Knocked out of course (Girlxg...

By StormForce

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After living like a soldier for the last 3 years Iris Carvalho is trying to live a civilian life while dealin... More

Chapter 1 - Where it all started
Where it all started - Sam's POV
Chapter 2 - Books and stares
Books and stares - Sam's POV
Chapter 3 - Stuck
Stuck - Sam's POV
Chapter 4 - Drive
Drive - Sam's POV
Chapter 5 - Jealousy
Jealousy - Sam's POV
Chapter 6 - Shelter
Shelter - Sam's POV
Chapter 7 - I dare you
I dare you - Iris' POV
Chapter 8 - Rollercoaster
Chapter 9 - Nightmares
(Not quite a) Nightmare
Chapter 10 - Turning point

Rollercoaster - Sam's POV

123 6 2
By StormForce

CW: Discrimantory  and hateful speech

I watch as Iris walks to the stage completely tranfixed by her. Not being able to get my head away from the tingling sensation on my lips. The kiss replaying in my head as I descend deeper into my need for more of it. 

My eyes never leave her figure even if my mind becomes more of a jumbled mess with each passing second. I press my finger to my lower lip and softly caress it as I drift back into the sensation of lips softly pressing against mine, the smell of her comforting like an embrace and everything else falls away so easily. Her presence alone sending my heart into a frenzy while butterflies take flight in my stomach as they dance around with each other to the song she sings to me without uttering a single word.

 It's only when an unmistakable raspy tempting voice rings out that I am finally pulled back in to the present. The guitar softly chorus with the emotion pouring out from the brunette. Her eyes close instictively yet her face expresses every feeling coursing through her. Her eyes shine as she reopens them and let's them trail thorugh the crowd of people intently listening. Her gaze shifts as the lyrics cascade out finally settling on our table, our friends. I finally notice how much this song seems to mean to all of them. 

"Am I sheltered for not quite knowing all the emotions every seems so familiar with? How much harder did they have it than me? Is it selfish if I'm glad i can't fully understand?

Dark orbs reach me pulling me out of my drowning thoughts. I let the music flow through me instead of trying to swim against the current of sentiments flooding the bar. 

Her gaze drops to her guitar and I can see an almost imperceptible tremor to her hands. The goddess exhales heavily before diving into the next line in the song. Every person in this room seemingly understanding the pain in her voice as she fight her tears. There's so many tears skimming over faces. All different but all connected through the obstacles they survived in life. 

The whole room becomes one as their voices join in until the end. The full weight of the words spoken being more bearable through the shared experiences. Everyone cheers as some wipe away tears and others hold their loved ones close. 

"Thank you!" A slight bow follows those two simple words that somehow can hold so much meaning. 

"There's so much more to her... So much depth that I might not ever understand ... Can I even be worth her time if I can't even imagine what is just beneath the surface ... She always seems so calm and composed that it's hard to imagine her ever being any other way ... What hell did she go through to become who she is today?

I study the self defense instructor as she returns to us. Before I can make sense of it T's boyfriend steps away from the table and meets the woman with a heartfelt embrace. Little by little all our friends join the hug as I stand there watching frozen in place by my earlier thoughts. I can feel how important of a moment this is for everyone who causes me to get emotional in turn. There's so much warmth in this small moment that any remaining doubt melts away and slides down my face as I will myself to move forward. There's a shift in the air as everyone notices my approach. They uncoil from each other letting enough space for me to fit in. Their gesture not falling into empty space. This whole night has made me so thankful for everything I have in my life. With that in mind I rest in strong arms as the our bubble closes again around us. There's a cozy feeling resting on my chest, light but unwielding. 

I feel a light press of lips to my temple as the group breaks away from each other without navigating too far from the others. The sense of calmness and belonging guides us through the rest of the night. It's only when the exhaustion starts to worm itself in us that we start to fizzle out. By then most of the bar is empty. That's when I finally realise how late it has gotten and how sleepy I have gotten. 

"We should call it a night!

Those words get people moving. Softly bringing each other out to meet the light breeze and starry sky.  

"They really listen to her and respect her huh? Even the people that came with me have not hesitated once accepting her words. I guess it's her charm and self confidence that she carries around like it's the most natural thing in the world, all this and she still somehow manages to not come across as arrogant. She's something else... Something special!

I stare at the dark skinned beauty at my side until she turns towards me prompting a tired smile out of me.

"How are you getting back?" I instinctively point outside towards my car as I answer. 

"I'm driving back!" I feel warm spread through me as her dark orbs go over my features for a few seconds after I have given my answer. Her attention shifts to the tired but happy faces of our friends. 

"I think a coffee is in order for the ones driving! Raise of hands please!"  Only takes a moment for a few hands to go up. "I'll be right back!

"It still surprises me how caring she is! Always putting her people first, doing her best to make sure their safe as they can be... But who takes care of her?

"I'll help!" I impulsively rush out as I stumble out of my chair. Having to use Iris as an anchor so I won't fall flat on my face. A delighted sigh escapes her and I can't help but blush at how it immediately manages to send my heart into a racing mess. 

"Okay come on but try not to fall this time. Wouldn't want you to ruin your pretty face!" My brain short circuits as my whole body responds to her words. My face grows red all the way to my ears. 

"How can she say something like that in such a non-challant way?" I try to play it cool by trying to push her away playfully as I say.

"Oh stop it!" There's barely any reaction to my push. "Why is she so solid? I actually put some force behind it too! Fuck I can't even be upset at that..." My thoughts threaten to derail completely but we reach our destination. I take a minute to get myself together as Iris orders the coffees. 

"Thank you for asking us to join your group! I had fun." I can't help but smile at the woman in front of me. 

"I had fun too!" I blurt out. My eyes move on their own accord glimpsing down at her lips causing images of our kiss to take over my thoughts. There's no way she can't see the red tint adorning my face so I turn away from her as fast as I can hoping against hope that she didn't catch it. I don't have time to overthink it tho cause the coffees are delivered to us. 

"Here you go! Have a good night!" We politely answer back as we carry the drinks back to where our friends are waiting. 

They make their way out lovingly making conversation as they walk into the night. We get separated each side  being intercepted by our friends. 

"Hey bestie! Did you have fun?" Rob asks with a smirk that is mirrored in his boyfriend's face. I resist the urge to hit his arm but I can't help the smile blooming on my face as I think back into the night we had. "We lost her again!" He dramatically announces to Lu. I hear footsteps approaching before I can answer. 

Lewis turns around and puts himself between us and the person making their over. 

"Saying goodbye to our girl?" I stand on my tip toes to look over his shoulder. All I catch from the interaction is an eyebrow raise from the woman I'm falling for. This seems to do the trick because my best friend takes a step back with his hand raised. Not being allowed to look at her I selfishly drink her in. 

"Gabriella was right I really have it bad!

The fit brunette looks back at the guy with the tattoo on his neck whom is completely distracted staring at a black motorcycle. "I'm going to take the kid home!" Her hands come out of her pockets and she fidgets a bit completely uncharacteristically. I step forward and take her hand without thinking. 

"Be careful. We'll see each other soon ... Hopefully!" I offer a departing smile. 

I'm awarded with a comforting squeeze to my hand. "Stay safe! We'll see each other soon!" The goddess waves back over her shoulder as she pulls away and I reluctantly let go of her hand. "Bye lovebirds!

As soon as her back is turned I cover my face with my hands to hide my blushing face. I hear giggles behind me. "You're so cute!" I turn around and I'm met with amused smiles. I make a shooing gesture with my hand. 

"Get lost!" I pout to take away the bite of my words. They laugh once more and start walking away hand in hand. 

"We love you!" The unison causes me to chuckle in turn. 

"I love you too!" I yell back at their departing silhouettes. 

I make my way back to the house the whole way there was only one person on my mind. I just couldn't shake the memories. Before I knew it I was back in my place too tired to do anything other than change into my pj and get in bed. That night I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. 

I spend the next couple of days bored out of my mind just stuck with my university's work. It's tiring and soul sucking but it needs to be done. It doesn't help that what happened the other night at the bar keeps replaying in head making it impossible to focus on anything else. 

 I finally finish everything but it's already starting to get late. I look outside and decide to get for a short walk to stretch my legs. 

I make it to a park not too far from where I saw Iris for the first time. I'm surprised to spot the one that I've been craving so badly for walking with the dogs on the other side of the street. She's wearing a black suit with a white shirt with the top two buttons open, to finsih the outfit black shiny dress shoes. Her hair is slicked back with a couple of strands in the front having become loose. Even tho Iris looks amazingly gorgeous something feels off. 

Her head is down and there's a heaviness to her demeanor. Her usual light seems dimmed replacing her usual shiny smile with stormy downcast eyes. There's no focus to where she is looking as if the world is passing her by and she's too distraught to notice.

I stay frozen in place not knowing what to do. "Is there even any way I can help? What would I even say? Hey are you okay? I can tell clearly she isn't it's such a dumb question!!! Ugh ... I can't do anything ..." I watch her leave the world seemingly greeving with her. The sky looked heavy and dark now even tho no raindrops were falling it felt like the world was crashing down around itself there was not a single light shining through the darkness that night.

After a couple of weeks of indecision and not wanting to intrude but worrying myself half to death I decide to go to the park and hopefully join her class. I'm an emotional mess by the time I finish getting ready both nervous and excited. Overthinking the last night I saw her and daydreaming about the kisses we shared. Every emotion seems to mix into the next one leaving me completely overwhelmed and clueless on how to deal with it. 

Only 20 minutes later I arrive at the park only to be faced with my ex and one of the girls he cheated on me with. I try to walk past but he blocks my way smiling maliciously at me. 

"Where's your dyke? Has she gotten tired of you already?" I ignore his words and try to walk past him. Once again he walks in front of him blocking my path. 

The girl with him looks uncomfortable but makes no move against him. There's a fear in her eyes that tells me a sad story of what she's going through. 

He snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Where do you think you're looking? Eyes on me she's not for you." He snarls getting angrier with every word. I cross my arms in front of my chest trying to get a grip on my emotions. "I'm talking to you bitch!" He pushes me back causing me to lose my balance. Someone catches my shoulder rebalancing me. This seems to be too much for the other girl because she pulls her hand away and all but runs out of the park muttering a quick sorry under her breath as she rushes by. 

"You okay princess?" The person asks in a hushed voice. I don't have to look to know who it is but I turn my head just enough to see Gabriella in my peripheral vision. Not trusting my voice I just shake my head no. I can feel tears stinging in the corner of my eyes as I do my best not to let them fall. "I'm sorry for being late! Shall we go?" She says loudly staring the asshole straight in the eyes. 

He ignores her words but points a finger towards her before hissing out. "Who is this another of your faggot friends? Are you trying to fuck this one too?" Gabriella steps in front of me with her hand behind her back showing me the screen of her phone and a picture of Iris shows as a call seems to be connected. 

"What did you just call me?" I can hear the strain in her voice the latina is rightfully pissed. 

"You heard me!" He shouts loud enough to attract the attention of a few passersby.

The long haired brunette looks ready to punch him but before she has a chance a voice I would never fail to recognise calls out. "What is going on here?" He turns around and immediately shrinks in her presence tho he doesn't back down he turns to face her. The goddess eyes study both me and Ella's face making sure we are okay before turning her attention to the problem at hand. 

"Is there any reason why you're blocking the entry of people into the park?

His eyes are full of hate but he doesn't immediately speak instead making fists with his hands down at his sides. "What is it to you?" He spits at her feet causing a dangerous look to grow on Iris face. "For a second I could have sworn that her eyes flashed silver.

The douchebag has the decency to flinch and take a step back in response. The olive skinned woman lowers her voice and speaks. "If I ever hear about you harassing or trying to hurt any of my friends or the people I care about I will make sure that you get what you tried to inflict on others." The brunette raises her phone so he could look at it and presses the screen his voice starts playing from it. "I wonder what your parole officers would think if they know you've been harrassing people again while being under the influence too." Terror twists his features and he quickly makes his exit. It's the first time I've seen that look in his eyes. Iris sighs heavily as she turns back to face us. 

"You girls okay?" I breathe out in relief and nod my head and so does the long haired latina. "That was some nice thinking Gabi!" My crush steps closer to us her vanilla scent enveloping me. "I'm glad I got here before things got worse!" I look over at the girl that came to my rescue.

"Thank you Gabriella I don't know what I would have done if you haven't gotten here when you did." The girl gives me a reassuring smile. 

"What are friends for right?" Hesitantly she reaches out and squeezes my shoulder lightly. "I'm glad you're okay!" 

As I turn my attention back to Iris I notice her watching us with a smile on her face. 

"Thank you!" I say this time aimed at my crush and finally the tears fall. Iris steps towards me. 

"Hey you don't have to thank me." She caresses my arm softly but the tears only flow harder as I see the sicerity and worry shining in her eyes. "I'm just glad you didn't get hurt!"

"I think this calls for a group hug!" I hear Gabi say before she pulls the goddess towards us and places an arm around each of us. 

We just stay like that for a few minutes as my I relearn how to breathe and my eyes slowly become dry. 

"I was really wrong about Ella she seems like a really good person. I never expected us to get to this point when we first met!" I heave an amused sigh and the women pull away to look at me. 

"Feeling better?" "Better?" They both say at same time. Which causes me to chuckle. 

"Yes thank you!" I fully extricate myself from their arms and take a step towards the inside of the park. "Let's go?

Without a doubt in their minds they both easily fall into step with me and all three of us leave walking side by side. 



I hope everyone had a good pride month. 

I'm sorry for the longer wait on this chapter I wanted to write it sooner but there was a lot going on and with my youtube gaming channel and my private life I couldn't find the motivation to write.

The chapter is finally here tho so hopefully you'll enjoy it. 

Thank you for your patience.

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