Part 5

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Author's Note: 

The picture is what I imagine Corvinus Gaunt to look like.

I am sorry it took so long to update. 

Please don't forget to vote, so more readers can find this story and follow my TickTock account if you want to listen to the dialogues. 



She distinctly remembered the first time she had met, or rather, spoken with Ominis Gaunt. It was the sort of scenario that Sebastian had warned her about only fifteen minutes ago; right before he taught her a new offensive spell. It had been bad luck to encounter the same boy she was supposed to avoid at all costs, and utterly terrifying to confront someone who shared his disdain for her so openly.

Ominis towered over her even back then, with his face contorted in disgust and disappointment, as he was forced to hear her poor thought lies. In retrospect, MC could now recognize that other than betrayal, he probably felt humiliated. Ominis hated to be kept in the dark -no pun intended -, but his attitude from that day now seemed so out of character that she was tempted to believe she had dreamed the whole thing.

There was one thing though, that kept her from forgetting such a nasty behavior portrayed by such a sweet boy. And that was his good looks.

She would be lying if she said that was not the first thing she noticed.

The paleness of his eyes trying to express discontent.

Or his beauty marks distinguished over his pale complexion.

Or his obvious discomfort at being in front of someone he didn't know, nor could trust.

Ominis had always seemed ethereal to her. Handsome and magnetic even when he was upset; and Merlin could testify she had given him plenty of reasons and opportunities to be upset. But Ominis was never someone to fear, rather, he was someone she respected. She wanted to impress him and prove her worth as anything other than a dark wizard, or an ignorant witch that knew nothing of this new world.

Ominis had that sort of power over her.

But, to see this man in front of her with features that mirrored Ominis' -if more mature -, looking at her with a threatening sweetness, was unnerving. Her brain conjured a scenario where her beautiful boy had grown into a nasty excuse of a man, abusing someone powerless to him and disregarding his morals to reach a goal.

They looked that much alike.

So much that she wanted to grab Corvinus' face and slap some sense into him. The lapse only lasted a second. Perhaps two.

She forced herself to remember her mist-eyed snake could never be like this.

- Darling – it came Nefari's tiny whimper.

The woman was grabbing onto her husband's wrist, trying to make him relent on his punishment.

- You see, my wife sometimes forgets her manners – Corvinus let go of Nefari's hair and chuckled as if the whole thing was an innocent joke.

MC was trapped in the man's eyes.

He was performing for her. This demonstration of pettiness was meant for her amusement, and she was tempted to touch Ominis' hand for guidance.

Was she supposed to enjoy it?

Was she supposed to be scared?

Ominis on the other hand was drinking from his glass with leisure.

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