Losing You [A Benson and Bens...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

8.8K 568 57

When he was forced to leave her, it made their feelings so much stronger and real. Through a ten month long a... More



192 16 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia tried her hardest to be patient, but as she marked each day off with a bright red 'x' she grew more and more anxious to meet her baby. Everything was ready for the little one's arrival, but the baby was being stubborn.

"Still nothing," Olivia huffed, as she walked into the squadroom.

"Really?" Amanda asked, and Olivia nodded.

"No movement at all. The baby is still doing good, she's just stubborn," Olivia grumbled. She walked to her desk and slowly lowered herself onto her chair.

"Liv, it's okay. She'll come when she's ready," Amanda spoke gently.

"Yeah, well, I want her now. I'm forty-one weeks pregnant and I'd prefer to not get induced... But I may just make it to that day," Olivia huffed.

Olivia was pissed off, so everyone tried to keep their distance from her. If they spoke to her, everything had to be carefully thought out to ensure she didn't get even more pissed off.

"I'm ready to drive you home," Casey smiled, as she walked into the squadroom.

"She's in the locker room and has been for about an hour," Amanda said. Casey sighed softly before nodding.

"Geez, is she okay?" Casey questioned.

"She's pissed off today. Like, that lady is full of rage," Fin frowned.

Casey ignored the additional commentary from Fin and Munch before heading into the locker room. She opened the door slowly and spotted Olivia sitting on the bench in front of her locker. She had her head hung and her hands were gripping the edge of the wooden bench.

"Liv?" Casey whispered.

"G-go away," Olivia whimpered, as hot tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Honey, it's just me. Casey. Tell me what is happening."

Casey walked over and sat down beside Olivia. She reached out and rubbed tears from her cheeks before wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I-i can't do this. I'm not strong enough," Olivia sniffled.

"Oh, Liv. You are strong! You'll be able to make it through the next few days until this little one is born!" Casey exclaimed.

"I think my anger finally got to her, Case," Olivia whispered.

"Huh? Isn't she moving-"

"Oh, she's moving... But I think I'm having contractions."

Casey looked at her best friend with wide eyes. Just a few hours earlier, Olivia was bitching to Casey about not dilating and not having contractions. Now they are sitting together and Olivia may actually be progressing. Finally.

"How far apart are the pains?"

"About twenty minutes. But maybe they are just practice contractions?"

"Do they feel like practice ones? Like the ones we thought were real last week, and we rushed you to the hospital for?"

"N-no. These are stronger and kinda wrap around my body."

"Okay. Uh, let's go to-"

"No, not the hospital. I'm already embarrassed from last time... Can we just go home?"

"Of course. Anything for you."


Casey called Alex, Amanda, and Bernie once she got Olivia home. She had watched Olivia work through a contraction and was definitely edging towards them being real. While Olivia was taking a shower to hopefully ease her back pain, everyone gathered in the apartment.

"She's in labor?" Bernie asked, her blue eyes shining with excitement. She couldn't wait to meet her newest grandbaby.

"That is what we think. She can barely talk through the pain, and they don't seem to be like her practice contractions," Casey replied.

"Has her water broke?" Amanda asked, as she read off her phone. She wanted to know exactly when their group should force Olivia to the hospital.

"Uh, I don't know. I guess we will have to ask her, because I'm not checking," Casey replied, her face growing pale.

"No one wants you to examine her, Case," Alex laughed.

They teased Casey for a while, before going silent when the bathroom door opened and Olivia waddled out. She looked exhausted already, and her bottom lip was bruised from biting it during contractions.

"I'm fine," she spoke, before anyone even asked the question.

"Honey, do you think we should go and get you checked out?" Bernie asked as she walked to Olivia's side.

"No, because I'm not going to the hospital," Olivia replied stubbornly.

"What do you mean? We can wait longer, but your doctor is there and I think you need help to deliver the baby," Casey spoke. Olivia shook her head as she walked towards her open bedroom door.

"I hate hospitals. The last time I was an actual patient at a normal hospital, I tried to end myself. I refuse to go back," she spoke. Olivia walked into her bedroom and shut the door before locking it tightly.

Her friends exchanged glances before Bernie reached to open the door.

"It's locked," Bernie breathed. Casey's eyes went wide as they heard Olivia's whimper.

"She's going to try to give birth by herself in that fucking bedroom. We gotta get her out, and now."


As the evening went on, Olivia's whimpers filled the apartment. Casey tried to find the spare key, but Olivia had stolen it earlier so they'd have to break down her door to get in.

Bernie tried to reason with Olivia, but she was completely focused on her labor and no one else. Her whimpers turned into moans as the clock strikes midnight.

"I've gotta break down the door, Case. What if something happens?" Amanda asked, as she stood with the others in the living room.

"What if she's right in front of it?" Casey asked, worriedly.

"I don't think she is. If she's about to give birth, she's probably on the bed trying to get comfy. Please, Detective, break the door down."

Amanda nodded before motioning for Bernie to stand back. Amanda stepped back several feet before running at the door and kicking it in. The moment the ringing in everyone's ears faded from the large bang, they heard the crying of a newborn.

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