Pretty Virgin Rhodes (STRICTL...

By smil3_books

2.7K 332 324

'Where Roses Grow' - π™π™ƒπ™Šπ˜Ώπ™€π™Ž Never mix business with pleasure, they say. Never date a rich man, they say... More

1. Meeting the CEO
2. The Skirt That Seeks Attention Unknowingly
3. Throwback on a B*tch
4. Doing Him A Favor
5. Am I Getting Fired? *cries*
6. That Red Dress
7. My Boss & His Morals
8. Gulf Was Never My Thing
9. Roses Brought Back Memories
10. Misinterpretation
11. Whiskey Makes You Do Crazy Things
13. The Night It Begun - Part One
14. The Night It Begun: Part Two
15. Take Me Somewhere
16. Small Things, Big Memories
17. 24 Hours to Make You Fall for Me
18. Jealously at its Peak
19. How to be a Fake Girlfriend
20. Pretty Feet
21. Wild Imaginations
22. Be My Date
23. Dine, Wet and Feelings
24. The Photos
25. Don't Hate the Game, Hate the Player
26. Soft Kiss in a Car Park Theatre
27. His Little Secret
28. Sit on the Desk and Look at Me
29. Blair Never Gave Up
30. Have to Let You Go
31. Three Days Alone with my Ex-Boss
32. Day One - Nasty, Nasty

12. Whisky Numbs Pain

62 10 2
By smil3_books

And She Distanced Herself Despite Being In Love

I tried hard to remember what had just happened. I stood there speechless, a flood of thoughts racing through my mind. I swallowed the gulp that had become stuck in my throat in an attempt to calm my nerves. For crying out loud, this man had a fiancé.

"Are you crazy, Mr. Bezos?" I exclaimed. "Are you drunk?" I tried to wiggle free from his grip.

He smiled against my still-wet lips and said, "Maybe I had a little too much to drink." His voice was hoarse. I couldn't move because his body was slipping. 

"You must immediately return to Athena," I demanded. Perhaps I should call her. But what would I tell her if I called her? Her man unexpectedly showed up at my house, invited himself inside, and unexpectedly kissed me. I didn't kiss him back but tried to send him home to her. Oh, come on, who would believe that nonsense?

"You know," he said as he sat down on the couch, "I miss her so much, and you remind me of her so much." "I grew all those roses with blood, sweat, and tears, and she ratted on me," he laughs. "It's funny how someone can hurt you that bad," he sniffs, looking at me sheepishly. "She was pure; her skin was soft, and she loved my roses." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I was so young." "It's strange how love can break one's soul," he said as he closed his eyes for a moment.

The room felt heavy with his words, the weight of his emotions palpable in the air. I watched him carefully, unsure of what to say or how to react. His confession hung between us like a fragile thread, threatening to snap at any moment.

He was shattered. But why was he telling me this? I knew he was drunk, but I couldn't help but wonder why I was the first person that came to mind. I couldn't figure it out.

"You are so beautiful," he said, his eyes heavy with admiration.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was speechless. For a brief moment, I felt my heart race in my chest and my entire body warm.

"You can't stay here any longer." You must return home. "I'll call an Uber or a taxi to take you home." 

"Please don't," he said, his eyes glinting. "Please let me to stay here. I just want to breathe for a moment." His voice was fading, and he was mostly unconscious. I waved my hand over his face, hoping to see if he was awake, but he was unconscious.

I bit my fingernail, unsure what to do. But I tried to calm myself down and did what any decent person would do. I slowly removed his shoes and placed them next to the couch. I removed his jacket and placed it on the arm of the couch as gently as I could. 

I went looking for a blanket and wrapped it around his body while he slept. I heard the doorbell ring, but I was terrified. I had no idea what to do, especially since my boss was present and I was going insane. I gathered my courage and peered through the doorway. Sophie was standing at the door, holding a paper bag. Oh, no.

"It's not what you think," I said as I slowly opened the door with my lip between my teeth.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, puzzled. "Who is that?" she asked, peering over my shoulder. "You're no longer a virgin?" 

"Come inside, I'll explain everything," I stepped to the side and let her in, closing the door behind her as quietly as I could.

"He's one hot guy to lose your virginity to," she continued, admiring his physique.

"Listen," I took a deep breath in, "he showed up at my house and happens to be drunk." I dragged her to the kitchen to explain. "Why would he show up at my house in this state, out of all the people in the world?" 

"It's simple; he likes you," she said as she placed the paper bag on the kitchen island.

"We're talking about my boss here, Soph."

Sophia raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Your boss? Wow, talk about mixing business with pleasure."

"Shh," I tried to keep her quiet, "he has a fiancé, for crying out loud." "I was taken aback when I saw him." I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "It's not like that," I insisted, though even I wasn't entirely convinced of my own words. "He's just going through a rough patch, and I happened to be the one he ran to, I think."

Sophia crossed her arms, her gaze piercing through me as if trying to unravel the truth hidden beneath my words. "And you just happened to let him in and let him kiss you?" she challenged.

I winced at the memory of his lips against mine still fresh in my mind. "I didn't kiss him back," I defended myself weakly. "I tried to send him home, but he was too out of it to listen."

Sophia's expression softened, her skepticism giving way to understanding. "Okay, I get it," she said, her tone gentler now. "But you have to be careful, Elle. You don't want to get caught up in something you'll regret."

I nodded, grateful for her concern. "I know," I admitted, the weight of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. "I just don't know what to do. He's my boss, and now things are... complicated. You have no idea what that man is like."

"Well, I know he's a goddamn attractive man with a fiancée who came to your house in desperate need."

"Can't we talk about it?" He needs to leave the moment he wakes up. "I will not jeopardize his relationship with Athena."

"I appreciate that you value his relationship." "And he would most certainly not respect your body if you were wearing that," she said, observing my body.

"I live alone and wasn't expecting anyone, and for the most part, I am single, and it's my house." I rolled my eyes. "Not every man wears his dick on his forehead."

"Well, I brought you some fruits that I promised you," she says, clasping her hands. "I'm going to leave you to this drama, and I hope his wife doesn't kill you," she laughed.

"Fiancée. Don't make this any more difficult for me," I grumbled.

She kissed my forehead and said, "You'll figure it out," before leaving the kitchen and leaving me alone with Mr. Bezos. 

I showered and changed into some comfy pajamas. I tried everything I could to keep myself busy around the house, but he wouldn't budge. It was almost 10:00 p.m., and I had work the next day. Sober, my boss was in my house. As I walked out of the kitchen, I noticed him sitting up and rubbing his hands on either side of his face.

"How did I get here?" he asked, his eyes wide with a mild state of shock.

"First, you drove all the way from... "I'm not sure where," I sighed. "Then you showed up at my house drunk, and I tried to send you away on several occasions, but you were persistent." Then I realized your lips were on mine. "Like, what's wrong with you?"

"Shit," he cursed under his breath. "Did I say anything to you?"

"You were talking about a girl who hurt you when you were young, and you used to give her roses, and I reminded you of her." "It's insane," I said. 

"This was a mistake." He clenched his cheekbones, standing but stumbling a little. "Fuck!" he cursed under his breath. "How long have I been here?" He raised his hand to eye level to read the time on his watch.

"You've been here since the morning."

He shook his head and threw his jacket over his shoulders, saying, "That was a mistake, and whatever happened here means nothing."

"You're acting as if it's my fault." You were the one who showed up uninvited, and I even told you I'd call Uber if you didn't leave, but you begged me not to. "You're lucky I didn't just leave you on my porch. Stop acting as if I'm to blame for this."

"This didn't happen," he said, shoving his feet into his shoes. "You say nothing about it to anyone. It never happened," he said as he stormed out the door. 

He was now acting as if I was the issue. It wasn't my fault that this happened, and his behavior was unacceptable. I'm not sure what his issue was, but he was sending mixed signals, and I hated it to the ground I walked on. 


Most of the time, I was in a lousy headspace, and I knew that drinking wouldn't make things better, but I managed to defy all logic and reason and consume far too much alcohol. Although I don't smoke, I frequently forget about the pain by drinking excessively. I was in a small pub in the middle of town that was a common hangout. 

However, the pub presented a classic image. My soul was delighted by the elegant interiors and vintage cocktails. Smoke filled the space, and empty shot glasses and beer mugs suggested that the residents were professional drinkers. A bartender in a miniskirt was walking by with platinum hair.

Being a successful man may be difficult, especially if your fiancé does not spend enough time with you or appreciates the minor things that matter the most, and I wanted my relationship with Athena to be perfect. All she cared about was her image, shopping, and hanging out with friends, all of which I despised. I wish we could go on more picnic dates, go to the beach with each other, and spend more time together.

I bought the entire bottle and went right to my vehicle. I am aware that drinking and driving is a bad decision, but why not take a chance? I turned on the whisky's faucet and chugged some of it as I was driving. My throat was slightly stinging, but I didn't care. as long as I could temporarily numb the sensation. I could feel myself getting tipsy after the booze took effect, and it messed up my mental state. Eleanor was all I could think of. She just sprang to mind for some reason.

I steered the vehicle into her driveway and parked it there. My brain was spinning as I tipped my head back at the tingling sensation. I felt like absolute garbage. Most brain functions are turned down when one is sober, which can cause one to speak too quickly. The part of me that is sober forces me to be honest, and every time I made an effort to abstain from drinking, I eventually found myself holding a bottle.

I didn't want to ingest this poison and let my brain rot. It places the most incapable captain of all, the primal self, in charge. The lifestyle was not mine to choose. All I really needed was someone who would support me in the same way that I had supported them. Athena never showed sympathy for anything. Simply put, I don't get her.

I opened the car door after dropping the empty whisky bottle on the ground. I closed the door and limped over to her door. Even the whisky's aroma was overpowering to me. I rang the doorbell as soon as I got to the porch. Her footsteps, moving steadily closer to the door, could be heard.

She opened the door wearing an enormous button-up shirt with a few of the buttons undone. She was gorgeous, and every time I saw her, I wanted to pull her head back and kiss her lips because of how messy her hair was.

She crossed her hands over her chest, "Why are you here?"

I have no knowledge of what transpired after that. After then, I knew my thoughts had turned to vegetables.


I puked several times while holding either side of the toilet. I was nauseated and suffering from a severe headache. I was upset at myself for doing such a thing, and how could I kiss her? I had no idea how her lips felt; I couldn't recall anything.

"What's the deal with your clothes smelling like a bar?" You never seem to quit drinking. "Where have you been all this time?" On the other side of the door, Athena inquired. 

"Not right now, Athena." "I am a busy man; you know I have to stay back at the office to straighten out a few things," I coughed, feeling sick to my stomach, "could you put a pot on for me?" "I'd like to have something warm to drink."

"Fine. When you're done puking, just go straight to the shower and change," she murmured as I heard her footsteps trail down the hall.

I looked down at my phone, which was resting on the bathroom island. I was contemplating whether or not to call her. I knew I was being a jerk, and it was entirely my fault, but I couldn't accept what I had done to her. 

My body prevented me from picking up the phone to call her when I tried to do so. I got up and went directly to the shower. All I could think of was her in that large shirt, her untidy hair, and how gorgeous she appeared as the water streamed on my exposed flesh. I'm aware that I made a mistake, but something about her made me want to reconsider. After taking a shower, I changed into some comfortable clothing and went downstairs to meet Athena, who had already placed the tea on the kitchen island. 

"You are poisoning your mind," she said, tilting her head to the side. "You're a successful man; you don't need to drink all the time to numb silly things from your past." She rolled her eyes back. 

"I'm not going to have that conversation with you," I said, picking up the mug and sipping from it. "It's a little too sweet."

"Whatever. I need you to come to the wedding venue I've chosen. "I've assembled some of the city's greatest pastry chefs." "I did some research, and they have pretty good reviews," she continued.

I set the mug down, the warmth of the liquid failing to chase away the chill that settled in my bones. Her words echoed in my mind, a relentless reminder of the demons I had been trying so desperately to outrun.

I loved Athena; she's stunning. The issue is that money is her sole priority, and she isn't particularly affectionate when I try to connect with her on a deeper level. It's making me reconsider. If only she knew how much I rely on her love and support to have a more meaningful relationship.

"When is this?"

"I'm aware that you may have a lot on your schedule, but I was hoping you would come by on Tuesday. I'm uncertain if that works for you, but I really would like it if it did. This is an important moment," she said.

"I'll have everything sorted out and come along with you then."

She ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled. She brushed her hair to one side of her shoulder, then settled near the island with her legs crossed and said, "I paid your dad a visit." Thankfully, I received his blessing. However, your mom despises me for some unknown reason. She's got a problem with me."

"Athena. Regardless, you're lucky she gave you her blessing."

"Even if she didn't, I'm still going to marry you. She'll have to live with it for the rest of her life, whether she likes it or not."

"When are you going to start working?" You are really talented at business, but you refuse to consider working." I hastily changed the subject before we started tearing one other's heads apart.

"Work?" She rolled her eyes. "You must provide, not me. You work, and you look after me."

Do you see what I mean? I wasn't having it at all because of her lousy thinking. But, in order to avoid having to quarrel with her, I left the kitchen and walked upstairs. She's making me regret having engaged her.

Later that evening, I went to the bookroom to unwind by reading a book. This was how I found serenity for myself. Upstairs, Athena was dozing off. She was rather upset with me, but I preferred to stay out of the drama. I briefly started to consider Eleanor. It was almost as though I could sense my desire to kiss her, even if I don't recall doing so.

The next day came quickly. I had a scheduled visit with my mother, so I would be late for work. She needed to speak with me about something. I paid her a visit at work. She gave me a cursory glance as I walked into her office.

"You never learn, do you?" "Even when you're this grown, you don't know when to knock," she continued, her gaze lifting above her glasses.

"Nice to see you, Mom," I said as I sat in front of her at the desk.

"You're very pale. Is Athena bothering you?" When she stated her name, the sound of her voice came out a little sharply.

"Mom, what did you want to talk to me about? I didn't come here to talk about her."

"Fine," she said, raising her palms above her head. "Well, I am hosting a formal dinner with a few business friends, and I would love for you to be there," she said, adding, "If you want, you can bring Athena."

"And when exactly is this?"

"On Saturday. I recommend that you bring your assistant. I like her and would love to see her again."

"I wouldn't want to bother her."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind at all. You inform her that I want her to attend."

The point was that, with what had happened, her arrival would be strange to me. I hate bothering her, but I knew my mother wouldn't let this go until she had what she wanted. My mother might be a pain at times.

"Fine," I conceded, "I'll tell her."

"I wish you were more into someone like her," she said after a brief scan of my face. "She is an angel as well as a diligent worker. Just a brief thought."

"Are we done here?"

"I believe so. I really hope you make the right choice. You never know what's up your sleeve," she remarked.

This made me think. But I was certain that Athena was the one I wanted to marry. Perhaps she was acting this way for a short period of time. But this wasn't the Athena I'd met before. The only constant was her desire for money, which piqued my interest for a while. I knew she may be difficult to work with, but I was confident in my abilities. Perhaps it was my fault for spoiling her a little too much. I'll try to fix her; I know she's in there someplace, and her mother's illness must have contributed to her behavior. 

The issue was that I'd never seen her mother before. She constantly told me a sad narrative about how she didn't have a good relationship with her and how she didn't want me to see her in that situation now that she was unwell. She informed me that the only reason she never wanted me to meet her mother was because she needed to improve her connection with her, which I accept. The question was whether I was making the correct decision by marrying Athena.

Thank you for taking it to this chapter. We are at last 300 reads and with your help, I'm grateful. I'll see you in the next chapter. Here's a cookie *gives cookie* enjoy!

with love, Krystal.

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