Pure Inheritance ~ Ominis Gau...

By lilycha10

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Ominis is trying to gain control over his family's enterprises in an attempt to change their ways from within... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
The festival
Part 19
Part 20
Morning Kiss
Angus Greengrass
Tracy Wallace
Part 25

Part 5

211 11 20
By lilycha10

Author's Note: 

The picture is what I imagine Corvinus Gaunt to look like.

I am sorry it took so long to update. 

Please don't forget to vote, so more readers can find this story and follow my TickTock account if you want to listen to the dialogues. 

Audio: https://www.tiktok.com/@lithyasis10/video/7259939150193855787?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7234000930261517867


She distinctly remembered the first time she had met, or rather, spoken with Ominis Gaunt. It was the sort of scenario that Sebastian had warned her about only fifteen minutes ago; right before he taught her a new offensive spell. It had been bad luck to encounter the same boy she was supposed to avoid at all costs, and utterly terrifying to confront someone who shared his disdain for her so openly.

Ominis towered over her even back then, with his face contorted in disgust and disappointment, as he was forced to hear her poor thought lies. In retrospect, MC could now recognize that other than betrayal, he probably felt humiliated. Ominis hated to be kept in the dark -no pun intended -, but his attitude from that day now seemed so out of character that she was tempted to believe she had dreamed the whole thing.

There was one thing though, that kept her from forgetting such a nasty behavior portrayed by such a sweet boy. And that was his good looks.

She would be lying if she said that was not the first thing she noticed.

The paleness of his eyes trying to express discontent.

Or his beauty marks distinguished over his pale complexion.

Or his obvious discomfort at being in front of someone he didn't know, nor could trust.

Ominis had always seemed ethereal to her. Handsome and magnetic even when he was upset; and Merlin could testify she had given him plenty of reasons and opportunities to be upset. But Ominis was never someone to fear, rather, he was someone she respected. She wanted to impress him and prove her worth as anything other than a dark wizard, or an ignorant witch that knew nothing of this new world.

Ominis had that sort of power over her.

But, to see this man in front of her with features that mirrored Ominis' -if more mature -, looking at her with a threatening sweetness, was unnerving. Her brain conjured a scenario where her beautiful boy had grown into a nasty excuse of a man, abusing someone powerless to him and disregarding his morals to reach a goal.

They looked that much alike.

So much that she wanted to grab Corvinus' face and slap some sense into him. The lapse only lasted a second. Perhaps two.

She forced herself to remember her mist-eyed snake could never be like this.

- Darling – it came Nefari's tiny whimper.

The woman was grabbing onto her husband's wrist, trying to make him relent on his punishment.

- You see, my wife sometimes forgets her manners – Corvinus let go of Nefari's hair and chuckled as if the whole thing was an innocent joke.

MC was trapped in the man's eyes.

He was performing for her. This demonstration of pettiness was meant for her amusement, and she was tempted to touch Ominis' hand for guidance.

Was she supposed to enjoy it?

Was she supposed to be scared?

Ominis on the other hand was drinking from his glass with leisure.

He had heard his mother's whimper and thought it too cruel to roll his eyes at her. But he could think of worse things that could have happened, and in all honestly, she deserved it for running her supremacist mouth against MC.

A chill crept down his back at his thoughts, and he was ashamed that he still believed them to be true. Some forms of cruelty were warranted.

- You do not need to worry, Mr Gaunt -was MC's response -. I wasn't expecting much from either of you.

Ominis and Byberg choked on their drinks and started coughing to expel the drinks from their windpipe.

- MC! – The clerk tried to regain his composure.

Ominis exaggerated his coughing fit to mask his laugh.

- I beg your pardon. – His teeth clenched.

She saw his eyes turn deadly and she welcomed it.

- Oh! Well, you will have to forgive me if I am being rude, but the last time we met was in Hogwarts.

Corvinus raised an eyebrow, obviously, he had no recollection of the event.

- And I remember your words were not that much different from your wife's. Did you also forget your manners then?

Ominis' delight vanished like a candle next to a window.

A constricting silence settled between them. Everyone was waiting for Corvinus' reaction with different levels of anxiety. The soft melodies were still filling the salon, with the rest of the guests dancing, enjoying the food table filled with sweet and savoury assortments, or just enjoying each other's company.

All of them were unaware of the storm brewing in their corner.

Byberg was shaking in his boots and looked up to the golden ceiling seeking divine intervention. Nefari's mouth was hanging open, still not believing what had just transpired. Ominis gripped the column of his cup with force and fretted with the idea of scooping MC up a hiding her away.

MC, on the other hand, was glad she could remove the man's mask since it was easier to deal with foes than hypocrites.

- You seem to have quite a nasty mouth, don't you? – His face marred with restraint.

- Wow! Déjà vu! I said the same thing to you back then.

Corvinus bared his teeth at her, and his wand conjured in his hand like a dog on a leash.

- Corvinus! – Mr Diels placed himself in front of his protegee – Put that away!

MC sneered behind the man's shoulder.

- I want to see you try, Gaunt.


All four turned around at Ominis' shout. He took a step closer to MC and his face twisted in disdain.

- This is outrageous. I knew you were bad-mannered, but you are taking it too far! We invited you in earnestness and yet you think it fit to humiliate us.

MC's eyes became slit.

- Oh, I am so sorry, Omi.

He flinched at the nickname and her obvious intent to insult him.

- But if they can be so open with their distaste for muggle-born, then I don't have to restrain myself.

- You will do well in restraining yourself – he went to grab her arm, but she smacked it away -. Today is important for my family and my fiancé. If you can't behave you are welcome to leave.

- Gladly – her teeth were clenched.

Corvinus put his hand on Ominis' shoulder and pulled him to his side.

- That is enough son – Ominis flinched at the pressure of his hand -. It seems there has been a misunderstanding. Of course, we do have some reservations regarding your background, but we take no pleasure in diminishing those with shortcomings.

Mr Diels was still shielding her from them.

- Mr Gaunt, she is still a kid. Please, forgive her.

- She doesn't seem like a kid to me – his demeanour was more tempered, but she couldn't be sure.

The clerk cleared his throat.

- MC, apologize right now.

- What? I don't...

- NOW!

She jumped. He never raised his voice, so she guessed she had taken her performance a bit too far.

- I am sorry – she grumbled -. I must... have misunderstood.

The liaison cleared his throat again.

- I think we have done enough damage for today – he grabbed the girl's arm -. We will take our leave.

Nefari placed a hand on her chest, feeling her heart fluttering like never before. She wanted them gone, but her husband had other ideas.

- Mr Diels, you will remain here. We need to talk.

- But – he looked between MC and Corvinus' unyielding gaze.

- Ominis can keep her company.

His body was tense, and his demeanour was restrained and aggressive. The clerk's hand tightened on her arm, dreading the moment he would leave her alone with the other two. But he didn't have a choice.

- You better behave – he whispered just for her -. Just stay put until I come back. Do you hear me?

- Sure.

His expression told her he didn't believe her, but he couldn't make Corvinus wait. They saw him leave, and she was left with mother and son. Nefari was still shaking, creating fluctuations in her gown.

- Ominis... please take her – one of her hands went to her head and her face went pale -. I don't know, show her the garden, the dungeon, or something. I have to lie down.

- Yes mother.

They both waited for her to scurry off into the shadows, trying to escape from the nightmare.

- I think I broke your mother – she sneered.

- It is over MC – he grabbed her hand, still hiding in the shadow of the arch -. Settle down.

She took a moment to regain her bearings.

- Did I take it too far?

She looked around, and nobody seemed to pay any attention to them. It was a little rude, considering Ominis and his fiancé were the main characters of the night.

- Most definitely – he squeezed her fingers -. My father is not to be trifled with.

- Your mother started it – she entwined her fingers with him.

Ominis flushed at her gestured and pushed her deeper into the shadows.

- I know that. I knew something like this was bound to happen, but you can't eager my father into a fight. What were you thinking?

- I... I think I just got flashbacks from Hogwarts. You and I, pretending to hate each other.

He sighed.

- I am sorry about your mother – she looked at him -. Would she be, okay?

He shrugged his shoulders.

- She's always been rather fragile.

- I am sorry – she repeated.

- Don't be – Ominis leaned his head toward her –. She is just as cruel.

- She is still your mother.

- In name only. Come!

Ominis let go of her hand a left their hiding spot.

- Where are we going?

- You need to eat something – his wand flicked in front of him -. If you came flying, you must be famished.

- I hadn't thought about food, to be honest – she followed obediently -. I was just worried about facing your parents.

Ominis stopped in front of a long table with silver linens and food so beautifully prepared it looked like centrepieces. There were others around them, and one of them gave Ominis a nasty look when he pushed him to the side.

- What would you prefer? Lobster, shrimp, crawfish?

- Omi, I don't eat anything that looks like I should step on it.

He chuckled.

- Well, you must eat something.

- I am honestly not hungry. Your father made sure of that.

Ominis hovered his wand over the table and when he found what he was looking for, he used the Accio* spell to bring it closer. His hand touched the plate of appetizers and grabbed a piece with his hand. It was a breach of etiquette to grab food with his bare hands, but he couldn't be bothered.

- Here.

He brought it to her lips, urging her to open her mouth.

- What is it?

He grinned.

- You don't want to know.

MC opened her mouth with a smacking sound to let him know what she was doing. He felt for her lips with his ring fingers before pushing the appetizer past them. His thumb lingered for a second too long, until she had to close her mouth, grabbing the bare tip of his finger in a kiss. He pulled it away but cupped her chin instead, while she chewed slowly.

Once she was done, he cleaned her lower lip with his thumb.

- Are you teasing me? – His voice was low and husky.

She sighed against his hand.

"Just say it."

- Maybe. Is it working?

The man swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. She thought about putting her lips there.

- Maybe.

He felt a lock of hair tickling the back of his hand and caressed her cheek before putting it behind her ear.

- Ominis, people are looking – she whispered.

- I know for a fact nobody is looking – he smiled softly -. And if they are, they won't even care.

- You just got engaged.

He closed his eyes at the mention of his engagement.

- And still, not one of them knows who I am. It was a performance, MC. They don't really care.

She looked around and realized that he was right. There were other couples in the shadows, skimming past what was appropriate. Not what she would expect from a group of elitists. They were dressed beautifully, but their faces were contorted with feelings she would rather not dwell in.

- Ominis!

A woman in an emerald gown with incrusted crystals was making her way toward the table. Her hair was the colour of merlot, vibrant and silky, bunched in a high bun surrounded by dancing pearls. She would look majestic if it weren't for her anxious, slightly annoyed expression.

- Fuck!

Ominis retrieved his hand right away.

- There you are! – The woman took his arm between hers – I have been looking for you.

- Apologies... I was escorting a guest.

MC noticed the woman's refusal to acknowledge her.

- Well, we still have to make a round around the salon to greet everyone – she patted his jacket to clean an invisible stain -. I was hoping to introduce you to my uncle as well. I know you wanted an audience with him.

- Angus Greengrass? – Ominis perked at the name.

Serafina smiled.

- That's the one.

Angus Greengrass. Even MC knew about the head of the Magical Law Enforcement.

If she was not mistaken, he presided over this year's Warlock's Convention and was pushing for a decree that would restrict underage wizards and witches from performing magic outside school grounds. She didn't particularly agree with his ideas but admitted her point of view was biased.

After all, if she had been restricted in her use of magic, she wouldn't have accomplished anything during her fifth year at Hogwarts. Although, she could also admit that would have made it much easier for her to ignore the Keepers' trials and focus on schoolwork.

"Why would Ominis need to talk to him?"

- Why are you still here? – Serafina, more confident now that she had Ominis' attention, finally decided to get rid of the third wheel.

- Excuse me!

She hadn't meant for it to sound so aggressive, especially since she recognized Serafina as Ominis' fiancé, but she was still on edge due to Nefari's taunts. Serafina flinched when the other woman took a step forward, almost as if she was ready to slap her.

- Serafina, do not be rude. MC is my father's honoured guest.

- Honored? Your father's? – She was sceptical – Why would Mr Gaunt invite her to our engagement?

MC crossed her arms, and her body took an argumentative stance.

- Didn't your fiancé tell you not to be rude? I thought you snobby princesses were supposed to look pretty and keep her mouth shut.

MC hated the words as soon as they left her lips. She was honestly upset about the mistreatment, but this level of hostility was not for her. The art of insulting someone indirectly was lost to her.

Serafina opened her mouth in a gasp. Apparently, all females from the upper classes reacted that way to punch-faced insults.

- Ms MC! – Ominis was tense – I do not want a repeat of what happened before!

She squinted at him.

- Fine! I am sorry.

- Now I am most definitely concerned about your presence – Serafina pressed her body against Ominis -. If you want to create connections with our circle, you would do well in learning some manners. We do not look kindly to those who behave like crofters.

The alluded closed her eyes to calm herself, and she could have sworn she saw her patience waving her goodbye.

- Just as it would do you well to mind your fucking business.

Serafina's grasp on Ominis' tightened.

MC didn't have to look too closely to perceive or interpret the woman's position. Serafina was grabbing onto Ominis as if looking for his protection when she was actually placing herself between them. It was a possessive statement. She probably had seen their interaction and knew how to keep Ominis away from her.

That was not the attitude of someone who was getting married for political reasons.

- Lady! That is enough! – Ominis clenched his teeth – You are being needlessly severe.

- I don't know what you mean. I merely mirrored her disposition toward me.

Serafina was shaking in rage.

- I am not accustomed to a company such as yours. So, crude!

MC rolled her eyes at her insistence to keep a polite conversation. Maybe she was overreacting, but dammit, seeing her grabbing onto Ominis like he was an object she possessed was pulling at her strings. At present, she would do anything to remove her physically or magically from his side.

What she hated the most was that he wasn't shaking her off.

Like he enjoyed it!

"She is his fiancé".

The voice in her head softly reminded her of her place in that house.

- As soon as came into this house I have been insulted in ways I didn't think possible – she sneered -. I wonder whose manners are in question.

- If so many people share the same thought, then you must be at fault, crofter.

- Say that one more time princess, and I will punch you into next week.

Serafina took a step back, believing she was capable of it.

- You talk like a mudblood – her face contorted in disgust.

- That is because I am, genius. Rather a mudblood, than a conniving snake. 

Ominis, not capable of standing it anymore, took her arm and pushed her away.

- Ms, I think you should go and cool down – his eyes were unyielding, and for a moment he looked like his father -. The garden is that way. I beg of you to excuse yourself.

- Gaunt, you don't tell me what to do!

Ominis went to her and grabbed her again, this time she could feel his fingers digging into her arm.

- I won't say it again! Get out!

His outburst had not been ignored by the curious eyes. Everyone needed entertainment, and Ominis was providing it in bulk. She knew he was just pretending, but her cheeks coloured in embarrassment just the same.


The girl was pacing next to a patch of several bushes delineating the path into a greenhouse. She moved back and forth, counting the seconds and wondering why Ominis hadn't joined her yet. It had been about 10 minutes since she left the salon and was losing her mind. She looked behind her and despite the darkness that surrounded it she was able to look inside the conservatory. It was beautiful, with three crystal chandeliers bathing the space in white lights. There was a table with four chairs delicately centred next to a magically made waterfall that didn't splatter any water.

The flowers were breathtaking, all of them made for decoration.

Rapid footsteps were heard behind her, and when she finally turned around, she was facing a rather flustered Ominis.

- Ominis! – She smiled at him.

- What were you thinking?

She was taken aback by his response.

- What?

Ominis raked his hand through his hair.

- Just now! The way you treated Serafina was uncalled for!

Her brain was swimming in uncertainty.

- You are not serious.

- Of course, I am! I know you feel you had your reasons, but that vulgar language was unnecessary.

- Are you really going to make me defend my behaviour? She was just as nasty as me. Calling me names as if we were children.

- She didn't mean any of it!

She gasped.

- Ominis, she called me "mudblood"! Your parents did the same before and you didn't justify them.

Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

- I know that must have been difficult for you. But that is the way she... WE were raised. She doesn't know any better.

- Well, about time someone showed her what is best.

- MC, I just mean that you didn't have to create a full-blown fight out of this. You have faced worse, but you never showed such hatred.

She took a step back.

- I know this place must be a nightmare for you. Believe me, it's for me too! But you have been lashing out since the moment you got here. You are letting your anger control you.

Her hands were shaking, and she put them inside her robe's pockets to hide them. She felt a painful nudge on her throat.

- That is not true! I did what I had to. What you told me too!

Ominis tilted his head toward her, his eyes focused on a spot behind her.

- I never told you to make yourself a target! I always told you that in front of my family, you should lower your head and make yourself invisible. Now my father is probably looking for ways to suck away your power and kill you right after.

- Let him try.

Ominis rushed and grabbed her arms, only he miscalculated her position and ended up hitting her shoulder in the process.

- No!

She tensed her body in protest.

- Do not underestimate him! Do not challenge him!

She slapped his hands away with more force than necessary.

- Why are you so concerned? I know what I am doing!

- Because you have been all over the place! Picking fights for no reason, especially with Serafina!

She walked away and picked a trail that surrounded the greenhouse, but she didn't make it further than three meters before he placed himself in front of her.

- MC, do not walk away from me!

She was disconcerted by his attitude. Ominis had never been this upset before; not at her anyway.

- Why are you taking her side? – She screamed and gave thanks that there was no one in the hearing range – How can you be this upset about it? You said it was a political marriage. You never told me you were in love with her.

Ominis straighten up with a startled expression.

- I am NOT in love with her!

- Then why do you take it upon yourself to defend her actions?

He took a step forward but stopped when he heard her retreat.

- Listen to yourself! – He growled -. I may not love her, but she is still my fiancé.

The knot on her throat became sharp, constricting.

She took a shaky breath and blinked away the mist of her eyes.

- Then go with her. I am going home.

She turned around quickly and looked for an open space where she could summon her broom and fly away. Ominis heard the pain in her voice.

- Wait, I didn't mean it like that – He walked after her – MC, please wait.

She knew better than to start talking now. Her voice would probably be unrecognizable.

- Wait – his hand found her arm and spun her around.

They struggled against each other.

- Stay still!

- Let me go – it came out in a sob.

Ominis' chest tightened when he heard her broken voice.

- MC?

She kept her mouth shut and kept trying to escape his arms, but he tightened his hold on her and brought a hand to her left cheek, finding it moist with tears.

- No – he whispered with realization-. No. No. ¡No, please don't cry! I am sorry. I am sorry.

Ominis brought her in for a hug. They both stayed like that for what felt like hours, just breathing. He kept making shushing sounds and kept apologizing to her. She stopped fighting, and when she was done and spent, she tried to pry herself away from him.

- Let me go – her voice was hoarse.

Ominis moved his head sideways and felt for her cheeks again, but she rejected his touch.

- I said let- me- go.

Ominis agreed.

- I am sorry – he started -. I... didn't mean to upset you. I am sorry.

- It's fine. I am fine!

Ominis sighed and felt he would be the one crying any time soon.

- It's not fine.

- Ominis...

- Let me explain! I was just worried. She – he swallowed -, Serafina just threatened to speak with her uncle about you. MC, he is basically your boss!

She looked at him, her vision still blurry.

Ominis took her cheek and rubbed the new tears away.

- I don't love her – he whispered.

She closed her eyes and another tear fell onto Ominis' fingers. She felt pathetic.

- It doesn't matter if you don't love her – she took a step back and wiped her face, thankful that she never wore make-up -. She is still your fiancé and of course, she comes first. I – she sighed –... it's about time I accept that.

- Accept it?

- Yes – she placed a nonverbal glamorous spell to hide her pain -. You would think that seeing you kiss her would be a wake-up call, but...

Ominis paled at the mention of the kiss.

- Wha... you... you saw it?

She looked at him with confusion.

- Of course, I saw it – she crossed her arms -. I had to step outside, because ... well, never mind. But yeah, I was there.

Ominis wanted the land to open its mouth and swallow his entire bloodline.

It hadn't been the first time, nor would it be the last he kissed Serafina, but the one thing he didn't want was for MC to be witness to it.

He hadn't forgotten, the nights they had spent at Hogwarts, hiding in the Undercroft, skimming the edges of the Forbidden Forest, looking for new places in Hogsmeade, touching hands "by accident", pressing their faces together when the Three Broomsticks was crowded enough to push them together.

He had wanted to kiss her then.

Merlin, he would bet she wanted to kiss him as well, but it had remained an unspoken thing for years. Painfully platonic since they were aware of their social differences and what their future would bring. It was Ominis who drew the line, and MC who tried to respect it while tempting him at the same time.

Because she was tempting and flirty, and warm, and her voice had plagued his most private dreams for years. So, kissing another in front of her was like a slap in the face for them both. To give someone else what belonged to another.

- I didn't want you to see that.

She didn't answer.

- For what is worth, everything I said before is the truth.

- Sure.

- I mean it.

- It doesn't matter.

- It matters to me! – He grew restless – I swear, it's just a marriage of convenience. No feelings were involved.

- Ominis... it doesn't change anything. And she... I think she has feelings for you.

Ominis moved his wand to find out where they were and realized they were on the side of the greenhouse that faced the mansion. He could still hear the music from there.

- I don't care. I have always been upfront with Serafina and like I said, this is a means to an end.

MC looked toward the mansion and noticed the illumination had turned red and then looked to the floor.

- I should probably go.

- My father wants to talk to you.

- I don't care. I work for the Ministry, not for him – she sighed -. Have a good night Ominis.

He made a gesture with his hand, asking her to wait.

- You are in no condition to fly.

She rolled her eyes.

- This is me we are talking about.

He pressed his eyes closed.

- There is a snowstorm, and the next Floo location is miles from here – he took her hand -. Walk with me.

MC looked up at him.

- At least until you have... calmed down a bit.

She looked at him, and for a moment she couldn't recognize him. Ominis didn't look as lively as he was earlier. Perhaps her outburst had been too revealing of her true feelings for him to accept.

- Fine – she pulled her hand away and started walking ahead of him.

Several minutes passed, with only the sound of their shoes on the pave stones, and the odd laugh of a woman in the distance.

- Have you seen Sebastian? – He tried to make conversation.

- No. I didn't know he was here- she clapped her hands behind her.

- I invited him. My father is planning an ambush with Byberg, and I thought you would need backup.

- I thought you were my backup – she joked.

He chuckled.

- Unfortunately, I have a reputation to uphold.

- That almost sounds like Hogwarts – she giggled -. It was fun to fight with you in the middle of the Great Hall.

- For you perhaps – his hand nestled in her lower back -. Sometimes it felt as if...

- As if...?

- As if you despised me.

She stopped.

- I could never hate you. What happened tonight wasn't your fault.

- I shouldn't have yelled at you. That was... I can't even excuse it!

- Were you really that worried?

- I am still worried – he nodded -. Angus Greengrass is not someone who abuses power; I know him to be just. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you, but even he is not immune to nepotism.

MC looked at the mansion.

- I have never met him, even though we work in the same building.

Ominis took her hand and pulled her to a stone bench and helped her sit down; he sat next to her while keeping a proper distance.

- I don't want him to hinder your career anymore, even if it's just to please Serafina.

- Ominis, my career is not going anywhere – she sneered.

He looked down to the floor, in shame.

- Because of my father.

She nodded.

- Maybe – MC took a deep breath -. Why do you need to speak with Mr Greengrass? Is it a family thing?

- Sort of. I am trying to build connections with the Ministry.

- Why? Is it at your father's request?

Ominis looked up to the sky and MC followed suit.

The stars were hidden by the snowstorm howling on the outside of the magical field that kept it at bay. Ominis was probably unaware of it, but imagining the night sky was one of his hobbies.

- No. My father didn't ask for it.

- Then why bother yourself with politics? – Her head leaned on the stone so she could see his profile - That's not like you. 

Ominis's throat bobbed as he swallowed.

- I need to stay one step ahead if I want to take over my family's inheritance. 

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