Burdened With Life

By The_Real_Mod

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Born a sacrifice and forced to face hatred since his first breath, internal and external, Naruto Uzumaki has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

673 12 6
By The_Real_Mod

                                                                     ~4 years later~

Hiruzen Sarutobi was having a normal day as usual. A shit ton of paperwork, a little bit of weed, his grandson Konohamaru's antics, yes life in the village had finally become somewhat normal after the Kyuubi attack. He had just finished signing all his papers and decided, why not another cigar for the morning. And maybe some porn. He made sure that no Anbu were around and pulled out an orange book called Icha Icha Paradise, reclining and taking a puff from his cigar.

He gave a perverted giggle and formed a nosebleed as he was reading a steamy part in the book. When it was getting even better he felt a strong wind right in the middle of his office and out of nowhere, a person with bright blonde spiky hair, cerulean blue eyes, a face mask covering his nose and mouth, anbu pants and sleeveless vest partially covered by a dark orange cloak with black flames at the hem appeared.

Hiruzen immediately hid his porn and tried his best to hide his shock. 'How the hell did this person enter my office without alerting any Anbu?' he thought amazed.

"Good morning lord Hokage. I mean no harm," the individual said. "Even if you did, you are in the middle of a shinobi village, now tell me who are you and why are you here?" Hiruzen asked sternly but calmly. "Do you not recognise the son of the Fourth Hokage?"

Hiruzen's eyes widened. "N-naruto?" he stuttered confused. Naruto pulled down his mask revealing his whisker marks and entire face. He had obviously grown losing his baby fat and having more defined facial features.

"Yes, who else?" Naruto replied. "W-w-what wait but you're at the academy right now w-what?" Hiruzen said in disbelief. "That is a blood clone, has been for years," Naruto stated. "W-w-what the hell is going on?" Hiruzen asked, so confused right now.

"I am the real Naruto, and I have been training myself for five years outside the village while my clone took my place," Naruto said. Hiruzen was bewildered and took another puff from his cigar. "Okay, I-I-I what?" the Third could not formulate a proper sentence, his aged brain was in overload.

"Aren't you a Hokage?" Naruto asked. This broke the Third out of his stupor and he cleared his throat. "May I ask, how this all...happened? And since you've been training in secret for years how strong are you/" Hiruzen asked.

"The Kyuubi has been training me ever since the first time I met Ms.Mikoto," Naruto said. Hiruzen was shocked once more. Naruto however continued. "Ms.Mikoto of course gave me some scrolls to learn too which contributed to my current power level. Anyways the Kyuubi also told me of my parents and then of course I got my father's scrolls then I went on training for five years. I have beaten many missing nin and bandits. Many of those nin were A rank by the way." Hiruzen's jaw was on the floor now.

"While on the trip, I received valuable information for Konoha," Naruto said which made the Third's ears perk. "Please tell me," Hiruzen said. "The Kyuubi is not bad like you all know. He was being controlled by a masked man on the night of the attack. That same masked man attacked me during my trip, and did something to my eyes, making me unlock the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan," Naruto said. At this point, the Third wasn't surprised. "Rewind a bit, how did you unlock the Sharingan?" Hiruzen asked.

"When the villagers attacked me then I unlocked the Mangekyo when Itachi killed Ms.Mikoto. I myself do not know why I have it but I do," Naruto stated.

After everything Hiruzen nodded. "I see. So how do I know I can trust you after this?" Naruto replied, "Because I intend to be Hokage and also I gave you information on the night of the Kyuubi attack."

"How do you know the Kyuubi isn't lying?" Hiruzen queried. "Because, he made me powerful," Naruto replied. "Open the bingo book and go to the Orange Flash."

Hiruzen did just that. His eyes widened. He looked the same as Naruto and was A rank. "Wait flash? Does that me-." "Yes, I learned my father's jutsu," Naruto confirmed.

Hiruzen couldn't take it anymore, and got some more weed. "Is that all?" Hiruzen asked tiredly. "Yes, but please don't tell anybody else. I thought I should tell you since you are Hokage and that masked man is dangerous," Naruto said. Hiruzen nodded. "Well, the Genin exams is today, in one hour, good luck." Naruto nodded and did a Wind Release Body Flicker out of the Hokage's office.

Meanwhile Hiruzen went back to his porn. 'Yep, just a normal day.'


Naruto appeared in front of the door to Satsuki's apartment and he ringed the doorbell. "Yeah yeah" he heard her voice say. After a few seconds the door unlocked. "Okay what the hell do you wa-," Satsuki caught herself when she recognised who was standing in front of her. And it irked her a bit that she had to look up, but either way her face turned crimson.

"Good morning, may I come in?" Naruto asked. Satsuki nodded slowly her onyx eyes bug eyed as  Naruto walked past her, sitting on a chair. He smelled ramen cooking on the stove and began drooling. He hadn't eaten that godly dish in a year. Satsuki made her way into the kitchen and said, "You should shower or something, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

Naruto nodded and went into the bathroom locking the door behind him. He took of his clothes and went in the warm waters which soothed his body. It was quite sore after yesterday, taking out six B rank missing nins is no easy task.

When he finished he decided to just put on a pair of boxers since he didn't have any clean clothes left. 'Oh god kit, you might kill her,' Kurama said making his presence known in Naruto's mind. 'Hm? What do you mean?' Naruto asked as he exited the bathroom. 'You know what, I'm just going to sleep,' Kurama said fed up and went silent.

Meanwhile Satsuki was about to dig in to her food when she saw Naruto come out the bathroom, and immediately her breath hitched, and she could feel blood coming out of her nose and her rushing to her face. His muscles were sinewy and like it was sculpted by God himself. 'Oh my god, oh my god what do I do!' she thought inside but outside she remained calm trying her best not to stare as Naruto sat down to eat his pot of ramen. Yes pot, not bowl.

A smile formed on his face as soon as the broth touched his lips and within seconds, the pot of ramen was devoured stunning Satsuki. "My clone is at the Academy correct?" Naruto asked. Satsuki didn't know if to look up or keep eating and decided for the latter. "Yes, for some reason even though the exam starts in one hour."

"Okay well I'll do some training want to come?" he asked. "Don't have to ask me twice," was Satsuki's replied as she finished her food. "Touch my shoulder," Naruto said standing up.

Satsuki's face once again was crimson red. "Wh-what? You're going like that?" she asked incredulously. "Well yes, I don't have any clean clothes, I'll just clean it at the river," Naruto said.

Satsuki accepted this reluctantly touched his shoulder, kind of excited at that prospect, which made her blush even more. They Body Flickered in an open field in the Forest of Death and got to training.

Naruto summarised that Satsuki was mid chunnin level having mastered a multitude of Fire Jutsus and mastered her clan's Intercepting Fist. They had also learned she had lightning as an elemental affinity in previous years and trained in lightning Jutsu. In the process of their training she had also unlocked the three tomoe Sharingan.

After some spars they decided to head back home and change for the exams. When they were ready Naruto said to Satsuki, "Go without me, I'll be there soon."

This piqued the Uchiha's interest but she didn't question it.


Satsuki wearing a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar, white shorts, and white arm warmers, entered the classroom which was full of chatter and took her seat, brooding per usual. Naruto's clone was at his usual desk in the back sleeping. She also observed all the future clan heads in her class. Shikamaru Nara of the Nara clan, lazy but smart, too smart for their good in her opinion.

Kiba Inuzuka of the Inuzuka clan. He had spiky brown hair, a grey jacket and red markings at the side of his face. He was accompanied everywhere by a small white dog Akamaru. Each Inuzuka had a dog as their partner. Kiba was at the top of the class for the boys but very infuriating. 'If he asks me on one more date, I will castrate him!' she thought frowning.

Next came Hinata Hyuuga of the Hyuuga clan. She had dark blue hair, pale lavender eyes and wears a cream-coloured hooded-jacket with a fire symbol on the upper sleeves and fur around the cuffs and hem. She also wears navy blue pants. She was very much like her clan, cold and stuck up, very much like Satsuki in a way. If Satsuki wasn't there Hinata might take the spot for the top of the class for boys.

Moving on, we have Shino Aburame. Not much to say about him. He was quiet and most of his face covered by a shades and the collar of his shirt.

Last but not least Choji Akimichi of the Akimichi clan. Eats a lot, very obese (but call tell fat) and he was friends with Shikamaru.

The rest to Satsuki were pathetic except for Naruto of course when his clone wasn't acting like a total idiot.

'Where is the real Naruto anyways?' she thought. Just then their teacher throughout the academy accompanied by his assistant entered the room. Their teacher's name was Iruka Umino. He has black hair that he keeps in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose. He wears the standard Konoha shinobi outfit complete with , sandals, and flat jacket. He was a chunnin which was amusing to Satsuki knowing she could kick her teacher's ass, maybe with some difficulty but still.

Next was his assistant, Mizuki. He has white shoulder-length hair with a slight hint of blue to it and green eyes. He wears the same thing as Iruka except he wears his forehead protector as a bandana.

Iruka had a stack of papers in his hand which he set down on a desk in front of the class then faced the future shinobi in front of him. "Good morning class quiet down now. Today is of course your Genin exams to become an official shinobi of the village..." At this point, Satsuki had zoned out. 'This will be such a breeze. Hopefully my teammates won't hold me back. Maybe Naruto will be on my team,' she thought gaining a small smile.

She then had a sudden feeling and a chill ran down her spine. She diverted her eyes to Mizuki who was giving her sick grin. 'Why the fuck does he keep staring at me like that?' she thought angrily. She gave him a glare grinding her teeth. Eventually he looked away but Satsuki was still annoyed and her mood was now in shambles.

Her attention was once again caught by Iruka. "Okay first off we'll be doing the written part of the exam," he announced and Mizuki proceeded to go around the class handing out papers. 'Where the hell is Naruto,' Satsuki thought concerned because his clone was still asleep, until Mizuki woke him up.

She shook her head and started the test. Within minutes she finished. 'Damn, is this all that is needed for somebody to become a shinobi? Pitiful,' she thought disappointed.

After an hour Iruka said, "Okay, pencils down, next we'll be doing some shurikenjutsu and kunai throwing." Iruka was about to lead the class outside when he saw the de-, Naruto sleeping once again. It irked him. "NARUTO UZUMAKI!" he shouted.

Every student looked behind them to observe the blonde boy dressed in an orange jumpsuit. 'Naruto' groggily opened his eyes and rubbed them. "What?" he asked not even trying to hide his displeasure. His tone caught Iruka off guard but he soon responded saying, "Watch your tone boy! Or do you not want to become a shinobi?"

Naruto sighed and calmly got up. "Yeah yeah let's get this over with." "Don't be sad dead last. I mean you're still going to be fail but don't be sad," the voice of Kiba joked causing the whole class to laugh except for Satsuki, Hinata and Shino. Naruto rolled his eyes and yawned once again.

'He's acting differently than usual, so he's finally going to show the real Naruto,' Satsuki thought secretly happy inside. She couldn't handle a cheerful dead last blonde boy dressed all in orange. Soon everybody was outside in a field with ten targets. Iruka called out names and mostly everybody did average. When it was Satsuki's turn she effortlessly flicked her wrist and the shuriken hit all ten targets. Everybody was in awe. There was much cheering among her classmates. "Way to go Suki!" Kiba exclaimed.

The rage inside of her surfaced once again hearing Kiba's voice. When she was about to throw the kunai, she intentionally threw one without even looking, behind herself, and it landed directly at Kiba's face which gave the energetic boy quite a scare, and shut him up. Satsuki then proceeded to throw the rest and received a 19/20 which, so far was the highest.

"Okay very good Satsuki, but please don't try to injure your future teammates next time please," Iruka said. Satsuki didn't acknowledge him and brushed him off.

"Okay, next...Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka announced. Naruto lazily walked towards the targets and pulled out ten shuriken and ten kunai. "You're not supposed to throw all at once dead last!" Kiba exclaimed making everybody else snicker. Satsuki just lay by a nearby tree, smirking. 'I didn't ask him to teach me for no reason at all.'

Naruto ignored everybody and distributed the weapons equally between his two hands. He flicked the wrist of his left and all kunai and shuriken hit the dead centre of the targets. The same results came when he flicked his right hand.

There was a moment of stunned silence which was broken by Iruka. "N-Naruto Uzumaki...20/20," he announced astonished.

"Iruka sensei he had to have cheated!" a pink haired girl with green eyes named Sakura shrieked pointing an accusing finger at Naruto. "Yeah, do it again! Ain't no way you did better than me and Satsuki" Kiba accused seething in anger. Everybody in class began discussing whether the blonde boy had cheated or not. 'Naruto' however covered his ears. "Why can't you all just shut up," he said. "A dead last like you can't tell us what to do!" a platinum blonde haired girl shouted named Ino. There came nods and shouts of agreement.

Iruka and Mizuki were meanwhile checking the targets to see if there was any kind of mistake when all of a sudden, a hand shot through Naruto's chest. Blood squirted everywhere and even on some students, which shocked them silent. The blonde however was not even surprised, he kind of looked glad. Then another hand shot through his chest and ripped him in half causing a huge amount of blood to splatter almost everywhere on the field. However, there was no body of Naruto but just blood. And in his place stood the real Naruto, dressed in his regular ninja uniform (same thing as before). "Shut up now?" Naruto asked then walked towards Satsuki and sat down right next to her, closing his eyes.

Everybody else was bewildered, mouth agape and eyes wide as saucers on what had just happened. The deafening silence was broken by the screams of the girls. "Is this really, our future?" Naruto asked Satsuki. "Sadly yes," she replied sighing. She turned to face the blonde and remarked, "Cool entrance though." "Thank you."

Iruka and Mizuki recovered from their previous astonishment of Naruto being gone and ran towards the masked boy at the tree. "Who are you?" Iruka demanded with a serious expression on his face brandishing his kunai along with Mizuki.

Naruto pulled down his face mask and said, "Naruto." Mizuki and Iruka's eyes widened. "Na-n-naruto? W-w-what how?" Iruka stuttered out. "I ain't saying shit, just go on with the exam," Naruto replied closing his eyes taking in the breeze. "I'm sorry but the Hokage needs to know about this," Mizuki said. 'Fucking demon, thinks he's worth something,' he thought on the inside.

"He already knows else there would be Anbu surrounding me right now," Naruto said. Iruka and Mizuki couldn't argue with that and decided to go on with the exam. Most of the students had recovered from their initial shock and were now curious. 'Is that really the dead last. And what the hell is he doing with Satsuki?' Kiba thought angrily glaring holes into a sleeping Naruto.

"Moving on, time for the spars, for the girls first we have Ino and Satsuki," Iruka announced. Satsuki got up from the tree and went into a white circle followed by Ino, who was covered in blood and shocked at Naruto, well what she thought was Naruto being ripped in half.

"And begin," Iruka said. Immediately Satsuki in a burst of speed punched Ino straight in the nose causing her to fall out of the white line. The poor girl's nose was bleeding profusely and Mizuki had to check on her. 'Pitiful,' Satsuki thought going back to her tree.

"Congrats, 0.5 seconds," Naruto commented. Satsuki smirked and scoffed. "As if weakling like her could beat me," she said.

"W-w-winner Satsuki Uchiha," Iruka said, stunned at how fast she finished the fight. "Next Naruto Uzumaki and Kiba Inuzuka," Iruka announced.

Naruto Body Flickered in the circle stunning the two chunnin present. 'How the fuck does the demon know that?' Mizuki thought sneering. 'I need to report this to the Hokage, this is, concerning,' Iruka thought.

Meanwhile, Kiba boisterously stepped in the circle to face Naruto. "Kick his ass Kiba!" Sakura yelled. "Go Kiba! Knock that deadlast to the ground!" many fan girls cheered for the spiky brown haired boy. Kiba smirked at all the praise. "You'll know your place after this match. Only I can sit next to Satsuki," Kiba said. "I'll make you remember why you're dead last and always will be.

Naruto wasn't even paying attention to him and wondered how often he would be eating ramen now that he would be in Konoha more often. "And begin," Iruka said.

In an instant Kiba was blown across the field by a punch from Naruto which landed on his jaw. Nobody even saw him make any moves. "W-w-w-winner Naruto Uzumaki," Iruka said bug eyed.

Everybody was once again silent that a cricket could be heard chirping. Meanwhile Naruto turned to Satsuki and said, "0.1 seconds," which caused the Uchiha to turn the other way and scoff.

Naruto walked towards her and went back in his spot to relax. When Kiba returned to conscious and all the spars were finished they were told to go back in the classroom for the final part of the exam, the jutsus.

Naruto touched Satsuki's shoulder and they Body Flickered inside the class waiting for the others. "What were you doing before?" she asked. "Observing," came Naruto's reply causing Satsuki to roll her eyes. "Okay, what were you observing dumbass?"

"Just the class and the teachers. I have a feeling about Mizuki thought," Naruto said. "You don't have to tell me that again fucking creep," she said, words laced with venom. Naruto tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Are you on your period or something?" came Naruto's smart question. There was a moment of silence until Satsuki smacked Naruto upside his head. "No, idiot. He's just, throughout my time in the academy he's been staring at me weirdly, like he's stripping me of my clothes in his mind and it freaks me out," Satsuki stated holding herself looking a bit depressed. Naruto didn't know why, but what she said irked him and he honestly did not like seeing her so sad.

'Hm.' Just then the door to the class opened and the whole class entered. Most people were stunned which was now becoming a common occurrence that Naruto and Satsuki had arrived that fast. More to the fact that they seemed close to each other even though Satsuki used to distance herself from Naruto. And Naruto was always known to be a class clown deadlast but now, he was different. When Kiba, with his bandaged jaw saw this, he scowled and pushed Naruto away from Satsuki.

"Don't think just because you look different you can hang with her," he stated fiercely sneering. Naruto did not reply however, it was Satsuki. "Mr.Inuzuka, please step aside and take your seat, preferably away from me," she said coldly emitting a bit of killing intent which sent chills up Kiba's spine getting her point across. "Okay, okay everybody settle down, Naruto behave yourself, and sit down," Iruka said sternly. Naruto wasn't fazed but obliged either way taking a seat next to Satsuki.

He zoned out until his name was called and walked in front of the class. A kunai was thrown at him by Mizuki which was meant to end his life but Naruto wasn't taken by surprise and substituted himself with the teacher's desk. The kunai whizzed straight through it embedding itself in a wall. 'Fuck, he dodged,' Mizuki thought seething. "Okay that is substitution now transform into something," Iruka instructed. Naruto brought his hands together and channelled chakra throughout his body until a plume of smoke enveloped him. When it subsided, the Fourth Hokage appeared. Iruka nodded approvingly. 'Now for the clones, he can't do this,' Iruka thought.

"Now do a clone jutsu," Iruka said. Naruto nodded. 'I have too much chakra to make a clone so I'll just make shadow clone,' he thought. He made a cross hand seal and in a poof of smoke ten Narutos appeared. Mizuki and Iruka's jaws dropped at the sight. Naruto dispelled the clones walked up to Iruka and took a forehead protector he was holding in his hand, wrapping it around his head then went back to his seat.

Eventually, Satsuki took her test and of course got her forehead protector. Many children were denied theirs however and left the class. About twenty five out of thirty five students had passed and were now cheering happily. Iruka was now about to make a speech which Naruto completely drowned out. "...now for the teams." Naruto's ears immediately perked up.

The first six teams were not important until team seven. "Team seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Satsuki Uchiha and Hinata Hyuuga." Satsuki secretly smiled to herself, satisfied that nobody on her team would hold her back. Naruto observed Hinata who was sitting in the back observing her teammates. She seemed to be capable enough to handle herself, although she didn't seem all too...sociable. 'Like you're one to talk,' Kurama said yawning inside the blonde's mind.

'Go back to sleep you ancient piece of skin,' Naruto said causing Kurama to growl. 'At least I'm not a emo like you, and those two girls,' Kurama retorted. 'Soon you'll be hanging yourself from a tree or slitting your wrists!'

'Okay calm down,' Naruto stated getting annoyed at the fox's statements. 'No, I'm tired of you calling me old and shrivelled!' Kurama exclaimed. 'I'm sorry I'm sorry geez,' Naruto said exasperatedly.

His attention was brought back to Iruka who announced, "Team 8, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame and Sakura Haruno. Team 9 is still in rotation so we'll skip to team ten, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka."

Sakura was squealing how she was going to be on the same team as Kiba while Ino was downcast. "You are to be here at 8:30 in the morning tomorrow to know who your Jonin sensei will be," Iruka stated. "One last thing, the test results. Naruto got the...h-highest score? He's also dead last," Iruka said incredulously staring at a piece of paper trying to see if it was wrong in anyways. "Ain't no way the dead last got the highest score!" Kiba exclaimed having mostly everybody in the class nodding in agreement. "He cheated!" Sakura shrieked causing Naruto and Kurama to wince.

'Kit, please...kill her. They would never know,' Kurama said nursing his fox ears. 'The dog too, and maybe that blonde haired girl, and oh most definitely that silver haired teacher.' 'I'm contemplating it,' Naruto replied.

On the outside however he remained stoic and was about to grab Hinata and Satsuki then Body Flicker away when Kiba grabbed his arm. "Fight me!" he exclaimed. Naruto simply shrugged of his hand and touched an irritated Satsuki on the shoulder Body Flickering them beside Hinata. He then touched said girl's shoulder and disappeared from sight in a whirl of leaves.

Everybody in the class was left speechless except for Kiba who was infuriated out of his mind. Mizuki was too but for a different reason. 'How the hell am I going to get that scoll?' he thought to himself when his eyes laid on the raging Inuzuka then it all clicked, causing an evil grin to form on his face.


Naruto, Hinata and Satsuki appeared outside the gates of the Academy. Hinata immediately got into a fighting stance while Satsuki stretched her arms yawning having been exposed to this numerous times before.

"You can relax," Naruto told Hinata who still was in a fighting stance with a fierce look on her face, veins bulging out from around her eyes meaning her Dojutsu, the Byakugan was active. "What the hell did you do?" she demanded. "I teleported out of that class. It was quite...infuriating being ridiculed and that pink haired girl is very loud," Naruto stated causing Hinata to relax as her eyes turned back normal but she still had that serious face.

"Sooo...what are we going to do?" Satsuki asked. "I was wondering if we could get to know each other since we are going to be teammates," Naruto said causing Hinata to scoff. "I have no intention of any of that. Plus you are not my teammate, you are just dead weight, dead last. Me and Satsuki will be doing the heavy lifting," Hinata stated which Satsuki snickered at, making Hinata's eyebrows raise. 'Shouldn't she be agreeing to me?' Hinata thought.

"No need to act so bitchy," Naruto said. "The fuck did you say?" Hinata exclaimed, glaring holes into Naruto while Satsuki bent over holding her stomach laughing. "Why don't I kick your ass in a spar to prove my point," Hinata offered. "Okay bitch I know a good place," Naruto said causing Hinata to clench her fists. Meanwhile Naruto touched her's and Satsuki's shoulders once again, Body Flickering to the Forest of Death in an open field.

"You know, since I am a deadlast and you're this high and mighty Hyuuga, why don't you know the Body Flicker Technique?" Naruto asked Hinata causing her to blush red with embarrassment. "I-I-I know I could learn it in a few minutes," she replied crossing her arms with a defiant look on her face. Satsuki just went over to lie down on a tree stump, closing her eyes, the spar would be over in a few seconds.

"Let's start this spar shall we?" Naruto said. Hinata immediately got in her fighting stance. 'She uses Gentle Fist like all the Hyuugas, and her Byakugan will allow her to see 360 degrees and my tenketsu points. If I get too close she can close them, but I can't keep running forever,' Naruto thought formulating a plan of attack. 'I could just use speed. Her's might not be like mine so she wouldn't be able to react in time.' 'Are you really making a plan for this pitiful girl?' Kurama asked chuckling. 'You could beat her just by breathing the wrong way.'

"Are you just going to keep staring or are we going to fight?" Hinata asked across the field irritated. "What, I can't admire your beauty?" he asked jokingly causing the dark blue haired girl to blush furiously. Meanwhile Satsuki was fuming inside for reasons she didn't even know. 'He can have any girl he wants,' she assured herself but it still irked her, a frown visible on her face. 'But that still doesn't mean he should flirt with every new girl he meets!'

'Fine you won't attack,' Hinata thought. She decided to rush towards Naruto activating her Byakugan. When she was close enough she did a roundhouse kick aimed for the blonde shinobi's head which he easily blocked.

He decided to test her abilities and not end it right then and there, because Kami knows he could've done it long ago. Hinata followed her roundhouse with a jab to his shoulder. Naruto swiftly shifted his body to the side and grabbed her arm. "This is not even Genin level taijutsu," Naruto stated sounding bored which infuriated her.

She used her free left arm to jab at Naruto's ribcage. Naruto let go of her right arm and did a front flip over her head landing behind her and kicking her face first to the ground. Hinata immediately caught herself and did front flip of her own away from Naruto. What she didn't expect was for Naruto to charge her and land a jab on her left shoulder.

To her horror she could barely move her whole left arm. "What the hell! That was, you, you closed my tenketsu point. How?" she shouted in rage. "I simply, read a book," Naruto replied.

"Do you yield?" he asked. "Fuck no!" Hinata exclaimed and charged at Naruto once again. Said boy sighed and jumped on her head then catapulted off of it landing behind her causing the Hyuuga girl to fall face first on the ground.

"Your display is, very mediocre. The standards of the Academy in Konoha is very, low," Naruto commented. "Your anger is your downfall as well as your ego," Naruto stated as he slowly approached Hinata who was beating the ground with her fists. 'How can a dead last beat me? And lecture me no less?' she thought angrily.

Naruto stooped down over her head and offered her a hand. "So, Hinata was it? Do you yield?" Naruto asked. Hinata finally calmed down and took his hand accepting her defeat. They both got back to their feet.

"How the hell are you so strong? You're dead last" Hinata asked genuinely curious. "Are you people really fooled so easily?" Naruto replied shaking his head. "That doesn't answer my question," Hinata said. "I trained what's there more to say?" Naruto said.

"No I mean, what are you hiding and why did you hide your true skills all this time?' Hinata demanded. "That is a very complicated topic," Naruto stated not wanting to say anything further. "Come on why not?" Hinata pressed.

This time Satsuki came between them and said, "If he doesn't want to say anything then stop asking." "You, you know about him don't you? Why else would you two have been so close today in class, but why?" Hinata asked her perception of Satsuki and Naruto changing drastically. One was not a stuck up emo bitch and the other was not a loud mouth brightly dressed dead last.

"Just drop it," Satsuki said. "Make me!" Hinata retorted as both girls got in each other's faces ready to fight. Naruto didn't want to intervene and decided to Body Flicker out of there. 'Good call Kit,' Kurama said sighing in relief.

'I wanted to check on something anyways,' Naruto said. 'Oh, and what may that be?' 'That Mizuki guy, he seems like bad news and smells weird,' Naruto replied. 'Or is it because he was ogling the Uchiha girl?' Kurama asked slyly. Naruto would be lying if he said no. It just didn't sit right with him, the way he was looking at Satsuki. His clone had previously seen it and its memories automatically transferred to him.

When he didn't respond Kurama knew the answer. Naruto jumped from building to building sniffing the air trying to pick up the scent of Mizuki until he was at the Academy. At the gates of the school he could see the grey haired man and Kiba discussing something. His dog, Akamaru resting on the Inuzuka's head. Naruto decided to channel chakra to his ears as he stood on the roof of the Academy, trying to hear what they were saying.

"Do you want to be more powerful than Naruto?" Mizuki asked with a wicked grin on his face. Upon hearing this Kiba grinned madly and furiously nodded his head. "You know a way sensei?" he replied. Mizuki nodded and said, "Steal the Forbidden Scroll from the Hokage and bring it to me in the North Side of the village's outskirts tonight. Not only will you become a chunnin but I will teach you some jutsu." Kiba's eyes brightened til they were like stars and nodded understanding the assignment. Akamaru however had an uneasy expression on his face.

'Is he that stupid? You humans I swear. Even the dog has more brains,' Kurama commented shaking his head in disgust. 'Hm, so his plan is to steal the scroll for himself, it should be easy to apprehend him,' Naruto thought.


It was now night time and Naruto was concealing himself on a tree branch, waiting. Eventually, Mizuki showed up. All that was left was for Kiba to come.

After an hour Mizuki began tapping his feet impatiently, doubt beginning to set in. 'What if the Inuzuka kid sold me out to the Hokage?' he thought panicking.

It was all quickly washed away when Kiba was running towards him with a large scroll on his back and a huge grin plastered on his face, Akamaru at his side. "Look sensei I got it!" he exclaimed cheerfully. Mizuki grinned madly and said, "Congratulations Kiba, now just hand me the scroll and you will officially be a chunnin."

When Mizuki's hands were just inches away from touching the scroll Iruka came rushing in from behind. "Wait Kiba! Don't do it!" he exclaimed. Kiba looked behind him, confused while Mizuki became irritated. 'So close,' he thought.

"Mizuki what is the meaning of this?" Iruka asked angrily. "Oh Iruka, how nice of you to drop by, I was just going to take my scroll and go," Mizuki said and was about to reach for the scroll on Kiba's back when a kunai whizzed pass him, thrown by Iruka. "Kiba get behind me!" Iruka demanded. Kiba immediately followed the order and ran behind Iruka

'Pathetic,' Naruto thought frowning. 'Agreed.'

"Damn you Iruka!" Mizuki shouted and threw several shuriken at the brown haired instructor, who rolled to the side while a stunned Kiba rolled to the other side. Mizuki weaved several hand signs and in a poof of smoke a windmill shuriken appeared in his hand which he threw at a horrified Kiba yelling, "Dodge this!" with a maniacal grin.

Iruka immediately went to shield his student closing his eyes ready for the pain to come. After a few seconds he didn't feel anything causing him to look behind himself.

To his astonishment Naruto was holding the large shuriken with a battle hardened glare on his face. "What are you doing here demon?" Mizuki asked, his words filled with venom.

Naruto didn't say anything and threw the shuriken back to the grey haired shinobi who jumped on to a tree branch. What he didn't expect was for another Naruto to kick him from behind.

Mizuki recovered from the hit and rolled onto the ground brandishing a kunai ready for a fight. "You're going to die tonight!" he exclaimed crazily grinning wildly at the Naruto in front of Iruka and Kiba. "Naruto get out of here, you're no match for him!" Iruka shouted with mixed feelings in his heart. On one hand he wanted the demon to pay for everything he had done to him but on the other Naruto was his student, and he had just protected him from the shuriken.

"Silence Umino and give the scroll back to the Hokage," Naruto said. Reluctantly Iruka picked up Kiba and ran off back into the village. "That was a bad move demon because now I have you all to myself!" Mizuki shouted excited.

Naruto however was concentrated on the battle. There was a moment of no movement until Naruto jumped in the air weaving hand signs at the speed of light and breathed in until his lungs were at maximum capacity, then when he breathed out, a large plume of smoke came along with it which Mizuki barely managed to escape.

His flat jacket had a small flame on it which he quickly put out, shocked at the mere size of the jutsu and that Naruto knew it. "I knew you were a demon!" Mizuki shouted, fishing for some more weapons in his ninja pouch.

Before he could acquire one, he felt a fist connect to his head sending him flying to the ground. But before he could make contact however, his gut was kicked causing Mizuki to be sent flying into the air.

'Damn!' he thought, his whole body in pain. Before he could even recuperate two kicks were landed to his spine and his body hit the ground with a large thump. Mizuki struggled to get back up when Naruto stomped his foot on the back of his head. "Fucking Kyuubi!" he muttered with his face in the Earth.

Naruto kicked Mizuki in the ribs causing him to whine in pain and turn onto his back. The blonde then put his foot down on the grey haired man's chest and asked coldly, "I have a question. Why do you constantly stare at Uchiha Satsuki?"

Mizuki began laughing which was a bad idea as his ribs were broken and he coughed out blood but either way he was still amused. "What do you like here?" he asked slyly. "Answer the question," Naruto demanded again kicking him in the ribs once more.

"Because why not? I wouldn't mind helping her revive her clan if you know what I mean," Mizuki said chuckling with a wicked grin on his face. "But she's younger than you," Naruto said. "So what? I would still fuck her into next week!" 'Disgusting! Kill him!' Kurama exclaimed. At this point, the KI leaking out of Naruto was enough to kill somebody, it even caused Mizuki to suffocate.

Naruto brought his foot down on Mizuki's throat, choking him. After flailing his arms for seconds, Mizuki's body turned cold and Naruto picked it up and Body Flickered away.


Iruka violently opened the door to the Hokage's office with an ashamed Kiba in tow shouting "Mizuki is the traitor!"

"Calm down Iruka, now tell me what happened," Hiruzen said. The brown haired man quickly relayed everything that had happened and ended it with saying, "Naruto needs help right now! He's no match for someone like Mizuki!"

"That is where you are wrong." Everybody turned to the door way to see Naruto in all his grace with the bloodied body of Mizuki on his shoulder. He threw it to Iruka's feet and said, "The traitor has been apprehended Lord Hokage."

Iruka and Kiba both wore a shocked expression on their faces. "Good job my boy, I will count this as a B Rank mission, and you will also receive payment as such," the Hokage stated.

"Naruto, what the hell have you done?" Iruka asked, disturbed. "Calm down Umino, this is the job of a shinobi, but Naruto you did not have to kill him. Anyways you are free to go," the Hokage said.

Naruto nodded and Body Flickered away. Hiruzen then diverted his attention to Kiba. "And you, count this as a lesson on deception. Iruka take away the body," Hiruzen said.


Naruto appeared in front of the door to Satsuki's house and knocked on it. Immediately the door opened and she shouted, "Where were you?'

"Doing a B Rank mission can I come in?" he asked. Satsuki allowed him to enter then whined, "How come you get to do a mission already?"

"Well, I wasn't selected to do it but just accidentally did it," Naruto replied causing Satsuki to raise her eyebrow. "Mizuki tricked your classmate Kiba into stealing the Forbidden Scroll. I stopped it," Naruto stated causing Satsuki to laugh. "What an idiot!" she exclaimed bursting into another fit of laughter. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"What happened with you and Hinata?" he asked. "We sparred, I won and she then went home to train. Serves that stuck up Hyuuga prick right," Satsuki said. "You shouldn't be talking stuck up Uchiha prick," Naruto replied jokingly causing the temperature to drop. "Care to repeat that?" she asked coldly.

The deathly aura she began emitting made Naruto break out sweating. "N-n-no ma'am," he replied nervously. Satsuki calmed down and said, "Well let's have some dinner, I made ramen."

Naruto's mouth began watering in anticipation. 

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