Together Again - District3...

Oleh MyMindAmusesMe

11.7K 125 79

[Book 1] - We've had a lot of bumps in the road. We were friends and lovers but we ended things, well he ende... Lebih Banyak

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Author's Note
Part 11
Author's Note
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33

Part 13

344 4 4
Oleh MyMindAmusesMe

Part 13: -

Micky’s POV

I still can’t think of a way to make it up to Ella. I want to do something original because originality gets you everywhere. I’m still trying to think and most of the options that people are coming up with, people have already done.  

   We’re still on the x factor tour so I can’t just go be with her for a while. I don’t know how I can show my love for her. I’ve tried racking my brains for everything. I’ve thought of creating a YouTube video for her, sending her flowers, pampering her with gifts, writing a song, you know just everything. However, I know what I need to do. I need to tell the truth before Alex tells it for me.  I know it’s not exactly proving my love for Ella but its one-step further in the process. And the best hostess of internet gossip here in the UK is Sugarscape.

“DAN!” I screeched down the tour bus. I was running towards him in an unpleasant manner because he needed to ask Lottie out because if she knew someone liked her and then they didn’t do anything about it, she turned into a right bitch and turned on all her friends. She’s already did it with Ella and Rachel. Let me tell you something about Lottie, she’s a bitch and that’s putting it politely. She always wants to be centre of attention and when she doesn’t get her own way she destroys everything and everyone.  Ben liked Lottie at first but she used to tear strips off the boy and he moved on to Rachel. I’m actually glad he’s with Rachel instead of Lottie because she’d hurt him. Badly. Let’s just say Dan’s in for a bumpy ride if he ever gets with her.

“What?” He angrily replies. I probably should’ve expected that but hey, he needs to calm his “girlfriend” down.

“You better ask Lottie out properly soon otherwise she’s going to freak out and take it out on others. If she’s not already done that,” I reply politely. I knew not to lose my cool with him because then he’d start and be angry and whatnot, we so didn’t need angry Dan today. Especially, not with the interview.

“I’m trying Micky. I’ve already asked her through text but she rejected me and told me to ask her properly, like seriously, what do I do? How can I ask her properly when we’re on tour and mile away from them?” Dan said sighing. I knew how he felt because trying to prove you love someone is really hard.

“Dan, I know how you feel. Ella wants to give us another go but I’ve got to prove my love to her and I’ve no idea what the hell to do to prove that I do still love her and I’ll do anything for her”

“Micky, firstly, you need to admit to yourself that you love her. That you’re willing to give time for her and even prepare yourself for when and if she passes. Secondly, you need to tell the world as to how you feel, explain the reason why you ended things with her and also explain to the world everything. You can tell Sugarscape this afternoon that you had a drunken gay kiss, which sparked the end of your relationship because you wanted to stop the rumours forming about the band. However, just be yourself is the main thing. Show Ella love and affection but don’t be too clingy because it’ll just drive her away but lastly you need to let her know personally that you love her. Create a YouTube video or do something creative to show you really care” I knew Dan was right I still didn’t know. I’m just generally so confused.

“I’m scared though Dan. I’m scared that she’ll turn me away even though she’s admitted to wanting to be with me. I don’t want to be hurt anymore. I’m also scared that if I reveal everything about Ella and I, I’ll be brandished as a terrible human being. Dan, we had sex at 16 and I got Ella pregnant. Yes, we might’ve been at the legal age to have sex but Dan, we were too young to be parents. I’m a tool”

“Micky, man up. Ella loves you, which is why she’s giving you a second chance. Yes, you may have to prove it but she loves you. Greg and I saw that when we were with you before you two broke up and we can still see that now. The way she looks at you, there’s love shown through her eyes. They glimmer at the sight of you. Micky, she loves you and she’ll always love you. Well she will according to me but don’t give up and prove to her that you love her before it’s well too late. However, what should I do about Lottie?”

“Just do what you’ve told me to do. Take your own advice Dan. Lottie likes you, a lot but she’s a bit sensitive. She’s also a bit crazy. I’m talking from a friend perspective. I don’t know what she’s like with you but Dan, be careful with her. When is the Sugarscape interview though?”

“In 5 minutes actually” He simply stated while looking out the window. Although we were on the tour bus, we were stopping quite soon to talk to the Sugarscape gang. I was nervous but all right at the time because this was the time everything was coming out in the open. Let the games begin because I’m pretty sure I’m going to be backlashed for it all.

   We’d arrived at the office now. My nerves are setting in. Dan’s gave me about a million reassuring smiles but I can’t help but feel fake. This was going to be a long interview.

I: So guys what’s it like being on tour?

D: It’s actually pretty amazing. Being with all the other guys is fun too but the rush performing on stage is so damn good.

G: I’d have to agree with Dan on this one. We all love it and it’s pretty amazing. I hope that we’ll be able to have our own soon too.

I: Do you guys have any relationships going?

G: I’ve actually been in contact with a girl named Maria, she’s hyperactive a lot but she’s a real ball of fun.

D: I have asked a girl out; she rejected me and told me to do it the right way.

M: I’m actually still in love with my ex-girlfriend.

I: Micky, you say you’re still in love with your ex, why did you guys split up?

M: I actually cheated on her. I kissed a guy when I was drunk, of course, I regret it but we can’t undo the past. However, that isn’t the full reason as to why I broke things off. My ex and I have a past together, some memories we’d rather not have out in the open and of course I called it off to protect her because she’s sensitive at times. Although she says she’s fine with handling things, I know she’s not. Nevertheless, that’s also not the whole reason. I was threatened too. Someone else loved my ex-girlfriend and he got jealous that I got the title of the first love since them two were somewhat friends before I got there. He knew of my drunk kiss and was going to plaster it around the world if I didn’t break it off with my girlfriend. I wanted to protect the boys so I hurt myself in the process, as I knew that the picture would make people think we’re all gay in the band. None of us is gay and although the boys said, they were fine with it coming out. I wasn’t. I was scared.

I: Do you plan on getting your ex-girlfriend back?

M: She actually approached me and asked me to prove my love for her. I do love her, I’ll always love her and I do know there will be backlash for this but it’s my life and I can what I want. We all make mistakes we’re not proud of.

I: Does your beautiful ex-girlfriend have a name?

M: She does. She’s called Ella. Not to be confused with Ella Henderson, a completely different Ella.

I: Other than Micky’s love confession, do you guys plan to be releasing anything soon?

D: That is something we’re unfortunately not allowed to tell. Strict orders from Jayne. Sorry.

I: That’s all right. So what do you guys see happening in the future?

G: Well we all hope to be making music still but I think I’d personally like to settle down too. I know I’m nearly 19 but hey, we’re never too young to settle down. Ha!

D: I can agree with Greg on all that except I’m nearly 20. Wow, I’m old. Gosh.

M: I’d personally love to continue making music but I’d also love to be able to be there for Ella, a lot.

I: If you had to choose love or music, what would you chose?

D: Music. Music’s a big deal in my life so obviously music.

G: I’d have to disagree with Dan. I’d love to be in love. I don’t want to be a sad old codger all my life.

M: I have to agree with Greg, love is amazing once you get into it but I’d have to agree with Dan on some retrospect. Music is our lives too but it’s a tossup for me.

I: Unfortunately, that’s time up guys. We’ve been Sugarscape interviewing X Factor’s finest District3.

M: Bye

G: Bye

D: Bye

Well, that was fun. NOT. Step one complete. Now onto the next steps. Although I’ve admitted one part of the reason, I still need to do the others. I still need to prove to her that I love her. How the hell do I do that? Impossible.

Ella’s POV

I was missing Lottie like hell. She’s my best friend for god’s sake. I still can’t get over what she did because it’s as if she’s jealous. I think she’s jealous because I have three men wanting me and she can barely get Dan. I also think she finally realises that Alex was just using her to get to me.  It wasn’t that hard to figure out when he tried to rape me in the middle of the corridor, in my own home while Lottie was soon to give birth. Men are such man whores but I’m intrigued as to how Micky will prove his love to me.

“You know thinking constantly will give you wrinkles” Rachel’s sweet voice rung out.

“I just can’t help it. Lottie’s one of my best friends and she walked out because I asked Micky back out and on top of that I feel like refusing my treatment again just so I can wallow away in my self-pity because dying freaking sucks. I know there are people out there who’re worse than me, Rachel but I just can’t help it. Everyone leaves me because I want to make my own mistakes, I’m not a baby, I’m 18 years old. Yes, I might’ve been upset when Micky left but I found out the whole reason as to why he did it. I know he was being threatened and I know he wanted to protect me and his band mates but I don’t know”

“El, Lottie will come round. She’s a heartless bitch at times and we all know that. It’s your life; make all the mistakes you want. We’ll still be here helping you no matter the consequences.  However, please don’t give up your treatment because we all want you here in 50 years’ time when we’re going round the old folks home in our mobility scooters. We love you Ella, no matter the consequences and no matter what happens”

“Thanks Rach but shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?”

“Um, I’m actually off on the sick. I’m pregnant Ella” Wait what? Rachel’s pregnant. Now that is good news.

“Congratulations. Is it Ben’s?”

“Yep, thankfully. Ella, you will have kids if that’s what you’re thinking about. Ella, you will get better and you will have a family and we’ll all be here supporting you along the way”

“I’ve already lost one kid Rach, I can’t do it again”

“Since when were you pregnant?”

“I was 16. Micky and I had sex on our birthday, I was due on my period a few weeks later and of course, it never came. I took a pregnancy test came back positive and then a few weeks later I took pains and I miscarried”

“Did you use protection?”

“The condom broke. Yes, Micky and I might’ve been too young to be parents but we were ready. Although, on the day of the pains we were coming to tell everyone but that day turned into a downer so we hid, in our special tree house”

“Oh, so that’s why you both went missing for a night?”

“Yeah. I was too distraught to face anyone so we hid and just held each other for the night. It’s also the reason why I’m so protective over Shannon even though she isn’t my daughter”

“Did you know what you were having?” Rachel said while sitting down. It felt nice to confide in someone other than my brother. I could cry without feeling any remorse. I know Rachel’s pregnancy will be hard on me considering the circumstances but I’m willing to put all aside and be the friend I should be.

“Nope, it was far too early to find out. Both Micky and I hoped for a little boy first. We even had names picked out. Holly for a girl and Jonah for a boy. None of us knew why we picked those names but we did”

“Ella, you’re brave. You’re strong and you will get through this. We’ll all be there every step of the way. Micky loves you, he’s always loved you. Even when we were, little we could see how much you meant to him. He’s had love shining in his eyes ever since we were small. You always wondered what we teased Micky about, now you know. We always told him to ask you out but he never did. Not until you were both 15 and you nearly said yes to snot rag Matthew. Micky was scared in case you turned him down”

“I wouldn’t have turned him down because I loved him too. Micky and I just got on like a house on fire so it was easy to fall in love with him. Rach, have I done the right thing in asking Micky to be my boyfriend again?”

“You haven’t as long as you make him work for it. Make him prove that he still loves you and wants you to be there with him every step of the way. Ella, everyone knows you love him. Alex is threatened by Micky somehow. We all know Alex loves you so there’s no doubting why Micky ended things because we all know how dirty Alex can get. Ella, Micky will be home in less than 2 weeks, I know you’ll be on treatment then and can’t drink but let your hair down and have fun with him. Babe, we’ll be there as best as we can, don’t worry about everything and just let it flow freely”

“Thanks Rachel. How far along are you?”

“I’m 4 weeks. I know it’s a bit early to be off on the sick but my doctor advised it because I’m being sick far too much and the smell of alcohol will put me at an even worse risk”

“Wait, weren’t you working yesterday?”

“Short shift, got told to leave before it got worse. Anyhow, enough about me. May I ask why you decided to take Micky back after a year apart?”

“I missed him Rach. I missed his cuddles, I missed the sweet memories we created, I missed the serious conversations we were able to have together but more importantly, I missed his warmth and his loving. That makes me delusional, I know but I just love him so damn much and I can’t get rid of it”

“El, it’s been obvious over the last year that you still love him because whenever you heard about him being romantically linked to anyone, you flipped. Big time. We’ve known forever”

“Am I that easy to read? Like seriously, am I?”

“A little but Ella, we’ve been your friends for years, obviously we know how to read you. Anyhow, I need to go see Ben for five minutes. You sure you’ll manage on your own?”

“I’ll be fine Rachel. Go see your baby daddy”

“Thanks and Ella, you’ve done the right thing. Don’t listen to Lottie, she’s just jealous because she can’t get the guy she wants” I smiled as Rachel left. Was I really doing the right thing? I honestly felt deflated because it didn’t feel right. I’d lost my best friend because I asked Micky back out. We’ve all got to live on the fast side of life because some of us might not make it another year. Some of us may not make it until tomorrow so, why hold back? It just doesn’t seem real at times but sometimes you’ve just got to do it.

Micky’s POV

I’m recording a YouTube video for her. It’s not very original but I’m trying. It’s going to be a cover but the song was a problem. I couldn’t think of one that described how I really felt towards Ella. I love her but how do you put it into a song? It’s impossible. Love is just an impossible feeling to describe, everyone’s different. When I’m with Ella, I’m ecstatic, I feel invincible. I love her because she’s perfect, she doesn’t care what others think and she’s just herself. She’s crazy and she can make you laugh even in the worst of situations but every bump in the road, it’s made her stronger. She’s an amazing person and she cares about everyone.

“Guys, what song should I sing for Ella. Like seriously, I need to let her know how I feel and I know I’ve still got to prove things to her but I just want to make her something personal. I know the whole world will see it but I need to let her know”

“Micky, you could try ‘Next to you’ by Chris Brown and Justin Bieber. I know there will be a bit that you’ll get chocked up at but we’ll help cover it with you so you won’t be vulnerable on your own” Greg spoke up. He was confined to his phone a lot. Obviously, things are getting heated with Maria. Maria’s a real sweet girl, a bit hyperactive but nice. She’ll obviously tame Greg.

“Thanks Greg before we settle on it, is there any other song choices?”

“What about ‘What my heart wants to say’ by Gareth Gates. I know the songs sort of old but it suits the situation and then you won’t get chocked up by the baby part in Next to you”

“Dan, you’re a genius. I know that song, I played it a lot but by god, it’s amazing” I exclaimed giving Dan a big sloppy kiss on his cheek. His face was priceless. Let’s just say shocked wasn’t the word.

    The next two hours were of us practising the song on the guitar and the chords of the song before we recorded it. I was to sing it all on my lonesome but Greg and Dan joined in on the harmonies and the chorus. They just couldn’t be in the video and not sing. It had to be fair and this was fair to them.

“You guys ready now?” I asked, sitting right in front of the camera.

“As we’ll ever be,” Greg replied, giving a smile towards Dan who just returned it. I pressed record on the video. This is it, me proving my love. Well part of it.

“Ella, I’m sorry I can’t be in person singing this to you or even there in person proving to you that I still love you. I’ve always loved you; it’s been far too hard to forget you. I just wish that I didn’t end things last year but I hope you understand my reasons as to why I had to. For the fans that are watching this you’ll understand soon when Sugarscape publish the interview they did with us. However, Ella, I love you so damn much and I’ll keep proving to you that I love you for a really long time but for now I hope you enjoy the song” I said as Dan started the first chord.

You're amazing

So amazing

Have I told you


You're my angel

Guardian angel

God knows I've been blessed with love

But if I been gone tomorrow

Would you know how deep my loves goes

Have I ever told you

You're the one

If the words don't come my way

Hope its still love

Hope it still shows

If the words don't come my way

Hope you still know what my heart wants to say

A love so tender

I surrender

To this feeling

So true

My affirmation

My inspiration

Darling I have been blessed with you

If the words don't come my way

Hope you still know

Hope it still shows

If the words don't come my way

I hope you still know what my heart wants to say

But if I be gone tomorrow

Would you know how deep my loves goes

If I was gone forever

Would you know how much I care

You make me feel like flying

I'm sailing on your ocean

That everytime you look at me

You see it in my eyes

If the words don't come my way

I hope you still know

If the words don't come my way

I hope you still know

I hope it still shows

If the words don't come my way

I hope you still know

What my heart wants to say

If the words don't come my way

I hope you still know

Hope it still shows

If the worst don't come my way

I hope you still know

I hope it still shows

I hope still you know

What my heart wants to say

We finished the song. I just hope she likes the song. I just want to prove to her that I love her so damn much.

“Do you think it’ll do?” Dan asked.

“I’ve no idea Dan but I can only try,” I admitted sheepishly. The video was uploading now. I just hope this works in many ways than one.  I love her and that’s all that matters right now. We were made to be together. This was the final chance. Read it and weep. 

A/N: - 

Thank you for the support and things. Thanks for the reads and the votes. Honestly, thanks for making this one of my popular stories :) 

My dad was meant to be getting out on Monday but we don't know if he'll get out since he got a set back today. His oxygen levels in his blood was down low so he's having to go on oxygen again. 

I hope you enjoy this and the video to the song is at the side if you want to know how the song goes and oh the dedication goes to xo_Cee_xo for actually giving me some ideas in the last part :) 

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