Mommy's Belt

By fennyfawk

78.8K 372 27

A boy gets adopted by a strict young mother in a matriarchal world. More

Mommy's Milk
Music and Sushi
Character art
Photographic Memory
Stephanie gets in trouble
Stephanie's punishment
Writer's block
Too cute to spank

Running around the house

24.1K 79 12
By fennyfawk

Sammy knew this wasn't going to end well but he just had to get it out of his system! The newly adopted boy old marched through his home in his oversized comic book tshirt and undies, his skinny legs bare. In his hands were clutched his fearsome nemesis, mommy's belt!

He was close to crying. Sammy wanted a nice relaxing weekend with mommy. But he ended up having far too much fun with  their dog Benny that he accidentally ended up smashing her vase!

He knew he'd be blistered for this. He had gotten spanked three times for running around in the house and disturbing her while writing. Sammy had hoped because mommy stepped out to sunbathe he'd not be bugging her but now it was worse!

The boy walked out of the house, quickly rushing through the white sands of their private beach so his feet wouldn't get burned. The view always made him happy despite the unpleasantness of the situation. He was hoping he'd be able to swim either in the beach or the pool in the evening but he doubted he'd be in any condition to enjoy it.

"Mommy," he called out as he approached the beautiful thirty year old Booker prize winner, skipping on his feet as the heat from the midday sun got the sand real unpleasant. Isabella was lying face down, her jet black hair cascading past her shoulder and wearing just a thong. Sammy was by now used to people showing skin in Grenkas. Half the country were pagan nudists and Isabella was one from her mother's side and followed a few of their beliefs.

"Hmm?" she raised her head. Sammy realised she had her headphones on.

"Oww mommy!" he walked up to her towel. Isabella laughed at seeing him dance.

"Awe baby, come here!" she turned around and held up her arms with Sammy just jumping into her. "Why didn't you wear slippers? It's hot, your feet will get burned." she began giving him soft little kisses as he buried his face in between her large bare breasts.

"Mommy, I was bad now," he blabbed out. Isabella felt the cold metal buckle of her belt graze her flat stomach.

"Owie, you got mommy's belt out? This must be serious!" she smiled inwardly. It was always an intimate experience disciplining her son. She had Sammy for a month now but often she felt like she was just pretending to be his mother. That they were just two actors playing a role. There was a layer of politeness the pair held the first couple of weeks before moving home that was more of a babysitter and her charge.

But the moment she started to spank him, that was the point she realised that Sammy was hers. He wasn't a stranger, she wasn't 'putting on an act'. Every lick of her belt and every one of her kisses were dripping with love.

"I uhhh ran around the house playing with
Benny and I ended up smashing your vase," He mumbled into her chest, his warm breath ticklish on her skin.

Isabella gently rubbed his back. "The black vase?" She questioned.

"Uh huh, the one you had on the box," he nodded. The expensive one, he knew...which was what made him cry so much. He still didn't realise how rich Isabella was and she had mentioned it costed around ten thousand Gold, a frankly ludicrous amount of money for the boy.

Isabella had to stop herself from laughing. He broke the god awful vase her ex had sent her! It felt almost poetic in a way. The last memory of the worst relationship she ever had being destroyed by the one boy who she knew loved her more than any of those cheating jerks.

"Hey, sshhh," Isabella began rocking him. "Sweetheart, mommy needs a lot of kisses to process what you said."

"But I was bad mommy, I disobeyed you and I was running and playing and having fun when it's not allowed!" He cried.

"Who said you aren't allowed to have fun?" Bella questioned sharply, cupping his chin and having him face her. The poor thing was pink faced and puffy, his big eyes flowing with tears.

"Uhh, I got belted for running around. Was having fun then, that's not allowed right?" He asked unsurely and Isabella realised she had a lot more work to do to gain his trust. He was still a boy broken by the orphanages from his home country, one constantly torn apart by wars. Of course he was going to need time.

"Go upto mommy's room now and take your undies off. I'll be up in five minutes after cleaning the mess. Don't want Benny to get cut up," She set him down and offered her slippers. "Don't burn your feet. Only your bottom is allowed to be hot." She said with a kiss.

Sammy nodded sadly. "Okay mommy," he turned to go but remembered something. The boy turned back to her and stood on his tiptoes to give Isabella about six kisses. "To process," He expained before scurrying away.

Sammy was kneeling by the corner of her bed, bare bottomed when he heard the sound of his mother's footsteps come up.

He was nervous, his bottom clenched in anticipation. In his hand was scribbles of a note which he had prepared.

He hoped it would be enough. Sammy had a plan which he wanted to see if mommy would accept.

The door opened and Isabella's beautiful form entered, her hand on her hips.

"Well it wasn't that bad, Benny's not hurt," she smiled, walking over to where her son was and laying next to him. She put the belt by the side and leaned to cuddle.

"Mommy I'm sorry for causing you a lot of money," he whispered softly. "But i promise I'll pay you back. How much was the vase?" he enquired. He had a ten gold per week allowance so he guessed he could pay her back with it. Sammy might end up having to skip some lunches at school but he could do with that, mommy always had dinner and breakfast anyway.

"That thing? Around ten thousand gold I guess," Isabella shrugged.

Sammy almost started to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She was genuinely shocked by his tears, not realising how guilty the boy felt.

"I'm sovieee! I pwomise I'll pay you back Mama!" He cried. He had expected it to be in the thousands range at most, which could be paid back in a year. "I'll go get a job then, I can work."

"Work?" Bella frowned, pulling him onto her lap. "But you are still quite little! You aren't allowed to work till you are fifteen and even then you need my permission. Why do you want to work? To pay me back?" She questioned.

"Because I broke it, I don't want to be a burden," he cried. "I'll skip my meals then, you don't have to make so much for me. And you don't need to give me allowance, that should mean you don't have to lose money right?" He was thinking of ways she could save money. Isabella did love buying him clothes, expensive ones. Ironic considering she rarely wore any but.. "Don't need clothes too, I can be nakey like you."

His last statement got his mother to chuckle. "But I like seeing you in your cute cartoon tees," she gave him a wet kiss. "What's the point of having a boy who got his ageing paused if I can't let him enjoy a long fun childhood? It's a mother's job to get my baby all the nice stuff," she cooed and began kissing him a lot.  It was actually pleasant...

"Wait mommy, if I'm age paused then then can't I start working part time?" Sammy asked hopefully. He had his age suppression shots that delayed his ageing a fair bit which when combined with his poor nutrition had got him grow smaller. But his brain was still sharp when it came to math and science subjects and he could maybe get some accounting or bookkeeping work... Sammy realised he might have a chance to pay her back!

"You aren't leaving this household alone until you are physically old enough to be considered an older teen," Isabella shot his idea down point blank. She actually liked the fact he would not grow up so soon. For her Sammy was the best of both worlds, a boy little enough to love having a mommy but old enough he didn't need her all the time. She had to take him to different doctors and all of whom were in agreement that he had at least a decade and a half before he reached physical adulthood.


"No buts young man. First off, have you considered the possibility that I'm not expecting you to pay for the vase?" Isabella asked, a question which the boy was genuinely surprised by.

"Of course you want me to pay you back. Why else would you-" as he spoke, Sammy bit his lip. Wait, mommy wasn't a foster parent! She wasn't doing this for money like the rest of the folks who had taken him in who basically saw him as a part time employee and meal ticket. She wasn't looking for two hundred Gold a month of allowance and feeding him scraps- if anything she splurged quickly for things she wanted for him without a second thought. Nice clothes and games...

"But it's still ten thousand Gold... Is a lot," Sam said quietly. The most outrageous purchase she got was a gaming console and a dozen games and that was still half the price.

The boy looked up at his beautiful young mommy as she leaned to pick him up and kiss him. A big, wet slimy kiss right on his cheek. "Eeeww!" Sammy giggled despite himself as he was carried over to her bed, deposited on her lap facing her.

"Samuel Isabella Power, I did not adopt you to make money, you understand that right? You are not here on a temporary stay and I am not a foster mother who is looking at you as an investment," Isabella declared firmly, now having decided he was ready to have this *talk* she had been dreading all month long.

"Well that's only partially true..." she paused, gently running her slender fingers through his hair as he gazed up at her with those bright eyes of his. "The Grenkas government in fact does have an outsized interest in taking in boys and girls like you raised with their ageing slowed. They are looking to see how well you do in your classes and how your brain develops. It's why I was selected to be your mother. Mommy's rich enough to finance any further studies you will need as you finish your classes and I have a fair bit of influence internationally to get you into most universities." Isabella pointed out. Indeed she was thought of as the perfect specimen for one of the first adopters, wealthy and single with plenty of free time to deal with a biologically altered boy.

Sam took a bit of time to process those words and at the end of it, he felt surprisingly quite happy about the whole thing. She did have a reason why she wanted him and not some other cute younger baby. The government wanted him to be smart and mommy was very clever so they got paired up. This bit of information helped him concede that even if she has taken him in against her will, he could still be in control of his narrative by being the smartest boy in class and make her be proud of him.

"I'm sorry for breaking your vase mommy," he spoke in his brave boy voice.

"Yes, and you will be punished for that right now." Isabella noted, now serious. "Not for breaking that ugly thing, I could care less about that. But you almost broke the neck of my little boy, the most precious thing in my life."

Sam felt steam practically come out of his ear as she guided him close into her breasts. His eyes latched onto those twin big firm but soft orbs, ones which he had gotten used to of late as the perfect soft pillows to rest on while the pair watched TV together. "I just slipped," he purred.

"And you could've gotten hurt. Which, for the record is why I forbade you from running around the house. Not for not having fun like you said before." Isabella was still miffed by the comment. She doted on him, let him play video games for a couple of hours a week if he was good and she played with him. She wasn't a killjoy!

"Baby, there are a few things that I want to establish from this moment on for how the rest of our life is going to be," Isabella stated.

"Can it be ..after spankies? Clean slate." Sam said softly. Clean slate was a term she used the first few times he got the belt which he liked. It meant that he didn't have to worry about guilt and sadness and just focus on being hugged and kissed.

"Fair enough," Isabella smiled. Maybe later, she thought as she picked him up, carrying him to the small couch in front of her vanity mirror. She adjusted him so he was laying face down, looking straight at the mirror with his rump upturned as mommy went to grab her belt.

"Because it's risking your life, mommy's gonna triple your age." Isabella declared.

"But you said I'm over seventeen once!" Sammy gasped.

"I'm considering you to be ten," Isabella explained as she began working him over, slowly marching the belt across his bottom from the top to his thighs. She spanked methodically, giving him a few seconds for the pain to really wash over him and struggle before she gave the next. Sammy cried, he howled and begged, eyes forward seeing the beautiful nude goddess scrunch her face up with determination as she punished her boy.

"If I ever see you run around the house little man I'll give you mommy's belt every day for a week! That's not having fun, that's being reckless. You may be smarter and older than a ten year old but you sure aren't more mature than one and mommy's going to change that, understood?" Isabella scolded as she got to the thighs by the nineth stroke, going back to repeat the whole ordeal again. This time it was even more painful as she spanked the recently tenderised buns and tears started flowing like a faucet.

"I'll be good momma! Waaahh!" Sammy began crying as the third coat of Isabella's special red paint was applied on his cute posterior. She didn't say much, concentrating on the whipping before she got to thirty licks and picked the boy up for a big warm cuddle.

It took Sammy close to five minutes to get his crying to stabilize into sniffles. His face was red and puffy, long black hair ruffled and sweaty. His arms clung tight around Isabella's neck as he gave her a small pitiful look.

"You're okay baby boy, mommy's got you." She cooed. She had grabbed a tissue to clean his face. Her large full breasts were now wet and shiny with his salty tears as she let him rest his head on them.

"Hurts." He mumbled. He had noticed that she was rubbing some aloe cream on them the last two minutes.

"It's a sore bottom. Nothing fatalistic," Isabella smiled. "Little boys raised in the armies with resilient bums, ones which was designed for their big strong mommies to redden again and again. A little of mommy's aloe cream and it's back to new by tomorrow morning."

He looked up and gave a small nod. "Used to get it a lot back when I was underground. When I was..." well, not little...Sam was still in his teens at that time though he had not grown up in five years.

Isabella took note of that. "I've heard. From what we know they intended to keep you young for longer so your brains could learn more and more before getting bigger, they were trying to turn you into super geniuses for the war. But along the way they realised your childish instincts just grew more prominent and soon you needed spankings to keep you in line as nothing worked."

"Is this why mommy spanks me so much?" He asked.

"It's my job to make sure you have a full childhood. And yes, spankings will be a big part of that. Along with cuddles and kisses." She began to pepper his whole face with big wet kisses, getting him to laugh.

"You are my baby, Sammy and you will remain my baby for many years." She declared fondly. "So there's plenty of time for you to get to know mommy."

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