossible.

"So, I saw you and Stefan..."

Aurelia knew where this was going, so she replied with a chuckle, "No, no. Don't worry, I am not interested in him." She reassured, as Caroline scrunched up her face with a smile.

"Aurelia, hey! Heard what you said to Mr, Tanner, totally badass." Vicki gave her a nod before walking past the two girls with Tyler.

"Uh, I don't know," Aurelia shook her head with a giggle, then saw Jeremy glaring at the couple, or what looked like Tyler, from afar.

She stayed quiet, though. Continuing the next few minutes with chitchat. It consisted of Caroline excited of her coming, and fashion, and whatnot.

"Drink?" Caroline offered the brunette, the bottle in her hand.

"No thanks, I don't really drink." She said sweetly, a kind smile on her face. Carolines brows rose, but she didn't say anything.

"Hm, shocked but not surprised," The blonde hummed, making her friend laugh.

"This might be, like, a weird question," Aurelia sucked in a deep breath, "but, are we friends?"

"Uh, yeah! I told you I wanted to get to know you, so that's what I'm doing." Caroline immediately replied brightly, reassuring her many, many times. To Aurelia's surprise, Bonnie and Matt later walked up to them.

They started talking and whatnot, then they seemed to notice Stefan and Elena side by side, seeming like they're deeply lost in their conversation. She felt bad for Matt and Caroline, because they honestly did not deserve to witness what they are.

Her hand squeezed Caroline's shoulder. Her act faltered, before putting back her previous expression as if she was okay. Matt seemed hurt, and disappointed, with a hint of anger. They then turned toward their direction, making Aurelia look away as if she was lost in thought alone.

Bonnie noticed, making her muffle a laugh. Bonnie started talking to Caroline, then looked over at Matt, asking him a question. His eyes however stuck on Elena and Stefan, staying silent. Stefan then walked away, leaving Elena all alone.

"Well, that was something." Bonnie nodded to Caroline and Aurelia, making her chuckle. A few minutes later, Matt decided to go talk to Elena, which none of the three girls thought were a good idea, but decided to go for it anyway.

They were watching from afar, making a few jokes here and there. Caroline then noticed Stefan, further away from any of them, seemingly waiting for Matt to walk away so he could walk up. Yet he had a look in his eyes, a certain expression Aurelia wasn't able to make out what it was.As Stefan was about to walk up to Elena, Caroline confidently walked up to him. Bonnie and Aurelia were watching from a distance, waiting to see how the scene in front of them was going to unfold. The two girls basically begged Caroline not to go, but when did she ever listen?

"Hey! There you are. Have you been down to the falls yet? Because, they are really cool at night, and I can show you...if you want." Caroline was obviously drunk, that the two girls knew. They could hear her just barely, but they knew what was going on.

"I think you've had too much to drink." He stated calmly. Bonnie took a drink, before putting her attention back onto the two.

"Well, of course I have." She giggled as her smile widened, "So..."

"Caroline. You and me, it's not gonna happen." He said plain and straightforward, making Caroline go quiet. They couldn't blame her, they were quite shocked, too.

Sure, Aurelia and Caroline have been friends for literally a day, but she felt bad. She couldn't imagine how bad Bonnie feels right now, "I'm sorry." And with that, he left Caroline alone.

Not to anyone's surprise, he went over to Elena, who was literally right next to them. They then walked to Caroline, making sure she was okay.

"You'll find "the love of your life," as my mom says. If it's not him, it's not him." Aurelia simply stated, making Bonnie and Caroline laugh once she repeated what Gabrielle has said.

"I like your mom, I should really meet her one day." Caroline giggled as she ran her hand through her hair. The three then noticed Jeremy walk past them, but didn't really say anything.

Bonnie tilted her head slightly, "Elena's going to actually kill Jeremy if she finds out he and Vicki have been hooking up all summer."

"I mean, I wouldn't blame her," Aurelia shrugged and turned her head just a bit, seeing Jeremy go into the woods.

"And he's about to die." Caroline bluntly said. The two girls furrowed their brows, "What? He's going into the woods! Nothing good ever happens in the woods." She continued on before starting to giggle uncontrollably.

"Bonnie..." Aurelia gave her a look, to which she nodded to.

"Cmon, Care. Let's get you sobered up," Bonnie gently grabbed the blondes hand, wanting to lead her out of the party but she just wouldn't budge.

"Wait, are you sober?" Aurelia asked Bonnie, to which she nodded, "Wouldn't want an accident to happen."

"Sobered up a bit ago, don't worry." She reassured before leaving Aurelia alone, dragging Caroline with her to her car.

It was now her, all alone. A sigh escaped her lips as she watched her new friend, Bonnie, trying to get Caroline into the car.

Bonnie soon to give up and drag Caroline back to the party, getting her a bottle of water from God knows where. She let out a little chuckle, before turning around and seeing Stefan. She felt her heart drop as a gasp could be heard.

"You really gotta stop doing that, Salvatore." She rose her brows as she sat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged as he acted clueless, a smile tugging his lips.

The girl looked around, "Where's Elena?"

"After her brother, who's clearly drunk." He stated as if it was a casual conversation.

"Ah, I see." Aurelia nodded and went along with it, looking around. She scrunched up her face in disgust and looked away once she saw some of her classmates making out, "absolutely disgusting."

"I have to agree on that one." Stefan laughed, making her smile.

All of a sudden, Elena and Jeremy were seen walking out of the woods carrying somebody, "Somebody help!" Elena yelled, as they tried so very hard to keep up the strength to not drop the body.

"What the hell?" Stefan helped Aurelia up, walking up to the Gilberts.

"Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?" Matt rushed over to them, along with Bonnie and Tyler. Stefan took a few steps back, but no one seemed to notice.

"What happened?" Tyler asked in a panic tone as he looked at Vickis state.

They all went to help, carrying Vicki so they could lay her on the bench. "Somebody call an ambulance!" Matt didn't know how to feel, I mean, it's his sister we're talking about.

Tyler turned around, "Everybody back up, give her some space!" He put his hands up.

"It's her neck. Something bit her, she's losing a lot of blood fast." Aurelia tried to put pressure on the bite, getting her hands all bloody, but she didn't care one bit. Someone was on the verge of dying, so why would she care about that out of all things?

"Vicki, come on, open your eyes. Look at me." Tyler desperately tried to do something, anything, to wake her up. Nothing was working. Matt looked up, making direct eye contact with Stefan, but no one noticed. Everyone was too panicked by Vicki.

Thankfully, the ambulance showed up soon enough. Matt was in distraught. Who wouldn't? Everyone's mind was going insane, thinking of all the possible things that could've happened. As well as everyone's heartbeat was going 90 miles per hour, including Aurelia's.

"Hey, we're gonna go to mainline coffee and wait for news." Bonnie walked up to Elena as Aurelia and Caroline stayed together. Aurelia made sure Caroline wouldn't black out from how much she drank.

Aurelia sat with Caroline in the backseat as Bonnie drove, making any little conversation they could to keep her awake. From talking about the possibilities of what could've bit Vicki, to how Bonnie's psychic. Caroline obviously didn't believe her, but Aurelia kind of did. I mean, it's not everyday someone just guesses something horrible, as to say, "It's just the beginning."

They finally made it, and so they all walked in and took a seat. Bonnie had a mug filled with coffee as Aurelia took a sip of her water.

"Are you sober yet?" Bonnie asked. Caroline took a deep breath and looked at her tiredly.

"Nope," She took a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes.

"Keep drinking. I gotta get you and Aurelia home. I gotta get me home." Bonnie said to which Aurelia chuckled.

"Why didn't he go for me? Or Aurelia, and before you start, I know you said it's platonic and whatever, but still," Aurelia and Bonnie stayed quiet, as Aurelia knew how Caroline felt all too well, "How come the guys I want never want me?"

"I'm not touching that," Bonnie shook her head, yet Aurelia wanted to hear her out.

"I'm inappropriate, I always say the wrong thing. And, Elena, always says the right thing." Caroline paused, as Bonnie took a deep breath, "She doesn't even try, and he just picks her. And she's always the one that everyone picks...for everything!" She looked at the two of them, not noticing how Aurelia was gazing at her.

"And I try so hard, and I'm never the one that..." Caroline stopped right there, shaking her head.

Bonnie put on one of her comforting smiles, "It's not a competition, Caroline." She shook her head.

Caroline looked at Aurelia, then back at Bonnie, "Yeah, it is." She completed her sentence.

"Caroline..." Aurelia didn't know what to say, but she truly felt bad. Caroline had always put herself out there, always trying to get the guy, and sometimes it just doesn't work out.

"Hey, I'm gonna go pay. I'll be right back." Bonnie told the two, earning a nod from Aurelia.

Aurelia then turned to Caroline, "Stay right here, okay? I'm going to go fight Bonnie on that, then go to the bathroom." She chuckled, making Caroline half smile.

"Bon!" Aurelia caught up to her, but Bonnie already knew what she was up to.

"Oh, no you don't." She laughed as they then fought about it for the next few minutes, until Aurelia finally paid.

"I'll go to the bathroom then we can go." She nodded to Bonnie, to which she muttered an 'okay'.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Aurelia was now home, unbelievably worn out from the night. It was an exhausting day, full of things she would have never even imagined, "I'm telling you everything tomorrow." Aurelia told her mother before walking to her room, then her bathroom.

After a shower, she felt a bit better but so tired. She pulled her wavy hair into a bun, then went to bed. Sure, it was wet, but she was just too tired to do anything. Once she shut her eyes, she was out like a light.

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