The Bad Boy Tells

By BleuEvon

24.1K 605 190

Troy King is a bad boy,a very rich bad boy who doesn't take orders from anybody("take a look at my last name;... More

Prologue- The King
Chapter 1- No Thanks For the Bus Ride
Chapter 2 - Lunch with the Richmonds
Chapter 3 - Pointing Fingers
Chapter 4- Tro Ho
Chapter 5- I Run Football
Chapter 6 - Like a Date?
Chapter 8- Jealousy Sparks
Chapter 9- Party Pooper.

Chapter 7- Diner Dash

1.2K 47 19
By BleuEvon

The second try outs for the opening position ended and I was feeling pretty good. Coach Griffin said he would tell us who made the team tomorrow at practice. Part of me wanted to make it; while the other part of me was lazy and didn't really care.

As I headed out of the locker room, I heard my name being called. I turned and saw Sean walking up to me.

"Hey," I said, nodding.

"Hey," Sean said. "Me and some of the guys are going to California Diner, wanna come?"

"I don't really have any money on me right now," I said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm paying. My mom is dating the owner." Sean winked.

I laughed and shrugged.

"Sure, I'll come. Just let me tell my uncle." I pulled out my cell phone and texted my uncle, telling him where I was going. "So, will Alexis be at the diner?" I asked Sean casually as we headed out of the school.

"Probably," Sean mumbled.

"Cool." I grinned.

"But..uh, she might not sit with us," Sean said awfully quickly. "I mean, since you'll be there."

I nodded and frowned.

"I seriously don't understand what she has against me,haha," I said.

"Seriously?" Sean stopped walking when we got to an 80's mustang.

I nodded.

"You drive?" I asked.

"Yup," Sean said. He unlocked the car and we got in. "Alexis doesn't like you because you're obviously too cocky and self absorbed."

I smirked.

"I am not cocky or self absorbed," I protested.

Sean snickered.

"Yeah right."

"Yeah, anyways, what exactly does Alexis like in a guy?" I asked Sean.

He shrugged.

"I'll tell you one thing: she doesn't like anything about you."

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I don't know why," I said. "I'm perfect."

"See, you're being cocky right now."

I laughed.

"Look, that's just my personality and who I am. If Alexis doesn't like that, then that's too bad. I'm gonna make her mine no matter how hard it takes."

* * * * *

We arrived at California Diner and I then realized I was extremely hungry. I had only eaten cereal and half of a sandwich Kat had given me at lunch. That Ryan guy had slammed my lunch to the floor like some tough guy. He was lucky that Kat held me back before I could brake his neck.

Sean and I walked into the diner.

"Hey, Chris," Sean called to a man who walked past.

"Hey,Sean," Chris said. "Your friends are at table 4. Do me a favor and help me out out back. It's busy today."

Sean sighed and followed Chris to the kitchen. I looked around the diner and spotted some of the football players at a table in the back. I walked over to them.

" 'Sup, guys," I said, nodding.

"Hey, Troy, right?" a skinny blonde boy asked.

"Yeah." I sat down in the chair next to him and looked at the menu.

"What's to eat in this place?" I grumbled.

"If I were you, i'd order the pizza cause that's all Chris gives us for free seconds."

I laughed.

"I'm Cody, by the way," the blonde boy said.

I nodded.

"So, you think you'll make that opening spot?" Cody asked.

I shrugged and a small smirk curled on my lip.

"Maybe," I said. "I definately think I have some competition." But in the back of my mind, I was really thinking, "Not really."

A cute brunette waitress walked over to our table, chewing gum.

"Hey, guys, I'm Fiona and I will be your server for today," she said.

"I'm Troy..Troy King," I flirted.

Fiona blushed a little and I grinned.

"Can I,uh start you guys off with drinks?" she stammered shyly.

"I'd just like some lemonade," I said, winking.

"Same," thbe rest of the guys said.

I raised an eyebrow, forgetting that this town was known for its fresh, tasty lemons. Hehe, lemons. I chuckled to myself.

The bell chimed near the door, signaling someone new had arrived in the diner. I heard a group of girly giggles and turned in interest. I grinned when I saw that it was Kat and she was with a couple other girls.

"Kat!" I called, waving.

Kat looked my way and smiled. She and her friends headed over to where I was. I stood up and gave Kat a hug.

"Aww," Kat's friends cooed teasingly, nudging Kat's side.

A normal girl would've blushed and told them to shut up, but Kat just shrugged and sat down casually on my lap.

"Okay," I said slowly, laughing.

Kat looked at me and winked playfully.

Fiona returned to our table with a tray of drinks. When she saw Kat on my lap, she clutched the tray and angrily handed us our drinks. Kat arched an eyebrow. Just as I was about to take a sip of my drink, Kat took it from me and drank some.

"Hey," I said.

Kat smiled innocently. She glanced out the window and glared at something that was outside. I followed her gaze and saw Alexis exiting out of a car with some friends.

"Ugh, what's she doing here?" Kat growled, clenching the cup of lemonade.

"Well, it is an open diner available to everyone," Cody said matter-of- factly.

Kat angrily stood up and stormed off, past Sean, her friends in tow. Sean looked back at her like she was crazy and sat down, shaking his head.

"Anybody wanna tell me what that was about?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"What exactly is up with Kat and Alexis?" I asked, looking at the table across from our table where Alexis and her friends were sitting.

Sean glanced over at Alexis and shrugged.

"Probably the usual girl drama," he said with a heavy sigh.

Some pop country song started to play and Cody bobbed his head dorkily and stood up.

"I love this song," he said, singing along. "Oohh I saw you with that guy at the park, kiising in the dark!"

People turned to stare while my table laughed. I even brome into a smile. I saw Alexis and her friends giggling. She saw me staring at her and shockingly..a rose of red creeped up her cheeks.

I was in my room studying. But it wasn't books I was studying. It was actually Alexis. She was in her room, listening to music and doing homework.

"Troy, my mom wanted to know if you were hungry," Dylan said, opening my bedroom door.

I jumped and turned, narrowing my eyes.

"Knock," I said slowly.

Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, this is technocally my house," he said slowly.

"Dude, you're in your twenties living here with your parents for FREE," I said. "It's really not your house if you don't pay any rent."

Dylan glared at me and was about to say something, but Kasey came into the room.

"Troy, are you hungry or not?" she asked. "I heated up some leftovers."

Dylan backed out of the room, mouthing to me," You got lucky." He ended up tripping while he was backing up. I laughed and my aunt turned.

"Dylan, what are you doing?" she said.


Aunt Kasey shook her head and turned back to me.

"Anyways, are you hungry?" She asked.

"Nah," I said, looking out the window from the corner of my eye. "I think I'll study some more and then go to sleep."

"Okay." Aunt Kasey smiled when I said study, then walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

I quickly turned back around and smiled when I saw that Alexis was now dancing. I laughed. Alexis then stopped dancing and stared straight at me.


Alexis walked over to her window and opened it. I opened my window and Alexis pulled her ear phones out of her ears.

"You know my dad is the town's sherrif," she said.

"Sorry...uh, me no speak English," I pretended to stutter.

Alexis cocked her head to the side, trying to hide a smile.

"Seriously dude?" she said.

I grinned charmingly.

"Alexis, come help me clean the kitchen!" the voice of Alexis's little sister yelled from somewhere downstairs in her house.

Alexis rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you forgot to ask me for my number again," I said.

"Goodnight, Troy," Alexis said, smiling a little.

"It's 5-"

"Blah, la la la!" Alexis said, trying to block me out as she closed her window.

"6-1-2!" I said the last digits just as she locked her window.

She waved flirtatiously at me before shutting her blinds.

A/N: okay I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter!! The last chapter was crap and I know that. I was very upset about my writing but now I am back to normal ;)

And I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything because I really appreciate all my dedicated readers out there, but I'm TIRED of having like a gajillion reads and like four comments on a chapter. I don't really care much for votes (actually I do xP) but my main want is COMMENTS!! Please! I love y'all but you guys need to seriously give me some feedback. I know, I talk back to people who leave criticism, but..this time I won't.I really need it if I wantbto be a successful writer. So yeah Please comment!!! :) thank you xo

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