Part 2

174 9 6

Author's Note:

Find Audio on my TickTock account: Lilycha10


Ominis knew she was looking at him intently. But unless she brought it up first, he couldn't be bothered to explain himself. The sensation of the carriage being pulled by Hippogriffs was relaxing and allowed him to think without fearing for his life.

Perhaps she didn't notice the exchange. She might not ask...

- Are we going to talk about it?

"Never mind"

- Talk about what? - His voice deeper.

He could hear her groan.

- Who was she? – she was amused. He could tell.

- Nobody.

- Mm. Do you let anyone from the Ministry use your first name?

He held the bridge of his nose.

- The Ministry? – Of course, he didn't see her clothes, so he didn't know how she came to be there- The voice seemed familiar -he lied smoothly-. Perhaps someone from Hogwarts. Although, I can't imagine any of my friends would work for the Ministry.

- True- she sounded bored and disinterested. But he knew it was a trick.

- Why did you come back? I told you to wait for me.

- I could hardly do nothing when I saw her coming onto you. The nerve of that peasant. Talking to you like you are friends.

- I didn't know you were so worried about me.

- Hardly. I was looking out for myself.

They remained in silence for the rest of the trip.

The carriage lowered itself on the lawn of the Greengrass mansion after 20 more minutes. Ominis stepped out and took her hand to help her down. She grabbed his hand with a smooth motion.

- Are you staying tonight? - She didn't invite him directly, as usual.

- I am afraid not.

- It is a long ride home.

- I have things to do.

Ominis jumped back into the carriage and just like that, the carriage was swept away by the Hippogriffs. On the lawn below, Serafina Greengrass saw him leave with an amused look in her eyes.


- Do not speak to anyone about this- he handed the coachman a pouch heavy with galleons.

- Are you sure you will be ok, Sir? This place is... unbecoming of you.

- Do as you are told- His dark silhouette blended itself with the darkness of the night.


She wasn't proud of this decision. She should have just gone home; but instead, she decides to enter the first bar that crossed her path. She just felt like having a drink, but the atmosphere was shifty.

Now that she was sitting in the bar all by herself, she realized that it was pointless. She didn't have any friends to share a drink with, or at least, none that were close enough to join her. She drank the contents of the glass in front of her, feeling the fire whisky burn its way down.

"I should go home."- This was not her type of place.

Men were looking at her with too much interest, and the thought of having an uncomfortable encounter with them was enough to put her plan in motion.

Pure Inheritance ~ Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now